Chapter Three - Teamwork

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Hinata looks through the window longingly, watching the team practice. His cheeks puff out slightly in a pout. He should be in there with the team, practicing spikes and showing them his skills; not out here with a foul-mouthed, short-tempered, grump of a king. He hasn't so much as look at Hinata since they got kicked out. When Kageyama called the captain back out, he even had the gall to tell the hybrid that he'd rather do everything himself than work with Hinata. Clearly rejected, the brute King is currently pacing back and forth restlessly. Hinata glares at him, silently blaming him for their dilemma.

Why did he have to go to Hinata's school? If he wasn't here, Hinata would already be the ace. Well, maybe not, but he would be inside the gym practicing with the team at the very least. He stick his tongue out at Kageyama's back before returning his gaze back to the window. This is just Hinata's luck. He manages to get into his dream school, only to be kicked out of the club the very first day. With his sworn rival no less. Could this day get any worse?

"Come over here," the King beckons. Yes, Hinata decides, his day could very well get worse.

"What?" Hinata barks, giving the crow his undivided attention but refusing to take a step towards him. If the selfish bird wants to talk to him, he can come to him. It's a subtle defiance, but one none the less.

"I said," Kageyama growls through gritted teeth, "come over here." Hinata scoffs at the demand but jumps down from the window anyway, rolling his eyes along the way. He stops short of the boy, far enough away to say that he has no intention of acting friendly with him, but close enough to show that he isn't afraid. Hinata's dealt with bullies plenty of times before, and it's better to act confident than to display fear, no matter how terrified he may be. Naturally, he's gotten pretty good at acting tough through the years. Dealing with a selfish crow's tantrum is easy in comparison to his past incidents. Hinata crosses his arms and shifts his weight to one leg, impatient and annoyed.

"So?" Hinata asks, rolling his wrist in a gesture to continue. Hinata's attitude ticks Kageyama off, but he pushes it aside for now. Now isn't the time, he can get his revenge later.

"Let's challenge the upperclassmen to a match," Kageyama suggests. Hinata raises an eyebrow.

"Why?" He asks, not understanding the point. Kageyama's eye twitches in irritation. How stupid can this kid be? Guess his brain is as stunted as his wings and height. The impatient ravenette takes a deep breath, calming himself the best he can. Hinata rolls his eyes once again at the dramatic display. That King gets worked up over the most trivial things.

"If we beat them in a match, it'll make them think we can work together," Kageyama explains slowly, as if he was talking to a grade schooler. Now it's Hinata's turn to be peeved, not appreciating the condescending tone.

"Ha, you're just bursting with confidence, aren't you," Hinata spits out venomously. "But I guess that's what makes you King of the Court." Kageyama strides across the distance between them, grabbing the shorter boy by his shirt and effortlessly picking him up with one hand. His pupils dilate, brows screw together, and his mouth curls into a snarl. Hinata can tell he's furious, it'd be hard not to, but he doesn't know why. He doesn't think he's done anything to warrant this severe of a reaction, or maybe the crow has a shorter temper than he previously thought.

"Don't ever call me King," Kageyama growls. Hinata cocks his head to the side. 'That's what he's angry about? Kageyama sure is weirder than I thought. Most people would take that as a compliment,' Hinata thinks.

"Why?" Hinata asks aloud, not a hint of malice in his voice. He was simply curious. "It's such a cool nickname!" Kageyama throws Hinata away in frustration. Hinata, thanks to his quick reflexes, lands easily on his feet, but still isn't too thrilled about being thrown around by the temperamental boy. He opens his mouth, ready to start another shouting match, but Kageyama cuts him short.

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