Gabriel & Athena, Book One: F...

By NMBooks

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FORMERLY TITLED "FATUM" Chosen as a Wattpad Featured Story in May 2017 There's a reason high school senior At... More

Letter to the Fans
Update: November 30, 2017


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By NMBooks

Chapter Soundtrack - Chapter 1: "Crashed" by Daughtry


            "It's fate."

            "What is?" I mumbled.

            "The fact that he's walking the same hallways as you and me when he could be anywhere else."


            "Just look at the chain of events," Gretchen continued.  "He's on trial for murder.  The evidence alone should have been enough to convict him, but the verdict comes back not guilty."

            She paused, no doubt waiting for me to react as enthralled as she was by the new guy, but my attention was currently focused on finding the novel I was sure I had placed in my locker earlier that morning.  Noticing my lack of a response, she carried on.

            "Then, out of all the cities they could have chosen to move to, they choose our no-name town," she sighed, leaning against the wall of dull grey lockers while I continued to rummage through the mounds of notebooks and other junk that had somehow accumulated without my knowledge.  "Can you pretend to be interested, Athena?  This is front page news," she exclaimed.

            "Sparrow High's very own celebrity.  Christmas came extra early for you this year, my friend," I teased, slamming my locker shut and moving on to my book bag.

            She grinned, her eyes glazing over.  "And what a present he is.  I wonder how he's surviving the culture shock."

            "North Carolina is another state, Gretchen, not another planet," I said dryly.

            "When you compare it to New York City, it might as well be.  He's probably wondering if there's anything to even do around here."

            I smiled to myself.  "Let me guess," I said, trying to keep the laughter out of my voice, "you'd like to be the one to help him acclimate to his new surroundings?"

            "Well, he is new in town, and it would be the neighborly thing to do," she replied innocently.

            "Right.  We won't even worry about the fact that he was on trial for murder or the rest of his colorful background.  Honestly, Gretchen, he seems like an unlikely choice to be your new object of affection, even for you."

            "Why, do you think he was guilty?" she asked, biting her perfectly glossed lip, probably contemplating whether she should take a walk on the wild side or finally set some boundaries for herself.

            I looked up at her briefly, raising one eyebrow.  "What do I look like, a judge and jury?  It's not for me to have an opinion either way, but I do think if there was enough evidence, he would have been found guilty.  He's not above the law," I rationalized.

            "Athena, Gabriel Valente is the son of a mobster.  Everyone says the only reason he escaped prison time was because of his father.  Do you really think the law is something he worries about?" she scoffed as we both started to make our way through the bustling hallway towards our third period class.

            "I don't know," I sighed, continuing to rifle through my bag.  I was quickly reminded that it was important to look up and straight ahead while walking as I bumped into another student.  Unfortunately, it happened to be the worst specimen of Sparrow High's senior class: Jackson Montgomery.

            "If it isn't my favorite unofficial library aide," Jackson said, turning away from his fellow jocks to face me and Gretchen.

            "Don't start, Montgomery," Gretchen warned.  "It was just an accident."

            "Sure it was," Jackson responded, a slimy grin spreading from cheek to cheek.  His icy blue eyes darted from Gretchen's face to mine, his arms crossed along his wide chest.  "But now that we've accidentally bumped into each other, Athena, let's say you and I have a chat."

            "Let's not and say we didn't," I replied icily.

            He chuckled, waving one finger at me.  "That charm of yours.  I've missed it, which is why I think we should put what happened behind us and..."

            I cut him off, my normal repulsion of being in his presence starting to intensify.  "Like Gretchen said, Jackson, save it.  I'd rather be friends with Hannibal Lector."

            "Right, right.  He's definitely more up your alley, isn't he?  I mean, don't get me wrong, I can see the appeal.  Fictional characters can' know...reject you," Jackson said, giving me an arrogant stare. 

            His little group of followers snickered behind him. 

            My fingers curled tightly around the strap of my bag and I could feel the anger in me rising to my cheeks. 

            Gretchen gently tugged on my arm, forcing me to walk away before I had a chance to respond.  "You can't keep letting him get to you like that, Athena," she advised.  "Getting a reaction out of you is exactly what he wants."

            "Thanks for the great words of wisdom, Gretchen, but it's not easy forgetting about all the hell he put me through a few months ago.  His taunting doesn't help," I replied, probably a bit too harshly.  I hated that someone like Jackson Montgomery could make me so emotional.

            "I know what he did was juvenile, but it's time to shake it off.  Just ignore anything he says and focus on more important things."

            I gave her a pained expression.  "And what might these more important things be exactly?"

            Her emerald green eyes took on a mischievous glint.  "You know, things like prom and graduation, choosing what college you'll attend next fall...and...most importantly..."  She paused for dramatic effect.

            "What are you waiting for, Gretchen, a drum roll?"

            "What do you think?  Gabriel Valente aka hottest bad boy to ever grace these hallways.  No, scratch that, make it this town.  Actually, make it this state!"

            I couldn't help but chuckle.  "So he's good-looking and has some interesting family ties.  I still don't understand what is so magnetic about this guy that has you and everyone else captivated."

            She patted me gently on the shoulder, giving me a pitying look.  "Of course you wouldn't.  He isn't a character in a book."

            "Thanks a lot, Jackson," I sneered.

            "I didn't mean it like that," she said quickly.  "It's just that you're always reading and..."

            "Don't start," I groaned, not wanting to hear for the millionth time that I spent way too much time reading books instead of living in the real world.

            "Okay, okay, but I'm really surprised you're not a little more interested in Gabe.  I bet those family ties you referred to hold a good story or two.  Aren't you even the least bit curious about what his life is like and what he's done?" she asked.

            "If I wanted to read about courthouse scandals and rehab stints, I've got Perez Hilton and more than enough tabloid magazines that could satisfy my need."  Not that the lives of the rich and famous held any interest for me.  Those stories were all the same, only the names changed. 

            "Those are just messengers.  We have an opportunity to hear about it straight from the delicious source himself," she crowed, practically salivating at the thought.

            I shook my head as we walked into class and headed towards our usual desks in the back near the large glass windows.  The first warning bell rang.

            "I wonder if his father will make an appearance," she pondered, sliding into her seat.

            "From everything you've told me, his father seems to be the most notorious crime lord in New York.  I highly doubt he's coming to Sparrow, North Carolina.  Like you, I'm surprised Gabriel and his mom even knew this place existed," I responded, trying not to let my exasperation show.  Although I was making an effort to keep my annoyance undercover, the topic of conversation was starting to wear on me.  Ever since the new guy's arrival a few days ago, the rumors and gossip had swirled through the halls, infecting everyone from the cheerleaders to the jocks and even some of the teachers.  I could understand Gabriel Valente moving to Sparrow was the most exciting thing that had happened to our small town in a while, but the fascination that possessed everyone else had yet to conquer me.

            "Athena, you really need to start paying attention," Gretchen scolded, checking her makeup in a small compact before snapping it shut and turning to face me.  "I didn't say I was surprised they knew about Sparrow.  I'm just shocked they actually chose to come back here."

            "Come back?" I asked.

            "Yes.  Turns out Gabriel's mother, Francesca Valente, grew up in Sparrow, but she left when she was our age.  She was an only child and her parents have since died, so she's now living in her old family home.  It's her first time back to Sparrow, actually."

            "How could you possibly know all of this?" I cried, staring at her in amazement.

            "You would know all of this too if you didn't spend your lunch hour in the library," she stated, her face taking on a disgusted look as she said the words, as if she had spoken of some horrible abomination.

            "Not this again," I sighed, opening my book bag to hunt for my novel one last time.  It wasn't like me to lose a book, especially not one I had just started.

            "What do you keep looking for?" Gretchen grumbled, clearly annoyed that I wasn't more interested in the fruits of her investigative labor.

            "This new book I got is suddenly nowhere to be found," I explained, zipping my bag shut and draping it over the back of my chair. 

            The final bell rang, causing the last minute stragglers to hurry to their seats.

            "You know, this could be a sign that maybe you should be spending your lunch hour with actual people.  You did it once.  I know you can do it again."

            She was relentless.

            "As tempting as having lunch in the same vicinity as Jackson Montgomery sounds, I think I'll stick to the library," I replied sarcastically.

            "You could eat with me," she pressed.

            "Yeah, you and the rest of the cheerleading squad, which, last time I checked, included Kristy Spelling.  You know how I feel about her.  No thanks."

            "Look, I know she's not a saint, but she's my captain so I kind of have to make nice.  Besides, I still don't understand this grudge you've got against her.  Is there something you're not telling me?" she asked.

            I kept my expression neutral, not wanting her to know that indeed there was a reason I disliked the head of the cheerleading squad.  Kristy's involvement in my drama with Jackson had made the whole situation worse than necessary, but I wasn't going to let Gretchen pay for my stupid choices.  "I just don't care for her, that's all.  I know you feel guilty that I spend my lunch hour alone, but I actually enjoy it.  Enough with the peer pressure already."

            "Fine, but you'll be missing your chance to possibly talk to Gabe.  We've all been waiting for him to make an appearance in the lunchroom, but he has yet to show.  Wonder if he's hiding in that library of yours as well," she joked.

            "I highly doubt he's spending his time in the school library," I scoffed before flashing her a curious look.  "Although I do have to say the guy must really be something for you to be this infatuated."

            "Haven't you seen him yet?" she asked incredulously.

            "Come to think of it, he isn't in any of my classes and I think I may have caught glimpses of him in the halls, but no, I can't say we've come face to face.  Why, should I be looking for some holy light that will let me know I'm about to be in his presence?"

            "Well, holy light would only appear around something god-like so yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if you did," she stated matter-of-factly.

            "Ah, then I hope I'm blessed with an encounter soon.  I'm sure it will go down as one of the top ten greatest moments of my life," I laughed, starting to actually enjoy my friend's new obsession. 

            "Lucky for me, he's in my sixth period, but I haven't had the guts to introduce myself yet.  I'm waiting for that perfect moment," she admitted.

            "Gretchen Baxter is allowing a guy to control her actions?  I take back what I said before.  He must be from another planet," I said, making a serious face.

            She stuck out her tongue at me.  "He's not controlling my actions.  Like I said, I'm just waiting for the right moment.  After all, you only get one first impression," she informed me.

            Ms. Waters stood up to begin the day's lecture, bringing our scintillating conversation to an end.  As class started, I glanced back at Gretchen.  She had one arm propped up on the desk with her chin nestled in the palm of her hand.  The fingers of her other hand were aimlessly tugging on a long, strawberry blonde curl, her eyes gazing dreamily out the window, no doubt thinking about the mysterious Gabriel Valente.  Although I was apparently lacking in the appropriate amount of interest in the new guy, I was secretly thankful for his arrival.  From the moment his feet had hit Sparrow High pavement, he had instantly become the target of everyone's gossip and curiosity, which meant I could finally stop worrying that my little scandal was a topic of conversation.  Though many would have considered what had happened miniscule, for me it had been a nightmare. 

            I shrugged off the memories, instead opening my copy of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.  We were working our way through some of Shakespeare's most notable works and this classic was one of my favorites.  I barely felt time passing by as Ms. Waters led us in an in-depth discussion about the ill-fated couple and almost cursed the bell for ringing when the hour was over.  I watched Gretchen and most of my other classmates make their way towards the lunchroom.  I searched for some inkling of regret that I wasn't joining them, but all I felt was anticipation of getting some quality reading time in the middle of the school day.  Though Gretchen couldn't fathom that I actually did enjoy my solitary lunch hour in the library, it was the truth.  She was and had been my best friend since elementary school, yet there was no denying that we didn't share all of the same interests.  Because of this, many people viewed our friendship as odd, but for me it was just normal.

            I started to make my way to the library, simultaneously re-reading my favorite part of Romeo & Juliet.  The hallways were now clear for the most part, making it safe to let my attention stray and allow my body to instinctively lead me to my destination.  I turned the corner, continuing to walk and read when a loud banging interrupted my rhythm.  I looked up to find a male student about twenty feet away having what appeared to be a very frustrating encounter with his locker.  I slowed down, focusing my gaze on the unfamiliar student.  At the moment, only his side profile was available for my inspection, but that was enough for me to take in his dark spiky hair, black leather jacket and faded jeans.  All of it on a tall and lean body.  My first thought was that he didn't belong.  Even from my limited viewpoint, I could tell he wasn't from around these parts, which could only mean one thing: I was currently staring at the new guy.

            Apparently no one had yet clued him in to the super secret method of opening the Sparrow High lockers that had plagued our halls since the Stone Age.  There were those that could be opened with just a simple combination, but others needed a little more finesse.  A few bangs with the fist in just the right place to be more specific.  He definitely had the banging part down.  He just needed a little help with the location of said banging.  I was considering whether I should be a Good Samaritan and properly introduce him to his locker when Kristy Spelling quickly slithered to his side.  I was still a little out of earshot, but that was probably a good thing as anything that came out of her mouth always made me want to vomit.

            I stood in place, unable to look away.  Figures she would be nearby at the exact moment he needed some assistance.  I watched Kristy give a few punches to the area right below the combination lock and sure enough, the door popped open.  Gabriel slid the book in his hands on the top shelf and closed the door again, briefly saying something to Kristy before turning his back to her and heading my way.  I could see her face as she watched him walk away and felt a small pang of satisfaction course through me.  There was a tiny voice inside saying I shouldn't be taking any pleasure from the crestfallen and almost stunned expression she was wearing, but she hadn't made my life any easier when Jackson decided to pull his little stunt.  She would get no sympathy from me now that Gabriel Valente was giving her what looked to be a brush-off.

            I was so focused on Kristy I almost missed Gabriel himself walking in my direction.  As he came closer, I could see what had Gretchen so mesmerized.  He was easily the most good-looking boy I had ever come across, which really wasn't a surprise given Gretchen's earlier description of him.  What was a little disconcerting was the fact that my heart started to beat just a little faster than normal.  I forced myself to look away and continued to walk towards the library doors.  Somehow I lost hold of my book and it slipped through my hands.  I kneeled down to retrieve it but another hand grabbed it before I had a chance.  Only one other person could have been close enough to pick it up for me.  As I raised my eyes to meet his, I felt my mouth go dry.  I was close enough to notice an unusual golden outline around both of his dark chocolate brown pupils.  Almost like halos circling the heads of angels. 

            His lips formed into a small smile as he slowly stood up. 

            I followed suit and instinctively took one step backwards, still spooked by my reaction to him. 

            He reached out to hand me the book, his eyes never leaving mine.  "Required reading or just a fan of the tragedies?" he asked.  In addition to his eyes, his voice was equally hypnotic.  A deep baritone which caused an immediate warm sensation under my skin. 

            I slowly took the book from him, forcing myself to fight against the pull of his unnaturally appealing face.  I looked down at the book in my hands, which was now covered in sweat thanks to the tight grip of my fingers.  "Both," I replied, barely able to speak that one word as I had unconsciously been holding my breath.  Without looking back up at him, I started walking again.   If he had happened to turn around, not that he would, but if he had, he would have seen me speed-walking into the library.  I could just hear the thoughts that would have gone through his mind.  Probably something along the lines of me being another girl who would be more than ready and willing to grant his every wish.  

            I quickly made my way to my favorite couch, practically melting onto it.  Thankfully it was located in one of the more secluded sections of the library, which is exactly why I had chosen it all those months ago.  I had always loved books and so when I needed an escape from the stares and comments, the library was where I had turned.  My obsession with literature had started in the third grade.  I read my first novel and since then it was rare that I didn't carry one around with me.  I could never get enough of leaving my boring reality behind and entering a different world. 

            As I lay my head back on the olive green fabric and took a deep breath, I replayed my brief encounter with the new guy.  Gretchen had definitely been telling the truth about his appearance.  Just looking at him had left me speechless, which is precisely why I started to feel anger building within me.  What was that back there?  I had behaved as if I was a pathetic little schoolgirl with a crush.  I had behaved like Kristy Spelling!  What the hell had gotten into me?  Since when were good looks enough to catapult me into zombie-like territory?  Never.  Then again, since when did guys like Gabriel Valente roam the hallways of Sparrow High?  Never.  It was really too bad that he was literally the worst person to be attracted to.  Although I knew I shouldn't judge someone I didn't know, especially not by the rumors circulating about him, I couldn't just forget the fact that he came from a life of crime.  There's no way he could have grown up in that environment and not become influenced by it.  His recent arrest was proof of that.

            I glanced at my watch.  Only twenty-five minutes left until fourth period.  Since I didn't have my novel with me, I'd have to choose one from the library's selection.  As I pored over the different options, I realized I was looking for something familiar.  Something comforting.  Something safe.  My search came to an end as I plucked A Wrinkle in Time off the shelf.  It was the very book that had started my obsession.  Today it would be my temporary fix until I could locate the novel I had started the day before.  I plopped back onto my couch and flipped to the first chapter.  A few sentences in and I could already feel my current surroundings start to fade away, which was good.  The sooner I could escape into someone else's life, the sooner I could forget the strange but oddly thrilling feelings one look at Gabriel Valente had invoked in me. 

            I was still unsure of why his mere presence had stirred such foreign emotions, but I knew it was nothing I should dwell on.  I'm sure he wasn't thinking about the strange girl who had barely been able to croak a one-word response to his question and then ran to her secret hideaway.  Gretchen had said a person only gets one first impression.  I cringed at the knowledge that the hallway incident was mine.  But I guess it was better than being completely blown off, as Kristy had been.  Maybe he wasn't all bad.  Then I remembered Kristy's powers of persuasion and quickly decided that it was only a matter of time before those two hooked up.  I closed my eyes, the mental image in my head bringing on a wave of nausea.  I chalked it up to my poor opinion of Kristy.  What did I care who the new guy messed around with?  He was a stranger and more importantly, probably a criminal, regardless of whether there was an actual conviction on his record.  Though my judgments were unwarranted, they were easy to succumb to.  Believing them would keep me from obsessing about him, and I needed to not obsess about him.  If for no other reason than to prevent another encounter like the one I had just experienced.

Author's Note: Chapter 1 has been split into two parts, per the myriad of comments I've received saying the chapter is too long.  I'm not sure that I will do this with any chapters going forward.  Please read on for Part 2 of Chapter 1.  Thank you!!!! 

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