Chapter 2-Reunion

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"Do you see those wings?"

"Are those real?"

"Ha, lame."

"I can't believe one of those are at the school. Just our luck."

"I can hear you loud and clear, idiots," Hinata mutters to himself, trying his best to ignore the chatter. It's not like it's anything new, he expected such reactions. He should be immune to the noise by now, but it still gets under his skin. Not a soul goes near him as he makes his way to the second gymnasium where the volleyball club is supposed to meet, as if he was covered by an invisible force field. The thought of finally being able to play with a team again spurs him on and he picks up his pace. By the time he reaches the corridor connecting the main building with the gym, he is full out sprinting. He jumps to the first step and flings the door open, grinning like a clown. The smile is wiped off his face the instant he realizes who else is there.

His beautiful, giant, glossy black wings unfold gracefully in the air. His back is carefully arched, knees bent, feet curled towards his body in the air. His arm makes contact with the ball effortlessly. His form is perfect. Of course it is, he's the King of the Court, the representation of everything Hinata isn't.

He's flying, Hinata thinks for an instant, awestruck. Then the shock sets in, along with confusion and, most of all, anger.

"What are you doing here!?" Hinata yells. Kageyama turns towards the origin of the noise, startled. He didn't expect anyone else to arrive so soon. His eyes rove over the boy so rudely pointing at him. Orange hair, short stature, and stunted crow wings. Kageyama's brain registers who the boy is. That irritating, loud, shitty volleyball player with amazing reflexes and tenacity. The one that wasted all of his skills by not practicing properly. A familiar scowl comes over his face.

"You!" Kageyama shouts in reply. "You're that shitty volleyball player from the tournament ." Hinata fumes at the insult and having his question ignored. If there is one thing that Hinata hates the most, it's being ignored. There's been enough of that to last him a lifetime and a half. He marches over to the fellow crow hybrid, leaving a few inches between them.

"I am not a shitty volleyball player! And don't ignore my question!" Hinata is furious. He was supposed to attend Karasuno, become the next Little Giant, and beat the King of the Court in an official match. He was supposed to prove that he could beat perfection, that he wasn't just some loser freak. But now that last step was stolen from him, all because the King didn't go to an elite school like he was supposed to. How is Hinata supposed to beat him when he's his teammate?

"You were shitty last year," Kageyama scoffs, "and I doubt you've changed now."

"What did you say, bastard!" Hinata screams, grabbing the taller boy's collar and dragging him to his height, staring his light blue eyes down.

"Alright, I think that's enough," a voice commands behind the duo.

Both look towards the newcomer. Three boys stand by the door. On the right is a human with hair shaved close to his scalp. He has a nasty scowl etched into his face, but somehow looks more like an idiot trying to look tough than actually scary. Next to him is a hybrid of some kind. He has black, short hair, but not as short as the other guy. He stands straight with confidence and pride. A tail flicks side to side behind him. If Kageyama were to guess, he would say that he was some kind of wild cat hybrid, and also the owner of the voice. The last one is another human with grayish hair that reaches his ears. He has a kind face and an easygoing smile. Hinata automatically likes him the best out of the three. He seems like he'll be the easiest one to get along with, and the least likely to torment him about his wings.

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