A Love Like Ours

By xxlove2writexx

86.9K 2.8K 305

Amelia Tompkins is a 29 year old who's life is falling apart. She's pretty sure her husband of 8 years is hav... More

Prologue (Revised)
Chapter 1 (revised)
Chapter 2 (revised)
Chapter 3 (revised)
Chapter 4 (revised)
Chapter 5 (revised)
Chapter 6 (revised)
Chapter 7 (revised)
Chapter 8 (revised)
Chapter 9 (revised)
Chapter 10 (revised)
Chapter 11 (revised)
Author's Note
Chapter 12 (revised)
Chapter 13 (revised)
Chapter 15 (revised)
Chapter 16 (revised)
Chapter 17 (revised)
Author's Note
Chapter 18: Part 1(revised)
Chapter 18: Part 2
Chapter 19
Author's Note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Possible Sequel!

Chapter 14 (revised)

2.1K 82 10
By xxlove2writexx

The following morning I am jarred awake by the screeching sound of my cell phone. Without even looking at the caller id I grab it from my bedside table to answer it, only to knock my clock off in the process. If this is how my day is going to go I think I'll just stay in bed all day. Whomever is calling me this early better be dying or at least in need of medical attention.

"WHAT?" I say placing the phone up to my ear.

"Well good morning to you too sweetheart."

"Austin why are you calling me so early? You know I'm not a morning person."

"Amelia, I hate to break it to you, but it's no longer morning. It happens to be one o'clock in the afternoon."


"Yes sweetheart." He laughs. "I take it you and Kylie had a good time last night?"

"If you consider me drinking and her lecturing me a good time then it was fan-freakin-tastic." I say rolling over to lie on my back. About this time I here a knock on my door and groan. "Austin hang on someone's at my door."

"Who is it?" He asks.

"How am I suppose to know when I'm just now climbing out of my bed?" I say as I walk to the door.

"Just calm down and answer the door."

"This better be important." I say to the person on the other side of the door, whom keep in mind hasn't quit knocking, as I open it.

"Hey sweetheart." Austin smiles as he stands before me.

"Why didn't you just tell me it was you?" I sigh.

"What fun would that be?" He smirks. "May I come in?"

"If you must." I say moving over for him to pass.

I see him walk into my kitchen and I go to the living area and sink onto the couch grabbing my throw for warmth. Austin comes in a few minutes later with some water and medicine for my head and hands it to me. After I have taken the pills and placed the water on the table, I feel myself being pulled into a warm body and arms wrap around me. I don't think twice about wrapping my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest, and intertwining my legs with his. This feels like home and I love it. I feel Austin kiss the top my head and tighten his grip on me.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you over the past month. I had a lot on my mind that I've been trying to work through and I shouldn't have taken it out on you. You are the most important person in my life and I just want to get back to the way we were. Do you think that we can?"

"We are still us Austin." I say looking up to him. "Nothing will ever take that away. I knew something was wrong and that you would share it with me when you were ready. You want to tell me what's been going on so that we can work through whatever it is, together?"

"I thought I was ready to tell you last night, but I think it'd be best if I wait." He smiles at me. "When I tell you I want to make sure that it's the right time. Trust me when I tell you it's going to change everything."

"Nothing you say could change things between us Austin. Just know that I am here for you whenever you need me."

"You say that now but trust me when I say it will. I'll tell you soon but for now I want to keep you as close as I can." He says bringing his hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I find myself starring into his eyes unable to look away. I've never noticed just how beautiful they are until now. Austin is looking back at me neither of us daring to move an inch. His eyes go from mine to my lips and linger there for a moment before he moves back to meet my gaze. My heart is pounding in my chest and I have to admit that I have never felt this way around him before. Stupid Kylie for putting those stupid thoughts in my head. I don't have feelings for Austin, I can't. Unable to take the intensity of what's going on, I break eye contact with him and pull away.

"Um, I'm about to get some food. Would you like any?"

"Sure." He says clearing his throat. "Would you like some help?"

"That'd be great."

As I stand to walk into the kitchen, I manage to trip over my own feet and fall on top of Austin. Somehow I end up in his lap with his arms wrapped around my waist. I take the chance and look up at him to find him already looking at me. My cheeks heat up under his gaze so I immediately look down to my lap. Austin place his fingers under my chin and brings my face back up to meet his gaze again.

"Amelia..." He whispers at the same time I hear Tyler call from the front door.

Feeling as if I've been caught doing something wrong, I find myself jumping out of his hold and onto the couch beside him. Tyler comes walking into the living area with that beautiful smile he has on his face.

"Hey love." He says leaning down to place a kiss on my lips.

"Hi." I say feeling guilty. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize for the way I acted last night."He says pulling me to stand in front of him. "I'm sorry I got so mad, I had no right. You had plans with Kylie and I shouldn't have tried to come between that. From now on I will call to make sure instead of just assuming."

"Thank you."

"What's up man?" He says to Austin, as he takes a seat in the chair across from the couch and pulls me to sit on his lap.

"Not much." Austin says looking to me.

Looking over to him, our eyes meet and I notice that he has a hurt look on his face. 'I'm sorry' I mouth to him, only to get a nod in return. I don't really know what I'm apologizing for but it seems like the right thing to do.

"I'm going to go." I hear Austin say. "Thanks for listening to what I had to say Mia. I'll see you both later." With that he walks out and Tyler and I are left alone.

"Everything alright?" He asks.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I say looking back to him.

"Just wanted to make sure."

We sit there silent for a few moment just looking at one another. Was I really going to let Austin kiss me when I have a man like Tyler that is mine? This man in front of me is all I could ever want or need. He makes me happy and that's all that matters.

"Amelia what's wrong?" He breaks the silence.

"Nothing, I'm just glad your here."

"Me too." He says before kissing me.

His kisses have a way of making me forget everything bad that is going on in my life. We continue to kiss for several more minutes before I decided to turn and straddle him, wanting to be as close as I possibly can. One of Tyler's hand immediately goes to my waist, while the other moves up to the back of my neck. He begins to move his kisses from my lips down to my neck, while I pull myself closer to him. It's like no matter how close we are it's never close enough. There are no words to describe how his hands and lips on my body make me feel. It's like I'm floating on a cloud and never want to come down. Tyler moves back to my lips places a small peck there and leans his forehead against mine.


"Hi love."

"You have no idea how glad I am that you stopped by. I really did miss you last night."

"I'm sorry I was so stupid. Like I said before I shouldn't have gotten so mad."

"It's over now, but I do have a question for you."

"Go on then."

"Tomorrows Thanksgiving, right?"


"Would you like to spend the day with me at my parents house?" After I ask I wish I wouldn't have. The look on his face is like in just asked him to have a baby or something. Now I feel like the stupid one. "Look you don't have to if you don't want. I just knew that you don't have any plans so I thought I'd ask. You know what just forget I said anything."

I fell like I am about to fall apart and I don't know why. I go to get off his lap but he grabs me by my waist and pulls me back to him into an all numbing kiss. After several minutes he pulls away and looks right into my eyes.

"Can I answer you now?"

"Yes I'm sorry."

"I would love to have Thanksgiving dinner with you and your family." He says pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you for saying you'll come."

"Thank you for even thinking to invite you."

"Why wouldn't I want you to come?" I ask confused. "You mean a lot to me and I really want you there. I know it might be a little soon to meet the parents and all. It just feels right."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me love. I feel the same way believe it or not. You mean more to me than you can imagine." He place a gentle kiss on my lips. "You know this will be the first time I've ever been to any holiday gathering with anyone besides my family."

"That's hard to believe. I mean surely you've had girls ask you to come over in the past."

"Sure they've asked but I never went." He states. "I've never wanted to meet anyone's family until you."

I sit there in shock at what he has just confessed to me. This boy is going to be the death of me I swear. Everything he does has me falling harder and harder for him. I just hope I'm not the only one in this relationship falling. Breaking out of my own thoughts, I lean over and press my lips to his in a long searing kiss. Right here in this moment all I need is this beautiful men in front of me. I trail kisses down his neck while my hands go to his hair. Pulling his head to the side, I nip at his ear and then lick the spot, getting a moan as a response. The sound of that sends heat coursing through my body and has me wanting him more than I ever have before. Moving back up to his lips, I pour more into this kiss, wanting him to know exactly what I feel. A moment later he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine and stares into my eyes.

"I could sit here and do this all day, but if we don't stop I'm going to end up taking you right here in this chair." He states.

"I'm tempted to let you." I say kissing him once more.

"You are such a tease."

"Who said I wasn't being serious." I whisper into his ear then tug on it with my teeth.

When I do this I hear him let out an animalistic growl and I know I'm about to get exactly what I want. I feel myself being picked up as he stand from the chair, and wraps my legs around his waist while he holds me by my thighs. Tyler starts to walk toward the hall then stops halfway there.

"Which room?"


"Tell me which room is yours before I take you up against this wall." He states.

"It's the first door to the right, although against that wall sounds so hot." I say teasingly.

"Don't tempt me right now Amelia." He huffs. "I'm trying as hard as I can to be easy with you but if you keep on with the teasing your going to get something totally different."

"Like what?" I ask as he walks throughout my bedroom door.

"Rough and hard." He smirks down at me as he places me onto the bed.

"What if I want it rough and hard?!" I ask.

Next thing I know, I am flat on my back on the bed and Tyler is hovering over me. He has went from the sweet man he was a few moments ago to this sexy, dominating man and I love it. Looking up at him I know that I would absolutely do anything he asked of me, and the look on his face tells me he knows it.

"You don't know what you're asking love." He says fighting within himself. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Tyler I'm not a child! I think I know what I want and how I want it." I state.

"So tell me what and how you want it then." He says leaning down and kiss me on my neck.

"I want you to dominate me. Can you do that?"

Instead of an answer, I receive another one of his sexy growls. Tyler rises up from the bed and begins to undress me. First the pants go and then the shirt until I'm left in nothing but my underwear.

"You were walking around in this house while Austin was here with no bra on?"

For a moment I am taken back by his question and I don't want to answer until I see the look on his face. His jaw is tense and I can tell that he is mad, I just don't understand why he would be. It's not like Austin could see anything thought the dark blue shirt I had on.

"Yeah, why?"

"Why?!" He asks angrily. "Amelia you are MINE and I don't share!"

"How many time do I have to tell you that Austin is just my friend and that there is nothing going on between us."

"I'm not stupid. He may be my best friend, but I see the way he looks at you. Trust me when I say he wants to be more than friends with you and this body."

"Whatever, you sound just like Kylie." I spit. "Now do you want to continue talking about him or do you wanna give me what I want."

"Oh I'm about to give you something alright." He smirks down at me. "Are you sure you want this? This will be the last time I ask, so make sure it's truly what you want."

"I'm sure baby, so come here."

With that he pulls his shirt over his head before coming to hover over me. Tyler kisses me this time with so much passion I feel my toes begin to curl and it leaves me breathless. He moves down to my neck leaving rough, lust filled kisses in his path. My hands move to his chest, down his stomach and to the top of his pants wanting them off as soon as possible. I run my fingers under the waist band of his pants and I hear him moan and feel him smirk into my neck. Tyler then bites me, causing me to gasp in surprise. It wasn't hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make me want more.

"You told me you wanted it rough, so rough it is." He says biting me again, this time on my shoulder.

"These need to come off." I say pushing at his pants.

He gets up taking his pants off and then grabs my legs pulling me to the edge of the bed wrapping my legs around his waist. Now that there is nothing but two, very thin pieces is fabric between us, I can feel just how turned on he is and oh dos it feel good. As I go to sit up so I can touch him, he pushes me back down aggressively and shakes his head. I never knew that a man being so dominating could turn me on like this. Tyler leans down kissing me from my stomach, up to my chest lingering there for a few moments, and then onto my neck. With every kiss he plants on my body, I feel like I heat up ten degrees. Every nerve within me is standing at attention because of his touch. He pulls back once more and untangles my legs from around him. Before I realize what's going on I am being pulled from the bed and flipped so the my back is to him and I am facing the bed. He pushes my front onto the bed with my feet still planted on the floor. Tyler comes to stand right up against me, leaning over to kiss me across my shoulders and down my back, his hands following. He finally reaches my hips and is starting to pull the last shred of cloth off my body, giving me what I've been craving, when I hear my front door slam.

"Amelia where are you?" Kylie says from the living area.

"You've got the be kidding me!" I hear Tyler growl from behind me.

"I'm sorry." I say as I get up from the bed putting my clothes back on. "Give me just a minute and I'll try to get rid of her."

"Don't bother the moments ruined anyway." He says pulling his shirt over his head.

"Babe, please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad love, just disappointed." Tyler says coming to stand right in front of me. "This is the second time we've been interrupted and I don't like it. You've no idea how bad I want to fully make you mine." He whispers the last part.

"Oh I do know." I say running my hands up his chest. "Because I want the exact same thing. Trust me it'll happen when the time is right, even if we have to find a place no one knows about to finally be alone." I laugh. "Let's go out there so that I can see what she wants."

Tyler nods, so I lace my fingers between his and lead him into the living area. Kylie is sitting on my couch flipping through a magazine but finally looks up when I say her name. The look on her face when she sees Tyler standing beside me says all that she is thinking without her opening her mouth. It is apparent that she's not a fan of Tyler's and I'm sure he can sense it. I scowl at her and continue to walk towards the chair to sit, when I feel myself being stopped by Tyler. He pulls me around to face him and I can see that he is uncomfortable by the look on his face.

"I'm going to go." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "Call me later when you get the chance."

"Are you sure? You know you don't have too."

"I know love, but I have a few things I need to do for work. I'll see you tomorrow though."

"Okay I'll walk you to the door." I say grabbing his hand. "I'll be right back Kyles."

When we reach the door, I pull him into a hug and we stand there for a few moment enjoying each others embrace. Tyler finally pulls away just a touch, looks down at me, and pecks me on the lips. He grins down at me with his beautiful mouth and I can't help but be mad at Kylie for interrupting us. One day I will have my way with him without anyone busting in or calling.

"What's on that beautiful mind of yours?"

"Nothing serious. I'm just thinking about how I really wish we weren't interrupted again."

"Next time love, I promise." He says cupping my face in his hands. "Like you said before, even if we have to hide away. You'll be mine!"

"I like the idea of being yours."

"Good, because your mine and only mine."

"And your MINE?!"

"Yes love. I'm all yours." I smile up at him stealing another kiss from his lips.

"You sure you don't mind coming tomorrow?" I ask.

"I'm sure. What time do you want me to be here tomorrow?"

"Well we aren't eating until dinner, but I usually help mom cook so I need to be there quite early." I say. "How about you come here around ten and we can leave then?"

"Sounds good. I'll see you in the morning." He says kissing me once more. "Bye Amelia."

"Bye baby."

After he walks out of the door, I go back into the living area to meet Kylie. I'm dreading even sitting down to talk to her because I know she is about to put her two cents in on how she feels about Tyler. Don't get me wrong she means well, but this is something I'm not willing to give up just because she doesn't approve. Here goes nothing.

"What brings you here this lovely evening?" I ask while taking a seat next to her on the couch.

"Well I wanted to check on you since I knew you would have a hangover from last night, but it seems you already had someone doing that."

"Yeah, I seem to be quite popular today. First Austin came by to check on me, then an hour or so later Tyler showed up to apologize for the way he acted last night. You could say today has been pretty eventful."

"Sounds like it." Kylie say turning to face me. "Did Austin tell you want he wanted to talk about last night when he called?"

"No he said he just came by to check on me. I did ask him if he wanted to talk, but he brushed it off saying that he thought he was ready to tell me then realized he wasn't. He told me he would tell me when the time is right and that he was scared after he told me everything would change." I say sinking back into the couch. "I reassured him that I would be here no matter what, he just kept saying trust me everything will change. I can't possibly think of anything that would change the way we are."

"I can." She states. "Austin loves you and that could change everything."

"Please don't start with that today. The whole time he was here all I could think about was the things you said last night. It even had me thinking about him in a way I shouldn't, especially when he was holding me. I've never thought of him in anyway but as a friend. He means a lot to me and I don't want to make things awkward between us because of something stupid like this." I state. "Tyler even brought up the fact that he thinks Austin loves me. I swear you both are driving me crazy with this theory y'all have."

"I'm sorry Mia. I didn't know that it bothered you this much when I talked about him. Promise I was just trying to make things better for you. Yes I do think Austin loves you and that you would be better off with him, but from now on I'll keep my opinions on it to myself." She says. "Can I ask you one more thing though?"

"Yes I guess."

"Do you honestly think it is my fault that you feel this way about Austin or do you think that you might actually have feelings for him? That maybe you're just keeping them pushed down because you are afraid to let yourself feel this way about him?"

"I don't know Kyle's. When he showed up today I was so happy to see him, because he always knows how to make me feel better. Then while we were on the couch cuddling and talking, something changed. The way he held and touched me so gently, along with the things you said, made me think that maybe this was right. At one point he was starring down at me and kept glancing at my lips. I truly believed that he would have kissed me if Tyler wouldn't have walked into the room."

"Wait he almost kissed you and lover boy walked in on y'all? You have to tell me exactly what happened."

The rest of my evening is spent by me telling Kylie every single detail for my day and her telling me that she's right about Austin. Maybe she is and he does love me, which I highly doubt, but right now in my life I am happy with Tyler. Like I said, I honestly believe that the only reason I was feeling those things towards Austin is because of her words the night before. I just need to clear my head of all these things and try to get through the holiday season without any drama accruing. Maybe, just maybe everything will work out for the best.

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