Magcon Fan Fiction (Nash Grie...

By saniyya24

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What will happen when 4 friends go to Magcon? Will they fall in love? Will hearts be broken? Will friendships... More

Magcon Fan Fiction (Nash Grier/ Taylor Caniff/ Jack Gilinsky/ Shawn Mendes)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 part 1
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

2.7K 43 6
By saniyya24

Kylie P.O.V.

Nash and i's relationship = perfect. I love him so much. We spend a lot of time together, but still find time to hangout with our friends. I checked the time, it was now 11 am. Of course the girls were still asleep except for Jen, she's always been an early bird.

"Good morning." I said. "Oh morning. I didn't notice you were awake. I kinda um... Have to talk to you about something." Jen said with uncertainty. "Oh okay what is it?" I said as I walked over to her bed. "Okay so we need to have a talk." Jen said. "Okay... About?" I said asked trailing off. "Okay so when a boy and a girl like each other, well let's say love, they do this thing called sex. In your case it would be the Nashty with Nash." She said. I grabbed a pillow and hit her in the face while she laughed.

"What the actual fuck Jen? Why are you trying to have the sex talk with me? OMG DID YOU AND SHAWN DO "IT"?!" I asked doing quotation marks with my hands as I said it. "What the hell? No we didn't have sex. I was just joking around with you. You know how I like to make people feel uncomfortable." She said dying with laughter. It was true, Jen was hilarious. Her and Paige were the comedians in our group and always knew how to make us laugh.

"But on a serious note, if Nash ever tries anything with you that you aren't ready for, you tell me. Okay?" She asked. "Yes mum." I said jokingly. "Well I have to be your mum on this trip because you now have a boyfriend." She said while giving me a hug. "Yeah yeah." I replied. We were all really close in our group. We were basically sisters.

I decided I would go down to the Starbucks to get us all breakfast. "I'll be back, I'm gonna get us all some breakfast at Starbucks." I said to Jen while sliding my flip flops on. She said okay and gave me her order.

I walked downstairs and waited in line to order our food. I remembered when Paige beat up that one girl here that was trying to swap spit with Jack. The thought of Paige beating up the girl made me laugh since Paige is so small.

"What are you laughing at beautiful?" The employee said as I got into the front of the line. "Nothing." I said with a straight face. I feel uncomfortable when guys try to flirt with me especially since I have a boyfriend. "Well what can I get you?" He said. I got us all our favorite frappucinos with different kinds of muffins of and donuts. As I turned around, I saw Nash. I wish I hadn't seen him.

Someone was sitting on his lap, and it wasn't me. It was a girl, it wasn't just any girl. It was that bitch Piper that Paige beat up. Nash just sat there and let her sit on his lap. She then kissed him, and it lasted for a few seconds. He then pulled away. My heart was shattered into a million pieces.

I ran back upstairs into our hotel room. I had tears streaming down my face. I got into our hotel room and set the food down in the kitchen, then jumped on my bed and started screaming my head off into a pillow.

"Kylie, KYLIE! What's wrong?" Becca asked. "Na-Nash. Pi-Piper. She kissed him while she sat on his lap. He didn't even push her off. He just let it happen. I thought he loved me." I managed to get out.

"I'll be back." Paige said as Jen followed her. I just sat down and cried while Becca was hugging me. "Shhh it's gonna be okay." Becca said.

Jen P.O.V.

"I'm gonna kick Nash's ass." I said clenching my fists. "Piper must really wants me to whoop her ass." Paige said. We walked out the elevator and headed to Starbucks. Piper was still on Nash's lap. My blood was boiling. He broke my best friend's heart, and I don't know if I can forgive him. Paige walked over to Piper and slapped her so hard that the entire hotel could probably hear. She started dragging her by her hair and punched her in the nose twice. "Aren't you gonna say or do something?!" Nash yelled to me. "Oh yeah I'll definitely do something." I said. I then kicked Nash in the balls as hard as I could. I didn't do it too hard because, hey? he might wanna have kids some day.

I then had to drag Paige off of Piper. Literally drag her. Paige was really mad. I had to carry her away as she tried to squirm her way out of my arms and go get Piper again.

We got to the hotel room and Kylie was laying down staring out the window looking lifeless. "Cam just texted me. We're going to another party." Becca said. "Ughhhh noooo. I'm staying here." Kylie whined. "No you're not. We're gonna make Nash wish Piper never even looked at him." Becca said.

Kylie P.O.V.

The girls decided to dress me tonight. I took a shower and washed my hair and shaved. When I got out, the girls looked really pretty. "Time to doll you up!" Becca said with excitement.

They blow dried and curled my hair. They pinned my bangs back with a turquoise bow. I wore a turquoise crop top with white high waisted jeans. I put on black sandals. I didn't feel like wearing heels. I put on bracelets and and diamond earrings. They did my makeup which was foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and a little sparkly eyeshadow. I gotta admit, they did a hell of a job.

We all took one big van since there were so many of us. I could feel eyes staring at me. I turned to see who it was. It was Nash. He gave me a small smile but I just looked away.

We pulled up to the same mansion that had the last party. We all got out and went inside. We danced all night. I was having a great time and letting loose. I had a drink or 2 just to let loose and get my mind off of Nash. I was ignoring him the entire night. Every time he tried to make his towards where I was, I would move. I felt a hand grab my wrist. Of course it had to be Nash. He took me upstairs in a bedroom.

"Kylie, we need to talk." Nash said.


Okay so crazy chapter right? Do you think Kylie will forgive Nash? Keep reading to find out. I'll update in like an hour or two.


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