madhouse / fillie

By lilacmolls

26.8K 1.1K 666

"Whatever he was up to, I knew that he would never like a girl like me- no one is capable of loving someone a... More

Introduction- Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Final Author's Note

Chapter 7

1.8K 81 56
By lilacmolls

Chapter 7:

Millie's POV

I laid in my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. My phone rang at my side, knowing immediately it was Finn.

"Good morning, gorgeous."

"Good morning," I smiled into the phone.

"Had enough of me yet?"

"Enough of you? Never," I teased.

"Good, I'm picking you up at 8 tonight so be ready."

"And where are we going exactly?"

"Well then it's not a surprise," he paused, "wear something comfortable." I could hear him smiling through the phone.

"Finn," I paused, realizing he had already hung up the phone. I put my phone back down next to me, staring at the ceiling once more with a faint smile. Ever since I met Finn a week and a half ago, everything in my life has changed. He makes me happier than I can even put into words. He makes me actually want to get up in the morning, and makes me look at life in a new perspective. God, even just saying his name puts a smile on my face. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss last night. I know this is very cliché, but I could feel the sparks- thousands of them. For those few seconds, I forgot about everything else in my life. All of the negative things just released into thin air, and nothing else in the world mattered. When I woke up this morning, all of those feelings hit me all at once. It was weird because I know I should be out of this world happy, and I am, but something deep down inside of me didn't feel right. Deep down inside, I just felt some sort of sadness or guilt. Whatever it was,  I had never been able to get rid of it.  I have always had this feeling, and even right now when I feel like I'm at my happiest, something is telling me otherwise. 

I tried to stop thinking about it by making my bed and getting my day started. I told myself over and over that tonight was gonna be a good night, trying to shake off any feeling of negativity that was in my body. After the day slowly went by, I began to get ready for the night that was to come. Keeping in mind that Finn said I should dress comfortably, I picked out an oversized sweater and black leggings. I put on a little makeup and was doing final touches when I heard the doorbell ring downstairs. Once again, my parents weren't home, so I quickly ran downstairs and opened the door. Once it was opened, I noticed Finn standing in a black t-shirt and jeans, holding a small bouquet of dark red roses.

"You are such a cliché, Wolfhard," I smiled.

"I try," he smirked, taking a step in, "you look gorgeous, by the way." I smiled and blushed, closing the door behind me as I took a step outside. I took the flowers from his hand, my smile growing larger.

"The flowers are beautiful, Finn." I said quietly.

"Ready to go?" He stuck out his hand, gesturing for me to grab it.

"Of course," I said, interlacing my fingers with his. He opened the car door for me and quickly ran around to the driver's seat. After about a 25-minute drive full of singing, talking, and laughing, we pulled into a large lot. He pulled into one of the back spots, so that we were away from the few other cars that were there. He climbed out of the car and went into the backseat, grabbing multiple pillows and blankets that I hadn't noticed. He began to lay them all out, layering blankets and piling pillows on top of one another in the trunk of his pick-up truck. As I got out of the car, I noticed the large projection screen yards ahead of us.

"A drive-in," I smiled, "old school."

"I figured it'd be a little more fun than just watching movies in a basement," he said, still sorting through the pillows and blankets. I laughed, jumping into the trunk and immediately pulling the blankets over me. He climbed in soon after, laying down right next to me. At this point, the movie had already started, but we picked up right away. After a few minutes of watching the movie, Finn turned on his side, facing me. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and smiled, quickly turning back to the screen.

"You're facing the wrong way, Finn," I teased, keeping a whisper, "movie is over there."

"Can't help it," the corners of his mouth curved up. I began to blush once more as I stared at him, smiling.

"Millie," he looked me straight in the eye, "you're one of the best things that has happened to me in a very long time."

"I could say the same thing about you, Wolfhard," I smiled, staring into his big brown eyes. We stared at each other for a few moments with faint smiles spread across our lips. I continued to watch his eyes, and how the thousands of stars above us reflected inside of them. Suddenly, he grabbed my hips, moving me into a position where I was laying on top of him. He lifted his hand, gently brushing the curls away from my face. As we laid there, continuing to stare into each other's eyes, it felt as if the world had stopped. Our legs intertwined, our hearts beating against one another's, everything. Everything about it was perfect.

"I love you, Millie Bobby Brown," Finn whispered. I felt my heart begin racing and butterflies forming in my stomach.

"And I love you just the same, Finn Wolfhard." The small space that had once separated our faces vanished as he leaned in and kissed me. Both of our heartbeats slowed and our breaths started to sync together. This kiss was much different from last night. No shouting teenagers, loud splashes in the pool, or blaring music. Instead of Finn's lips burning from the alcohol, they had a much softer touch. It felt as if it were us against the world, and there was nothing more I wanted than to stay in that exact position for the rest of my life, just the two of us. 


Millie's POV

It was now Monday morning, meaning that the weekend was officially over. I lazily got myself out of bed, rubbing my eyes. I threw on some leggings and a sweatshirt then went into my bathroom to finish getting ready. 

"Breakfast is ready, Mills!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I immediately ran down and took a seat in the kitchen.

"So, what'd you do this weekend?" My dad asked, cutting into his food.

"Just hung out with some friends." 

"Was that one boy you told me about there? Um... Finn?" My mom asked.

"Yes, Finn was there," I replied, smiling at the thought of him.

"And he's nice to you, right?" 

"Yes mom, Finn is nice to me." We sat in silence for a few short minutes, eating every bite of food that was on our plates.

"So, are you dating this kid?" My mom asked, smiling. 

"Oh, it looks like Sadie is here early today," I quickly stood up and grabbed my bag, trying to avoid the question. "Bye guys, love you!" I ran to the front door, shutting the door behind me. I got into the car, where Sadie sat in the driver's seat and Caleb sat next to her. 

"You look tired... long weekend?" Sadie teased. 

"Shut up," I smiled, rolling my eyes. After a few minutes, we pulled into the parking lot of school and got out of the car. As we walked into the school, I noticed Finn and Gaten standing in the hallway. 

Finn's POV

I glanced over at the front door of school, noticing Millie, Caleb, and Sadie all walk in together. Millie ran over to me, and I pecked her on the lips and put my arm around her. Sadie and Caleb walked off together and Gaten, not wanting to be the third-wheel, walked away. 

"How was the rest of your weekend?" I asked her.

She took a deep breath in, smiling. "Pretty boring, I-" 

"Looks like you were right, Jack," a guy cut her off, "she is pretty." 

I grabbed Millie's arm and put her behind me, staring him dead in the face. 

"What the fuck do you want, Jaeden?"

"Woah, Wolfhard, no need to get nasty- we were just checking out your new girl," he smirked. 

"Jack was just telling me about this girl he saw you with at the party," he took a step forward, now just inches away from my face. "I didn't realize you went for freaks," he said, chills going down my spine as I clenched my teeth, "but I'm digging it." He glanced over at Millie, who stood close behind me, and winked. It took all of my power to not punch him right then and there, but I didn't want to upset Millie. 

Jaeden and Jack walked off, along with another curly-haired kid named Wyatt. I immediately turned around to face Millie, who stood with her head down. 

"Fuck them, Millie," I said, gently raising her head with my hands. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she quickly tried blinking them away. "You aren't-"

"It's fine, Finn," she faintly smiled, wiping a tear away, "let's just get to class, okay?" 

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