Five is a crowd

By JuliaFerrar

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COMPLETED- A Police Officer by the name Officer Heart gathers five normal boys to be the new future. He rents... More

1-Just some medicine
3-Steps Inside A Book
5-Stranger corners
6-How could they!
7-Everyone wants to be heard
8-In this together
9-This is youth!
10-Trouble rises
11-The "Princess" moves in
12-Happy birthday?
13-It's what's important
14-I feel your pain
15-"I'm going!"
17-What about the small things?
18-This is who I am?
20-Can we all do this?
21-I want to do this right
22-In this till the end!
23-Not what they expected
24-Break through!
25-This is who we are!
26-Why we are here
28-"Five is a Crowd!"

27-making it to the finish!

52 7 31
By JuliaFerrar

A/N Secondo to last chapter published! I am so excited to have the whole thing up almost. :D 

"Sure you're okay?" Aman asked Nicholas for the hundredth time that morning.

"I'm totally fine! I feel as good as new!" He replied only leaning his body into Aman more heavily.

"I promise something like this isn't going to happen again, Niki." Said Aman, he glanced over at his Mama who was walking beside them down the hallway in the hospital. He was having a hard time with letting Orson Luz go after what he did to his own brother. Their Papa already went home a few days before that because he couldn't miss out on work, now Nicholas and their Mama was headed home.

"Stop worrying Aman, focus on what you have here with the boys. And I think you should go see a Dr." Said, Mama.

"Mama I'm fine! And don't worry about me worrying, I've done enough of that for a lifetime!" Aman was dying to let his family in on the real reason behind he and the boys mission. They made their way out to the bus that was waiting to take them to the airport. "I'll miss you." Said Aman.

His Mama took his face in her hands and placed a kiss on his nose. "We will miss you, Aman, take good care of Valeria."

"And don't go getting any more concussions." Winked Nicholas.

"Come here Niki," Aman grabbed his brother in a tight embrace, he had to make that whole thing up to him. "Let yourself heal and don't forget to call me whenever you have a chance and keep that bracelet safe."

"I will Aman, take care of yourself." Then Nicholas took hold of his Mamas' arm and they walked off to the bus.

"Love you both!" Aman called after them. He watched the bus disappear. Try to forget Orson Luz, it's part of the contract. He told himself. He turned toward the parking lot when all of the sudden he felt very dizzy! He stopped to balance himself, by then the concussion should be healing unless it was a bad one. He never did see a Dr. and didn't know the extent of it. He was beginning to believe everyone was right, he needed to see one or he would just be asking for more trouble. He waited on till his vision cleared then headed to the car.


Officer Heart was entering Corey's room. He wasn't sure how he'd deal with the boy, it was really Corey's choice rather or not he wanted to press charges against Orson Luz. He walked in to find Corey picking at his breakfast. "Good morning."

Corey looked up seeming startled. "Good morning."

"Don't be nervous. How are you feeling?" Asked Officer Heart.

"I don't know, things aren't getting any better." Replied Corey bleakly.

"Mind if I sit down?" Corey nodded his head so Officer Heart took the chair beside his bed. "Are you up to discussing some things?" He asked.

"I don't need your help and I don't need anything from your boys, my sister is here now."

Officer Heart didn't expect Corey to say that! "Is she?"

"Yeah and I'd really like to be left alone now." Replied Corey, he placed his fork down as if he was done fighting with his appetite for good that morning.

"Well, I am a Police Officer Corey and I need to ask you a few questions. What do you plan on doing with Orson Luz?" Corey looked even more nervous by then. "The choice is yours now."

"Did he settle things with you?" Asked Corey.

"Yes, I don't know where he is now. I need to know if your pressing charges and I'm asking you as a Police Officer not a leader of my boys."

Corey hesitated. "I don't want to mess with him."

"Corey fear shouldn't stop you from that when someone hurts you you let the world know if you must! Don't drop charges because you're afraid."

Corey looked over at Officer Heart, there was something innocent in his eyes as if all his life he wanted help but couldn't find it. "You mean if I press charges you will back me up even if it puts the boys at risk?" He asked.

"Yes Corey, because life is more precious than anything. Now no one else knows who's been hurting you but me and the boys, the choice is yours."

"You mean if I pull through you'll give me a second chance if I don't press charges?"

"Corey I will give you a second chance even if you do, but there's only so many times a man can give you a second chance."

"If I press charges," Began Corey. "I'll be found guilty as well." Officer Heart nodded his head. "I'll go to jail."

"I'm not asking you to run away from punishment, that's no reason to drop charges. Orson Luz agreed to leave us alone, I'm going to trust him. Because of that we all get a second chance."

Corey looked thoughtful. "I-I want a second chance, but what if I die? I want to drop charges."

Officer Heart saw the tears forming in poor Corey's eyes. "That choice is yours then. You still have a second chance with God but that's only on till you die."


Brooks watched how Agustin and Isla talked in the kitchen that morning. How could they say they didn't like each other? Is all they did was smile when they were together. "Hey, Brooks!" Said, Dylan, as he came down the steps. Brooks was sitting on the last one feeling rather depressed.


"Everything okay?" Asked Dylan.

"I don't want to leave, what are you doing today?" Asked Brooks.

"I have work then I'm going out with Brighton."

"What makes Brighton yours?"

Dylan gave the top of Brooks' head a rub. "She picked me, Brooks, wait for a girl your age."

"I don't think another girl will like me now." Said Brooks.

"I highly doubt that Brooks, you have charm know one really understands. Well, I see the two love birds are perching in the kitchen." Chuckled Dylan. "Hang in there Brooks, things will turn up."


Dylan met with Brighton at Starbucks during their break, that whole thing had been so exciting to him, he told his Mama everything he knew about her. But there was something different that day, she seemed upset or sad and Dylan wondered if he was the source of that. They both sat down, smiles on their faces.

"Okay?" Asked Dylan hoping to ease her from whatever was bothering her.

She looked up at him with a smile yet he could tell she was faking it. "I'm fine." She briefly replied.

Dylan hesitated to ask her further questions but he didn't like the feel of things that day. "So sad." He said. Brighton was hesitating, she looked out that same window they always sat beside. Dylan saw some tears in her eyes so took her hand from across the table. "What?" He asked her having so much more to say only he couldn't do it in English.

"Corey is my Hermano." She plainly said. Dylan wasn't sure he heard that right, did she mean Corey Aaron the boy from Aman's gang?! She must have realized his confusion because she took his hand in her own now. "I didn't know about Aman being in the gang." She said.

"Corey, is you Hermano?" Dylan asked he couldn't wrap his mind around that!

Brighton nodded her head. "I'm afraid I have to go." She spoke clearly. "It's not my day." Then she got up without even a goodbye.

Dylan felt his heart sink. All that news then she just left? He shouldn't blame her, after all, Corey was her brother and she must have been worried sick! He just sat there watching her walk to her car from the window. He wanted to give her words of encouragement but they spoke different languages. Maybe they weren't meant to be! Dylan wasn't about to think that though, no he was going to push it out of his mind as far as he could.

As soon as Dylan got home that evening and all the boys were there he told them.

"What is it, Dylan?" Asked Agustin impatiently.

Dylan was bursting on the inside, he couldn't even focus on work, he only had time to tell Officer Heart! He took a deep breath. "Brighton and I had a date, she's Corey's sister."


Aman felt his heart leap, he never knew Corey had a sister! And all that time Brighton didn't tell him she knew about the gang? "What?" He questioned in anger. He was feeling frozen, what was it about life at that time? Everything was so different, he felt as if he was walking in his sleep.

"She didn't know you were in the gang Aman, she didn't know!" Spoke Dylan defensively. "At least that's how I understood it."

All the boys looked shocked. "This is so strange, but everything has been lately." Said Agustin, Javier just stayed quiet.

"What is she going to do?" Asked Brooks.

"She just left, I could tell she was really hurting. I think we should give her space." Said Dylan.

But Aman felt sorry, he never answered the texts she sent him when he was in L.A. He was still so ashamed and couldn't face her. Aman just left the room hoping to wrap his mind around it all.


That evening the boys were all busy doing their own things. Agustin was happy as he baked in the kitchen, ever since Isla came back into his life he was more like himself. But the boys didn't know much about their break up, he never spoke of it. Dylan was playing video games, as usual, Brooks was just watching him. Javier wasn't around neither was Aman. Agustin put the pan of cookies to bake in the oven then found Dylan and Brooks in the living room. "Where are the other two?" He asked.

Dylan just shrugged but Brooks sat up straighter. "Javier seems really upset and I don't know where Aman is."

Agustin sighed. "Another rough day at school probably. Well, I'll go get them, maybe we can read a bit from the book."

Dylan raised his eyebrows. "We aren't kids Agustin."

Agustin blushed a bit. "Well, it's good quality time." He soon came back with a complaining Aman and a very quiet Javier. Something must have been bothering Javier, it was obvious and he just wouldn't let the boys in on it. Perhaps it wasn't necessary to him though, he obviously didn't think he needed to befriend any of them further, he hadn't even agreed to be apart of the group! Valeria seemed content if only everyone could be more like her, Agustin though her own Papa could learn a thing or two from it. "Alright, let's read a little." Said Agustin finding a place on the sofa beside Brooks and planting himself there.

"You can't be serious Agustin!" Said Aman.

"I can't? Officer Heart was the one that said we should read it." Pleaded Agustin hearing the others laugh at him, all except for Javier.

"Well, I was going to read it on my own, weren't you guys?" Aman asked eyeing the other three. Dylan nodded in agreement and it was obvious Brooks didn't mind hearing the story. He just nodded half heartedly. Javier just sat still keeping his focus on the floor. "Fine, I'll act like it's Valeria that wants to hear the story. Right Princess?" Aman asked the child who clapped her hands.

"Let's begin then." Agustin loved reading aloud and got a bit carried away. He read the entire book in one sitting! The others must have been enjoying it because they didn't say anything except for the time Dylan interrupted to bright the pan of cookies in. Then there was an argument, Brooks wanted some but everyone warned him up and down he'd only get sick. Then they were nearing the last chapter not even realizing the time.


Brighton watched her brother that evening, he was having seizure after seizure. To think all the drinking drove him that mad! She wanted to leave yet she couldn't let go of his hand. He was in so much pain, he was so afraid and he needed her. Once they gave him enough medicine to knock him out he just lay there limply as if he never had the pain. Brighton met Dr. Morton's eyes, she looked concerned.

"How are you going to stop this?" Brighton asked she ran a hand through her sleeping brother's hair. It was all wet from the fever, the fever that wouldn't leave him fighting with his body and making him sick!

"There's nothing we can do I'm so sorry. You see it's up to Corey now if his body is willing to forget the alcohol it so badly lacks."

Brighton felt tears welling in her eyes. She let go of the hold she had on his limp hand and approached the Dr. "You can't let him die! You have to stop the seizures, there has to be something the medical field can do!" Brighton didn't mean to shout, she knew the Doctors couldn't help it, her Mama always told them science and medicine had come only so far.

"I'm sorry Brighton, but there is nothing else we can do." With those words Brighton left the room, she felt as if she had no one to go to! She just left that horrible building and drove to her apartment home. The whole way she was in tears if her brother died her whole life would be wrecked, and then everything else would feel unimportant.


Agustin continued reading.

"And that's the story of the Team Heros, the list could go on though. We had so many adventures, so many times of love and so many times of tears. And we realized our essence was finding our confidence, not giving up because Of small human disadvantage. Now you ought to know a bit about myself, I guess I made myself sound like Superman didn't I, but that's not true! None of us can be so powerful so that we feel no pain or tears. There were many days the team had to go on without me, I'd get upset and fight about it but it was only for my own good. I was very sick at times,"

Brooks sat up, did he hear that right? Someone as brave as Flying Cyrus got sick?! He felt the other boys eyeing him. "Keep reading." He told Agustin.

"I couldn't walk, I'd just lay in bed with all kinds of symptoms, from pain to upset stomachs. I wanted to give up, I wanted to die! I thought, if I can't do anything in life why am I even here? And I blamed my dad, he was the one that made me this way. When I learned that I could still do great things, it might not be obvious, but isn't it the smallest things in this world that add to the giant ones? Everyone's good efforts lead to something no matter how small, as long as there commendable. I was still me, in sickness and abuse. My dad abused me mentally and physically, but I was able to stand up on my own two feet again. There were days when I wasn't even myself mentally, I couldn't speak or understand the simplest things, and when I got like that I would forget it afterward. If it wasn't for all my friends and family that told me about this strange behavior I still wouldn't know. But I learned a lot, no matter what God is always greater and with Him, anything can be accomplished. Trust me, no one learns this over night, and for as long as you live you'll always get down, just don't give up. You can do great things, keep searching and you can become your own kind of hero, no one is placed on this earth for no reason. Want to know why I'm so sure of this? Because God wouldn't create anything purposeless, He has an understanding the mirror human doesn't know. He makes no mistakes, that's how I know not even you are here without a reason. Go out and live your purpose to the fullest! Because we found out in the end that our inner essence is who God made us, who we give our souls too. This will define us. The end."

The boys were all silent, trying to take it all in. Then Javier stood up and left the room rather quickly. "What's his problem?" Asked Dylan.

"He'll tell us when we're ready." Said Agustin, then he looked down at his watch. "One A.M! We have work tomorrow, come on let's all turn in."

Brooks went to bed with a new determination, even if his parents were making him leave didn't mean he had to stop being a hero. He was going to fight even if it meant he dies in the end. As long as he tried with all the might he had!


The house was soon sleeping all except for Aman. Even when he lay down the whole room spun. It continued like that for an hour and he already vomited twice. He was feeling sick to his stomach again so headed out of the room. He must have awakened Javier though.

"Aman what are you doing? I can't get any sleep!" He snapped.

"I don't feel well Javier." Then Aman just left knowing he would get sick at any moment.


Javier hated to admit it, but he was beginning to worry for Aman. The guy was clearly getting worse when by then he should be getting better. Javier knew he had to at least tell Agustin, so he slipped out of bed and went into the hallway. That's when he head Aman being sick from the bathroom and knew things were getting bad. He went straight to the other boy's room and flung the door open. "Agustin," He nudged him.

"What is it, Javier?" Agustin asked with his eyes still half closed.

"Aman's sick and I think we should do something about it."

"Since when are you so worried about Aman?"

Javier was surprised Dylan woke up that quickly. "Well, he is really sick Dylan!"

"I'll go see but it's not like he'll admit to it." Agustin climbed out of bed and followed Javier to the bathroom. He gently knocked on the door and called, "Aman? You okay?"

Aman didn't reply at first. "For crying out loud Aman answer us!" Dylan added.

The door slowly opened and Aman looked like a mess! "Go back to bed guys." He said weakly.

"No way you're going to the ER!" Agustin protested.

"Maybe not that dramatic." Said Dylan. But they all agreed with Agustin soon enough.

Aman tried making his way out of the bathroom only to stumble! "That's it he's going to the ER!" Javier added feeling very worried.

"Javi you'll come with me, stay with Brooks and Valeria Dylan. Call Officer Heart too." Said Agustin.


An hour later. "Is he bad?" Office Heart asked in a whisper. Aman was laying in bed in one of the ER rooms. He had an IV in his left arm but he was asleep.

"Waiting on results for the ct scan, they don't know anything right now." Told Agustin feeling nervous.

"He exerted himself for sure. Wheres Javier? Dylan told me he went with you." Asked Officer Heart.

"I don't know what's wrong with him, he's somewhere in the waiting room."

"Well, I'm going to talk with him, hang in there Agustin."


Javier just sat there trying to tie the loose ends of his mind together. He knew he should let the boys know but somehow he didn't want to. He was startled when he heard his name being called. "Javier?"

"Oh, hey Officer Heart."

Officer Heart sat down beside him. "What's wrong Javier?"

Javier hesitated, Officer Heart knew all about it. He shouldn't have been afraid to tell him. "We read the book last night."

"Did you enjoy it?" Asked Officer Heart.

"How do you know Officer Heart? How did you know the book would help us?"

Officer Heart chuckled. "I picked you boys because of your back rounds, I wanted to give boys with rough lives a chance. A lot of Latino kids grow up in a rough way Javier, they deserve a chance. Are you going to tell them?"

Javier hesitated. "Yeah, if you'll be there too." He said.

"That a boy." Officer Heart patted Javier's shoulder.

"And I want to be in the team." Added Javier.

"There's still room for you Javier."


Aman stirred a bit causing Agustin to come over to his bed. "Aman, you okay?"

Aman's face looked pained. "My head sure isn't." Then he sat up on his elbows wincing a bit. "So what's the status?"

"No head injury!" Said Agustin. "And it's five A.M. They want you to see a Dr. this afternoon though to rule things out." Told Agustin. "And Isla told me to tell you she hopes you feel better soon."

Aman rolled his eyes. "And you don't still love her. "When can I get out of here?" He asked.

"As soon as they come get you and trust me you're not gonna like all the rest involved."


Javier and Agustin got that day off since they were up so late. Officer Heart took Aman to his appointment. "You boys and your ER visits." He chuckled as they drove. "But that's how it goes with boys."

"My Mama has been saying that all morning." Said Aman.

"She has a right to worry about you young man, your strong willed. Come on let's go see that Dr. Later I want to talk to all of you boys." Said Officer Heart.

Aman waited for the Dr. alone in the exam room. He hated that, it was all his fault if only he would have known Orson Luz wouldn't win in the end! But that's life, things that seem like a big deal always end up working out in the end, but you never can see that on till you go through all the pain. Then there was a knock on the door. Dr. Macardie came in smiling.

"So, it's not Brooks this morning."

"Hey, Dr." Smiled Aman.

The Dr. took a seat at the computer and pulled up Aman's records from last night. "So you were in the ER with a concussion you haven't taken care of."

"Who told you that?" Asked Aman.

"It's very obvious and your friends let us in on it too. Aman this could have resulted in hemorrhaging. Now I'm afraid you have to stay off your feet for some time now. No work, driving or any wild activities till further improvement. I also want you to refrain from reading and things like looking at T.V or computer screens."

"So you want me to through away my life?" Aman asked.

"No, I want you to recover so you'll have one. I'll prescribe you some painkillers and I think you should be good to go." Said the Dr.

"Thanks, Dr." Aman had more to say he just wasn't sure how. "Dr," He saw the Dr. nod his head. "Can I ask you something about Brooks?"

"I'm not supposed to talk about the other patients when I'm not seeing them, but go on."

Aman bit his lip. "Do you think there was any cause for Brooks heart attack that wouldn't have been there unless he made it happen?"

The Dr. looked serious. "Aman Brooks has a very sick heart, I saw the heart attack coming way in advance. I never knew when it would come but I knew it would be soon."

Aman felt his hopes rise. "So if he did something like drink alcohol let's say, would that have caused the heart attack?"

Dr. Macartie looked suspicious. "No, I think the heart attack still would have happened. If he is drinking he needs to stop because that will cause another one."

Aman smiled, "Oh no he's not drinking! Well, thanks for the information. I'll see you around." Aman felt like a burden had been taken off his shoulders, he also knew to be more carefree from then on.


That evening the boys and Officer Heart gathered around the living room. "Before anything I have something I'd like to say to you, Brooks." Said Officer Heart.

"What is it?" Asked Brooks.

"Your parents agreed to let you keep your contract if you do it from home."

"That's great Brooks!" Smiled Agustin.

Brooks looked thrilled and Javier was glad too. He didn't want Brooks to give everything up just because he was sick. "You mean it?!"

"I sure do, they think it's best for you Brooks. Their very understanding."

"I know they are," Said Brooks. "And I'm going to thank them."

Officer Heart turned to Javier and he felt his heart jump. "Go on Javier." He whispered.

Javier cleared his voice. "Guys I have something to say. When Officer Heart found me I was being abused that's why I always felt nervous about school, I was given a lot of pressure to get good grades in the past. I feel like I have to work extra hard to please Officer Heart." Javier could feel the boys piercing him with their shocked glares but he didn't look up at them. "That's why I feel protective over Valeria, I know you're not hurting her Aman but I just want to see all children living a better life. That's why I have the dreams, they remind me of my past and I want all of you to help me forget it. Now my friend I made at school is in jail." Javier tried to bite back the tears but he couldn't.

He felt Aman pat his back. "Your friend went to jail?" He asked.

"Luis Gil." Said Javier.

Aman shot up. "What was his name?!"

"Luis Gil, why?" Aske Dylan.

"He was in the gang!" Exclaimed Aman.

"And he was watching you boys on account of Orson Luz." Said Officer Heart. "Once I arrested him I did some research and found all of this out."

"You arrested Luis?" Asked Javier with anger.

"Javier he robbed a store and ran away, he was spying on you boys!"

The boys all looked shocked but Javier couldn't believe it! "But he was my friend!" He cried.

"I know Javier, but it's over now and you can hold onto pain, you don't need to feel worthless, Jesse had to learn that too. You don't have to work extra hard to please me, just do your best." Said Officer Heart.

There was a silence, Javier didn't know how he'd cope with that. But he was on that team and holding onto his pain was only hurting him. "I'm on this team now, will you guys help me?"

"Of course we will," Agreed Aman. "Of course we will." And they all knew officer heart had the right intention in letting them read the book.

A/N What did you think? :D 

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