Mahogany Desires

By book_worm_

882K 17.8K 2.1K

Mr. tall dark and handsome Jason Mills was always particular when it came to women that he associated himself... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 14

20.2K 421 27
By book_worm_

-Dedication for being just plain old awesome. Thanks for being the biggest fan to this story :) I greatly appreciatre it.


           MACHAYLA WOKE UP on Saturday morning with a splitting headache and the fact that she was meeting Mason’s mother for brunch today wasn’t helping. In fact, she was sure that it was partly if not the whole reason for her headache.

She tried her best to avoid speaking to the annoying woman that was soon to be her mother-in-law all week but thanks to Mason, she couldn’t put it off any longer. He forced her to settle on a meeting day this week to talk about the wedding plans.

Wedding plans. Ugh!

After a quick shower, she slipped on a floral sun dress along with white sandals and a tote bag and headed down the stairs. She had no idea where her fiancée –she shuddered at the thought—was. He woke up a few hours ago and told her that he would see her later but she knew that he was doing something pertaining to that racing crap that he did.

Machayla couldn’t understand how they could constantly endanger their lives just to get an ego boost and a name on a street that was't even theirs to claim. She shook her head as she stepped out of the house. Men; they would rather die before accepting defeat.

Slipping behind the wheel of her red Toyota, she pulled on her seat belt, checked her mirror and smiled despite the fact that she had to meet up with Mason’s mom. Her face and the rest of her body for that matter were free of any new bruises, cuts and fractured bones. Mason hasn’t put his hands on her for a whole week since being forced to move back in with him.

In the back of her mind, she wondered why he seemed so calm all week but she wasn’t going to complain. She was happy for the break.

She started up her car and headed towards Aventura where the posh restaurant that they were meeting in was located. She would rather be headed to Olive Garden for a nice meal but of course Mrs. Scott had to always have the best and most expensive crap there was. There wasn’t any  reason why a person should be spending more than a hundred dollars for a meal that hardly filled them up anyways.

Parking was impossible to find in Aventura so Machayla had to settle for parking two blocks away from her destination.

When she entered the restaurant, a waiter came to speak to her and she told him that she had “reservations” with an Eliza Scott and the waiter led her to a table right in the middle of the place where a frowning Eliza was waiting for her.

Machayla gave her a small smile before she went around the table and gave her a peck on the cheeks. “Hello Mrs. Scott.”

Machayla watched as the women scrunched up her face and replied with a “I hope you aren’t late to your own wedding little girl. Sit down. I’ve been postponing my food because of your lack of consistency.”

Machayla looked down at her watch and noticed that she was no more than six minutes late.

‘What’s with this boogie broad?! And did she just call me a little girl??’

She looked at the aging woman with liquid brown eyes and a head full of shoulder length dark brown curls and plastered a wry smile on her face. “I’m sorry Mrs. Scott but traffic was a bit hectic today.” Was Machayla’s lame excuse.

“Mmhh. So about the wedding, we need a wedding planner right away. Who do you plan on wearing for your dress? Vera Wang maybe and what color? It better be pure white. What is your theme and color for the reception and ceremony? Did you think about who your bridesmaids will be? I hope that you do not associate yourself with any fat, ugly or ghetto girls. This wedding will be classy and the event of the season. Speaking of season what month do you plan on having your nuptials? If you’re pregnant than let me know now so you won’t look like an elephant at your own wedding…” Eliza ranted without taking a breath.

‘OH MY FUCKING GOSH!’ Machayla wished that the woman would just shut the hell up as she continued to run her mouth about a wedding that was obviously going be taken over by the crazy lady sitting across from her.

This was going to be hell!


             Later that same night Jason pulled up in front of Mason’s house and stepped out of the Audi with shaken nerves. He dug up the hand gun that Carter gave him from under his seat, made sure the safety was on and placed it the small of his back, tucked into his black jeans.

He made sure that his black leather jacket covered the gun and made his way up to the house where his new crew was awaiting him. He was late and didn’t give a rat’s ass because his original plan to get close to  and make amends with Mason changed the minute he figured out what he was doing to Machayla.


Her name and face has been floating around in his head none stop even before the incident that occurred last Sunday but since then, she was always in the fore front of his mind. He wondered how she was coping and if Mason put his hands on her since he walked away from this house a week ago.

Jason knew that he absolutely had to take her away from this place but first he needed details. He needed… wanted to know her story. The attraction that he felt towards her was enormous and he knew that if ever given the chance, he would make her his no matter what.

That simple fact shocked him and sent his steps off a kilter a little bit but he knew that he always just wanted to be with somebody. He just hadn’t met the right girl so he screwed around with the random ones that he did find.

Walking up to the front door, he was about to ring the doorbell but decided not to and instead twisted the doorknob to find the door open. He didn’t respect Mason enough so he really couldn’t care less about barging into his house unannounced, though if his mom was to ever get a wind of this, she would have his ass.

Walking through the threshold of the huge house, Jason had expected to hear the chattering of the guys but instead walked into pure and utter silence. He started walking further into the house but found no one. He hoped that they left without him but he knew that that was just wishful thinking. For some odd reason, they needed him.

He went on a blank mission; the kitchen, the sitting room, the living room, the halls, there wasn’t any sign of anybody.

“They must be outback then.” He said out loud.

“They are.”

Jason made a swift turn towards the long winding staircase and found Machayla clad in nothing but a pair of blue sweatpants and a spaghetti strap shirt with her hair up in a bun, standing with her hands in her pocket at the top of the stairs looking as relaxed and breath takingly beautiful as possible.

She cocked an eyebrow at him and smiled. “You’re late Jason.”

He nodded his head at her. “I know.” His eyes raked over her body before retracting up again and staring directly into her soul searing eyes. She looked better than he’d seen her for the past few weeks since he met her. From where he stood at the end of the stairs, he couldn’t find any noticeable bruises on her and hoped to God that it was because Mason stopped hitting her.

He held her gaze for what seemed like an hour before he decided on a whim that he suddenly wanted to be closer to her. He slowly but surely made his way towards her without breaking what seemed to be a staring match between them.

A crooked smile formed on his lips as he closed the distance between them until there was nothing but about a step separating the two. Being this close to her, he couldn’t help but feel satisfied with the fact that she didn’t move away from him. She didn’t even flinch as he brought his index finger up to traced one of her eyebrows then lightly grazed his thumb over her cheeks.

“Hi.” He said softly and gave her a small smile.

“You’re late.” She repeated; her own smile never wavering.

“So I noticed.” He replied. “How have you been?” He asked with a bit of worry in his voice.


“You’re sure?” He cupped the side of her face with the same fingers.

“Yeah.” She whispered softly.

“You know, we never finished our conversation from last time.”

That caused her smile to falter and she took a step back away from him and his hands. “I know.”

Jason being the stubborn and persistent person that he was took the final step up the stairs and closed the gap that she tried to put in between them as he continued to stare at her flawless face.

He frowned a bit before speaking. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?” She asked apprehensively.

“Don’t close yourself off to me. I’m trying to help.”

“I didn’t ask for your help. I thought we had this conversation before.”

“And we’ll have it a thousand more times if you keep trying to push me away.”

“B-But I don’t know you.”

“Get to know me. And when you do you’ll realized that I only have your best interest in mind.”

“No you don’t. This is a pity party on your part.” She shot back but this time, anger started to seep through her voice. She brought her arms up and folded them under her breast but instead of making a comeback to her accusation, Jason eyes zoned in and glue their selves to her breast which were being pushed up by her arms.

 “…What the…?” She suddenly noticed what his eyes were focused on and snapped her fingers in his face. “Hello! Jason my eyes are up here!”

“Huh? Oh... Sorry.” He bit his bottom lip to hold back the wide grin that was threatening to show as his eyes found their way back to her face.

She rolled her eyes and turned to walk away when Jason grabbed her by the hand and turned her back to him. “Look, I still have your number from when you gave it to me at the park. Expect a call or text from me tonight so we could get to the bottom of this.”

She stared at him for a few seconds before answering. “You’re not going to give up are you?”

“Hells no.” He answered back.

“Mason doesn’t like me talking to you.” She stated.

“Well then, don’t let him find out.”

She sighed then nodded at him. “Ok.”

“Ok?” He asked for insurance.

“Ok.” She repeated.

Without realizing what he was doing, Jason leaned over and kissed her on her forehead before wrapping his arm around her small waist and bringing her up against his chest in a tight hug. He breathed in her fresh scent. She smelled like a mixture of watermelons and kiwi; Jason liked it.

 He felt her arms snake around his neck and took the opportunity to kiss her on her cheeks again before letting her go.

“Talk to you later Kayla.”


 With a huge grin plastered on his face he turned and headed down the steps to the warehouse where the man who’s obviously making her life a living hell was awaiting him so they could get down to business.

In all actuality he couldn’t wait till the day would come where he would get back at Mason for everything. Jason had a feeling that a lot of blood would be drawn and a lot of lives would be taken before this whole ordeal that seems to escalade by the weeks would be over. But he was ready. Come hell or high waters, he was going to get himself and Machayla away from Mason for good.

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