Stuck in Dead by Daylight

By chloestarzbs

7.3K 245 89

Ashlie9596. Zres. FrozenGargon. UNiCOMICS. NewScapePro. The 5 of them are stuck in dead by daylight, except t... More

1. Awakening
3. Relationships and Mayham
4. Re-grouping
Contest Winner!!!
5. Shack
6. Not According to Plan
7. An End
Another day, another story finished.

2. confusion

1.1K 43 18
By chloestarzbs

Edited May 25, 2018, suggest skimming through it If you've previously read it

"Where's Nick?" Uni asked looking around. All that surrounded them were trees.

"Oh, I don't know Uni, maybe the big ass house that's right over there!" Cory pointed in the distance towards more trees. His eyes were glazed over, unknown to him or the others. The house, which he has claimed to see, had a green tint to it, making it stick out.

"Uh. Cory, sorry to bust your bubble but, there's no house." Tommy piped in, concern in his voice. Cory looked from Tommy to where he was pointing.

"Yes there is. Its Big and old." He kept starring into the distance. His hand, which gripped a piece of jewelry- he picked it up shortly after entering the compound, finding an attraction to it- tightened.

"Yea Cory, I don't see anything either." Ashlie added moving to stand beside Cory.

"How do you guys not see it?" He asked, disappointment clear in his voice.

"How about you walk us over to this 'house' and take a look at the area?" Uni suggested.

Cory sighed, clearly frustrated."Okay... Okay.. Ugh, yea. Lets just go." He started walking in the direction of the house, everyone following after him.

Ashlie, who was directly behind Cory, noticed the gold locket necklace hanging from his left hand.
"Cory, what's with the locket?" She asked, gesturing to the jewelry.

Without looking down he replied, "I found it lying by a stone. I'm guessing it belongs to the guy who lives here," He looked from left to right, "or used to live here." he re-stated.

Ashlie reached down and grabbed it from his hand. Lifting it up in front of her face, she inspected it. It was old, probably a family airloom that got left behind. She could faintly see her reflection in the metal, enough to see her own eyes flash a light green.

Beyond the necklace, was something very odd, something that wasn't there a moment ago. Through the chains she could see a house, old and in ruins.

"That- that wasn't there a second ago." She stuttered, not knowing how to express the thoughts coming to her mind.

"Ashlie, what wasn't there? Are you ok?" Tommy said, rushing the words out of his mouth. He could faintly see her wobble, looking as if she might pass out.

"Ash... Why don't.. You sit down for a moment?" He said the words slowly, carefully, as if the air from speaking would push her down.

Ashlie nodded slightly but seemed dazed by her discovery.

Instictively, Tommy grabbed one of her hands, which happened to be the hand holding the necklace.

He gasped as soon as he had made contact with the locket. It felt as if a shock of energy had gone through him. He pulled the necklace away from her and tossed it aside.

"Tommy! Why did you throw it?!" Ashlie asked, voice raised with frustration. He pulled her down to sit before answering.

"Because something is wrong with it. Didn't you feel it? It was bad..." He lowered his voice, something had spooked him really bad.

"Tommy, you're superstitious, you're probably just overreacting." She suggested a small sincere smile plastered on her face.

"Maybe you're right, but I don't know Ashlie, it felt really ominous." He half agreed with her.

Cory and Uni were hovering over the necklace that was a few feet away.

"Tommy, look in the general direction of were Cory pointed at." Uni said, curious of the results. Tommy stood, looking at Uni. He moved his gaze to where Cory had pointed at.

And there, glazed over in green, was the house.

He stood in Shock for a few seconds before skidding back and falling down.

"Okay, what the hell is going on here!!" He yelled, Uni looking in disbelief.

"Tom, you were right... Some thing is going on with the necklace." Cory, who hasn't said a word, stood looking in confusion.

"I don't get it. Can you guys see the house now?"

Uni nodded in response then quickly grabbed the locket from Tommy.

"Yep, there definitely is a house there." Uni said dubiously.

"No shit Uni!" Ashlie screeched.


The discovery was quite an upset to everyone. All except Cory. He knew what the locket did before Ashlie grabbed it. It was his discovery. And now he's strayed from the group to check out the house with out a bunch of idiots. When he reached the house he came upon the side of it. A big gaping hole was in the side of the house, breaking all the way into what looked like a living room.  He stepped in and glanced around.

The only way out of the room was the hole, and a hallway. He peered down the hall, it was filled with open doors on one side with windows covering the other side.

Exactly what Nick had seen, unbeknownst to Cory.

He walked down the hall, glancing into every room. Every single room was empty. Not a bed, table, chair, just absolutely nothing. He turned the corner at the end of the hall and saw broken down stairs. There was almost no way he could go up them, the middle of the stairs had crumbled down back to the first floor. He looked for another way to go and came across a door that was hidden through a small opening hallway.

Not wanting to stay in the house for much longer, he went through the door. He was half running and half speed walking when he went through the door. He stumbled over a few rocks and nearly didn't notice the drop to the step.

As he looked back up, the familliar green tint re-appeared. Though he didn't notice its absence, he was quick to tell that it was back.

Something kept sticking his feet to the floor, enough to make him stoo. He was standing at the entry of the house. All it was, was a broken down mini-porch with two stairs leading up it. At the base of the stairs were two small podeoms- which were more like support beams that supported nothing- a hand print rested on one of them.

The disturbing thing, was that it was made from blood. Smeared off to the side but still recognizable as a hand print. He ran and jumped off the first step, tumbling when he hit the ground. He looked back at the porch, pools of blood were visible everywhere.

He got up and ran, he ran as fast as he could back to the last place that he seen the rest of the group at. He kept looking back as he went, trying to see if anyone was there.

As he whipped his head back to the front, he noticed a silhouette of a person standing beside a tree. He was about to stop and see if there was any chance of it being Nick when he heard the others.

Stop freaking out Cory, just run, don't look back, get the guys and get the hell out of here. Nick is probably dead. But ugh, Ashlie, she won't leave without him. I guess she'll have to. We can't leave with a dead person. ...I hope this is the right decision.

He could see Tommy and Uni at this distance. Something was in Tommy's hand, a torch? Something was giving off light so it has to be.

"UNI!! TOMMY!! RUN!" Both their heads turned to the direction of Cory.

He was drawing near and was flailing his arms in a hysterical motion.

Tommy took a quick second before running off in a different direction. Uni stopped and shouted in the direction of where he was walking. He turned and followed Tommy, Ashlie coming onto view, running along side Uni.

His mind was racing. He wanted to keep running but he badly wanted to turn and look for Nick.

He's dead.

Keep running.

Don't turn back.

Just go. A little more and then we'll be gone.




Almost.... There...


"CORY!!" Ashlie yelled from in front of him. He looked up to see Ashlie jogging towards him. She grabbed his arm and cupped his face. His arm was on a tree for support and he was slouched down, looking nearly ready to collapse.

"Cory," She said soothingly, "Cory, c'mon, just a few more steps and you'll be okay."

She lightly tugged him up. He didn't budge, just groaned in pain.

"My stomach, somethings wrong.." He pressed his hand to his lower abdomen and felt something wet.


He was bleeding, and losing a lot of blood. How he got the injury... He didn't know.

Ashlie looked to his hand and gasped.

"Tommy!!" She rose her voice to be heard. "Get over here and help me carry him to the gate." He made a noise but didn't question what was going on.

Without evaluating the situation, Tommy looped Cory's arm around his shoulder and lifted him so he didn't have to walk on his own.

He couldn't feel it, but he could see it. He was walking towards the gate at a semi-fast pace.

"Focuse on my voice Cory. Ok, just think about me and my annoying tone while repeating the word 'Banana'."

Heh... He loughed in his head, it wouldn't come out, nothing would. His eyes were slowly shutting and he was tuning out everything that Ashlie was saying. Even his thoughts were blurred at this point.
Sleep just kept crawling into his mind, seeming more appeasing each second. Finally everything blacked out, sleep evading him.

The group~3rd person

"Why isn't he waking up?" Uni asked worriedly.

Ashlie was leaning over Cory and tending to his wound.

"He lost a fair amount of blood. But honestly, I think he should be awake by now. Its been nearly an hour since we got to the gate." She bit her lip, not quite sure what to do.

"Will slapping him wake him up?" Tommy asked, bringing a bit of light heartedness to the situation. Ashlie rolled her eyes and stood up. "Not now Tommy!" She hissed. She turned to Tommy and -crack- a loud piercing sound cut through the air. 

"Would that be something you want to wake up to in a situation like this?!" She walked past him and went to sit by the gate. He lifted his hand up to his cheek, a red hand print was left where Ashlie's hand made contact.

Tommy sat down in front of Cory and sighed.

"This is a complete mess.." He whispered.

"Your half dead. Nick's.. Disappeared, hell, he's most likely dead. Ashlies ignoring it and hates me. Uni acts like he doesn't give a damn in the world. And not to mention... We're all left for dead, and we don't know how we got here.." He listed. Cory stirred a bit and lifted his head.

"Life's shit, I get it. Now shut up, will ya?" He said, voice groggy.
"C-cory! You're a- your awake!" He sputtered. Cory rolled his eyes before answering.

"God Tommy, stating the obvious now." He laughed, making it clear that he was joking. He propped himself up, attempting to sit up.

Tommy quickly helped him get to his feet and let him take a few steps on his own.

"What happened out there Cory?" He asked, looking back to catch Ashlie and Uni's attention.

"Blood. And a lot of it." He exasperated.

"Yeah we know, that's why you've been out." Ashlie said.

Cory groaned. "Not that. At the house. While I was leaving I stepped in a pool of blood. When I looked down there was blood everywhere."

Ashlie nodded, then seemed to realize something, along with Uni too.

"Nick! What if he was there? Did you see any sign of him?" She looked, almost scared.

"If he was there, Ashlie, then he.. He would be dead. And honestly, he probably is." He shrank down a bit, expecting to see a huge meltdown.

She teared up, a few tears running down her face. Then, all of her features changed. She started to beam and looked into the distance.

"So I'm dead to you now?" Someone hissed from behind Cory. He whipped around to see who it was, getting a bit light headed in the process.

"Nick?!" He screeched.

"Surprise! Not dead, to mention." He said, arrogance and betrayal clear in his voice.

Cory staggered back, nearly hitting Ashlie.

"B-but the blood? Who's was it then?" His vision was cloudy.

"The blood-" He broke off, drawing nearer to Cory.

Cory took a few more steps back.

Nick went forward, and Cory, yet again, went back.

Uni was looking back and forth from Cory to Nick, confusion clear on his face.

"Uh, Nick-" Uni broke off, seeing that Nick had no intention on listening.

"The blood, Cory-" He said, adding more intensity on purpose.

Cory took a step back and hit the gate to the property. Nick was up close and in his face. His breath warm on Corys face.

"Was yours."

Edited May 25, 2018. Made changes, fixed bad vocab, etc etc etc.

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