vision { yoonmin }

By silkcity

9K 658 259

โif i'm lost then how can i find myself?โž ( yoongi and jimin are in a car accident and yoongi loses his sight... More

dear jimin
a quick message from me to you


570 34 38
By silkcity


good jam 4 this chapter ^

(soz for the late update, i am lazy)


Yoongi watched as Taehyung and Jimin laughed about something. God knows what, Yoongi didn't care anyways. A bitter mask had formed over his face, his soft facial features contorted into a sharp, toxic glare. Jimin threw his head back with laughter, his tiny hand latched onto Taehyung's hoodie sleeve. Yoongi's scowl somehow grew sourer as Taehyung pulled Jimin into a tight embrace, still giggling like stupid little kids. Namjoon's family had a holiday home right on the beachfront and finally, after lots of pleading by Namjoon and Seokjin, his parents had let him use it for the weekend.

Namjoon loaded a box of beer into the boot of the van, "Are you just going to sit there on your ass and stare or are you going to help me?"

Yoongi tried to pull his gaze away but like chewing gum to a shoe on a hot day, he couldn't pull himself away from Jimin and Taehyung's obscene PDA.


"What is this... thing that you call 'a van'?" Yoongi asked as he helped Namjoon load more junk into the back of the vehicle.

Namjoon crossed his muscular arms over his chest, "This is Daisy."

"Isn't that what people call their cows in America?" Yoongi snorted, still pissed off from Jimin and Taehyung's little... little... thing.

Daisy, AKA Namjoon's ratty-tatty second-hand van, was Namjoon's baby. It was a bizarre shade of baby puke green and occasionally broke down on the side of the road but nonetheless, Namjoon still cherished it (much to Seokjin's anger, he thought it was a waste of space).

"Don't talk about my baby Daisy like that. Sure, she may be getting a little old but she's big, beautiful and she carries around my music mixing gear." Namjoon slammed the boot door down and waved, "Everyone let's go before Jungkook decides he needs to go the toilet again."

Jungkook was already taking his backpack off, only seconds after putting it on, and running back inside. "Sorry Joonie, I'll be really quick-"

"Yah, hurry up!" Namjoon boomed but even he couldn't help but grin a little at Jungkook.

Jimin followed behind Yoongi as the two settled into the back three seats. "Are you excited?"

"Not really," Yoongi mumbled, putting one earbud in his ear.

Jimin fidgeted with the hem of his sweat pants as everyone else got in, "I'm excited, it's gonna be fun." He said quietly.

Yoongi looked up from his slumped position and saw Jimin. His eyes were sparkling as he chatted mindlessly to the others about how good the trip was going to be. Absolutely. Adorable. 

Hoseok was still ranting as everyone was packing into the van, "I am so ready! I've packed maps, I've got playlists for every mood." He squealed and whispered, "I even have a picnic."

"That's nice, Hobi. But we're not going anywhere-" Seokjin wound down the squeaky passenger side window and yelled out at Jungkook, "-Until someone gets in the van!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Jungkook yelled, nearly tripping over his backpack as he ran into the van and collapsed next to Taehyung.

Hoseok was practically glowing as he rattled on and on and on. "Oh my goodness, I'm just so ready! I've got everything sorted: maps, first aid, snacks. I even have a fanny pack-"

Namjoon stopped talking to Seokjin in the passenger seat as the traffic light turned red, he turned around, his hands gripping the steering wheel ferociously. "Hoseok, if you don't shut up right now I'm making you sit next to the door so everytime Jungkook needs to get out to go for a piss, he has to crawl over you."

Hoseok's lips flatlined. "Okay, okay. I'll be quiet."

But there was no peace and quiet anytime soon for poor driver Namjoon, 

"Namjoon?" Taehyung asked after a few minutes, poking his head in between the two front seats.

Namjoon kept his eyes on the darkening road, "What?"

Taehyung cheekily nibbled on his bottom lip, "Can I..."

"Here, take it. Just be quiet now, I can't concentrate with you talking right into my ear." Namjoon muttered, grabbing the wire of the aux chord and throwing it back to Taehyung without taking his eyes off the road.

"Yes! Thank you Namjoon." Taehyung grinned, cheekily stealing a kiss on Namjoon's dimpled cheek who wiped it off as quickly as it was placed.

Seokjin put down his tabloid magazine, "Hey!"

Taehyung was too busy blasting Kanye West to care what Seokjin was saying.

Here we go, Taehyung is going to try to convince everyone he can rap. Again.

But he didn't for once. Maybe he had given up, or maybe it was because Jungkook had already fallen asleep on his shoulder. Either way, Yoongi was grateful because the last thing he needed was Taehyung rapping and jumping up and down like an idiot.

Hours went by and soon they left the city, leaving the bustling streets and tall buildings behind and venturing into the darkness of the outskirts of the city. The sun fell behind the horizon and Namjoon grew tired in the driver's seat.

Eventually, he pulled over to the side of a field and stopped the van. "Yoongi, you mind taking over?"

"Sure, Jimin?" Yoongi prodded Jimin's shoulder as he slumped against the inner wall of the van. "Jimin, are you awake?"

"Hm? Yeah, I'm awake." Jimin rubbed his sleepy dark eyes with his little hands and a warm feeling buzzed in Yoongi's chest.

"I'm going to drive for a bit and Namjoon is going to sleep in the back. Do you want to swap with Seokjin?"

"Sure. I think we're going to have to climb out the back though, Hoseok looks dead to the world." Jimin whispered, nudging towards Hoseok who was asleep in front of them with a lap covered in playing cards from a mini tournament they had had earlier.

Yoongi groaned and complained the whole time- as usual. He had somewhat wished that they hadn't packed so much beer and food because Yoongi really wasn't that flexible. Not nearly as flexible as nimble Jimin who had no problem getting out. Yoongi on the other hand...

"I can't spread my legs that wide, move!" Yoongi hissed, his ankle caught between the backseat's headrests.

Namjoon's face twisted into a cheeky dimpled grin and Yoongi swore he heard him whisper, "That's what she said."

Finally, after much huffing and puffing Yoongi managed to get out and into the front seat. He had been driving in comfortable silence for a while when Jimin sighed and spoke in his gentle high pitched voice,

"Yoongi, what do you want to do?"

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Jimin, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what do you want to do in life?" Jimin explained, a flash of pink tongue slicking over his plump bottom lip. Yoongi's hands grew clammy against the steering wheel.

I could take him right now, right in this driver's seat. His beautiful high pitched voice only able to moan my name. I could have those thick, gorgeous thighs shaking with pleasure as he bounced on-

Jimin doesn't like boys, stop.

Yoongi shook the explicit thoughts from his mind, "I... I want to do music."

"Really?" Jimin paused for a moment before quietly adding, "I think you'd be good at that Yoongi-ah."

The manner in which Jimin said Yoongi's name, the way the affectionate nickname rolled off his tongue and past his pretty pink lips drove the animal in Yoongi wild. His face was in flames and so was another place... further down. The important part as Namjoon had once put it. 

Yoongi tried to concentrate on the conversation and tell Mini Yoongi to calm the fuck down. "What about you?"

"Me?" Jimin hummed slightly as he pondered the question which only made Yoongi's jeans get tighter and tighter. "I want to be an artist."

"That's great." Yoongi wished that the conversation didn't have to end that fast but when he saw a public bathroom up ahead he knew what he had to do. He pulled over quickly right in front of the door. "I'm sorry, I just... really need to go. If Namjoon wakes up, tell him I'll be back in a minute."

"Sure... Yoongi, are you okay? You look a bit red." Jimin asked, nibbling on his bottom lip again. Yoongi's jeans were about to burst when Jimin gave him a small friendly smile.

Yoongi pulled his shirt over his throbbing bulge, hoping that the darkness of the night would conceal his... package. "Yep!"

"Alright then, you sure you don't want me to come? I don't want little Yoongi getting scared of being in the dark by himself." Jimin jokingly taunted, picking one of Seokjin's trashy tabloid magazines off the floor and flipping through the pages.

Yoongi cringed as felt himself somehow get even harder, "Oh, no. I'll be fine. Thank you."

Yoongi gently shut the door, as to not wake the others, and ran past the bathroom doors and round the back. The bathrooms were nestled on the bend of the tree-littered road, a slightly steep but long hill lead down from the road to the houses on the fringes of the beach- one of which belonged to Namjoon's family.

Yoongi felt so guilty as he pressed his back against the outside wall of the public bathrooms and pleasured himself. The only sounds in the soothingly cool night air were Yoongi's needy heavy pants and groans and the distant rhythm of the waves crashing along the shoreline. As he felt his stomach tighten and a familiar feeling pooling in the pit of his stomach. Images flashes behind his half-lidded eyes, his hand moving faster as his hips bucked almost on their own.

He could see it all now. Jimin's small hands slinking up his muscular thighs, touching himself ever so gently. His dainty fingers lacing across his chest, his plump lips parting only to breathily moan,


Yoongi couldn't hold it any longer, he came undone all over his black skinny jeans. He felt guilty. He felt so so guilty. Getting off to the thought of innocent, sweet, friendly Jimin who was only a mere ten metres away waiting for him. As guilty as he felt, he also felt relieved that he wasn't so... uncomfortable anymore. He quickly dashed into the bathroom and cleaned the muck off his jeans and hands.

"Sorry, I took so long." He said as he got back into the driver's seat.

"How was the bathroom?"

"Hoseok, you're awake." Yoongi turned around and faced a smug looking Hoseok. "And what do you mean 'how was the bathroom?'. It's the bathroom."

Hoseok's famous dimples flashed mischievously, "I'm just wondering how it was, no need to get defensive Yoongi-baby."

Namjoon woke with a start in the back, scaring the three awake boys. 

"I'll drive. Let me drive, I'm the only one that knows how to get there from here." Namjoon grumbled, rubbing his tired eyes. 

Hoseok frowned, "Are you sure? You look a little... dazed."

"I'm fine. Just let me drive, otherwise you dumbasses will get us lost." Namjoon insisted.

"Alright," Hoseok shrugged, resting his head against the side of the car again. "But if we die, I blame you."

Namjoon opened up a cardboard box and pulled out a plastic container full of brown slices of baking, "Guess what I've got?" He sang as he took off the lid, dancing over to Jimin and Yoongi who were sitting on Namjoon's worn old couch.

Hoseok reached over Namjoon's shoulder from behind, "God yes, I seriously I need a brownie."

"Hey, I didn't say you could have one!" Namjoon grumbled before turning back to the two boys on the couch. "Jimin, brownie?"

"Okay!" Jimin grinned from ear to ear, taking three medium sized brownies from the container. Jungkook, who was standing in the kitchen with orange juice in hand, started wildly laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jimin asked, his chubby cheeks full of brownie as Yoongi munched on a brownie.

Seokjin glared at Namjoon, "Joonie, how much did you give him?!"

"I didn't do anything, he just took three of them and stuffed them in his face!" Namjoon defended, though he couldn't hide the dimpled grin that was on his face.

Jimin frowned with brownie crumbs still on his plump lips, "What's going on?"

Yoongi sighed, patting Jimin's shoulder lightly as the orange haired boy stared at him with wide eyes. "You'll find out soon."

Hours passed and Jimin felt fine, what were they laughing about?

And then it hit him.

Like a fire truck.

Jimin rolled over to face Yoongi, beige sand creeping in his sunset-coloured hair. "I am baked like a fucking chocolate cake."

Yoongi laughed at both Jimin's extremely rare use of profanity and the completely wrecked look on his face, his mint green hair also starting to collect sand as they lay on the beach. The sky was like a giant's black blanket dotted with white sparkly crumbs. Hoseok was by the bonfire blasting obscene rap music out of a speaker, Taehyung and Jungkook were lying on a picnic blanket talking and Seokjin and Namjoon had disappeared somewhere.

Yoongi would never have suspected innocent, sweet, naïve Jimin would have an intense love for skinny dipping butt-naked. Oh, but was he wrong. Jimin, as soon as the brownies had kicked in, had proceeded to strip completely naked and start 'running' (it was more like giggly stumbling, really) across the soft beach sands screaming at the top of his lungs. Yoongi had to try not to look at Jimin's naked body as he, also slightly baked, grabbed Jimin and got him to put his clothes back on and forced him to lie down. Thank god that some more of that brownie (and to be honest, a lot of alcohol) had got to Jimin and he'd become so delirious he just lay down on the sand.

"Yoon... Yoongi?"Jimin slurred, rolling over to face Yoongi.

Yoongi's cheeks were glowing pink, because of the alcohol and because the most beautiful boy he had ever seen- his crush- was looking at him with tender eyes and a dopey smile that Yoongi couldn't help but reciprocate with a gummy grin of his own.

"Imagine... imagine if the world was actually a nipple," Jimin said quietly, looking up at the night sky as if he was looking at a renaissance painting. 

Yoongi snorted, then he giggled, then he started laughing and then he couldn't stop. 

"I- can't... Jimin!" Yoongi laughed, tears rolling down his rosy cheeks. "Was that the brownie or you?"

"Brownies, I like brownies." Jimin smothered Yoongi's lips with a tiny index finger, "Shhh, Min-Min you are too loud."

"Who are you calling Min-Min? You are the Min, Jin-Min." Yoongi said as Jimin rolled on top of him. He suddenly felt sober. "Jimin..."

"Yoongi," Jimin whispered back. 

"You're, um, really close to me-"

"Min Yoongi, can I kiss you?"

Yoongi nearly choked, "What?"

"Can I kiss you?" Jimin looked down into Yoongi's dark eyes with his sparkly ones, Yoongi couldn't see in the poor lighting but he was sure they were red. 

The cool night wind began to whistle through Yoongi's green-ish hair and his hands, at his sides, felt deathly cold compared to his flaming face. The words he wanted to say, the thoughts he wanted to say stuck in his teeth like warm toffee. All he could do was nod, and that's all that was needed.

 Like perfect pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, Yoongi's pink lips were met with Jimin's gently pillowy ones. Jimin's lips were warm and soft, Yoongi had never known such loving gentleness. The kiss tasted of... brownies and Yoongi's favourite beer. An interesting combination, but a pleasant one at that.  

Yoongi gently pulled away, his lips slick from the warm intimacy. "Was that the brownie or you?"

"Me. It was definitely me." Jimin breathed, going back for another kiss only to be given a cheek by Yoongi.

"Jimin... you and Taehyung like each other. You can't just... kiss me." Yoongi muttered, feeling suddenly very very guilty.  "It's wrong... I'm wrong." He mumbled, tears beginning to water in his eyes.

"Oh, Yoongi." Jimin giggled like it was the funniest thing in the world, "I don't like Taehyung. Well, I do. Just not like I like you."

"But... you guys always-" 

"You're so stupid, Taehyung is like... in love  with Jungkook." 

Yoongi sat up and looked over at Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung was cradled in between Jungkooks legs as they both faced the ocean, probably talking. 

"How could I be... so stupid!" Yoongi felt his face burn, "Oh my god I was so stupid, it was so obvious! 

"Yes. Yes, you were." Jimin hummed softly and closed his eyes, Yoongi thought he was going to fall asleep. 

Well, he might've if it wasn't for the incident that followed.

"Kim Namjoon!" An enraged woman's voice boomed from the road higher up on the edge of the sand. Yoongi and Jimin both automatically snapped their heads towards the voice. 

Yoongi could barely hold back a snortle. An angry old man and an even angrier old woman stood in their dressing gowns and slippers. The older woman slammed her thumb against the ON button on the chunky torch she was gripping furiously. And it just so happened its spotlight landed on Namjoon.

Who was in the shallower end of the dark waves.


Holding Seokjin.

Who was also, naked.

"Mrs Choi! I-" Namjoon spluttered, covering his crotch while his wet butt cheeks reflected the torchlight like two little tan moons. 

"I have had it up to the ears with you and your hooligan friends screaming and blasting that heathen music," Mrs Choi stabbed her witch-like finger at Hoseok who was holding his speaker like it was his baby. "I've had enough. Kim Namjoon, I am calling your mother-"


Mrs Choi looked like Namjoon had slapped her right across her sour wrinkly face, "Excuse me?"

Namjoon whispered something in Seokjin's ear, who nodded and looked around at everyone. 

"Jimin, do you understand what's going on?" Yoongi whispered.

Jimin shook his head, "Nope."

"You heard me, old woman. I said, no."  Namjoon snarled, walking towards them. Still naked.

Mrs Choi whacked her husband in the arm, "Are you going to say something or just stand there like an idiot?"

"Uh... um- show yourself, like a man!" He shook his skinny fist at him but still, his voice was shaky. 

"Fine. I will." Namjoon took his hands off his crotch and well, let's just say Yoongi was a bit shocked. Jungkook wolf whistled earning him a sharp glare and a shove from Taehyung.

Mrs Choi tutted, hands on hips. "You- You... young man are just awful! Do you have no respect for your elders?"

"You told me to show myself like a man, so I did." Namjoon snarked, folding his toned arms over his bare chest. "Like what you see, old man?"

Mr Choi just about choked, poor old man. He shook his scrawny fist at Namjoon, "I've had it! Come here you rascal!" He stormed towards Namjoon who looked like a deer in the headlights (or in this case, a Namjoon in a torchlight). 

Namjoon looked at Seokjin who nodded knowingly, "RUN!"

Seokjin and Namjoon, still nude, began furiously running away from the fuming old couple.

"What the fucks going on?" Hoseok screamed, startled by the old man chugging towards him as he fell backwards off the log he was perched on.

"Get the car! They're running!" Mr Choi yelled at his wife who was already driving their adorable not-beach-friendly car onto the sand. 

Yoongi sprung up and pulled Jimin to his feet. He could hear Jimin hiss quietly but they had to go. "Yoongi, do you think they'll run us over?" Jimin asked as Yoongi snatched up the sandy picnic blanket. 

Yoongi tucked the blanket under his arm and seized Jimin's wrist, "No, but we have to run!"

The old couple's little car was already down the hill and steadily charging towards the pair like a fat glowing-eyed bull. Yoongi's skinny little legs were moving faster than they ever had before as he ran, pulling Jimin with him. 

Hoseok zoomed past, and for someone usually so lazy he was sprinting so fast all that was audible was the sudden sound of music and typical Hoseok-esque goat screaming. 

Jimin glanced back and yelled, "Yoongi look out!" 

Sure enough, the car was getting closer and closer and closer. A surge of panic hit his body and his poor legs collapsed under him. The cool soft sand was soothing against his flaming pink cheeks but he panicked again remembering the crazy old couple behind him. 

"Shit, Yoongi!" Jimin stopped running and without missing a beat, scooped Yoongi up in his arms and kept running.

Yoongi was gobsmacked, "Jesus-fucking-Christ! When did you get so strong?" 

"There are lots of things you don't know about me, Min Yoongi." Jimin huffed, somewhat struggling to hold Yoongi as he ran. 

A sharp, annoying squealing noise pierced through Yoongi's head. Jungkook and Taehyung were squealing and running like headless chickens. Their heads were fused by their picnic blanket so tightly bound around them both that every few seconds their furiously moving skinny legs would clash together, threatening to send them both onto the ground like Yoongi had before. They looked like a conjoined-twinned nun.

Much further ahead of Yoongi and Jimin, Seokjin turned around and started laughing hysterically as he struggled to point out what was so funny. Yoongi and Jimin turned around and it was definitely a sight. The old couple's car had hit a soft wet part of the beach and the poor vehicles little wheels had given up. To be perfectly honest, Yoongi would have felt sorry for them if they hadn't nearly killed him mere seconds before. 

"Is that man enough for you, Mrs Choi?" Namjoon jeered as Mrs Choi honked the horn furiously. 

Yoongi laughed and glanced over at Jimin, his cheeks tinted with a youthful rosy tint. Truly, nothing could have been more blissful. In the arms of someone so beautiful, with his friends in such a gorgeous place.

They were truly, 

Young, forever. 


r.i.p everyone that knows me and had to read that wanking scene. soz y'all

[ ps the whole nipples tree thing was based on a real-life moment, you know who you are ;)))) ]


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