Gold Grace { Johnny Cade Fan...

By TulsaGreaserz

107K 2.1K 1.7K

"Well, uh, for me, personally, that was probably the best moment of my life. Just throwin that out there." I... More

The Lot?
Another Reason to Hate Socs.
Oh Yeah..
The Next Morning
The Drive In
You're not Johnny.
No I Don't.
Wait, What?
Out of Breath
About That..
The Plan
Uh Oh
The Calm
The Storm?
New Girl
Unexpected Unraveling
Complicated Revenge
Planning Party
Girls & Guys Night Out
Blue Mustang Grease
Sweet Dreams Are Not Made of These

The Roof

2.1K 38 54
By TulsaGreaserz

Grace's P.O.V.

After another day of school Johnny, Pony, and I walk home.

I never got a chance to talk to Cherry about the breakup because I was late this morning. But she did promise to tell me tomorrow if I was on time.

Apparently she has an 'important dinner banquet for her dad's work to attend to this afternoon.'
I told her that her soc was showing and she wasn't amused but a promise is a promise.

I sit on the couch at the Curtis house across from Johnny.

We were watching TV but I can't focus on it. I just sit with my knees pulled up to my chin and keep staring at him.

Finally I stop looking back and forth and just straight up stare at him.

There is something on his mind or something bothering him I can just tell.

But he's hard to read.

I get lost in more of my thoughts trying to figure him out. So much so that I didn't notice that he was staring right back at me now in the same position and everything.

I lock eyes with him and can't help but laugh. I have never seen him so amused.

"You know Grace, you're kind of scaring me." His voice is muffled from behind his knees.

I laugh again and remove my knees from my chin, "Whatcha thinking about?"

I catch him off guard and suddenly he looks confused,
"Nothing.. Why?"

"You're lying." I say squinting my eyes.

"No I'm not." He says squinting his eyes. Again mockingly.

"Are too." I persist.

"Are not." He says transitioning to lay down.

I make a split second decision to run over, get on top of him, straddle him, and pin his arms down.

For what reason, I can't say.

As soon as I do I stare into his eyes and he stares into mine.

Mine filled with awkward regret.
His filled with awkward nervousness.

I decide to make it less awkward,
"Johnathan Cadathan. You better tell me what's wrong or I won't release you."

Aaannd instead I manage to embarrass myself with a dumb name joke.

Which wasn't the slightest bit funny.

Baby steps, Grace, baby steps.

Johnny almost dies laughing, "What did you just call me?"

"Can we please just forget I said that, that was super embarrassing." I say rubbing the back of my neck with a dumb smile, "Hey how do I know if that is actually your real name? Do you have a birth certificate on hand sir?"

"Well ma'am I can't justify anything unless you have a warrant." He says playing along.

"Afraid I can't let you go for that either then sir." I say smirking.

"Well I don't min---"

I hear a large cough from behind us and it's Soda and Darry.

They look at us with confusion and awkward silence.

"Ok this is not how it looks guys." I say rolling my eyes.

I get off of Johnny and sit back where I was.

"Johnny just has something on his mind and he won't tell me so I had to use force."

I realize that kind of sounded bad and Soda's facial expression confirms it.

"I mean--- you know what nevermind."
I put my face in my hands.

I hear Soda and Darry laugh.

Soda speaks up, "Hey I know how it is." And then he winks.

I start shaking my head and Johnny just sits there with a red face.

Darry punches Soda in the arm,
"Hey no funny business in this household,"
Then he stifles a laugh too.

I roll my eyes again and walk over to them. Pony walks in at the same time and says, "You know Grace if you keep rolling your eyes like that they're gonna fall out."

"So I've been told." I say and walk past them all. I walk to the bathroom and shut the door. I press myself against the door to see if I can hear anything.

After 5 minutes of silence, nonsense talk, and the occasional burp from Two-Bit, I decide to give up and come out. As I do and finally look up the whole gang is here and they're staring at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

They continue to stare until Steve breaks the silence, "We were about to call the fire department to come and check on you."

Two Bit quietly stifles a laugh.

"Why? I was only in there for like 5 minutes?" I chuckle.

"Grace you were in there for almost an hour." Darry speaks.

What? How? I must've dazed off. I knew Johnny didn't really propose to me. Oops. I mean we're not even dating officially...I think.

"Oh uh sorry...I just... Girl things!" I nod, "Just some girl problems."

Everyone shuts up and Steve makes a face.

I smile and let myself out.
I tell the gang I'm going for a walk.

A couple minutes after I start walking and the Curtis house is well out of sight, I hear footsteps behind me, getting scarily closer.

I slowly pull out a switch blade that I stole from Dally just in case.

As soon as I do the figure is standing right next to me.

I'm ready to stab when I realize it's just Johnny.

I frown and roll my eyes, putting my switchblade away

"Well gee, great to see you too." He chuckles.

"Sorry but for one, you scared the hell outta me. For two, you didn't announce yourself or call my name. And for three, I didn't get to use my switchblade." I say as I pull it out to show him again.

"I see that," He chuckles again, "And I'm sorry Grace I didn't mean to scare you. But hey by the way isn't that Dallas'?"

I give him a guilty look, "Shh don't tell him please."

"I wouldn't dream of it." He smirks.

I smile and nod, "Well someone is in a good mood."

"How could ya tell?"

"Maybe the expressions you keep making. Why do you think I practically begged you to tell me what you were thinking about earlier?"
I say frowning again.

"I just got a lot on my mind." He says nonchalantly.

I glare at the ground in front of me for a while and out of nowhere he steps in front of me holding my shoulders to make me look at him.

"I promise you'll know very soon." He smirks.

"Okay if you say so.." I trail off meeting his eyes again.

I study his face and catch myself leaning in and Johnny does the same... But then he stops and so do I.

He drops his hands from my shoulders awkwardly and returns to his place next to me.

"So... Uh where are you going anyways?" He asks to break the uncomfortable silence that is my life.

"No where in particular. Just to walk and enjoy nature." I half smile.

He smiles too.
Eventually I get an idea, "Hey Johnny got any plans tonight?"

"That's funny you ask but no." He chuckles.

I grin, "Good. You know anywhere that's great to view the stars?"

"Hmm.. Maybe the Curtis roof?"

At first I think he's joking but then I see his face and realize he's not.

"Hmm that's different." I say expecting him to say the lot.

He rubs the back of his neck, "I know it sounds weird but it honestly has a great view."

"Have any fun dates up there?"
I laugh.

He turns a little red, "Well I'd have to had date someone for that so, no not any."

"Not yet..." I mumble under my breath.

"What?" He asks.

"Oh nothing.. Just thinking of how we'll get on the roof." I say trying to cover it up.

"I know exactly how which leads me into the story of knowing that the roof has a great view. Wanna hear it?"
He turns to me.

"Ugh not really buttt..." I say dramatically and then turning to laugh at him,
"Just kidding I'd love to."

He smiles, "One day the gang was having an 'arms' competition where we see who can land their plastic can the highest on the roof without it actually going over the roof."

I cock an eyebrow at him but continue to listen.

He looks at me and then continues, "I know it sounds dumb but it was fun. Anyways, lo and behold small little unlucky Johnny wins. Which added more emphasis to the 'unlucky' part--"

I get confused again, "Wait, how is that unlucky? You won didn't you?"

He sighs, "That's what I thought too. But of course there was a catch. Whoever was the highest had to go retrieve theirs and figure out how to get up there and get it or they didn't get the cash prize. Mine had caught on a broken shingle right next to the very top of the roof."

I laugh and he smiles,
"Yeah well it's funny now but it wasn't so funny then. Anyways I tried looking for so many ways to get on the roof, going up the side of the gutter, trash cans, you name it. It took me all day and I still couldn't find a way. It was 8:30pm and I was about to give up when Ponyboy came outside and handed me a ladder. I was furious but at that point I didn't care. Pony held the ladder for me and as I reached the top I noticed the sunset. It was mighty beautiful. I called Pone to come up there with me so he could see the sunset because he loves them. We sat there until Darry came out and asked us why we were sitting on the roof. So I haven't really seen the stars from there but the sunset was nice so I'm sure the stars would be too." He turns to me and smiles again.

I smile at how cute he is.

"Well I'm sold," I laugh, "But what was the cash prize any how?"

He frowns again, "Oh yeah that? It was Two Bit's lucky penny which he eventually asked for back. I was less than thrilled but the view made up for it."

"Aw, well this view sounds pretty amazing so we should go back and see it." I say turning around, "It is getting dark after all."

He nods and we walk back in a comfortable silence.

As we walk I get up the courage to reach for Johnny's hand.

But as I reach we hear a bicycle coming from behind at a fast pace.

Johnny and I split apart and Bob comes flying through, "Move it Greasy trash!"

He turns the corner and I can't help but laugh, "So that's his method of transportation now huh?"

Johnny starts laughing too, "Yeah I guess so."

"I wonder what happened to his car?"
I say sarcastically.

I turn to Johnny and he looks at me playing along, "Whatever it was, it must've been pretty bad."

I grin punching his arm lightly and we continue to the Curtis house.


When we get back to the Curtis house,
we walk inside and Johnny asks Pony for the ladder.

"Sure but why?" He asks as he walks away to retrieve it.

"I want to see the stars." I answer back.

"Why don't you just go outside and look up then?" Pony smirks as he hands Johnny the ladder.

I give him a look, "Ha ha. Very funny. Hey where'd everyone go?" I say looking around.

"Well Steve and Soda went on a double date with their girls, Dally took off to Buck's, Two went out, and Darry is sleeping."

I nod and turn to Johnny, "Ready?"

He nods and as we turn to leave Pony makes a dramatic speech, "Ok y'all have fun on my roof. I'll be in here if you need me. All. Alone. By. Myself. In--"

"For crying out loud Ponyboy would you like to join us?" I say putting my hand to my forehead.

"Well since you asked how could I pass?" He says and smiles following us.

I shake my head.
"I don't understand boys sometimes."

The sun is just about to set when we get outside.

"Perfect timing, huh?" I turn to Ponyboy.

"Sure is." He takes the ladder from Johnny and motions for me to go up,
"Ladies first."

I smile at him and climb up the ladder.

I sit on the roof as Johnny and Pony climb up and admire the view,
"Wow Johnny you weren't kidding."

"Aren't they beautiful? I admire them more than anything." Pony says sitting down on one side of me and Johnny sits on the other.

I smile, "They sure are, I can see why you like them so much."

He nods and we sit in silence gazing at it.

The sky is soon just left with a pink and orange glow.

"You know what would make this better?" Pony speaks up.

I smirk, "Having Dani here next to you?"

His cheeks flush and turns to me, rolling his eyes, "Well yes but no. I was gonna say if we had something to eat."

"We're watching a sunset and you want to eat Pone?" Johnny asks.

"Well it's not like it was planned I'm just kind of hungry now,"
He continues getting up, "Besides the sunset is just about gone. I'll be inside if you guys need me."

I hear his footsteps stop for a moment but when I turn around to look at him he just smiles at me putting his hands in his pockets.

And with that he gets up and slowly backs down the ladder until we hear the screen door shut.

And then there were two.

I don't think I've ever been so happy to say that in my life.

I look over at Johnny who appears to be in deep thought, again.

Johnny's P.O.V.

As Ponyboy gets up to go inside he flicks me on the shoulder. He stops and I turn to look at him and he motions towards Grace with his arms and wide eyes.

"Ask her!" He mouths to me and as she turns around he just smiles at her retreating his hands to his pockets.

He continues to go inside after giving me with just one last pushing look.

I notice Grace staring at me and I look over and smile at her.

I'd love to just enjoy this moment but now I can't.

I keep trying to figure out how to ask her to the dance.

I want it to be perfect but I don't know if I should do it now like Pony says.
It seems too soon.

As I go back and forth with myself Grace speaks, "So uh pretty night sky huh?"

I nod.

"All the stars and moon shining so bright. It's almost too perfect." She smiles at me.

I smile back.
Maybe it's the perfect time too.

"Yeah I guess I was right." I smirk.

"Yeah yeah wise guy, you were." She laughs.

I chuckle.

"Hey Johnny can I ask you something?" She asks.

"Shoot." I say kicking a pebble off the roof.

"Have you ever considered what'll happen to all of us? Like after high school." She says looking into the night.

I grimace not knowing how to answer, "Not really. I try not to think about it."

She starts off curiously and then trails off, "Yeah but don't you ever wonder like what we'll be like, what jobs we'll have, who we end up with?.."

The last part makes me gulp and realize if I don't ask her now she could end up with someone else.

She still could. Who would want a guy with a rough past?

But at least I'll get hurt trying.

I think Ponyboy is rubbing off on me a little too much. But maybe it's for the best.

"I like to think positive. That we'll all be the same, successful, and in love.. Hopefully." I smile at the thought of Grace even though she's right next to me.

She smiles, "That's great Johnny. I love it."

She reaches over and grabs my hand, messing with it.

It's now or never.

I smile and lay down hoping it'll relieve some nerves, "Hey Grace now can I ask you something?"

She releases my hand and puts hers behind her head following me to lay down, "Shoot."

I swallow hard, "Do you like dancing?"

I avoid the question.

She lightly laughs, "Are you being serious?"

"Yes?.." I say nervously.

"Of course!" She says grinning.

I feel slightly relieved, "Oh t-that's good."

"Do you?"

"I guess so. I can't really dance but it seems fun." I say unsure.

"It is! You should try it sometime." She says messing with her hair now.

"Yeah about that.. Did you hear about t-the Summer Slip at school?" I say turning to her.

She turns towards me too, "Yeah of course who hasn't?"

I smile.

Well here goes nothing.

"W-would you want to go with me?"

Grace's P.O.V.

"W-would you want to go with me?"
Johnny asks staring at me nervously.

I start to grin uncontrollably.

Johnny wants to take me. To the dance.

Grace you will not embarrass yourself. Not again, 'no'.

I look at Johnny looking suddenly very sad as he looks down, "O-oh that's ok. Just wanted to ask."

I get a terrified look on my face as I realize I said "no" out loud.

"JOHNNY NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT I Meant yes. Yes, of course I'd love nothing else but to go with you."
I say still trying to control my smiling as I look at him.

He looks back up and grins at me, "Oh thank goodness."

We both continue to smile not knowing what to say.


Well at least I am.

Finally I quickly lean over and kiss him on the cheek, then return to my spot laying on my back.

I glance over to look at him only to see him frozen, and smiling.

We fall into a comfortable silence laying side by side, holding hands, staring into the night.

I suddenly get enough courage to ask something I've wanted to ask for a while,

"Johnny, what are we?"

He doesn't answer.

I look over to find him fast asleep. I smirk and turn over facing him.

Slowly, I fall into a deep sleep, reminiscing on this perfect Tulsa night.


Hey y'all! I've missed you guys and wattpad. I've had such bad writers block it was killing me. But who cares it's posted now right? :)

How's everyone's summers?

Mine is pretty alright so far.
No school = happiness.

But anyways thank you guys for over 13K reads! It means a lot. <3

Don't forget to vote and comment! ;)


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