His Sick Mate

By Squarely_Asleep

231K 5.1K 838

Rhiannon Davis, is sick. Not only does she get bloody noses like it is a regular runny nose, but she also cou... More

Epilogue #2
New Book


22.8K 526 73
By Squarely_Asleep


"Don't put your life in someone's hands
They're bound to steal it away"
-Three Days Grace (Get Out Alive)

That night I woke up to a coughing fit in the deep deep night. I felt about ready to cough my lungs out and quickly ran to the bathroom. I made it there just in time because I soon started coughing blood. Again.

"Bitch shut the fuck up. You're not letting me sleep." My brother growled and walked over to me, tangling his hand in my hair and forcibly pulling me up.
"You better stop right fucking now because I have patrols in the morning and need all of my energy. And your fucking obnoxious coughing isn't letting me fucking sleep." He growled, eyes switching from black to brown. His wolf was fighting him.

"I...can't...control...it." I said, gasping for air.

"Then I think o can help you." And with that, he slammed my head against the wall, and I passed out instantly.


It's been a week since the incident with Declan, and I was now packing my things to go to Balthazar's pack. I had three bags. One for my clothes, my personal things, and my medicine. I have to figure out a way to somehow hide it from him.

Luckily that day I gained consciousness before Balthazar came looking for me so I cleaned myself up and hid the cut on my head from Balthazar.

"You ready?" A voice spoke from the doorway and I turned around only to meet the captivating grey orbs of my mate.

"Almost" I said and quickly zipped my medicine bag. "Done" I grinned and swung the bag over my shoulder.

"Great! Let me take that." He said and took my two other bags. "You want to stop by McDonalds or something on the way there? Because it's a long drive and we're missing lunch." He asked me over his shoulder as he was defending down the stairs.

"Umm... I kind of can't have it?" I said in a hesitant voice.

"What do you mean you can't have it?" Balthazar asked already at the bottom of the stairs.

"It have a certain diet I have to follow. Which eliminates McDonalds and really any other fast food place." I said cringing a little.

His mouth shaped into an O.

"How long have you been following this diet?" He asked.

"All my life. Never had a chicken nugget."

Balthazar scoffed a little in disbelief and unlocked the door to his Tesla.

"We'll stop at a diner then. I saw one while driving here it looked very nice. And I think that my warriors will get pretty hungry by the time we get there. It's a two and a half hour drive from here." Balthazar said and started his car.

I have already said all of my goodbyes. Not that I had to do too many. Declan was glad I was leaving saying quote "finally won't have to spend money on your fucking doctors and medicine."
I only said goodbye to Alpha Artemiy and Eliza who promised to visit soon. She said she'll even give it a shot at looking for her mate.

I've also been thinking about telling Balthazar about the abuse and the sickness, but I'm scared to. Scared he will reject me because I'm too much to deal with. Hell, my medical bills cost as much as his car if not more.

We made it to the car, put all our bags in the trunk and drove away to my, out new home.

We made small talk as we drove there and at some point Balthazar set the car to auto-drive.

"So, Rhi, tell me do you want to go to school or take online classes?" Balthazar asked, Torrington's his head to look at me, his thumb brushing over my knuckles.

"Rhi? No ones called me that before. And sure I want to physically be present in school."

"Well Rhiannon is pretty long so I shortened it and I'll make sure to transfer all your school records to your new school. You'll start next month because we're on break right now and it's the middle of the marking period." He told me, smiling softly.

"Too long huh? Well Balthazar is not the shortest either. I think I'll call you Zar. Kind of sounds like Czar which is a Russian king. Yeah I'll call you Zar."

"You know what my oh so mature warriors have been calling us? Balthannon."

"So mature." I said rolling my eyes but still chuckling. I swear warriors are like teenage girls when they are not training or fighting.

We made it to Balthazar's pack in four hours where we were met with exited pack members shouting and waving. It was a very funny sight to see and also very sweet and shows how much the pack loves Balthazar.

Not wanting people to swarm us, Balthazar commanded everyone to go to their rooms and so we made it up to his room with no problem.

Balthazar helped me unpack and almost opened the medicine bag but I told him to leave that one alone and just put it in the bathroom which he did with no questions asked.

At around seven we went down to eat dinner wince we were late for the pack dinner which is at five. After dinner we changed into our pajamas and went to sleep, Balthazar next to me, snoring away.

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