Free! โ€ขOne Shots & Lemonsโ€ข

By isabella_segarra

1M 12.7K 15.2K


Therapy Sousuke x reader //lemon//
Slightly jealous Haruka x shy reader //one shot//
Old pals Rin x reader //lemon//
Making friends Nagisa x reader //oneshot//
Best friends makoto x reader //lemon//
Hitting the books Rei x nerdy reader //lemon//
Friends with benifits Haru x reader //lemon//
This is war Sousuke x reader x rin //oneshot//
Mixed feelings Makoto x haru //lemon//
Flowers Nitori x reader //oneshot//
Insects vs reptiles Momotaru x reader
Breaking innocence Nagisa x reader //lemonish//
Fathers day special!!
I'll protect you Young Rei x young reader //oneshot//
Request page โค
Late night massages Sousukex reader //requested//
On the run Officer rin x criminal reader //requested//
Its not what it looks like Makoto x reader //requested//
The love triangle Nagisa x reader x haru //requested//
Netflix -n- chill Rin x reader
KNB #2
Prankster flirt nagisa x reader
Teacher Haru x Student reader
Submissive Haru x Dominate reader
Coffee Rei x Reader
teaser rin x teasing reader
neko______ x reader
cop sousuke x coworker reader
makoto x reader
makoto x twin sister reader
kisumi x reader lemon
good guy haru x bad girl reader
cop sousuke x coworker reader x cop rin pt2
Gender bender nitori x rin part uno (smutty)

kisumi x reader

11.4K 173 79
By isabella_segarra

You met the light pink haired boy through your best friend makoto...well kinda through makoto, one bright ass sunny day..
It was a day to remember (see what I did there heheheh I need friends LOL)
You were walking with makoto because he asked you to accompany him to drop off something to the basketball coach.

As you lean by the bench as he was talking to the coach, then you see a ball heading towards you. Straight for your face, it was like slow motion you reached your hand up in time to grab it and toss it back, there was no way your were gonna let that shit hit you hard in the face and most likely gonna leave a mark on you.

You look around with a stern look on your face ready to nag to the person who had threw the ball but let it pass for now.

Makoto had notice after he was done talking with the coach and heads over to you
" You okay (y/n)-chan"
You nod "yeah" and walk out the gym.

Kisumi was scared as shit when the ball hit the loop hard bounce back heading straight forward to you and how scary you looked, he was gonna apologize but he didn't want to face the wrath of (y/n)....
But there was something about you that had caught his eye.

It was lunch time and you were sitting with makoto." so what happened in the gym"
"Some douche threw a ball and didn't want to own up a-"

"Im sorry about what happened in the gym" a pink haired boy came running up to you and makoto ...

"Ah kisumi-chan should've known you did it..." makoto said as he shakes his head

" wait you know him " you look at makoto

"Yeah we know each other for awhile now"

"Well kisumi I accept your apology even though I want to hit you with a ball now but Im keeping my cool now since your his buddy" you said looking away from him

He smile "thank you fir accepting my apology erm"
"(L/n) (y/n)"
"Right (l/n)- chii"

Oh god now I know how haru feels you thought....

Ever since then he kept following you around everywhere you went becoming like a leech, but you got use to it and started talking with him seeing that you guys have a lot in common, you would have lunch with him and makoto joke around and stuff which made most if the girls in school jealous and envy you...

Causing some girls to tell you bad things about him, but you tried to ignore it until you found out the only bad thing about kisumi is true and  that he had a bad reputation being kinda a womanizer... You knew about how he would sweet talk girls, then leave then broken hearted a week later...

Most of them were rumors but you started believe them even though it seemed like the kisumi they talked about didn't sound like the kisumi you knew... You wanted to asked him if it was true or not but it seemed kinda rude just asking a question out of no where like that so you turned to your best bud makoto.

You text the brown haired swimmer

Hey makoto you still up?

Yeah what's up?

Listen... Since you know kisumi longer then I have I wanted to ask you something about him.

Alright go ahead

Is it true that he is a womanizer? 

Oh I see you found out. . well it was bound for the topic to pop up sooner or later

Wait so you knew makoto why do you do things like this to me T.T

I didn't know you were gonna fall in with him geez

Just tell me what you know please...

Well he has been good looking since middle school and a lot of girls fell for him... And since he has a kind heart he didn't want to break any of theirs... So he would even kiss them all.... But they abused that, there was one girl that manage to make him sleep with her.. He had never really fallen in love with a girl who sees how he really is and you (y/n) are that girl that sees the good in people and you mostly played hard to get you started out having 0 interest in him .

(Kinda took this part from the anime 'say I love you and if you guys haven't seen it, I recommend it if your into to romantic animes)

Wow...I feel like I should talk to him then. Thanks makoto love ya bye

What ever dumdum love ya too..

You sigh as you finish texting makoto and look up kisumi's number. You opened his chat icon deciding whether to text him or not...but in the end you decided not to..Im much a fucking Chicken you hought but your gonna tal to him about it.

It was a new day and vet ready leaving your home to go to school, thinking about what makoto had said and ready to confront kisumi...
As you make it to the school gates kisumi comes running behind you
"Hey (y/n)-chii " he greets you hugging you from behind.
"Hey kisumi what's up?" you said moving away a bit, then glances at him smiling.
"Kisumi..listen I need to talk to you later can you meet me behind the school when its lunchtime ..."
"Sure I also had something I wanted to tell you" he blushes slightly looking away
You nod heading to your class.

Time skip ~

You waited by the fountain looking around waiting for kisumi.
After awhile he came
"Sorry Im late "
"Don't worry about it... Well anyways do you have something you wanted to tell"

"I do but you could g-"

"I insist"

"Well then.. Listen (y/n) I um, you know we know each other for a while and tbise have been the greatest moments I've ever had and I would like to make mire memories with you and cherish them... So will you go out with me (y/n)-chii"

You smile
"Alright I'll go out with you but... I want to know something kisumi, is it true that you let girls take advantage of you, cause I know your really a nice guy but you don't have to do things like that you hear me." you look down away from him, he grabs your cheeks softly making you look up at him

"Its true... But I did those things cause I didn't want anyone of them.. I-I tried to stop but I don't know but if Im gonna be with you now Im gonna stop and start fresh with you (y/n)"
He said like he was about to cry.
You pulled him into a hug and kiss him softly
"I just want you to be yourself kisumi "
"Alright (y/n)"
He leans in and kisses you softly cupping your cheeks.

Well that's it I ran out to write anyways I tried to make this a fluff cause I never written a fluff before but idk I tried Im sorry this came out shitty..

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