Just Go With It (Lucaya Fanfi...

By SasMaster145

12.5K 264 89

Character's ages: Lucas Friar: 19 Maya Hart: 19 Zay Babineaux: 19 Josh Matthews: 21 Farkle Minkus: 18 Riley M... More

1. Kicked Out
2. Call Of Duty & Teen Wolf
3. Party Time
4. Ex's & Just Go With It (1)
5. Movie Night, Possibilities & Just Go With It (2)
6. Problem Solved and the Sound of an Angel
7. Clubbing and The Blast From the Past
8. Flashbacks and Comfort
9. Smiles and Drawings
11. The Truth and Jealousy
12. Anger Release
13. That Should Be Me
14. Body On Me & the Happy Moments
15. Making Up for Lost Time
16. Focus On Me, I'm Proposing

10. Apologizing & Remembering the Past

542 13 1
By SasMaster145

Maya's P.O.V

No way... T-that can't be him. How did he know where to find me?

"Maya! Please open the door I just want to talk, I promise." He says on the other side of the door.

"Go away! I don't wanna talk to you. J-just leave!" I stuttered and felt the tears coming. I turned around and leaned against the door and slid down it. Hearing his voice brought back the memories of when he broke my heart. It was painful, he was the only guy I ever liked and even though we agreed it was strictly a sex only relationship, I still fell for him, like every girl did. I pulled my knees close to me and cried as he knocked again and again.

"Maya please, I can explain everything." He said against the door.
"Maya... from the moment we broke up I regretted everything I did. I didn't do it on purpose, I swear. I-I was in a lot of trouble back then. I had no choice otherwise I would've been dead by now." He explained and I looked up in disbelief.

I stood up, wiping my tears and opened the door, "You expect me to believe that!? If you didn't sleep with Nicole you would've gotten killed? Spare me the ridiculous story, Xander, you will never change." I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself.

"Let me finish. The guy that I was in trouble with was Dez King, the Don of the city if you will. He was after me ever since my dad left his gang. My dad got shot because of it, once my dad fled the country, I was Dez's next target. But I was trying to be smart and not let Dez know it was me who he was after when I joined, I wanted to join his gang only so I could get to him before he got to me. Nicole, his daughter, found out who I was and threatened to tell her dad if I didn't do what she said. One of the things she told me to do was to end things with you. I don't know how she found out about us but she did. I'm sorry that I upset you, made you angry, made you think that I didn't care because even though it got shown that way, it wasn't true. I really liked you, Maya. I just didn't want to tell you, the whole friends with benefits thing would have ended and if things didn't work out between us we would have ended everything and gone our separate ways. I never wanted that." He explained.

Hearing his story sounded so fake but his face said he was telling the truth. The fact that he liked me too made me feel all happy and giddy inside but reality is that I can't let him back in so easily, for all I know he could be lying and if he wants me back, it's going to take time, I don't trust him.

"Even if I believed you, I don't know if I can look past this or trust you again. I've had to live with that pain, I changed because of it and look where I am now, my grades fell and I got kicked out of my house. I'm staying with my best friend now and it's been so good and refreshing, it's like a new beginning for me. I don't know if I'm ready to step back into whatever we had again." I said and walked off to my room.

"Maya!" He called but I went to my room and shut the door. I laid on my bed and let the tears fall until I fell asleep.

Lucas' P.O.V

I went to check on Maya and seen she had fallen asleep so I left her and went to carry on with the paper work. That guy really is a piece of work, I told him to leave and he's been outside ever since.

I heard what Maya said and if I'm honest, I hope she doesn't take that jerk back, his story doesn't sound real and even if it is, its very movie-ish isn't it? I don't want Maya to cry herself to sleep again, I don't want her to be upset all the time, I want her to be happy... With me, not that jerk.

"Maya please, let's just talk..." He said for the 15th time. I thought he'd leave but no and it's starting to piss me off. I got off my seat, stormed towards the door and opened it up.

"Dude, you need to leave." I said with aggression.

"I'm not leaving until I've spoken to Maya." He said and tried looking in.

"She doesn't want to talk to you. Now leave." I said and blocked his way from looking in.

"Stay out of this, I don't know who you think you are, but don't interfere in something that doesn't concern you." He said and shoved my shoulder.

"When it has something to do with Maya I have to because she lives in my house, which means she's my responsibility. She also happens to be my best friend so if you have a problem with that, you can leave." I said and pushed him back even harder.

"You think I won't beat you up?" He threatened and I laughed.

"We both know that if you so much as throw a punch, u won't be able to win Maya back... Not that you will anyway." I said cockily. He looked at me angrily but huffed when he realized I was right.

"Look, I have to speak to Maya. She has to know that whatever I did was to protect me. If I didn't do what I was told then I wouldn't be standing here today." He explains and I snigger.

"You're so full of shit. Anyway, I'm not the one you should be convincing, it's Maya but wait, you can't talk to her so bye. This time you better leave otherwise I will call the police and have you done for harassment." I finally say and close the door in his face.

I shook my head in disapproval and got back to my paperwork.

Maya's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes to a dark room, what time is it? I searched around for my phone and didn't find it. Ugh it's probably in the living room... I got out of bed and slowly felt around for the door as I walked in pitch black. I found the door knob and turned it, I opened the door and was blinded by the light in the hallway. I squinted my eyes and let them adjust.

I walked into the living room and grabbed my phone that was on the coffee table and checked it. It was 7:30pm and there were 5 missed calls and 14 messages. Once I unlocked my phone I checked who it was.

5 missed calls from an unsaved number?
14 messages from unsaved number:
- Hey it's me, Xander.
- Please let's just talk
- I've missed u
- I still like u
- Please
- How can I make this up to u?
- Maya
- R u seein someone else?
- I feel terrible
- Please Maya, give me one more chance to make this right... To make u happy n to give us a shot.
- I understand y ur not talkin to me...
- I just wanna talk things out so we can clear the air and have closure.
- If u change ur mind n u wanna talk, just call, message... Anything n I will b here. Waitin x
- I just want us to go back to the way it was...

I took a deep breath and put my phone back on the side table, burying my head in my hands. I'm tired... I can't be dealing with this bullshit, I need to move on. But what if it could go back to the way it was? To us spending time together, I don't want to rush back into sex because I know that will just ruin it. If I was going to step back in I want to take it slow and do it the right way.

The door opened followed by a knock, I turned my head towards the door and closed my eyes.

"You're awake... I just came to check on you." He said softly and walked in, walking around the bed and sat next to me. I took a deep breath again and rested my head on his shoulder. "You okay?" He whispered.

"I don't know what to do, Lucas. He just shows up and expects me to forgive him. I don't want to step back into what I had with him blindly. I do that and I will get burned." I sighed.

"If you're asking for my advice..." He trailed, placing my hand in his and playing with my fingers, sending tingles wherever he touched. "I'd say listen to your heart. Do you believe what he's said?" He advised and I thought about it for a second and closed my eyes.

I tried to think back to when it was just Xander and I.

* Flashback *

As I laid next to him, tracing circles on his bare chest, and listening to our rapid breathing slowly calming down, I smiled. I think I love him... It's been 9 months that we've been at this and every second of the day I get to spend with him, is special.

"I need to tell you something..." I trailed and looked up at him.

"What is it?" He asked, still looking up at the ceiling.

"Look at me." I said and Xander turned his head towards me.

"I think you need to know how I-" Suddenly a phone buzzed and Xander looked away and seen it was his phone. He lifted himself up a little and seen who was on the phone. He withdrew himself from me and answered.

"D, everything good?" He asked, his voice hard and tense.

"You better get your ass down here, you got a job to do." The person said over the phone.

"On my way." He said and got up off the bed. Once he cut the call he started to get dressed. He threw me my clothes and told me to get dressed.

"I have somewhere to be, we can talk tomorrow, for real." He said and I nodded. Never did I ask why he was shooting off to... Again.

* Flashback ends *

"I don't know... When we were together back then, he used to rush off to places where 'D' told him to go. I guess I could look past that but Nicole? That is where I got issues. He could be lying about being forced to sleep with her but..." I trailed, thinking.

"But what?" He asked, his voice becoming more quick and anxious.

"After he did what he did... After I broke things off... He said he was sorry, there was something on his face that said to me that he was truly sorry but then again he could just be a good liar or it was the look of pain after I beat his ass." I sniggered the last part and so did Lucas.

"You beat him up?" Lucas asked in amusement.

"A little... If you hurt me or crossed me the wrong way, you would have been my bitch by the end of the day. After that day I became a heartless bitch." I said tiredly.

"I'll keep that in mind." He laughed and kissed my head. "I'll give you some space." He said before standing up and heading out the door.

"Lucas..." I called, he stopped and turned to me. "Thank you." I said, genuinely. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "You have been so supportive and I don't know what I did to deserve you." I mumbled and held on to him, he felt warm and familiar. His arms wrapped around me and I felt butterflies, safe and I just wanted to be in his arms forever. But reality calls...

My phone buzzed again and I pulled away from Lucas. I smiled up at him and he returned a sweetest smile back.

"I'll leave you alone now." He says and walks out my room.

I inhaled sharply and exhaled slowly, picking up my phone and contemplated what I should do.

I read the last message and it said the three words that I never wanted to see, especially now.

- I love you.

Lucas' P.O.V

After I walked out of Maya's room, I leant against it for a second and let out a deep breath. I really hope she doesn't go back to him, if her heart breaks because of him, I will put him six feet under. No one but Josh and Zay know about what I can do to people who defy me. I will end them.

Suddenly a knock at the door came and I looked at the time to see who may be here.
I walked towards the door, checked the peep hole and seen Josh. I rolled my eyes and huffed, I ain't in the mood to deal with this asshole today.

I yanked the door open and seen his sorry ass looking at me, nothing coming out his mouth until I urge him to.

"You ganna speak or do you want me to slam the door in your face?" I snapped and he shook his head.

"I came here to talk about what happened t-the other day." He said, his voice full of sorrow, he was nervous, you could tell because he never stutters.

I moved aside so he could come in and he did. He walked to the dining table and sat down.

"Look... I don't know what came over me the other day, I crossed a line and I'm sorry. I was just mad coz after you met Maya, shit changed with you. You weren't that ruthless kid that knocked out a cunt if he needed it, you were all of a sudden this nice guy, taking Jamie under your wing and shit. That was very foreign to me and I blew, I couldn't hold it. I'm really sorry, man." He apologized and explained. I never said anything and he noticed this as he stood up and began walking to the door.

"I can't forgive you until you apologize to Maya. You called her some shitty names and I ain't ganna let that go." I said, stopping him from walking out.

"I can do that, I just want my friend back that's all." Josh says and stands still. "Where is she? I'll go talk to her now." He said, hopeful to get our friendship back on track.

"Not tonight. She's preoccupied and doesn't need this right now. Do it tomorrow." I ordered and he nodded. He walked out the door and I locked it behind him.

I let out a deep breath and ran my hand threw my hair. Today has been a long ass day.

I headed to my room and went to sleep.

Maya's P.O.V

I laid on my bed with music playing, just thinking about the three words that was sent to me not long ago.

If I answer him then he will try and manipulate me into believing his lies. What if I tell him we can only be friends? Get to know each other again. I don't know... This shit is stressing me out, I put the volume up and listened to the music.

# One, don't pick up the phone
You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone
Two, don't let him in
You have to kick him out again
Three, don't be his friend
You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning
And if you're under him
You ain't getting over him #


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Have u guys seen Peyton's new show called 'Versus'? I have seen episode 1 and 2 on YouTube but the other episodes r on the Go90 or something app. Unfortunately its not available for where I am so if you guys could tell me where I could watch it somewhere else that would be awesome. I gotta see Peyton on screen, its been too long, at least in this we get to see his god damn muscles and see him act his age 😂

Hope u enjoyed this chapter... Updates r going to be slow, got exams in a few days and I haven't learned shit so...

Happy New Year, lets hope 2018 is just as lit as 2017 🎉

SasMaster145 x

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