The Broken Crow

By Gon_Forever

35.6K 1.2K 795

In this world, there are two kinds of people; humans and hybrids. Hybrids are humans with some kind of animal... More

Chapter 0-Prelude
Chapter 1-Backstory
Chapter 2-Reunion
Chapter Three - Teamwork
Chapter 4 - Conversation
Chapter 5 - Cornered
Chapter 6 - Gone

Chapter 7 - That

2.4K 98 104
By Gon_Forever

Warning: this chapter will contain mature themes such as different kinds of violence. Although it is not incredibly explicit or gory, there is serious abuse. If you are sensitive to these kinds of things, please skip to the author's note at the end of the chapter and I will include a very brief summary. I do not wish to trigger traumatizing memories or emotions.

Hinata wakes with a sharp throb at the back of his head. On instinct he attempts to rub it, but can't quite reach it. With a flare of pain he glances behind his back to see his hands bound together, which is also tied to some kind of pipe. A bit excessive, the crow thinks, but whatever. His feet are in a similar situation. Hinata peers around the room, trying to assess the situation, though the constant ache makes it somewhat difficult to think, surprisingly. The room is rather dark, illuminated with a single light bulb. There appears to be a few windows, but they are all covered by trash bags. Various types supplies, such as sporting equipment and cleaning utensils, line the walls. Looks like he's in some sort of storage shed or something.

Now that the room has been analyzed, the small prisoner tries to remember exactly why he is in this situation. Though his mind is still a bit fuzzy, he starts to retrace his steps. He left home on his bike, just like normal. He arrived at school and stashed his bike, as he does everyday. He went to class, as he was obligated to do. He went to go get lunch, as per usual. Some guys blocked his way and pushed him into a corner, harassing him; pretty average. Then he... Then he got hit in the back of the head. One of the guys shoved something into his face and... And, he woke up here.

The full brunt of his situation finally dawns on Hinata. One could practically hear the blood drain from his face. He was honest to goodness kidnapped. The familiar sensation of panic begins its strangling hold. Breathing becomes more difficult than it should as the beat of his heart elevates to a near painful level. Out of all the years that he's had these hideous, malformed wings,  this is the first time the hybrid has been abducted. The bullies in this school are a lot more extreme than he first thought. Up until now there has only been the usual annoyingly loud whispers and the typical cold shoulder. He should have known something bigger was coming, but Hinata was lulled into a sense of false security by his natural optimism. Honestly, how many more times is he going to let hope get the better of him? But if it wasn't for volleyball and that naive hope, he would be a shell of a person, at best. Dead, at worst.

Oh God, he wasn't going to die here, was he? Black spots dance around the already dark room. Bile bites at the back the throat and a sudden wave of lightheadedness washes over him. What is he going to do? What can he do? Screaming for help is an option, but what if the perpetrator is outside the door? Oh God, what would they do their prisoner? What do they even want? If they were going to beat Hinata up, they would have just done it already instead of going through all this trouble. Oh God, they're going to kill him. They're going to kill him and dump is body in some ditch. That's why they kidnapped him, to kill him. The crow vomits, painting the ground and a bit of his shorts. There is no resistance left in him to halt the various fluids streaming down his face. Drawing his knees to his chest, Hinata tries his best to curl into nothingness, despite the restraints.

Dammit, why is it always him! Why does he have to be tormented and now murdered while assholes like Kageyama and all the bullies get away scot-free in life. Just because someone is different than everyone that person has to be tortured and killed. He didn't ask for this. He didn't ask for these damned wings. He didn't ask for the years of sleepless nights, the endless nightmares, a lifetime of isolation.

It's not fair, dammit.

Tears come even faster.

It's just not fair.

The chocked down sobs start slipping out.

"It's not fair," Hinata cracks out, curling smaller still.

"You're right," calls a voice. Hinata bolts upright, a new wave of panic flooding through. A dark figure that was hiding in the corner steps forward. It comes close enough to be illuminated by the dim light. What Hinata previously thought was a punching bag is actually a human, and most likely the person behind his abduction. The new person seems to be of average stature with an average haircut and average appearance save for a small, dark birth mark on the side of his face; the kind of guy that is simply just another face in the crowd. Or so it looks at first glance, but Hinata can tell that there's something different about this human, something fundamentally wrong. There is a certain gleam in those brown eyes of his that makes the crow's instincts scream to flee. The grin on his face sends a heart-stopping chill through Hinata.

"Life is unfair," the kidnapper purrs, prowling closer to his prey. "But that's why you spring for the opportunities that it presents." Fingers slowly trail the trembling body like a lover's caress, starting at the cheek and gently, ever so gently making they're way to the back. They trace the gnarled nubbins of what should have been wings lovingly, longingly. Hinata shivers, restraining a whimper. Had it been a different situation he might have enjoyed the sensation, but right now he was silently cursing his sensitive wings.

The human senses the movement. His grin broadens further, delighted with the discovery. No doubt to use it against him, Hinata thinks. The feather light touch becomes firmer as the bully adds his other hand, leaning in closer, only centimeters away from his captive's face. Unable to resist the pleasurable feeling Hinata bits down on a groan as he squirms. This continues for a few moments, increasing the tension of the already strained atmosphere. By the time it ends it takes all of the crow's focus to prevent himself from being aroused. Who knows what the other would do if he saw his victim with a pitched tent. Pants, one soft from exhaustion and the other husky with lust, fill the room. Before pulling away the human nips the tip of Hinata's nose, resulting in a yelp of surprise from the latter.

"I've always loved broken things," he starts, still huffing like he could barely restrain himself. His intense stare deeply unnerves Hinata. "As a kid I would always tinker with my toys, dismantling and sometimes reshaping them. I started mutilating stray animals when I was in middle school." A reminiscent smile comes over him as a haze clouds his eyes. "I could never decide which was better: their howls of pain when I started of their soft death whimpers when I was done." Icy tremors rack Hinata's body as the other shivers in ecstasy. A psychopath. He managed to get kidnapped by a full blown psychopath. Of all the things that could have happened to him, this is it? The crow decides that he definitely has the worst luck in the world.

The crazy human's eyes come back into focus and once again shifts to his little caged bird. His expression would send any sane person running for the hill. "Out of all my experiences you are by far the most beautiful though." Gaze drifting to the crippled wings, he slowly approaches once more. Hinata scrambles back as far as he can, slamming his back into the wall. Sweat mixes with tears as he frantically shakes his head, but the kidnapper still advances. Kneeling, he leans forward and sweetly whispers into Hinata's ear.

"I'm going to enjoy breaking you." Every muscle of his tiny frame locks. He has to get out. He has to get out or this maniac will have him begging, pleading for death. And when--if--he gets out, he will never again complain about how rude and blunt Kageyama is. Heck, Hinata would probably be so ecstatic to just see his grumpy face that he'd kiss the guy. Because even a Kageyama on his worst day is as cuddly as a kitten compared to the sociopath before him. The crow glances at the door, some small part naively hoping that the fellow crow had miraculously heard his thoughts. The door remains closed. Not for long, though; but it doesn't reveal the savior Hinata was silently praying for.

Two more humans enter through the doorway. They are far less generic looking than their leader. One has the face of a bulldog with the body of a gorilla. He sports a well suited crew cut. Clearly either a sports club member or a fitness maniac. Hinata is concerned about him almost as much as the crazy guy. A punch from bullrilla (get it? Bulldog and gorilla?) is bound to hurt, to say the least. The other is, astonishingly, a girl. Her blond hair is short, just like her stature. A star accented hair tie keeps a few strands secure. For some reason she is shaking almost as much as Hinata. Her eyes keep darting around, as if uncertain where to look.

The leader nods his head, back to his composed state. A small glance back at Hinata shows the obvious lingering desire. Mr. Buff Guy smiles wickedly, winking at the terrified girl next to him. While whispering into her ear he turns her back to the entrance. Hastily nodding her head she quickly excuses herself. Bullrilla stares after her with his own obvious desire before refocusing on the tied-up bird. His face contorts with an emotion that is different, but just as horrifying as what the leader had shown Hinata moments before. The smaller human inclines his head slightly. A feral smile twists the larger human's expression further. He approaches his soon to be victim gleefully. Eyes roam over the small body, like he is deciding what would inflict the most pain. The hybrid shrinks under the gaze, praying to whatever gods might hear him.

The first blow is unannounced and excruciating. It hits right at the arm joint, nearly popping the head out of the glenoid cavity. A scream rips through the unprepared receiver. The next strike comes a few moments after, landing on the now unprotected stomach. Bile splutters over Hinata's lips. Bullrilla only increases the intensity from here. Between the pain and punches the crow finds it difficult to breath. He is positive that his screams can be heard by anyone within at least a three hundred meter range, but nobody comes. The cracks of his bones seem just as loud. This is it. This is how they kill him; by bludgeoning him to death. What a way to go out.

After a few minutes that felt like hours, the fists finally stop. No part of Hinata's body was spared, with the exception on his back since it was protected by the wall. Thankfully, that means his wings were untouched as well. If they weren't, a whole new level of agony would have been experienced.

The butcher steps back, admiring his work. Blood coats Hinata's face from his split lip and possibly broken nose. Bruises are forming already. Pain is hardly a fitting word for the feeling radiating from almost every crevice of his body. Blissfully sweet unconsciousness hovers nearby. The sadistic leader also appears pleased, orgasmic even. He quickly dismisses his pawn who happily obliges, satisfied for the day.

"Heh," Hinata rasps, "sending your lackey away already? He hasn't finished me off yet." The crow doesn't know what possessed him to say that. Maybe all of his sense was just beaten out of him, or perhaps it is the fact that he has accepted the fact that no one is going to save him. It could be a mixture of the two. Either way, caution has been thrown to the wind. The psychopath smirks, which still unsettles Hinata.

"Oh no, my sweet pet," he starts, his voice as smooth as honey. "I don't want to kill you. I have much better things planned." A lust filled shine enters his eyes once more. The human advances, unbuckling his pants. Now fully aware of what those alternate plans are, Hinata yells and begs for the horny boy to stop. He could take being bullied, beaten, kidnapped, and maybe even being killed; but this is a special kind of hell that the crow is not sure his mental state can survive. Despite the pleads for mercy the tormentor shucks off his lower garments, leaving him half naked in a way Hinata has never wanted to see. If anything the shouts appear to make him more arroused. While licking the blood off of the struggling bird's face he begins to undress his unwilling partner.

Not knowing what else to do, Hinata continues to scream at his assaulter to desist. His voice reaches a new octave as the human plays with the squirming boy's nipples. One hand lazily trails downwards, plunging into the undergarment to find the treasure hidden within. The crow sobs in despair, still trying to somehow escape the situation. Becoming greedier the human locks the fluffball's lips with his own, darting a tongue over the bleeding split. Desperate and vengeful, Hinata bits those insulting lips. The boy pulls away looking amused at the resistance, but also slightly annoyed. As punishment he pulls down the hybrid's pants, underwear and all. Said hybrid flushes from anger and embarrassment. However, his attention is drawn back to the human as he retrieves something from the pocket of his pants. Thinking it was the blade from earlier, Hinata flinches.

"It is ok, pet," the crazed boy chuckles. "It is lube. Don't want your first time to hurt you too badly, or else it might lead to problems the next time we do this." He smirks, shaking the bottle of strawberry scented lube. This is even worse than the blade, Hinata decides. The human goes to work lubricating both his private part and the corresponding hole that it will go into. Hinata sobs louder, screams louder, begs louder, struggles harder; doing anything that might get this to end.

"Are you ready," he asks, already in position.

Hinata shakes his head vigorously.

"Too bad," he replies as he thrusts himself inside.


"Where is he." Wind rushes by but Kageyama can't hear anything over his thundering heart.

Without rest he has scoured both the campus and the surrounding area for where his fellow crow could possibly be. The relentless search drained most, if not all of his strength but he simply won't stop until Hinata is found. The force driving him would not let him.

Breaths comes in labored gasps. Blood pounds in his head. His wings continuously buckle. Primal instinct demands a break. Yet Kageyama keeps going. One second spent on resting is one second that Hinata loses.

A wild bird suddenly collides into the distracted hybrid. Such a small force is enough to send his exhausted body hurtling towards the ground. Unable to gather the wits to control his descent, he tumbles through the air. A few trees break his fall and he lands awkwardly on his side, an unfortunate wing managing to find its way between the grass and the body. Kageyama barely contains his scream. He takes a few moments to compose himself. It is not the first time he has fallen, not by a long shot, but it is the first time he has landed on a wing. And man are those things sensitive.

"Fuck," the crow pants. Arms shaking from the effort, he attempts to pry himself off of the ground. It takes a few tries, one of which resulted with him falling onto his wing again, but he eventually sits up. He flexes his injured wing slightly and immediately regrets it. Gingerly, he places the large, limp wing in his lap. As carefully as he can bear, he inspects the glossy limb. There is no blood or bone sticking out, thankfully. It's probably either a serious sprain or a bruised bone, maybe even a fracture. Since there is no risk of bleeding out, Kageyama decides to postpone further inspection in favor of continuing his search for Hinata. He cradles the wing in one arm and uses the other as support as he slowly, and unsteadily stands up. As he shambles along the school campus a thought occurs to him, causing the corner of his mouth to twitch.

"Guess I'm a broken crow now too," he jokes to himself.


Darkness isn't so bad, Hinata thinks. He used to be terrified of it, thinking that there were monsters lurking in it that wanted to get him. Now one of those monsters has taught him the wonders of it. People can hide themselves from the world. They can curl into balls, hide and disappear forever. Exactly what Hinata is currently doing in the corner of the shed.

The humans left some time ago, unshackling him before they went for some reason. Not like Hinata moved much even with the shackles off. He didn't have the energy or the will to do much of anything. If breathing wasn't an automatic process he wouldn't have done that either. For minutes, or maybe hours after he was left alone the crow just stared at the door. For once his life he had nothing to say, nor a thought in his head. He was...empty. Even more of a shell of a hybrid than he was before. Zombies had more life in their eyes than him.

Eventually Hinata mustered the strength to straighten his cloths. Both his pants and shirt was covered in vomit and blood and other bodily fluids. He couldn't bring himself to care. His phone rattled onto the floor. The human didn't even take it out of his pants pocket. He stared at it absently, considering whether or not to call someone. The time read 5:32 p.m. He had 29 missed calls. His mom must have been worried. He should have called her, or the police, or the school, or anyone at all. Instead he simply left it where it fell and crawled over to the corner he now lays and curled into himself, too tired for tears.

Hinata doesn't know how long he has been in this position, but he doesn't care. He could stay here until he dies of dehydration and he still would not care. That sounds nice, he thinks. No one would mind. His mom would be relieved; she wouldn't have to feel guilty every time she looks at him. His dad hates him anyway; it was obvious in the way he avoids him. Natsu probably doesn't even really like him; she'll forget soon enough. Kageyama would definitely be thrilled that he doesn't have to deal with such a stupid hybrid. The club would be happy to have a troublemaker out of their hair. No one at school even talked to him. Yeah, everyone would be happier if he just stayed here. He'll just stay here forever.

Hinata hears the creak of the door. Curious to see if the humans came back to finally finish him off, he glances up. Surprise, the first emotion he's felt since before he was left alone, bulldozes him. Anger soon follows. In the doorway stands the exact person who he had called for a few hours earlier, a lifetime ago. Kageyama peers into the room, squinting. Outside the sun has already set and Hinata's new favorite companion has taken control. With no light besides the dim lightbulb he cannot see the other crow well, but it appears he has one of his wings tucked into his arm. The apparent wound does nothing to diminish the huddled hybrid's rage. Whatever happened to his wing is nothing compared to his pain.

Now he shows up? Now, after the deed has been done and all Hinata wants to do is die, he has the gall to appear. How dare he. HOW DARE HE! How dare he show himself only after Hinata's hope had been ground to dust and scattered to the wind. He glares at the giant bird, silently seething.

"Hinata?" Kageyama calls out. His voice is hoarse and saturated with desperation. "Are you there?" Suspicion flickers through Hinata. Was he looking for him? Hinata doubts it. If he was really looking for him, he would have been found a lot sooner. He was missing since lunch after all. The internally raving crow remains silent.

Kageyama slowly enters the room. He has a noticeable limp. In the light a few more injuries become visible. His face is slightly scratched up and bruised. A blooming black eye adorns the right side of his face. Still, Hinata is sure he looks a lot worse. The setter looks around the room methodically, careful not to miss anything. His face brightens when his eyes catch the small crow hidden in the corner.

"Hinata!" he shouts incredibly. For the first time in a long time he smiles in relief. With the unoccupied arm outstretched he walks towards the end of his search as fast as he can manage. "Thank the Gods. I--we've been looking everywhere for you." Kageyama continues to blather cheerfully, unaware of the mounting tension. Hinata has unfurled himself and is now pressing into the corner further. Flashbacks of that and that guy rush through his head. All sorts of different emotions rage war within him, yanking the crow back and forth like a game of tug-a-war. The main competitors are fear and fury. Anger at Kageyama for failing to save him, and terror at the thought of being touched again by anyone. A headache pounds and breaths become shorter and shorter. Yet the oncoming hybrid is so caught up in his joy that he still does not notice that it is not all roses and peaches. His outstretched hand comes closer and closer to the cornered Hinata, almost touching him now.

"STOP!" Hinata screams. Kageyama is so startled that he almost falls. He steps back to catch himself and finally sees that something is not right. Hinata is clutching at his hair, tears in his eyes, near hysteria. He flinches when Kageyama reaches for him.

"Hinata, what's-"

"Don't touch me." Hinata stares at Kageyama, fear and disgust mixing with smoldering hatred. Kageyama struggles to see Hinata in the poor lighting, but now he is truly looking at him. Blood coats the crows face, his cloths stained with it along with...other things. Bruises and scabs cover his arms and by the way he holds his chest more can probably be found under his shirt. His legs tremble with the effort of standing. Red marks ring his wrists.

Overwhelming guilt envelopes Kageyama. He takes a few more steps back. This happened because of him. He knew something was wrong in Hinata's class. He should had been with him. He should have looked harder for him today. This is his fault. He may not have done it himself, but through his inaction he might as well have. The crow hangs his head in shame.


He is cut off by a gasp from behind. Before Kageyama can even turn around Suga is rushing past him towards Hinata. The gentle human embraces the broken crow, splintered in so many different ways, before anyone can protest. Said crow blinks in shock, but it soon wears off. He begins thrashing against the hold. Suga tightens his grip, but is careful to not hurt the fragile boy. Realizing that he is not getting anywhere by just flailing around Hinata sink is his teeth into his restrainer's shoulder. The older boy grunts, face contorting, but still refuses to let go.

"It's okay," Suga says, taking on a motherly tone. Hinata freezes at the voice. "You're alive and safe now." Tears begin to well in the crow's eyes, stinging the back of his throat. "It's all going to be okay." At this Hinata finally releases his jaw and starts sobbing in full force. Suga strokes his matted, springy orange hair comfortingly. Tears cloud his vision as well, but he just keeps petting the hair, or probably because of that. The hybrid clings to the human, dragging him down to the floor as his legs finally gave out.

Kageyama stares in awe, wondering how Suga, a human, managed to calm down an almost feral hybrid with no fear while he couldn't do anything. Frustration builds along with the guilt. Why wasn't he able to do anything? Not a single damn thing other than think about himself. How happy he was, how guilty he felt. The setter grinds his teeth, clenching his free hand. Suddenly, a hand lands on his shoulder. Somewhat unsurprisingly the hand belongs to Daichi. The lion hybrid grins approvingly.

"Good job finding him," he praises. Kageyama is about to interject, saying he didn't do anything else, and even that was half-assed. Daichi seems to read his mind, though, and an understanding shine enters his eyes. He glances over to his gray-haired human, his smile growing softer. "I don't think anyone other than Suga could have done that. Suga is just...Suga."

"Okay," Kageyama replies lamely, but he doesn't have the words to articulate what he is feeling right now. Daichi pats his shoulder.



Finally done. I managed to keep my promise, somehow. Sure, it was until the very last moment, but it still counts, right? Man that was tough to write, but yet the second half just kept pouring out. I wrote six pages in one sitting. I'm not kidding either. I'm exhausted. Not physically, just mentally. Please excuse the second half for any error or if it seems rough. Like I said, I wrote it in one sitting. I'll try to edit it tomorrow, but I'm tired and I wanted to keep my promise.

For those that skipped this chapter because of the warning at the beginning, I'll give a summary now. Basically Hinata was kidnapped by a sadistic human who loves broken things. The human was attracted to Hinata's wings, so that's why he kidnapped him. Hinata was then beat up by another human while the first human watched. The sadistic human then rapes Hinata. After their business is done, the human releases Hinata and leaves. Hinata, haven been traumatized, doesn't leave and eventually Kageyama finds him. Hinata goes crazy with fear and anger. Suga then appears and comforts Hinata, calming him down. (I'm not good at summaries, sorry).

Well, that was quite the ride wasn't it? Let me know what you think in the comments, especially your reactions. And if you liked the chapter then maybe, possibly give it a vote? Please? I'd really appreciate it. Either way, I hope you enjoyed. (Maybe not this chapter, but the story overall)

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