Dawn of Hope - Folician Chron...

Por maxd01

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Ray and Hands have finally returned to their packs. Now that most of their healing is done they still have o... Más

Chapter 1 - Starting to pick up the pieces
Chapter 2 - Toes thinks about his feelings for Singer
Chapter 3 - Welcome to the celebration of our new packs
Chapter 4 - Singer will you be my mate?
Chapter 5 - The Raid
Chapter 6 - Reactions to the raid on Zorg
Chapter 7 - Hands visits the pups harem
Chapter 8 - Toes goes to the Zorg Harem
Chapter 9 - We are pack Liraque
Chapter 10 - Advancement towards the trials
Chapter 11 - Trial for Hands begins
Chapter 13 - Punishment delivered
Chapter 14 - Pack Zorg Trial begins
Chapter 15 - Singer talks to her section
Chapter 16 - Ray comforts pack member
Chapter 17 - Flitter

Chapter 12 - What happened to Hands

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Por maxd01

The Pack Lord was relaxing next to the Goddess though in this case they were in his realm. He had felt her starting to reach out and he simply held her until she came back, "That was a good thing you did for Singer. And you wonder why I love you, you silly Goddess. I am still waiting for you to answer my question. I mean seriously it has been many millennia since I asked." He brought that up occasionally just to tease her.

She grinned at him once she was back from what she had been doing, "It keeps you on your toes. Besides I have to have something to keep your interest you know." She gave him a knowing grin as she glanced at a few of the females in his central room. They all grinned back at her since many of them were from her realm.

The Pack Lord laughed before snatching a People Bone out of thin air and offered it to the Goddess, "Can I bribe you with one of these?" He waved it under her nose and pulled it back when she tried to get it, "I want an answer first..." Before he realized it one of her females snatched it from his fingers and sniffed it before nibbling on it. He started laughing again.


Salty was sitting with Rain and they were watching one of the wretched movies Hands and slipped in. In this case, it was something with those dogs which were pets. It had something to do with small dogs in snow. To make it even weirder they were talking even though she knew they were just animals. Both were giving it odd looks as they and some of the other pups were gathered around the display watching it. She was still feeling frustrated at knowing what Rain was yet not being able to say anything about it.

When she had renamed him, she had felt the Pack Father side of him. It was far more muted than it had been for Hands. That was even when he originally came to the temple. Salty wasn't sure if it was because he was her age or not which also bothered her. They had been quietly talking a fair amount over the last couple of days.

She really liked him and so did the other pups in their pack. Dreamer and River had connected with him and they were really enjoying spending time with him. One thing they had learned was that even with the limited education Rain was smart and was sucking up what they had to say. He was incredibly curious and now that they were away from the Pack house he had access to so many things. There were books, stories, shows, and information he had never imagined.

*Matriarch do you have a few minutes?* Normally Salty would have used Kyth's name but in this case she needed to talk to Kyth in her pack role.

Kyth turned and looked at Salty and sampled her feelings. Since Salty was feeling serious she didn't mutter at her, *What do you need Salty?* Since a number of the girls had contacted her and some of the older girls she didn't have any idea what she might want. Heck, Kyth didn't even have a vague idea of what Salty might want to talk about.

Salty started nibbling on a claw, *We will need to talk to Hands, Toes, and possibly even Golden. I can't tell you why since I have been ordered not to talk about it. I think Rain might actually fit in our pack quite well. Pack Father Hands was talking to us about it and I like Rain and he is a really nice person.*


Before Hands left with Golden he turned to Savory and Nuzzle, *I need to talk to Golden. Take Dreamer back and comfort him. I will be back soon.* He gave both a good hug, *This is pack father stuff Nuzzle and I know you would want to be there I need to talk to him in private.* He licked an ear to tease the little girl, *Love you Nuzzie.*

She looked at him with sad eyes before she returned the hug, *Is understand Pack Father.* Nuzzle grumbled quietly when he licked an ear, *Loves you to Hands. Be back soon Hands.* After one last hug she leaned back against Savory and relaxed.

Dreamer was leaning against Savory's side as well and was holding one of her hands. This had brought back memories though they were of his mother. He didn't remember what had caused the three to be bad people since he had been asleep. Now he just wanted to go back to be with his temple sisters. Dreamer no longer thought of himself as part of the pack his mommie had been in. He was part of Pack Liraque and he liked all his pack sisters.

Savory gave him a good hug and light kiss, *Do what you need Hands and I will take care of the pack. Go and talk to Golden and we will be there when you get back.* She had felt and understood his confusion. It was somewhat hard for her to understand since she wasn't a pack father. It was also hard since she was a Liraque, even if a trainee, since he wanted satisfaction.

Hands returned the kiss and pressed his forehead against hers, *Thank you Savory. Take care of our pack and give them my love. I will be back as soon as possible.* He turned and walked over to where Golden was and ended up between his Temple Mother and Temple Father. It no longer felt weird saying that. This world had changed him in so many ways he probably wouldn't recognize the kid he had been.

Hands settled down next to Golden and leaned back and closed his eyes and relaxed. For now, he was just going to let Golden's scent help to relax him. The decision he had made earlier had been so damn hard. Damn it he was just a kid. He shouldn't have to make these types of decisions but he was being forced to. If he was back on earth he would be making decisions on what to wear, where he and his friends might want to go. Hell, he should be back home making a decision on if he wanted to talk to some cute girl.

Now he had twenty-one people he was responsible for, had not just a Pack Mother but his future Mate. That wasn't mentioning having a Matriarch barely older than he was. Hands was also involved in dealing with a murder case, the take down of an entire pack, and even indirectly the death of many people. That as much as anything was what he needed to talk to Golden about. Hands knew he wasn't directly responsible since he hadn't put the bombs there or activated him but it felt like he was. He rescued Dreamer, which he didn't regret at all, and talked to the investigators. That started it.

Before he realized it, they were at the Pack Lord's temple. Golden had been watching Hands as he was thinking and even if Hands was having trouble Golden was so very proud of him. The boy was doing some serious thinking and Golden didn't blame him. That was what was making him such a good Pack Father. He actually thought about things. He considered ramifications of what he was doing. Mind you that wasn't saying the Folician Pack Fathers didn't but Hands was so new to it he had to. There was some carry over from his parents and how he had been raised as well, "We are here Hands. I hope you like the temple."

Hands opened his eyes and looked at Golden before looking around. Since he was so used to the Goddesses Temple, Hands didn't know what to think at first. This was a vastly different type of building and he could feel the age of it. Since he had never been to the Pack Lord's realm he didn't know what to expect. It was a large place and had a presence about it. He felt a draw to it. The structure was of heavy stone and wood. Some might say it had a brooding presence to it. He would say it had a welcoming feel to it. Something deep down inside felt a call from the building, "I like it Golden, I'm sure you know the feeling but it's very welcoming."

Hand climbed out of the vehicle and waited until Golden joined him. When he did, Hands walked next to him as they walked into the building. His eyes were traveling around the building as they walked in. In the Goddesses temple there were paintings, motifs, and artwork. Here there was just a very masculine feeling with dark wood, well-crafted masonry and what looked like torches though there wasn't any smoke. It really did feel welcoming and he felt – he had come home. As he walked slowly next to Golden tears of happiness trickled down his face.

Golden wrapped an arm around Hands' shoulders though he didn't give him a hug, *Welcome to the temple of the Pack Lord. I wish I could have brought you sooner but things have to happen as the deities dictate. I think once the trials are over it would be good for you to spend some time here. As your Temple Sisters are doing their Liraque training I want you to come here for Pack Father training. That and it is time for you start training to be one of his priestsl.*

Hands leaned slightly into Golden's side, *Thank you Golden and I think that would be a really good idea.* He hesitated slightly and juggled what he wanted to say. It was something he had just really started to realize. So much had happened in the last few months that who Hands had been had long since felt lost, *Pack Father I am losing myself. I am not sure who I am any more. Not even a year ago I was just another kid from a ranch. I played with my friends, noticed girls, worked around the ranch. Now I am a Pack Father, have a male pup and twenty female pups looking to me. I have a Pack Mother, a matriarch who is only about a year older than I am, and considering bringing another male into my pack.*

Golden passed one or two of his junior priests and gave them a nod. He aimed towards his office which was similar to the Pack Lords central room, *Hands I wish I could say I understand but that would be a lie. I grew up here so this is what I know. I honestly can't imagine all you have gone through before coming here and after. Not only that but you are still a pup which makes it even more impressive what you have overcome. I do wish that I could have met your parents since they did such a good job teaching you right from wrong.*

As they walked into the office Golden sent to one of his staff, *Bring me some permon juice and an ale for me.* "Come Hands have a seat and relax. We can talk in here and we won't be bothered. I have some refreshments being brought to us." He urged Hands towards a couch before settling down in a different one. Even though he didn't really think about it two females came in. One settled down next to Golden and the other Hands.

"Hello Hands I am Spring Dream and one of the Pack Lords ladies. Let me offer you some comfort while you talk to Golden." She wrapped an arm around Hands and gave him a good hug. He might not realize it but she was an avatar from the Goddess who worked for the Pack Lord. Hands needed help and she had been asked to give him some support.

Hands leaned against her and for some reason instinctively relaxed, *Thank you and I need it.* "Golden what do I do? How do I deal with what I was saying? I don't know who I am anymore." The warmth from the woman was helping him to relax. Why he wasn't sure but she was.

Golden wrapped an arm around the female next to him and he took a sip of the ale he now had, "Hands what you are experiencing is something we all do at one point or another. Not as extreme but we all have to grow and change. It isn't always easy though nothing like what you have gone through. As the Goddess told Ray anyone who is important has to be tested. The Pack Lord has tested you and has found you worthy." He looked out a window for a moment, "It is never easy for those chosen but believe me when I say you have passed. What is happening currently is simply the results of the testing."

Hands decided to change the subject, "Pack Father how do I handle... Damn it I am just a kid. How the hell can I decided on the fate of a person? It is hard enough to deal with being a Pack Father. Now I am dealing with adult stuff and what, no how do I deal with it?"

The female shifted and drew him closer to her, "Pack Father Strong Hands I am going to tell you once this current issue is over you will be able to return to being as much of a pup as possible. The testing is over and done. You will have time to recover, deal with your pack, grow, and become who you are supposed to be. Now relax, go to sleep and wake up feeling better." Her voice softened and with a faint touch Hands fell asleep.

She looked at Golden, "When he wakes he is going to be back at the property with Toes. Don't interfere and all will be well." She looked down at Hands as she gently stroked his face, "The Pack Lord and Goddess are pleased with you and Hands." There was a slight surge and she twitched and then a slight snicker, "Poor Hands, he is going to be horrified. I will talk to you later." The two of them faded from view.

Golden rolled his eyes since he knew his Pack Lord's sense of humor. He wasn't going to ask and was going to wait. Considering what happened to Ray he wasn't even going to guess what was going to happen to Hands, "Damn you, what are you doing?" He hadn't talked to the Pack Lord for some time.


Misty had been so glad that she and Skye had been able to come to the trial even if it had been short. Both of them had needed the time away from the Temple. For Skye, Misty knew it was related to dealing with not just the Folician issue but also from helping Misty. For a brief moment, she considered asking if she could go home with Ray but her other half was calling. She had to go back and help. It wasn't an option as far as she was concerned, *Well Skye shall we go back and see what is on the schedule?*

Skye turned so she was facing Misty and pulled her into a good hug, *We will and I can feel this impacting on you. I love you Misty and you are a special girl as well as a Trainee I can respect.* She gave her a good kiss and lightly nuzzled her neck for a moment before turning and capturing one of Misty's arms. The two of them walked to the transport they had come in and ended up settling down off to one side and relaxing somewhat.

When they did reach the temple, they stepped out and after checking their implants headed to the supplicant's section. The flow of those in need had slowed down somewhat but that was relative. There were still many who needed help. When they walked in they were stopped by one of the Liraque.

She reached over and stroked both of their faces, *You will be on until dinner time and then you will report to your Pack tomorrow Misty. Skye will go with you as well as the rest of your section. It has been arranged. All of you are being stressed more than normal. Before you complain the rest of the trainee's are starting to cycle through days off. Now go and do what you have been doing.* She stroked their cheeks one more time before turning and urging them towards the stations they had been managing.

Misty couldn't help but lean into the touch, *Thank you Liraque. I am not sure I could handle another day at the moment. After a day or maybe two at the most I will be back. This is my calling and what I have to do.* She looked at the woman before moving away along with Skye.

The Liraque gave her a warm smile, *Spoken like a true Liraque. We do tend to see our people at their most stressed but keep getting called back since we can help them.* She gave her an additional stroke of her hand before letting go.

It was hard to step back into what they had been doing but both feel the need of the others calling them. It was going to be a long rest of the day but they could do it. This was their calling and they had to respond.


Toes, Thunder, and the others arrived shortly before lunch. When they walked in they found most of the pups were not in the room. This included the Liraque Trainee's, they had to smile when a message pinged their implants. It indicated they were now back in school. Since Hands' pack wasn't being trained as Liraque at the moment they were all in full time school. Everyone felt it was a good idea since it would hopefully help the other pups to strive to do the best they could.

Toes looked around to see if he could locate Singer and found her curled up next to an older female asleep. He looked over at the woman and sent her a message, *Let me know when she wakes up please. We do need to talk further.*

Spring looked over when Toes contacted her and nodded, *I will let her know. She is pretty stressed right now but we talked and I think it helped. It might be a good idea of you had a private meal with her. I can see about arranging it if you want.*

He looked across the room at Spring and gave her a slight nod, *That is a good idea and thank you. I have some other things to take care of but contact me when she wakes.* He turned towards Thunder and contacted her, High Tower, Kyth, and Savory as well as several of the senior females, *Since we didn't get the meeting this morning we will have it shortly. Come to my office as soon as possible.*

Kyth turned towards Toes, *Salty talked to me about something which we need to discuss. It deals with Gentle Rain. I am going to have her come to the meeting towards the end. It will be just before lunch so it shouldn't be a problem.*

Toes wondered what it was about but decided not to ask, *That is fine. I do want to know if it is something urgent or might impact on the pack though.* Since Gentle Rain was a pack father it very well could impact on this pack. He had talked to the pup a number of times and each time came away wanting to beat the crap out of someone. Rain was a good young man but he had been so suppressed it was going to take a long time for him to recover. That was assuming he ever really did recover. In his own way, he had been as hurt as Singer had been. His natural instincts as a Pack Father had been squashed and denigrated so much that now he... Toes took a slow deep breath before he started getting angry again.

Kyth, she had left the training when she felt Toes arrive, debated on what to say, *Salty knows what he is as do I. Actually, most of the older girls have figured it out since we have been living with Hands for so long. It is in relation to his being a pack father which she needs to talk to us about.* She wasn't going to say anything else.

Toes wanted to sigh but instead he turned and handed out a few hugs, *We will talk later about it.* The need of the pack for even a brief hug during the day had become obvious since they were hugging Hands as well. Even High Tower was getting a large number of hugs. They were starting to calm down though.

One thing Toes had made a point of was to start integrating the Harem into the normal Pack routine. It was hard on the older males since it honestly scared them but the younger males were starting to adjust some. Thunder had been spending a fair amount of time comforting and talking to the older males in the Harem as well. As far as he could tell it was going to take a long time before the pack really started integrating and started feeling normal again.

If he could he would ask for a few more Liraque but they were being strained beyond belief at the moment. He had talked with Golden several times and Golden hadn't pulled any punches. The entire temple system was being strained more than it had been in recorded history. Golden had also informed him they had been using trainee's as young as fifteen for some of the work showed that. Hopefully after the trials things would calm down but for the moment they were working as hard as possible if not harder.

Even the Pack Lord's priests were getting involved and there were far fewer of them than any other priest or priestess out there. Toes didn't know the actual figures but from what he understood with seventeen females to a male that worked out to just under two million males on the planet. Of the males, it was almost seventeen to one males to Pack Fathers which meant there were just over one hundred thousand. That meant there was only one hundred thousand Pack Fathers for thirty million females. The numbers might not sound too bad but that was one hundred thousand Pack Fathers of all ages. Many were either too young to work effectively or to old also. That cut the numbers down to maybe fifty or seventy thousand pack fathers for thirty million females. Of the viable pack fathers only a slight number were drawn to be Pack Lord Priests. There might be five thousand on the planet if that.

Yes, that number was somewhat skewed since of the females a goodly number were pups which weren't as impacted but it still meant very few Pack Fathers to support all the females. Just looking at this pack there was about seventeen males of which one was a pack father. Of the females, the numbers were a bit skewed since there were more than twenty adult females to one adult male. It wasn't a huge pack by any means but with the numbers it showed how things had been impacted by the birth rates.

Now looking at the Liraque's it was even worse since there was maybe one Liraque per five hundred females. That meant there were only about sixty thousand Liraque and Liraque-trainee's on the planet. A fair portion were assigned to senior positions in the government and military. A good number were contract Liraque as well. That left the balance as temple Liraque and pups.

Now with Ray having had seventeen male pups with his pack did give hope but even with that it was going to take time. They had to grow up before they could even begin becoming sexually active so they were looking at eighteen years for them. Now with the pups, male and female, from the trips to earth the first few generations were now sexually active. They were starting to lean back towards the seven to one female to male ratio. Currently it was about ten to one but of the males there had been several pack fathers born. It did give them hope that it would change.

An idea occurred to him and he smiled for a moment, *Dancer, Golden, something you might want to think about is doing a news presentation on some of what Ray told us. You know, from his time in the past and why the birth rates are so skewed. I might make a comment about no we aren't going to need to kidnap a number of human males... It will give people hope.*

Dancer had been relaxing in her office with Melody curled up next to her. She needed the contact and so did Melody. When Toes sent that to her she couldn't help the slow smile which graced her face, *That is a damn good idea Toes. I do agree going to kidnap a number of human males might not be the best idea... It might make our males pout and that would be horrible.* That last but was to tease Toes slightly, *We might need to consider seeing if a few human females might want to come here though. I have a feeling we need both male and female human DNA to resolve the issue. Thank you Toes and this would definitely distract the population.*


Speedy and Calm were in his bed again and Simon had made his decision. Tomorrow he was going to talk to the Captain and let her know. His time on the ship was almost over and it was time to face the firing squad. No Simon wasn't in the same position Ray had been in by being a Pack Father but he had grown to care for the Folician's. They were for the most part good people and rather enjoyable to get to know. Simon had been having a great deal of fun getting to know the females on the ship.

Unlike Ray he had made a point of meeting a few of the males and had enjoyed talking to them. For some reasons the males were almost shocked when Simon had walked into their section. It hadn't taken him long to realize that very few if any of the human males had wanted to get to know them. When he had talked to Fury she had indicated it was both because the humans didn't bother to ask and they had been kept from the Folician males.

That had sent Simon to really talk to Fury and he hadn't quite demanded records of the human males but it had been close. It had taken some time before he had found much of what Ray had. Most of the other human males had been chosen because they wouldn't be missed. That had gotten some growls from him, not about the humans, but the types the Folician's had dealt with. It wasn't anything to do with 'bad' DNA in anyway but that many of them weren't the best humans out there.

That had caused one of the few outbursts from him. He had pointedly told Fury what those types were worth. If they wanted to start bringing humans to the home world they were going to have to make better choices. Since he had grown to care for many of the females he had spent time with he didn't want them bringing the wrong type home. Hell, Simon had even written a rather long and detailed report on why this wasn't a good idea, the way they had been doing it.

While he lay there thinking he couldn't help but wonder if Ray had done as much deep thinking? It seemed like for the last two weeks all he had been doing was thinking, well when he wasn't having sex. Simon had a feeling both females were awake though they might be drowsing, "Speedy I need an appointment with the Captain tomorrow at some point. I have a few things to talk to her about." He turned his head and kissed her hair.

"Calm I have thought long and hard about your question about my not looking for a mate. I lost my wife, or mate as you put it, a number of years ago. I loved her so very deeply and it really hurt when I lost her. It hurt enough that I decided that at my age I wasn't going to look for another relationship like that again. It might be the coward's way but the thought of that pain happening again was too much." It did hurt to say that but she had asked.

Speedy didn't bother replying to him since he had started talking to Calm. She did send a message to the Captain with the request. She wasn't sure what it was going to be but she hoped he would go back with them. She did like him and he was an enjoyable person to be around.

Calm was resting partially on his chest and listened to what he had to say. They had talked a fair amount during his time aboard the ship. She knew that by human standards he was reasonably old, in his 60's but to them that was still young. Since most of them lived to close to two hundred human years he was young. To him he was getting up there in age. She didn't move as she sent to him, *Simon I am sorry you lost your mate. I have known others who have and it is always hard. That is especially true when they were together for a very long time.*

She moved closer to him and urged him to roll on his side. Calm tucked Simon's head into her chest and wrapped her arms around him, *It takes time to get over the loss of someone you cared for so much. Let us comfort you and help you. You much as, from what I understand, Ray are one of the most cared for humans. There have been others but it has been some time. Come to Folician and see what it is like. Meet Ray's pack and even Strong Hands' pack.* She frowned slightly, *I mean who used to be Xavier, he was renamed after reaching Folicia. Let us comfort you and be with you. You don't have to have a mate to be part of the pack.*

Simon did roll towards her and rested his forehead against her chest. When he did one arm curled around her side and Simon let her warmth sooth him. Behind him he felt Speedy curl up against his back and press her muzzle against his neck. Talking about this had been so hard for him. Even with his children he hadn't been able to express it. He was trying to take slow deep breaths as he was being held. The comment about Xavier didn't matter at the moment. He was struggling to keep from breaking down.

Calm started stroking his hair and back even as Speedy was resting a hand on his hip, *This is what being part of a pack is about. Sorrow shared is sorrow embraced. Ray knows this as does Hands. It is something humans have trouble with. Let us help you.*

Simon wrapped his arm a bit more securely around her and he couldn't help it but tears started. He had been hiding this so deep down he hadn't realized he had never really mourned for his Jean. Yes, Simon had cried and had mourned but deep down he hadn't let go of her.

Speedy sent out a message to the females he had spent time with and were pregnant with his pups. They slowly came into the room and settled down around the three of them. They couldn't all fit on the bed even as large as it was but they could be there for him.


When Hands did wake up he lay there staring at the ceiling in the room he was in. Eventually he finally sat up and to be honest he actually felt decent. His memory was clear of the entire time he had spent with Golden. Even though they hadn't talked much, Hands felt better.

He rolled off the bed and stretched and realized he was feeling better. Hands had a feeling that the Pack Lord or maybe the Goddess had done something to help. He had a feeling it was the Pack Lord since ultimately, he was the one Hands would look towards. Once he stretched he stood and walked out of the room as he was looking for the rest of his pack.

With one last yawn he turned towards Toes' current office and walked in, "Hey, what is going on? Sorry but I really needed to talk to Golden." Hands wasn't all there since he was tired wasn't quite all there.

Everyone turned to look at him and Savory's eyes widened and launched herself at him, "Oh god that is such a cute look on you, Hands." She nuzzled one of his ears even as Kyth came over and wrapped her arms around him as well.

"Oh man, Hands this really is a real you. Ray was cute and all but you are ours." She attacked his other ear.

Hands was starting to freak out as the two girls almost assaulted him, "Uh, what is going on?" He was looking at Toes, and the others in the room with concern on his face. Hands went down under the assault of Savory and Kyth in shock. He had no idea what they were going on about. As they were kissing him and licking his ears he was wiggling and trying to get away, "What the heck? Stop it that tickles, girls..." He was finally able to get free of them and sat up and glowered at them, "What was that for? It wasn't like I was gone that long."

Toes couldn't help but send Hands a picture of what he looked like currently. When Hands received it, it was all Toes could do not to laugh at the horror which crossed his face, "It is a good look for you, Hands. Your Pack Mother and Matriarch seem to appreciate it."

He lifted his hands to his face and started to tentatively touch his face. Hands had to hesitate before really touching it. Just watching his actions made it obvious he wasn't too sure about the changes. He looked similar to Ray but Hands human features showed more through the changes, "I might end up whining at the Pack Lord for this." Hands really didn't sound too sure about the changes.

Savory settled next to him and wrapped an arm around him and nuzzled his cheek, "I think it is a cute look on you. You are a cute boy either way and if you ask the Pack Lord to change you back I will understand." She didn't even think when she nipped his ear lightly.

Hands' ears stood up and he turned pink, "No nipping girl. I am still getting used to this idea." Just for good measure he crossed his arms and pouted at Thunder and Toes. It was obvious they were trying not to laugh at him.

Kyth settled down on his other side and leaned against him, "It is a really cute look on you. The gray ears against the black hair looks really good." When he started pouting she couldn't resist lifting a hand and tickled under his chin.

Thunder was having trouble keeping her expression under control also. Frankly she wanted to pet his ears and give him a good cuddle as well. Instead she simply leaned against High Tower and rubbed her muzzle against his shoulder. Now that she was an adult she had been enjoying spending some time with him. She had also been spending time with some of the young females as well. To the best of her knowledge Singer hadn't been. Then again Thunder didn't expect Singer would at the moment.

Toes couldn't help but smile at Hands though he had to wonder what had prompted this, "Well now that you girls have that out of the way shall we get back to the meeting? The Instructor has some information for us. Several of the senior pack females would like to talk to us as well." There was definite amusement as he was speaking.

Hands glared at Toes since he knew he was being laughed at. Before he realized it, he growled and then barked at him. Much like Ray Hands was startled. He tried barking and growling for a short time before starting to grin, "Well maybe some aspects aren't too bad. Shall we get started?"

Savory couldn't help but giggle at him as he was growling and barking. It was just too cute so just to be silly she growled and barked back at him much to the amusement of the others. Kyth even joined in for a few moments before the three finally stopped.

*Toes, I don't wish to sound like I am trying to wimp out but do we need to be here for this? I am not a member of this pack and neither are Kyth or Savory.* He might be much better but he didn't want to have to deal with this. Hands needed to focus on the upcoming trial since he was going to be involved no matter what.

Toes gave Hands a slight smile, *I completely understand. Go and relax. Try not to get cuddled to death though.* He didn't need Hands there since Hands was probably going to be heading back to the temple soon, "If I need you three I will contact you." Once they had left he turned to the Instructor and they started talking.


Singer finally woke up and yawned as she sat up. When she did wake up she was still being held by Spring and she gave her a shy look, "Thank you Spring; it did help to talk to you." Singer could feel honest concern coming from Spring and it felt really good.

Spring gave her a light squeeze before she moved her arm, *Singer as I said I am here for you if you want. If it helps, try and think of me as an aunt and you can come to me any time to talk. If you want Toes came in a short time ago and I think he started the morning meeting.* If the young woman wanted to remain Spring could keep comforting her.

Singer sat there and looked around the room. She had a huge decision to make and to be honest Singer wasn't sure if she was up to it. Since she still wasn't comfortable with the send she kept speaking, "Thank you Spring and I am going to find Toes and see what they are talking about." Before Singer stood she turned and gave the woman a good hug. For now, she was going to put off the decision since even if she decided to accept Toes offer she had several years of training beforehand.

She headed to the office Toes had taken over. When she was almost to the office she stopped, and gaped at Hands. Singer knew it was Hands based on his robes and Pack Father necklace, "Um, hi..." After considering his expression, she decided not to give him a hug, "Talk to you later." With a great deal of will power she moved past the three and into the office.

Her shock was obvious enough that those in the office had to cover their mouths. Toes held his arms out to her in an invitation. She slowly moved over and settled down in his lap, *I figured I should at least listen to what is going on. I don't know if I can add much but I can listen and learn.* Toes she was more comfortable using the send with for some reason, "Please continue."

The Instructor gave her a polite nod, "I am going to do a brief overview for Singer and then continue. As I was saying the results are..." It wasn't a good report since almost across the board all the pups, male and female, were below the world standards. Even worse the male pups were even below most of the harem males of similar ages.


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