By olivewoj

44.3K 1.4K 349

" CAREFUL CREATURE MADE FRIENDS WITH TIME SHE LEFT HER LONELY" In which Florence Morrell exists in a soulmate... More



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By olivewoj



FLORENCE COULD FEEL her head shattering and splinting off into a thousand pieces as she attempted to nurse her head, hissing at the pain. Goosebumps pricked at her skin as she shivered in response and  decided to pick up the nearest thing to her which turned out to be a tweed jacket and draped it around her shoulders

She gave a slight wince as she tried steadying herself on the white sterile floor she had managed to pass out on a few minutes before. She noticed Rory cautiously trying to approach her, unsure how Florence would react. Slowly he extended his arm, aiding her in standing. Grateful she muttered a low "Thank you" and slipped on the jacket, not caring how ridiculous she must look.

"You're going to fire me at a planet - that's your plan ?' The Doctor's voice threw Florence back to reality, his voice radiating confusion. She noticed as the Doctor gave a small sigh of relief when he spotted Florence in the corner of his eye. The look was subtle and delicate, gone within the naked eye but Florence could swear she had seen it.

The Doctor swiftly walked over to her carrying an unknown device in his hand that looked like a bracelet. Gently he grabbed her arm pulled the sleeve to his own tweed jacket up and clasped a bulky bracelet onto her wrist, which activated instantly with a poignant blue light. Florence didn't know why she felt at ease around this strange bowtie-wearing man, but nevertheless, she obeyed. Although he gave a slight pause when looking at her wrist, Florence watched in disbelief how the number on her wrist skyrocketed since the last time she looked in dismissal at the supermarket.


Her disbelief deepened even more when instead of giving Florence a pitiful look like all the other people in her life, he simply gave her an uncertain smile. A smile that wasn't bad but nor was it good.

"Nano cloud technology"

"What" Florence quipped.

"They stop you from being bait" The Doctor replied quickly as he walked over to Amy and Rory giving them the same bracelet.


As if on queue the ground beneath them started shaking as a bright light which looked like a portal appeared in the middle of it.Signifying that the group time was over and they were going to get "fired at a planet".

"I mean in fairness that is slightly your M, O" Rory stated as the group stood in front of the portal bracing themselves for whatever the Doctor had in store for them.

"Don't be fair towards the Daleks when they're firing me towards a planet" The Doctor chimed back almost offended.

"Wait what do you want with them?" The Doctor questioned as he pointed to his companions in an almost desperation.

"It is known that the doctor requires companions"

"Great, so we are all collateral damage?" Florence asked no one in particular.

"Trust me, every day you're collateral in this group" Rory spoke beside her and an almost calming tone that made Florence trust him instantly. She decided that she liked the poor boy.

"Don't worry, you will be just fine. I promise, just hold on and I will get you home" The Doctor told her softly next to where they stood. Florence gave a deep sigh, tucking the shorter front pieces of her hair behind her ears as she simply nodded at the madman.

The Doctor then tried to reassure the redhead next to him, however, she seemed to have other plans as she burst "Scared? Who's scared. Geronimo!". Grinning from ear to ear as if it was the best day of her life.

"I DON'T LIKE THIS" Florence squeaked as she was pushed into the swimming light of the portal. She heard screams behind her as she noticed Rory falling head-first and was just so thinking about what font his tombstone should be written in.


FLORENCE AWOKE WITH A LARGE GASP as she shot up in a panicked state. She found herself in a sat-down position frantically searching her surroundings, she swore she could feel her neck snap to the noise emitting from next to her. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding when she noticed Rory sprawled out next to her, face down on the floor. But alive.

"Oh Rory, thank the stars " She gasped as she rolled Rory over and hugged him out of nowhere.

"Oh-" Rory huffed as Florence pelted into him with too much force for his already fragile body. unsure as to what to do, he found himself slowly wrapping his arms around Florence, awkwardly patting her back.

"I'm glad you're not dead"

"It's okay you get used to it after a while " He half-joked.


"Oh- I'll explain later. Come on " Rory dismissed the conversation casually as Florence eyed him in suspicion and shock. Was he an alien? but he looks so normal.

so did Mrs Walklett. She grimaced.

The duo scoped out the environment they were in once they got off the floor. The lightbulb flickering above them gave the room an eerie feel as Rory took out his torch and his light hovered over a dusty Dalek which looked out of order.

Florence caught sight of an abnormal crack on the top of the Dalek, which so happened to look like a lightning scar.

"Hey look" she whispered. "It's Dalek who lived"Florence finished the sentence, grinning stupidly at her joke. Rory was letting out a chuckle himself and giving Florence a high five. When suddenly the head of the Dalek started spinning, letting the pair know that it had awoken.

They both turn to look at each other with wide eyes, communicating with nothing but eye contact. They decided to slowly but surely move backwards, trying to be silent with every step. That was until Rory lost his balance and slipped over a metal bar on the floor, which caused Florence to jump back into another activated Dalek.

Mentally cursing at herself she roughly grabbed Rory's jacket and led him through the maze of Dalek's.


"What-" Rory stopped in his tracks as he watched the Dalek give out the strange command. Florence watched in stupidity as he picked up a golden ball that the Daleks were decorated in and tried giving it to the Dalek.

"Rory. We need to leave. NOW!" Florence urged as she watched the ominous flickering blue lights activate as the Daleks began waking up.

"Maybe he wants the egg" Rory replied.

"Rory, he's not baking a souffle. Come on" She urged.

"TER-MIN" Rory watched in horror as he realised what he had done, turning back he ran after Florence as they tried finding the closest exit to them.

"ATE" The Dalek finished. As if proving to be a catalyst the Dalek sparked something in the others as the whole room burst out into a series of deathly commands.

"This is it I'm going to die by plunger and whisk" Florence panicked aloud as she tugged at the roots of her hair. She watched as Rory still tried to get the deadlocked door open. It was no use.

"I'm opening the door for you. they're waking up but they're slow, just run to the door at the end." 

A young girl's voice rang through the intercom. And the pair watched in amazement as the door at the end opened. They broke out into a sprint and rushed towards it, collapsing at the other end of it. The screams of the Daleks still could be heard echoing through the other end of the door and she prayed to the universe that Daleks couldn't go through walls or something.

"So! Anyway. I'M Oswin, what do I call you two?" The same voice that saved them rang through the air, making Florence and Rory jump out of their skins.

"Uh- Hi I'm Rory" He gave a wave of his hand, unknown if Oswin could see him or not.

"I'm Florence" she replied.

"Hello Rory! " she replied cheerfully." My first crush was called Florence. No wait - actually her name was Nina, I was going through a phase" She rambled. 

"Funny that. Mine was called Clara" Florence replied lowly, thinking of her childhood crush.

"Just flirting to keep you guys cheerful!" She continued as the bangs and cries of the Daleks outside grew mire and more prominent.

"Well anytime you want to start flirting again, is fine by me" Rory whispered making Florence snort despite the circumstances.


"Loving this! A nose and a chin" Oswin replied impressed through the com as Florence cautiously walked through the murky tunnels, cowering behind Rory who held the flashlight with steady hands.

"You two could fence" this comment earned a sigh from Rory.

"There is a door behind you" At this Florence couldn't help but run directly for the door fearing it would shut in her face as a nasty prank from Oswin.

"Ok. You two should be safe there, for now"

Florence couldn't help but feel like a coward as she felt the tears prick in her eyes. All it would take is for someone to ask her if she was okay and she would turn into a loose cannon. She sniffled as quietly as she could as the room filled with a comfortable silence.

Minutes felt like hours that the two were sat in the room together. That was until a loud explosion made the pair enter flight mode as they shared a panicked stare. They both got to their feet and jogged out into the area where they first landed. only then did Florence really how little they moved.

"Oswin?!" Florence shouted at the empty space in front of her, hoping the strange woman would provide her with some solace. However, she was met with silence.

Her gaze fell onto the hundred mutilated Dalek bodies that littered the floor they were standing on. Confused she looked to Rory who was sharing the same expression.

"But who killed all the Daleks?" He questioned.

In the distance, a figure they both recognised walked towards them, covered in soot.

"Who do you think?" 

Florence would be lying to herself if at that particular moment, she wasn't feeling attracted to the Doctor.


Hello! Yes, I am editing this book. AGAIN.

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