A Host Club Wedding (Sequel T...

By nerds_need_love_too

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You've come back to attend Haurhi's wedding in which you are the Maid of Honor, and who else can be there but... More

⚜Chapter 1⚜ Mixer Games
⚜Chapter 2⚜ Cake Tasting
⚜Chapter 3⚜ Say Yes to the Dress
⚜chapter 4⚜ When Life Gives you Lemons. . .
⚜chapter 5⚜ Surprisingly Good at Something
⚜️Chapter6⚜️A little treat for the wedding party
⚜️Chapter 7⚜️ Warm Bodies and Cold Hearts
⚜️Chapter 8⚜️ Back in the Place where it all Began
⚜️Chapter 9⚜️ Mori's place *clears throat* palace
⚜️chapter 10⚜️ Camp Trip (part 1)
⚜️Chapter 11⚜️ Camp Trip (part 2)
⚜️Chapter 12⚜️ Camp Trip (part 3)
⚜️Chapter 13⚜️ Camp Trip (final part)
⚜️Chapter 14⚜️ A mystery kiss.
⚜️Chpater 15⚜️ Danceing Practice
⚜️Chapter 16⚜️Preperations for the Wedding begin
⚜️Chapter 17⚜️A little Celebration
⚜️Chapter 18⚜️I Can't Face You
⚜️Chapter 20⚜️ Wedding Bells

⚜️Chapter 19⚜️ The Rehearsal Dinner

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By nerds_need_love_too

   You look in the mirror as you fix you hair and sigh. Tonight is the rehearsal dinner, and you really aren't ready to face the guys, well mainly Kaoru. Haruhi comes in holding out a necklace and she wraps it around your neck. She had been in shock since you blurred out the incident yesterday, and her and Tatsuro had barley talked to you.

   "So, Haruhi-"

   "Was he good?" She asks and you instantly go numb. "I-I mean, that was your first time wasn't it?"

   "H-Haru!" You shout and she smiles at you as you stare at your feet. "I don't remember anything!"

   "Then why are you so red... you have to remember something." She wiggles her eyebrows and you stick your tongue out at her as she lets out a laugh. "Common Y/N! Give me the details."

   "I honestly only remember him talking." You grumble and she raises an eyebrow as you turn bright red. "Nothing interesting!" You shout as she chuckles and you both walk down stairs where Tatsuro stands in a nice suite.

   "Are we ready?" He asks not making eye contact with you as you and Haruhi both nod happily as he holds the door open for you both as you walk out and get into the car. You have to sit in the back seat like a child and buckle up. Shortly after you buckle up, the car begins driving through the town. You hum to yourself as see the school parking lot filled with cars. You take in a deep breath as Tatsuro drives about and parks the car with great difficulty. Finally, he finds a spots and you all get out.

   "You ready?" Tatsuro asks as he looks into Haruhi's eyes and she nods happily taking his hand into hers. They smile as each and he looks to you. "Y/N, are you ready?" They both look to you as you stare towards the school. The lights are bright inside and you can hear gentle music playing inside. You watch as two men open the doors letting people inside and you suck in a deep breath.

   "Lets do this shit." You say fiercely and the three of you head inside.


   Inside there are several different people dressed nicely and you follow Haru to the table where the bridesmaids are. "Sorry I'm late!" Haruhi cheers happily as they all smile at the two of you. "Y/N, I'm happy you are feeling better." One cheers as you bow your thanks and Kagoma glares.

   "Yes the guys were pretty worried about you." She hisses as she looks to where they are all standing. "I guess you should go over to them..."

   "I'm good." You state and sit down instantly as Haru laughs and pats your shoulder.

   Kagoma gives you a weird look as you take a cookie and munch on it happily. You talk with some of the other bridesmaids when the dinner is served. You smile at the mashed potatoes and steak and grip the fork tightly when you are about to dig in.  You munch away happily as the others do to and you give them a big smile.

   Kagoma sits watching the whole thing, she pays attention to how you don't make eye contact with any of the guys. By that point you would have ran over to them and had a big laugh about something stupid. She watches as you bite into a roll and rolls her eyes at you manner of eating.  What did any of those guys see in you? She thought ugly thoughts and stood up walking to the guys table.

   "Hello Kagoma." Tamaki cheers as she stares at them all and he tilts his head. "What's the matter."

   "Oh nothing, I just was letting you know that Y/N is feeling better! I know you were all worried about her."  She smiles at them and they share a look.

   "How do you know she feels better?" Hunny snorts taking a sip of campaign and she points over to the table.

   "Well, she's right over there." She smiles happily as they all look towards the table. They stay silent for a moment as they watch you and kaoru stands up.

   "Pardon me." He whispers and walks out away and out of the room as Kagoma walks back to the table with a smug smile rested upon her face.


    After the course ends, you smile as everyone disperses and talk amongst themselves. You stand up and run right into Kaoru. You heart jumps to your throat as he begins to speak. "Sorry." You shout slightly and turn on your heels walking away quickly. He calls after you and you begin to run through the people towards the window.

   "Y/N." Haruhi grabs your shoulder looking at you eye wide. "You alright?"

   "Oh I'm fine. Just need some air." You laugh as you Turn and walk the rest of the way outside.

   The night air hits you as you sigh and look up towards the moon. It shines brightly down on you and you click your tongue leaning over the railing. "Man I'm a real mess."

   "Yeah you are." You jump looking over at Hunny as he shuts the door behind you. "You've been one since I met you."

   "Hunny." You whisper as he folds his arms glaring.

   "So, why are you running from Kaoru?" He asks as he gives you an evil smile and you gulp. "Must have been that little one night stand huh?"

   "How do you..."

   "You left together." He states and steps towards you. "So you will sleep with someone but you wouldn't even give me the time of day."

   "You were being a jerk." You state as he walks closer.

   "Oh but I'll be gentle." He answers and you squeeze the railing tightly as he walks closer and closer. You watch as he pins you against it and smiles at you. He dips down to your neck and you stay still as his hot breath tickles your neck. "Why..." he looks up at you gripping your arm. "Why aren't you resisting!" He shouts and he narrows his eyes at you. "Do you finally accept me? Then I guess I'll just-"

   "Are you crying?"  You whisper as you stare at his face. Tears are at the brim of his eyes and you touch his cheek. "What's wrong?"

   "Don't touch me!" He shouts pushing away from you. "I no longer wish to get close to you!"  He glares at you and you watch a he wipes at his eyes. "You can't just get close to someone and leave them! That's horrible to do to anyone!" His voice is hoarse and he shakes his head. "You have no idea what happened after you left! The family I knew for forever was destroyed because a girl came in and left! Everything fell apart!!! What you are going to act like a member of our family and then leave us?! That's cruel!"

  "How is what you are doing any different?" You ask and his eyes widen. "You were a sweet guy and now you are so cold. How is that any different? The Hunny they knew was a nice guy, so you practically left and now a new hunny is here who is cold and harsh." You watch as he hangs his head and you shake your head. "I hated leaving, but you only knew me for a small amount of time... how do you think they felt when you became this way?"

   "I...." he looks up as tears stream down his face and he buries his head into your chest bawling. "I'M SO SORRY Y/N-CHAN!!!!"


   You and hunny step back inside, his eyes still red from crying as he sniffles. The guys are on stage as you walk inside and listen to their little speech. Hunny hurries to the stage and you stand along side Haruhi. She smiles listening to their speech and you smile too. Kaoru is next and he begins speaking into the mic about some times where they had hung out. His by far was the funniest and then he sees you. His mouth moves faster than he thinks and something slips out that causes a huge commotion.

"Y/N!" He shouts and you stare.


Thank you thank you!!! Next chapter is the last one! I'm so happy with you guys who followed me along with this! I love you guys  much and I hope you really enjoyed this chapter.

Since this is my last one, I need help deciding which story to focus on next... please COMMENT BELOW WHICH STORY YOU WANT NEXT!

Also I would love to hear you favorite part in the stories or how the character development went! Thanks again!!!

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