Camp Sapphire

By Kid076

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"Camp is supposed to be fun right?" More

My Boys


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By Kid076

La la la.

Deonte up there.

Rylee POV

  "Ry,  what are you doing?" Marlon asked as I continued to gather some more weapons for my artillery. "Um what does it look like? I'm getting ready for war. There's no way in hell I'm going out like the niggas in the movies." I said handing him a few knives and other things. "It's up to you whether or not your gonna use them but I know one thing, I'm making it out of here to see my mom." I said as I handed a few things to Justen and Deonte. " Same goes for y'all." I said. Once I was done, I took my bag and headed upstairs to my room.  I heard someone knocking on my door shortly after. "Come in" I said as I continued to put my back to the side and check my windows, making sure no one was near  around us outside. I had a knife in my hand at the moment so when I turned around, I damn near slashed Justen.

  "Oh shit." he said as he jumped back. "Rylee, give me the knife before you hurt someone." he said calmly. I slowly  gave it to him as he put it down on the dresser. After he did that, I ran to him and broke down. "I'm scared Justen." I said as I cried on his shirt. "I am too Ry but you're giving me the strength to remain strong." He said as he rubbed circles on my back. On;y he knows how to calm me down during times like this. "I have a huge headache now from over thinking things" I said to him. "You not overthinking at all babe. You're thinking rationally and taking the proper precautions. You just may be thinking a bit fast then your body can keep up with. Come on let's lay down so you can nap while I watch over you." he said to me. See? I always feel so much safer when I'm with him. I definitely don't deserve him. "OK." I said as we laid down.   

  Well, he laid me down before closing the curtains and making sure they were locked as well before returning to bed. "Justen..I love you." I said to him. "Rylee, I love you too. So much more then you'll ever know." he said kissing me on my forehead. That was the kiss that put me to sleep. 

Marlon's POV

  I finally got my own POV niggas! Book been focused too much on Rylee and leaving us on the back burner but here I am. Don't get me wrong, I love Rylee like he's my brother but y'all at least deserve to know what's going through our minds as well.  I love that Rylee wants to fight back, there's no way I'm dying without a fight either. Currently, I'm on my way to my girl's place to bring her back with us. I'm not letting her die either, she doesn't deserve that. It's dark as shit right now, you bet your ass I'm being careful as fuck right now. I've seen the movies, this is the prime time where the killer strikes. Once I made it to her place, I noticed the front door was slightly cracked. Not good, not good at all. I tip toed in, careful not to alert anyone of my presence. 

  I heard slight creaking on the floorboards above me, letting me know that someone else was in here. I silently tip toed to Amira's room, hoping the killer hasn't gotten to her yet. I saw light coming from under her door, letting me know that she was woke. I opened the door and walked in. "Mar-" she said as I shushed her immediately. "Babe we have to go now. The killer is in here. It's too late for Dia as I think he is in the bathroom with her at this very moment. We have to be very quiet and make not one sound." I said as she nodded her head. I was relieved to see that my baby was alive and all but no comes the tricky part, getting out of here unnoticed. I peeked out her door and saw him creeping into the bathroom. I immediately signaled for Amira to hurry up and go. What he did next scarred a nigga for life. He started slashing her to pieces. I listened to her scream in pain and agony as he continued his assault.

  I felt someone tugging on me and looked to see Amira telling me to come on. I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and followed her out the house. Whoever this is, they mean business. We didn't fully run until we got a few house's away (or out of viewpoint). Once we made it in, Amira instantly broke down. "What's going on? What happened?" Deonte said as he came downstairs. "Bro this nigga just murdered her friend in cold blood. I watched him do it. Whoever this is, they mean business. Rylee is right, we have to fight back." I said still trying to remain strong for my sake and hers. "Awww shit bro. I'm sorry to hear that. Y'all go upstairs and rest up. We have to remain prepared so we have to turn the lights out immediately." he said as he locked the door and followed behind us as we went upstairs. "Shit is getting crazy man." he mumbled. Crazy isn't the word. This shit is like a live action horror movie.

  Once we made it upstairs, I cuddled up with my distraught girlfriend who was now bawling her eyes out. "Baby, you have to rest up. I know it's hard but you never know if the killer isn't around these parts. Him hearing you cry right now would draw him straight to us. We don't want that." I said as she finally stopped crying. "You're right Marlon. It's just that she was my best friend and she really didn't deserve that. How am I gonna break this news to her parents?" she said as she laid on my chest. "Babe first we have to make sure that we make it out of here alive before we can even think about that." I said trying to reason with her. "Your right. Let's go to sleep. We'll need the energy." she said. Little did she know that I'll have plenty of trouble with sleeping tonight after what I just saw. 

Rylee POV       

  I woke up  the next morning to a beautiful sight:

  God is so good right now. "Good morning baby. I hope you sleep well. I've been on the look out just like I said. I even had a little security alarm just in case I fell asleep and something happened." he said with a smile on his face my mind was focused on something else at this very moment. I ran straight to the bathroom and did my morning routine before locking the door and running in his arms kissing him. He caught me and kissed me back, I can tell he was surprised though. "Ry-" he said as I shushed him. I pulled him back to the bed and pulled his pants down and went straight to work. "Oh shit bae." he moaned as continued to do my thing. I know some of y'all are thinking "Nigga it's a killer on the lose and you trying to fuck", but that's the thing, I don't know what's gonna happen so I got to make the most of the time I have with him.

  I locked eyes with him and that me go even more crazy. "Shit lee." he said as I hummed in response. "God damn!" he said as his eyes rolled back. He flipped me over and ate his breakfast/brunch, I have no idea what time it is right now nor do I care. "Justeeeeennnn." I moaned as he continued to slurp, kiss and lick everywhere on my body. "No more teasing. Go to work." I said. "Demanding are we. Gimme a min." he said as he got up and went into his bag for the condom and ky gel. I didn't know he had that. Oh it's about to be lit. He came back to the bed and began to prepare me for him. It felt so cold and his fingers didn't feel any better to be honest.  "You ready?" he asked as I nodded my head. He slowly entered me as I took a deep breath and relaxed. He started with slow stroked as I took a minute to get adjusted to him. 

  Before he could go faster, there was a loud explosion from outside. "Ry! Come here." Marlon said banging on the door. I got up, with Justen ass still in me, walking and stroking me a the same time. "Gimme a few..minutes." I said trying to hold back a moan. "Ight man. Hurry up." he said as he walked away from the door. Justen pinned me to the door and began to drill me, making this even harder for me to remain soundless. He kissed me as he continued his assault. If this wasn't such dire times, I would've been enjoying this. I punched him in his stomach and pushed him off of me. "Damn it babe, it was getting good." he groaned holding his stomach. "That's my fault. We have to go see what's up." I said as I grabbed a few things before walking to the bathroom to shower again. "I'm coming with you." he said as he followed me. 

  After we finished showering and getting dressed, we walked downstairs. "What's up y'all. Marlon you look like hell." I said once I finally got a good look at him. "Well yea you would look like this too if you witnessed  a murder first hand." he said as I stood there with my mouth wide. "Yeah I witnessed the killer murdering her best friend in cold blood. This guy is no joke Ry." he said with a sad and scared facial expression. "We have to stay ready. I know you're scared but we have to fight. Did y'all hear that explosion earlier?" I asked them. "Yeah but we don't know what it was." Deonte said. "I think we should check it out. That shit was loud." I said as everyone looked at me skeptically. "Look it's cool if y'all don't want to go but I need to know." I said grabbing my weapons. "You know I'm not leaving you alone." Justen said as he followed suit.

  "Bro's for life." Deonte and Marlon said as them and their girlfriends followed suit (A/N: Deonte grabbed his girlfriend with the whole scene in the cafe happened). We left and locked the door just as a precaution and headed in the direction of the explosion. I smelled something burning as we continued to walk and followed that scent. We ended up to where the vans were, and I mean were because they were now roasting in the afternoon sun. Whoever this was clearly didn't want us to go anywhere. "We have to tell the director and them about this." Amira said as we made our way to the admissions room. When we got there, we were in for the surprise of our life. All of the people in the admissions office were all dead. There was blood everywhere, on the walls, computer, floor, everywhere. I continued to walk to the directors room hoping that with some silver of  thought that he would still be alive.     

  Sadly, he wasn't. I walked in his office and saw that his neck had been sliced opened. I backed out of the room as I couldn't take the sight of this. "Rylee get down!" Justen yelled as I ducked and dodged right out of the way to see the killer swing, nearly missing my shoulder."Run!" I yelled to them as I kicked that nigga right in his leg making him stagger as bit. I ran down the hall and saw a bat laying on the floor. I picked it up and hid in one of the rooms right before you reached the door. I said a silent prayer before winding up my arm and listening to his footsteps. I heard him running down the hall. Gotcha. I jumped from where I was and clocked his ass with the bat knocking him clean out as well as lodging a knife in my arm. I ignored the searing pain and ran back to our cabin. 

  "Rylee!" everyone yelled as their face showed a sign of relief as well as shock when they seen that the knife was still lodged in my shoulder. "Shit baby sit down." Justen said picking me up as I dropped the bat. "I clocked his ass so this is just collateral damage. I doubt he's dead though." I said as I looked at everyone. "This is gonna hurt a bit but I got to get this out of you. Take a deep breath for me." he said. I counted to 10 as he began to take it out. "FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!" I yelled as he pulled it out. Blood started to pour out of my shoulder as he started to pour some peroxide and then alcohol on it. I yelled again as he did allat, the pain was just too much for me. "You're almost done baby. I just got t stitch you up." he said as he grabbed a needle and did just that before pouring more peroxide and placing a bandage over it. 

  "Where did you learn how to do this?" I weakly asked him. "One of our training courses. Don't you ever do some shit like this ever again. Do you hear me." he said as he wrapped his arms around me and cried on my back. "I'm sorry to have worried you guys. This guy is legit. We're gonna make it out of here alive! That's on everything." I said trying to be brave. Although I really didn't believe what I was saying.        

Gonna leave it there.

How am I doing?

Was gonna drop something else for y'all but y'all not ready. Or are y'all?





The killer?

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