
By lovablehemmings

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"That's Luke Hemmings, we dated but he was into some freaky stuff..." More



512 5 3
By lovablehemmings


It felt so nice to finally be back home after a long and weird weekend with my family. I spent most of the drive thinking of Luke, of the the time we spent together and the strange way he made me feel.

The way that we talked together for hours that last night I was there...I felt a pull towards him that was bigger than the two of us. I felt a pull towards his soul and I couldn't figure out why, especially since I had just met him.

When I got home, to my home, I was greeted as usual by my roommate Tara. She plopped herself down on my bed while I unpacked, "Sooo how's the family?"

I turned away from her to plug my phone in and put a few things away, "Good? I think." We laughed.

"Anything exciting happen without me?" I looked to see her raising her eyebrow at me. She was my bestfriend and aside from Jess she was the one person I told everything to.

"Well," my voice got higher. "I met this guy..."

"Shut up!" She looked at me with a devilish grin and tossed a pillow at me. "Tell me more you super slut."

Her dirty mouth and bluntness always made me laugh. "I am not a super slut."

"Yeah," she scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Sounds like something a supe-"

"Tara!" I cut her off. "It's not like that, my parents have this neighbor and he's weird and funny, he's obviously attractive but even if he wasn't I still think I would've snuck out with him." I rambled looking back on my time with Luke and smiling.

"Wait, snuck out? Stella you do know that you are an adult who lives on her own right? Your parents can't exactly ground you."

I sat beside her and began telling her all about my latest obsession....Luke.

*End of Flashback*

It had been six months since I had been back home. Between my job, and my life here I hadn't exactly found the time to visit. But since it was the week before thanksgiving I decided it would be nice.

Tara was traveling with her boyfriend to meet his family and besides her I couldn't think of anyone to spend it with. I dialed my mom's number..

"Stella!" She greeted me.

"Hey mom," I smiled at the sound of her voice, I really had missed her. "I was wondering if you had room for one more on thanksgiving?"

Her laughter filled my speaker, "You don't have to ask, of course you can come home."

"Right." I laughed and placed my Palm of my hand on my forehead shaking it. "I don't know why I said that..I guess I'm just nervous."

"Sweetheart why would you be nervous? Is it because of Luke?" She asked gaining my complete attention.

What did she know? Hell, how did she know? Did he tell her?

"Luke?" I asked trying to contain myself. "Why do you think-"

"He has asked about you several times since you left Stella. I might be old but I'm not blind, I see the concern behind his eyes." She tells me.

My heart swells at her words and I remember the feeling I had when I was last with him. It had been so long since Luke even crossed my brain. I came home buy eventually things went back to the normal boring way they had always been. Luke texted but not often, I guess he was out of sight out of mind for me.

I imagined Luke stepping outside to get his mail and asking my mother how I was. They would stand outside on their street talking about me with the sun shining down on them.

"There is nothing between Luke and I mom. He's probably just being neighborly." I tell her and exchange our goodbyes.

As I sat on my bed staring at the ceiling I felt overwhelmed. Luke was like this flavor I couldn't get out of my mouth, a flavor that I wasn't sure if I liked. Was he disgusting and bitter like day old coffee? Or was he sweet like birthday cake when you're a small child tasting it for the first time? I couldn't make up my mind, especially with how he made me feel...

I smile at Tara as she comes into my room, walking straight to my closet.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

She flipped through the hangers pulling out a few shirts and holding them up to her, "Johnny is having a party."

I groan loudly, "Of course he is."

Johnny was a good friend of ours who was famous for his parties. He was the classic muscular, cocky, typically good looking hunk of a guy who most girls begged to have five minutes alone with. He enjoyed the attention of course but Tara and I knew him for who he really was, not some hot guy who looks like he is God's gift to women.

I cared deeply for him and I knew if I ever needed him to have my back he would be there for me.

"You know for someone who spends a lot of alone time with Johnny," she turns and smirks at me. "You act like you hate the guy."

"Why do you have to say 'alone time' so promiscuously." I ask her growing more annoyed at the whole situation.

"Because I have walked in on you naked in his bed not once but ten times." She answers my question and slips one of my shirts over her head, not bothering to ask me if she can wear it.

"Look who's keeping score." I reply sarcastically.

Yes, Johnny and I have slept together and yeah, we haven't been shy about it but he's one of those people that mean something to you but you just can't figure out why. The sex is purely just for fun.

"So are you coming?" Tara calls from down the hall.

I think about it for a minute and decide I have nothing else to do.


When we arrive there are cars scattered up and down the whole street, rounding the corner and continuing  on forever. Johnny's favorite saying go big or go home runs through my mind.

Tara parts from my side and ventures into the crowd of people gathered in the living room. Some sucking each others faces off, some gathered around a long table playing beer pong. Music is playing and most everyone is yelling, desperate to be heard by anyone willing to listen.

I make my way through the kitchen and grab myself a beer. I'm a bottle sipping kind of girl comparesd to most of the girls prancing around with fruity mixed drinks in plastic cups. The thought makes me laugh.

"There's that gorgeous laugh I know to well!" Johnny yells catching my attention. I turn to face him and he brings his arm around my shoulder.

"I've missed you Stella." He whispers tickling my neck. Cocky bastard does it on purpose. I hate how he knows exactly how to turn a girl on.

"Not as much as I've missed you Johnny." I tease him.

"Ouch, now Stells you're gonna go breaking my heart again." He grabs his chest dramatically.

Some guys pass us making sure to give Johnny props for such a 'bangin' party.

I follow Johnny around aimlessly, watching people get lost in the crowd. I didn't mind being shown off by Johnny, the annoying girls trying to kill me with their eyes made Johnny and I laugh. After awhile of playing beer pong with Johnny and kicking everyone's ass he leaned in closer to me, "wanna go upstairs?" He smiled sloppily.

"Depends have your sheets been washed since the last trashy girl who has had the pleasure of seeing you naked?" I joke feeling more frisky with the alcohol pumping through me.

"Of course," he smiles beautifully. "Only for you." Johnny's hand connects with my ass  squeezing it.


When I wake up my head hurts, the overtaking,  stab my eyes out kind of ache in my temples. Thanks alcohol. I clutch Johnny's sheets close to my chest while looking for my clothes. Everything is scattered and flash backs of Johnny tossing my clothes make me smile. Last night was fun...

I grab one of Johnny's shirts and laugh at how huge it is. The guy has some serious muscles I often wonder if he's even human. I slip it on and head towards the kitchen. I grab myself a glass of water and reach for the aspirin.

"Now that's how I like to start my day!" Johnny yells walking up behind me with nothing but loose sweats hanging off of him, so much so his dick is about to pop out. I hate how he walks around so full of himself but that dick does do some good work....

"Make me some breakfast." I groan turning to face him. He lifts me onto the counter, closing the space between us and rest his hands on my thighs rubbing them up and down. It feels heavenly, Johnny nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck something he has always done since we were kids. I can remember nights were I had gotten my heart broken and Johnny's dad would come home drunk and ripping Johnny apart. The two of us would just lay in each others comfort for hours, we were hurting and in need of one another's company. It wasn't sexual it was two broken humans trying to find themselves and for that I will always love Johnny.

Just as I was about to suggest waffles for breakfast I open my eyes to find that we are no longer alone, standing in the kitchen is the lanky wide eyed boy I'd recognize anywhere.

"Oh, sorry." Luke spits out taking in the sight of Johnny and I.

"It's okay bro, I didn't know anyone was still here." Johnny sits up and pulls himself away from me turning to face Luke. I stay silent feeling enormously uncomfortable for a reason I don't exactly know.

It's not like Luke and I were ever anything really, we never dated or even became friends. So why did I feel as if he caught me in a dirty act?

"Did you have a good time at the party?" Johnny asks cockily.

Luke looks at me and then shakes his head, as if he's shaking off every single thought he's ever had of me. "Yeah man I heard these parties were sick so I had to come and see for myself. I'm from out of town and it was worth the drive." Luke locks eyes with me as he speaks and I know he's talking to me and not Johnny.

"Nice!" Johnny says enthusiastically reaching over and shaking Luke's hand, bringing him in for a hug. "Did you get yourself any of that sweet pussy?" Johnny asks before looking back at me.

My cheeks heat up and I can already tell they must be as red as a tomato by now.

"Stella here," he walks back over to me with a grin plastered across his face. "She's gotta be the best pick outta all the pretty girls that were here." Normally I would love the way he flaunts me off but not when it's to Luke.

"No man, my date left hours ago and I just thought I'd crash here since it's such a long drive." Luke says politely. "I should probably get going." He adds before nodding at both of us. I watch as he turns on his heel and walks away.

Johnny looks at me and laughs, "Okay that was some serious sexual, awkward kind of tension between you two... Who was that guy?"

I swat his chest as hard as I can, "well it didn't help that you practically talking about my pussy. That is  a great way to make thing s awkward Johnny. "

"Hey, it's not my fault you're so God damn good." He shrugs his shoulders and places a sloppy kiss on my cheek reaching around and squeezing my ass.

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