Written In Our Stars *Narry*

MmKayItsNarry tarafından

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When fate brings them together, can reality tear them apart? Narry - boyxboy. My first attempt at this... Daha Fazla

Written In Our Stars *Narry*
1. Welcome Home?
2. Speechless
3. Sony
4. More Than This
5. Make Of It What You Will
6. Making It
7. Mobbed
8. How did you know?
9. Moments
10. Hangovers, Peeing and Feeling.. Right
11. Louis.. Being Stupid #NothingNewHere
12. Taking It Slow
13. 3am Wake Up Call
**Not A Chapter (uimhir amháin)**
14. Baby
15. Always
**Not A Chapter (uimhir dhá)**
16. Anything For You
17. Packing
**Not A Chapter (uimhir trí)**
18. Perfectly Imperfect
19. Unexpected
20. Miami Bitch
21. Case De Styles
22. Never Have I Ever
23. Can I Kiss You?
24. No Kissing!
narry imagines!
25. The Arena
26. Miami - Show 1
Character Asks
Character Asks :))
May ze odds be everrr in YOUR favourrrrr :))
27. New York
28. Plane Secrecy
29. Honey! I'm Home
30. Cross My Heart
After Careful Consideration (haha - as if!)
31. I don't even know anymore
32. Don't Go
33. Birthday Boy's Birthday Eve
34. Birthday Boy's Birthday Day Part 1
35. Birthday Boy's Birthday Day Part 2 (has moved to Tumblr)
36. Worth It Anymore
37. "I love you Harry Edward Styles"
38. "This is for closure"
39. Those 2 Months
40. *TEASER*
40. A Little
41. Lux
42. Niall's New Boyfriend
43. Carter
45. Other, More Important, Things
not a chapter but I need your feedback!
46. Home
47. Is Where
48. The Heart Is (FINAL CHAPTER)

44. "The Coming Out Show"

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MmKayItsNarry tarafından

Niall POV

I don’t even have chance to process what Harry has said before he’s out the door.

He was going to ask me to marry him? Me!?

“C’mon Niall, he can’t be serious.” Louis laughs.

“Don’t” I spin on my heel and glare at my brother, finger outstretched in his direction, “I’m sick of your attitude.” I spit.

When I look around the café I see everyone looking our way and at least a few teenagers with their phones out, recording everything.

I glance back to the door helplessly, knowing that the secret is out and there is nothing I can do about it.

I grab my coat and tear the ring box from Louis’ hand, ignoring Alfie’s apologies as I pick up the bouquet and sprint out of the coffee shop.

“HARRY!” I scream, running after his retreating back down the street.

I see his quicken his pace as he turns a corner, whilst I’m still struggling to keep up.

“Harry, please!” I screech, tears falling down my eyes.

“No! Niall! No, you don’t get to explain, it doesn’t work like that.” Harry turns to shout over his shoulder, leaning against the wall before collapsing down into a seated position with his head in his hands and large sobs racking his body.

Thankfully, the street he turned onto is relatively empty, although a few passers-by shoot Harry confused glances.

I fall down beside him and drop the flowers and my coat to the floor beside me.

“Please, Harry.” I whisper, reaching up and taking his hand.

“How could you do that to me Niall?” He sobs, looking into my eyes so heart brokenly that I can’t help but let out a little whimper.

“I didn’t do anything, baby.” I laugh gently, reaching my fingers up to wipe at the moisture on his cheeks.

“But I saw you!” He protests weakly. “You were there, with him and he was kissing you and that should have been me. I should have been the one kissing you because you are my Niall.” Harry blurts possessively.

“Louis insisted on meeting Carter, I couldn’t get out of it. And then Liam and Zayn suggested Alfie to step in and pretend to be him. I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to hurt you.” I tell him, rushing to get my words out.

“Don’t lie to me.” He pleads, looking to me hopefully.

“Harry, I would never lie about something like that. I love you too much to hurt you. Please trust me on this.” I whisper, cupping his face in my hands as he attempts to look away.

“Do you promise me?” He asks, completely seriously.

“Of course darling, of course.” I reassure him.

“I still don’t understand why you didn’t tell me.” He continues, sniffing loudly and succeeding in pulling his eyes from mine.

“I don’t even know anymore.” I laugh a little, despite the current situation.

“You don’t know a lot do you love?” He laughs a little, a flash of a smile ghosting his features.

“I know, I should’ve told you. I’m such an idiot for not telling you.” I mutter the last part, annoyed that I caused Harry pain, the exact thing I was trying to avoid.

“Yeah, you are.” Harry agrees, rubbing his thumb over the tear tracks on my cheeks.

I rest my head on his shoulder and take his hand in mine again, although I’m still not sure where we are at this point, and we sit in silence for a few moments.

“Were you really going to propose?” I ask after a few moments, toying with the ring box in my lap.

“Yeah.” Harry sighs, plucking it from my fingers before I can clutch it back.

“It was stupid. Don’t worry about it. I mean, your brother doesn’t even know about us, the world doesn’t know. I’ve only known you for 9 months and we spent 2 of those months separated. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Harry sighs, putting the ring back in his pocket.

“When you know, you know.” I whisper, fiddling with his fingers as I contemplate my next words.

“I would have said-“

“No, you don’t need to answer that. Please don’t.” Harry covers my mouth before I can finish my sentence.

As soon as he removes his hand, I go to answer again.

“Please don’t Niall, please.” He pleads with such sincerity that I close my mouth and snuggle further into him, willing to avoid an argument, for his sake.

“Are you mad at me?” I ask after a few minutes.

“Kinda.” Harry admits, squeezing my hand none the less.

“I mean, I know you were just trying to spare my feelings, but I can’t help feeling like I deserved to know.” Harry sighs, looking down at me with red rimmed eyes.

“I know. I went about it the wrong way. But the whole time I was with him, I was trying not to cringe and I was just thinking about you. How right this feels-“I lift our joined hands up a little in gesture.

“-compared to how wrong his hand felt. And as sweet and funny as he was, he just wasn’t you. I was actually planning on going across the street to get you some flowers and to surprise you by coming over later.” I admit, watching as his face breaks out in a small grin.

“Beat you to it.” Harry gestures to the bouquet at my side that I pick up lovingly.

“They’re beautiful, of course.” I sniff the flowers and their sweet scent hits my nose, causing me to sigh contentedly.

“I kinda wrecked them when I threw them at you. I’m sorry.” Harry apologises, his hand coming up to lift a crumpled flower that’s stem had broken.

“I deserved it.” I excuse his actions and let the flowers rest in my lap, lifting my head up to face Harry.

“Can we kiss and make up now?” I ask hopefully, sniffling a little.

Harry leans in with a confident smile and pecks my lips slowly and softly, always leaving me wanting more.

“Done.” He sighs, removing his hand from mine in favour of wrapping his arm around my back.

“I really am so sorry.” I whisper into his neck, my face having found comfort there, as always.

“It’s ok.” Harry lies unconvincingly.

“Well, I know it’s not. But I’m going to make it up to you. I promise.” I vow, rubbing my nose against the base of his neck lovingly.

“Your nose is so cold.” Harry giggles, squeezing my bicep.


“Stop apologising.” Harry laughs, leaning his head on top of mine.

“Sorry.” I tease, grabbing my coat from the floor and pulling it on as the wind finally hits me.

“Do you want to go back to mine? Or.. You don’t have to.. I could drop you back at your place.. I mean, I don’t know..” Harry says insecurely, his hands rubbing his legs nervously.

“I would love to.” I reassure him, realising that ever since we got back together, there has been a lot of Harry reassuring me, but very little of me making the effort to reassure him that I’m not going anywhere. Maybe that’s why he freaked out the second he saw me with another man.

“C’mon then.” Harry stands up and dusts his jeans off before offering a hand to me.

I take it and let him pull me up.

“Is it ok if I hold your hand? I mean, half the world probably knows with the amount of teenagers with phones in that café.” Harry asks sheepishly.

“It would be my absolute honour, Mr Styles.” I say cheesily, feeling scared as well as liberated as I hold his hand in public for the first time.

“I love you.” I reassure him, letting him guide me back to his car.

“I love you Niall, always.” Harry smiles, unlocking his car and letting me climb in.

Before he has chance to go to the driver’s side, I pull him back to me, him in-between my legs and me leaning half way out the car to give him a kiss, a proper one this time.

When we pull apart I smile at his startled face, brushing my thumb over his bottom lip before pushing him back and slamming the door in his face with a laugh.

Harry is round his side in a few more seconds and instantly holds my hand in his on the centre console.

He begins to drive but the second that we get stopped at a traffic light; there is a girl, presumably a fan, taping against my window.

I look to Harry, who nods, before I roll the window down and smile at her.

“Hey.” I greet her, smiling happily.

“Are you two together?” She asks, straight off the bat.

I look to Harry, unsure what to say, he just leans over the centre console closer to her so she can hear him better.

“Whilst I’m not exclusively revealing anything, I think a lot is going to be changing for me soon, and Niall here, might just be the reason.” He teases with a wink before kissing my cheek.

“You guys are so adorable!” The girl gushes.

“Thank you.” I blush.

“Can I get a picture?” She asks, lifting up her camera.

“Sure!” I lean back in my seat, trying to get out of the way so she can get a picture with Harry.

“With you too, Niall!” She laughs as if it was obvious and leans in.

Harry wraps an arm around my shoulder and we get in the shot but just before the picture is taken, he leans over and kisses my cheek, like he has so many times before.

I blush horrendously and am thankful when the light changes to green, waving to the girl out the window as Harry drives off, rolling the window up and letting out a relieved breath.

“See babe, it’s not so bad.” Harry attempts to reassure me.

“That was only one girl, Harry. You have hundreds of thousands, even millions screaming your name.” I say helplessly, my mind getting a little foggy when thinking of the large crowds I would be faced with on a daily basis from now on.

“Yeh, but your scream is the only one that matters.” Harry whispers teasingly, causing me to burst out in a fit of laughter.

When I glance over at Harry, I see his mouth sporting a small pout and I can’t help but laugh again.

“I thought that was sexy.” Harry whinges, sounding like a 14 year old girl.

I sit up and place a hand on his shoulder, stopping my laughter for a moment.

“Oh babe, you tried.” I peck his cheek and chuckle quietly to myself whilst Harry simmers in his seat.

“Meanie.” Harry says cutely.

“Urgh, you are so getting a kiss for that when it wouldn’t put our lives in danger.” I promise, wanting to lean over and kiss him right now, but I’m pretty sure we’d crash before we got back to the house.

After a minute or so Harry pulls up to the keypad outside his front gate and types in his passcode which, no matter how much he attempts to deny it, definitely spells out ‘Niall’.

“Not a word Horan.” He warns me as the gates open, holding a hand up to stop the grin on my face forming into words.

“Yes sir.” I salute him a little, laughing as he pulls into his garage and shuts the engine off.

“I’m waiting.” Harry smirks, and it takes me a moment to figure out what he is hinting at.

The second I realise, though, I am straddling his lap and claiming his lips as my own.

I dart my tongue into his mouth as he tilts his head to the side and graze my tongue over his teeth, a habit I seemed to have forgotten about lately.

I feel Harry moan a little and clutch my hips closer to his, so I pull away and gently press our lips together a few more times before leaning my head on Harry’s shoulder.

“I’ve missed when you do that.” Harry informs me before he gently glides his tongue along his teeth.

“Same.” I answer simply, kissing his neck softly as he opens the door.

“Out.” He commands simply and I reach over to the abandoned flowers in my seat before jumping down from the car.

The slam of a door moments later, signifies Harry’s exit from the car, as does his hand on my hip as he leads me to his door.

“Do you want to stay here for a while, whilst things with Louis settle?” Harry asks about 10 minutes later, after we’ve removed our outdoor wear and have got comfortable on the sofa together.

“Yeah.” I breathe, nodding into his chest lightly.

“It’s going to be ok Niall.” Harry picks up on my worried thoughts.

“I hope so.” I nod, leaning up to peck his lips and smile along with him.

I’m so happy.


3 weeks later

“Niall! If you leave your underwear on the bathroom floor one more time, I will shoot you!” Harry exclaims as he walks, shirtless into the living room.

“Sorry babe.” I say absentmindedly, focusing on the television screen in front of me.

“Niall!” Harry calls my attention again, standing in the way of the rerun of Friends I was watching.

“Harry.” I whine, trying to see round him.

“Niall, we are living together now. You need to sort your shit out.” Harry’s words steal my attention from the TV and I can see his mind attempting to back pedal.

“I mean, I know we’re not living together properly, cos all your stuff is still back at your place and you have your studio and this is only temporary whilst you and Louis aren’t talking and obviously you don’t want to live here. I mean, you have your own place, with Liam and Louis, why would you wanna live here. Unless you want to, I mean, of course you can move in if you want to but that isn’t what I meant and-“ Harry looks up at me, talking a break from his ramblings to breathe.

“You know what I meant didn’t you?” He questions sheepishly, his arms dropping to his sides, my boxers still dangling from his pointer finger by their waistband.

I nod, amused, at my boyfriend’s insecurities with saying the wrong thing to me.

“Harry?” I ask, standing up and pushing my blanket to the side before walking towards him.

He looks up to meet my eyes with his gentle, soft ones and I can’t help but smile as I take my underwear from him and drop them to the floor before cupping his cheeks in my hands.

“Do you want me to move in?” I ask, smiling as his eyes light up.

“Do you promise not to leave your underwear lying around everywhere?” Harry jokes, looking at me faux-sternly.

“But you love picking them up so much; I wouldn’t want to take that away from you.” I smile when he scowls at me.

“Promise me.” He warns, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I promise baby.” I peck his nose before wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

“Then yes, of course I want you to move in.” Harry confirms, wrapping his arms securely around my waist.

“This is so exciting.” I say after a while of cuddling.

“I can’t wait to start my life with you Niall.” Harry kisses my temple, a second before his phone decides to ring.

“I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t you dare go anywhere. I need my Nialler hug.” Harry detaches himself from me and grabs his phone before leaving the room and jogging up the stairs as he utters a greeting.

I sit back down on the sofa and check my own phone for any messages.

My eyes widen when I see one from Harry’s sister.


Hey Niall! Gemma here, I know we don’t text much and we’ve only met once or twice but I was wondering if you and Harry fancied coming down to mum’s and Robin’s for the weekend. Let me know. I would have texted Curly but he’s crap at replying ;)

I smile at her message, waiting for Harry to come back down before answering her.

Harry comes traipsing back down the stairs a few minutes later with his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

“Management want me to do an interview, confirming that I’ve come out and that I have a boyfriend.” Harry looks up at me with worried eyes.

“Do you want to do it?” I ask, opening my arms for him.

“It would be nice to end all the speculation and set people straight but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything like that.” Harry admits as he curls into my body and nuzzles his nose into my neck.

“You should do it.” I reassure him, kissing him on the lips when he looks up to me with shocked eyes.

“Are you sure?” He asks, not fully convinced.

“Definitely.” I nod, finding myself more and more comfortable with our situation every day.

“Would you come with me?” Harry asks, a little excitement present in his eyes.

“Do you want me to?” I ask a question we both know the answer to.

“Of course!” Harry confirms my thoughts and pulls himself into a sitting position beside me.

“Then I’ll go with you.” I smile as he smothers me in a hug and kisses my cheek repeatedly.

“When is the interview?” I ask after a while of stroking Harry’s hair as he rests it against my chest.

“Well, it’s being taped tomorrow but it won’t air until Saturday.” He informs me.

“Wow, that’s soon.” I say, a little taken aback.

“It’s fine if you don’t want me to do it, I can reschedule.” Harry rambles.

“Stop worrying babe! I’m fine with it! I promise you!” I reassure him yet again, tugging him back into my embrace as he seems to have shuffled out of it.

“Ok, I’m sorry.” Harry submits, curling back into my side again.

“Gemma wanted to know if we wanted to go down to your mum and Robin’s for the weekend.” I tell Harry.

“Did she now?” He asks, a flicker of a smirk on his face.

“Yeah, do you wanna go?”

“Of course, I always want to see my family and they haven’t really met you properly but I’m sure they would love to.” Harry tells me.

“It should be good.” I reply.

“Do you want me to text her back or what?” Harry jokes, referring to how I still haven’t grabbed my phone and replied to his sister.

“Shut up.” I mutter, grabbing my phone from the back of the sofa, my episode of Friends long forgotten.


We would love to come down Gemma! Can’t wait t see you all, Harold’s excited too. See you then :) x


Harry POV

“Heya Harry, are you all set for the interview?” The host, Jonathon Ross, comes up to talk to me just as Lou finishes styling my hair, Niall busy playing on his phone on the sofa in the corner of my dressing room.

“Just about, a bit nervous to be honest.” I inform him, smiling and standing up to shake his hand.

“So, it’ll be the normal formalities, how are you? What have you been up to whilst you’ve been off? When’s the plan for the next album? Song writing etcetera and then of course, I’ll be addressing the recent rumours and speculations circulating.” He informs me, his eyes flickering over to Niall when he’s finished.

“Yeh, sounds good.” I smile, breathing deep.

“Is that him?” Jonathon asks me, nodding his head towards Niall.

“It is.” I smile happily.

“Mind if I go over and say hello?” He asks for my permission.

“Not at all, go ahead.” I gesture for him to go to Niall and he thanks me before walking up to my boyfriend.

I can only hear faint mutterings of their conversation but when Niall bursts out laughing, I know everything is fine.

I turn around and continue my conversation with Lou, pulling my shirt off in favour of putting on the dress shirt my stylist had recommended.

“Hey babe.” I feel Niall’s arms around me as he whispers in my ear, my buttons not all the way done up yet.

“Bloody hell Ni, you scared me.” I laugh, resting my arms on top of his.

“As much as I want to be ripping this shirt off your body, can I do your buttons up?” He offers, turning me around slowly.

“Go ahead.” I smile, resting my arms on his hips as he does the buttons up slowly.

I catch Jonathon’s eye as he walks out of the dressing room, even though I hadn’t realised he was still here, and he nods with a small smile.


“Now Harry, we all know there have been rumours speculating about you and your private life and your personal life..” I nod as Jonathon continues speaking, mentally preparing myself for the question.

I scan the audience for Niall and see him down on the front row, next to Lou and a few other people from my team. I smile when I see him, dressed up in his suit for the occasion, much like I am.

“So Harry, I’m sure there’s one thing that everyone has been wanting to know, and I know that it shouldn’t have to be said publicly and announced, much in the way that Leonardo DiCaprio getting a new girlfriend doesn’t have to be announced, but, of course, your relationship is an unexpected, yet beautiful one, I would say.” Jonathon looks to me to start speaking.

“Um, yeah. So, I’m guessing a lot of people  already kind of guessed that I was gay but I don’t think I ever fully realised it myself, I mean it’s not a conscious decision that everyone makes, whether you’re gay, straight, bisexual, whatever, I think it kind of just happens. And when it happens with the right person, you know that that’s how it was meant to be from the start and... Yeah, I’m so happy right now.” I finish with a smile, only glancing to Jonathon before my eyes lock with Niall’s, who gives me a thumbs up before rubbing his fist under his eye a little.

“And you have a partner of course, don’t you?” Jonathon prompts.

“Yes, I mean, he’s amazing and he’s one of the songwriters on my new album so we’ve been getting to know each other so well and it just kind of clicked. I mean, I know it sounds cliché but I think I knew when I met him that something was different. I couldn’t be happier than I am right now, I’m in the place I want to be, with the people I want to be with. The man I want to be with and I’m sharing these feelings and emotions and this relationship with him that I can’t even put into words and it’s just incredible.” I can’t help fiddling with my hands in my lap and avoiding eye contact with the people surrounding me, although I do glance up quickly to find Niall again.

“It’s sounds phenomenal, are we going to get a name or..” Jonathon laughs along with the audience and although everyone probably already knows his name, he’s my Niall and I’m going to keep it that way for as long as I can.

“I’m sure everyone already knows but I’m not revealing anything. I think my whole life, personal and professional have been broadcast to the world so many times and I think I’d just like to keep this one to myself.” I smile, finally looking up to meet his eyes.

“Fair enough, well I must say, you two are absolutely fantastic together and the chemistry and love between you is undeniable. I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you can continue to be happy.” He smiles, wrapping up the interview.

“Thank you so much for having me.” I say politely.

“Well, thank you for being here Mr Styles and I honestly hope this all works out for you.” Jonathon concludes sincerely and I stand up to shake his hand before walking to leave, hearing the crowd cheer and clap a little as Jonathon thanks all his guests from tonight’s show.

“That was amazing baby!” Niall jumps into my arms the second he can make his way backstage.

“Thank you.” I mutter, just holding him close and trying not to tear up a little.

“You made me cry, ya bastard.” Niall laughs, his throat a little dry.

I just laugh into his neck and pull him closer, thankful to have my favourite person in the world all to myself and in my arms.

“I love you.” I whisper quietly, a little tear of happiness dripping down onto Niall’s grey blazer.

“I love you, ya goof.” Niall laughs, pulling back a little to wipe my eyes before he leans in for a longing kiss.

“I’m still so nervous.” I laugh as we break apart, the stress easing a little more with every second that passes where I’m in Niall’s arms.

“I know a good stress reliever.” He whispers huskily in my ear, taking my hand as Paul calls us to the car out back.


Niall POV

When Harry and I got home from the interview, I dragged him straight upstairs for a lovely long “stress relieving session” and after a quick shower, I’m curled up on his chest again as he runs his fingers through my hair.

“I love you so much Niall, like you wouldn’t even understand if I tried to explain it.” Harry whispers after a few silent minutes.

“I think I have a pretty good idea.” I mumble, aware that he is slowly drifting off to sleep after a night full of orgasms.

“Good.” He says sleepily, unconsciously tugging me closer as he drifts into unconsciousness.

When I’m sure he’s asleep, I can’t help but move my lips to his ear.

“I would have said yes.”

I must have missed the smile on his face as I said the words but then again, I wasn’t really looking for it. He was asleep. Right?

So there's the next chapter!! Hope you liked it and don't want to kill me or anything....... I mean, a lot of you did on the last chapter hahaha.

I have so much work to do that it's ridiculous so I have to go. If anyone has a video or pic/gif to recommend that I put on the side then go for it 'cos y'know, cba haha :))

Okumaya devam et