Confessions of a Teen Age Suc...

By NightTimeLovers

29.5K 607 172

Its hard to be immortal. Couple that with the trials of going to high school, having a mortal boyfriend, be... More

First Day of School
New Beginnings
Hunger Sated
The Day After
Sweet Sorrow
The end
2nd book

In the beginning there was only darkness..

5.1K 93 50
By NightTimeLovers

Hello, I'm Catherine and I am...immortal. I will never age, nor will I ever die. Well, I won't die unless someone manages to dispose of me. And that's not very likely.

I used to be human. Human is something I am not, something I can never be again.

Humans are fragile. They have fragile minds, fragile bodies. At the same time they are so complex. All those emotions, wants, desires, and needs. And humans are distinguishingly beautiful. Did I mention that?

Humans are the best of all the God's creations. They are after all perfectly human.

It's hard to believe I was once one of those creatures. But no more, now, humans are food.

They say I am  vile.  They rape, torture, kill, abuse, bully one another, and I am the one  that is vile.

My wants and needs are simple. I want to survive and to survive I need to feed. I feed on human males. It's not a choice  it's a rule, and that wasn't something I had anything to do with either. I can follow the rules and live, or starve myself and die.

A long time before now, I was a normal girl. I had a family. I had a father, a mother, brothers, sisters, cousins. It seems so long ago, and I suppose it has been. I can only be thankful that I didn't have to watch them grow old and die.

When I was 14, my father took us on a camping trip. We piled our tents, clothes, food, put our cook gear into the wagon,  and then put our horse, Margret, into the traces and off we went to the mountains.

The line of ridges we lived on are called the Dark Hills. They are part of the Shibboleth Mountains, a range that stretches from New Mexico into Nevada. The local Indians shunned the place. They said the mountains are sacred and that unspeakable things live there. Indians were always going off on the stories that had been handed down to them from their ancestors. We thought we knew better.

Most of our morning was spent on the trail to our favorite camp sight. It was a beautiful spot. A clear glade on the edge of a mountain lake. Lots of grass for the horses and the water pure, clear and cold. It's a great place to swim during the long hot days of summer.

When we arrived we spent the afternoon setting every thing up and then us kids took off to play in the water. While we spent the rest of the day swimming and splashing in the lake my parents finished setting up camp and cooked dinner.

Food  cooked outside, over an open fire tastes so much better than the normal fare you get at home, have you noticed? Maybe it's that  all the swimming and fresh air made us hungrier. I don't know. The taste of that feast  is just a distant memory now. I'm glad I got to share that with my family.

Everyone ate and after cleaning up we sat around the fire while my dad told us stories about him and his grandfather camping in the olden days. Then it was off to bed.

I was sleeping in the tent with my brothers. The girls tent was full and since I was the youngest I lost out to the older girls when it comes to perks and  privileges. I felt more secure with the guys to protect me than I would have in the tent with my sisters anyway. I believe that is what saved me, if being saved is what you call it.

They came sometime around midnight. Looking back, being who and what I am now, I know that that is when the hunger is most intense. Like shadows, silent and hungry, they crept up on us. The came quietly into our tents and they  began to feed.

It was a group. Male and Female. The male feeds on females, the female feeds on the male. That's the rules. It's the only way it can work. That is how I was saved.

I was awoken by sounds like I had never heard before. Grunts mingled with cries of pleasure, sounds of ecstasy filled pain.  I was still feeling confused and drowsy when someone jumped on me. I could smell her as she held me down. A sweet exotic scent of flowers, spices and a hint of something primal and exciting. I struggled with her. I tried to escape, hiding under my blankets, kicking and punching. Trying to fend her off. 

As I struggled I screamed, I begged,  I cried,  but to no avail. Seen by the light of the fire still burning weakly outside the tent she looked human. Later I understood that she was not. 

She was stronger and faster than me. I eventually tired and stopped struggling. Laying exhausted and naked before her she realized her error. She gave out such a cry of frustration as I have never heard before. It was too late. The struggle with me had taken too much time and now all my brothers and my father were dead. The feeding frenzy had taken control of her and I was her only alternative.

She took me then. She did unspeakable things to me trying to feed her hunger and satisfy her need. She was desperate to find a way to change the rules, desperate to live. In the end the rules didn't change for her. They never do.  The rules don't change for anything or anyone. 

She paid the price for her haste and in the end she perished. I however was changed. Changed forever by what she had done to me. I became one of them. I became a teen age succubus.

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