The Other Prior

By someonestillalive

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●●●●●【 T H E O T H E R P R I O R 】●●●●● Sixteen year old, Alivia Prior finally chooses her faction. ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Tobias
Chapter Five
Chapter Tris
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Four + Tris
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Epilogue (Ver. 2)

Chapter Fourteen

220 26 0
By someonestillalive

14 | A L I V I A


3 R D   R O U N D   O F
I N I T I A T I O N :

F I N A L   T E S T I N G
(A L I ' S   6 T H   F E A R)

I was in a field, standing, the scent of my sweat and sand mixing badly in my nose.

I looked around my surroundings and just saw dry sand and lots of cacti. Where the hell am I?

Suddenly, a huge flock of birds came flying in like a cyclone. They started nipping at me, giving me millions and millions of scratches across my body.  Bloody cuts began making their way to my skin as nips of pain erupted throughout my whole body.

My arms flailed around, trying to wave the birds away. But my efforts were useless.

I remembered that in order to pass, I need to find a way to lower my heart beat.

More scratches appeared on my bloody skin.

A Divergent would manipulate the simulation and conjure a big branch to help me.

But I am part Erudite. I can't let them find out I'm Divergent just because I wanted to escape this round easily.

I had to figure what a Dauntless would do.

I crouched down into a ball, covered my ears and tried to calm down my heartbeat.

Relax, Ali.

Think of the feel of comfort.

Ignore the pain.

Seconds after trying, I felt my surroundings change.

I found myself on a metal medical examination table, leather buckles binding my legs and arms tightly to the cold, hard surface. Masked doctors were preparing the sharp needles filled with unknown liquids.

I have at least 20 seconds before they start to come closer.

But that 20 immediately reduced to 5 when one of them began coming closer, holding a needle containing a blue liquid.

I squirmed.

Think, Ali.


I started to panick.

He's close. So close.


I examined the surrounding. Any loop holes would be good.

2 more steps and he would be right in front of my eyes.

I can't exactly kick them.

The leather was too tight and secure.




The doctor was already there, grinning like a madman.

I'm too late.

But I noticed something glint at his neck.


He had a blade around his neck.

But that looks so familiar....


I waited for the doctor to come closer until he was close enough...

I surprised him by quickly gathering all my strength and jerking up the table to hit my head against his while biting on to the flimsy string of the blade.


I got the blade and quickly set to work.

From my peripheral vision, I can see two more doctors ready to approach me.

I spit the blade to my hands and set to work, cut up the leather until I heard a small snap.


The doctors came with their injections and mad grins.

But what they didn't know is that I'm not bound to the table anymore.

Well, at least not my arms.

I stealthily twisted the arm of the doctor and took the sharp injection from him.


I stabbed it into his neck and let him fall to the floor as I attacked the next doctor.

The cycle repeated.

I stole the injections and stabbed them all with it.

I was panting by the time they were all knocked out.

Relax now...


I woke up from the simulation to hear people clapping. I felt relieved and saw no one give any suspicious looks about my Divergence.

I left the room and came into the dining hall to eat dinner. The test were placed in the afternoon because they told us the morning would be to let us 'get ready' for the simulations.

I sat beside Ax and across Amille after getring my food.

"Do you think you did good?" Amille asked me

"I don't know. But it feels life was sucked out of me because they made us go through all our fears." I replied

"How about you?" Amille asked Ax

He shrugged "I don't know, as well. But I agree with Ali."

"How many fears were in your simulation?" I asked Ax

"I got 7." He replied which got him a gaping look from Amille

"You?" I turned to Amille

"13! Seriously! How do you only have 7? Ali, what about you?" Amille replied

"7 as well." I shrugged

"What the hell! Is something wrong with me?" She groaned, clearly frustrated

Ax and I chuckled at her but stopped when I heard a person clear his throat. I looked to where the noise came from and saw Max.

"Congratulations to the new members of Dauntless!" He shouted and revealed the board with our ranks. There were cheers errupting from the crowd of Dauntless and smashing of cups to the tables

The board read :

1. Ali
2. Axel
3. Jax
4. Amille
5. Jet
6. Rivers
7. Elisha
8. Blythe
9. Alexandrynna

I saw my name on the same spot it was on the first time I saw the board. First. I was the first.

Below my name, I saw Ax then Jax and Amille. My friends and I won't be separated. Yes!

I turned to Ax and smashed my lips to his. My arms went around his neck while he held me at my waist.

We broke away and saw Amille's gaping face.

"What?! Why didn't you two tell me?" She demanded

"Because we didn't want to." I replied smoothly

"Yeah, yeah!" She said

Just then, Four came and gave me a note.

Meet me at the tracks tomorrow 9 am. Going to meet your parent and talk.

P.S. Congrats on being first

- 4

9 : 0 0  A M


I left a note on the bedside table of Tris saying I went to the control room because Gus called me because of something. Also, I told Gus what I was going to do and told him to cover for me when Tris asks.

I left the apartment and sprinted to the tracks. I waited for Ali for 2 minutes until she came just in time as I saw the train the corner and appear.

I jumped in followed by Ali. I sat down with her following me and sitting beside me.

We talked about her plans for the proposal until we reached the Abnegation sector and jumped out of the train.

We made our ways to Ali's old home and knocked on the door. We were greeted by Natlie Prior and a smile.

"Hello, Four, Alivia. Come in." She gestured into the house

"Thank you, Mrs, Prior." I said

"Four, I told you to call me Natalie." She said to me

"Sorry.... Natalie." I said "Is Andrew home?"

"Yes, he is upstairs. Let me call him." She said and left to call her husband

They both came back to the room and made us sit down on the couch.

"Alivia, Four, what made you two visit?" Andrew asked

"Four here has something to announce..... or maybe ask." Ali said

"Natalie, Mr. Prior, I'm here to ask if I may marry your daughter Beatrice?" I said looking at them nervously

"Of course, Four!" Natalie replied

I sighed relieved then looked at Andrew for his answer. I was very nervous he would say no.

"I allow you.I trust you enough that you wouldn't take our approvals for granted and that you would take care of Beatrice." He said after a long time of thinking

"Thank you, Natalie, Mr. Prior, for trusting me with your daughter. I'm very grateful for that." I said



I was ultimately shocked to hear that Four was proposing to Beatrice. It just made me stand there looking like a statue.

I took my time in thinking. Should I say yes? After all, my parents did say yes. Alivia as well.

Finally, I answered and said, "I allow."

"Thanks, Caleb. You don't know how much this matters to me. Thank you!" Four said

B A C K   A T   T H E


I can't believe they all approved of our marriage!!!! I just can't contain my happiness so I just kept on jumping up and down beside the tracks with Ali just staring at me like I'm a lunatic.

I just kept on junping until I got tired so Ali and I just went to our separate ways. She went to the dorm while I went to my apartment.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 10:27 in the morning. I went to our bedroom and saw Tris' body still soundly asleep on our bed.

I climbed onto the bed and lied down beside her. I instantly felt her snuggle up to my chest.

"Are you awake, babe?" I asked her

"Mmm." Was what she replied

"Still sleepy?" I questioned

"Mmm" she replied again then continued sleeping

I fell asleep beside her, stroking her soft blonde hair.

"BEEEP!! BEEEP!! BEEEP!! BEEEP!!" The alarm clock blaired

"Ugh!" I groaned, moving my arm to shut it up.

'11:00 am' is what the clock read

"Tris, wake up, now." I gently said

"Mmmm" she replied

"Come on, babe." I said, trailing at kisses her neck

She woke up and ended up kissing me back hungrily. Her shirt went somewhere else and so did mine. I realized that she was wearing my shirt and underwear only without pants.

We continued kissing and kissing until I heard someone come into the room.

"Ew! Stop it!" I heard a familiar voice say

We broke away and saw it was Ali.

"Ali? What do you want?" Tris said, clearly irritated that we were interrupted.

"First of all, Tris, Christina is looking for you at the dining hall. And, I have something to ask Four in private so I went here and saw that the door was left open. I went inside and saw you two." She said, disgusted

I realized what Tris was wearing so I got my shirt from the floor and gave it to her.

She went to the bathroom and showered. I turned around and saw Ali's eyes and mouth wide.

"Ali, close your mouth or you'll catch flies." I said chuckling

She closed her mouth and I realized that she was looking at my chest or should I say 8-pack abs.

"Four, Tris never mentioned anything about your hot abs!" She exclaimed

"I HEARD THAT!" I heard Tris say from the shower

"Okay.... So, you wanted to talk?" I said

"Maybe somewhere Tris isn't at." She whispered

"Oh, okay. I'll just get a shirt." I said

"Tris, I'm going somewhere with Ali, okay?" I said, entering the bathroom to tell her

"Okay." She said from the shower

I went in the shower and gave her a peck on the lips before I left.

"Ready to go?" Ali asked

"Yeah." I replied and walked out of the apartment with Ali


"So, all the plans of the proposal is cleared. All we need is the ring. When do you plan on buying it?" Ali asked

"I don't know. What about today? You can help me pick." I suggested

"Sure!" She said and called for the bill since we're both done with our coffee

We left the coffee shop and looked for a jewelry store.

"There!" Ali pointed

"Good." I replied and made my way to the store

I chose a simple silver band that has a grey gem in the middle of a black gem to show Dauntless and Abnegation. Beside them at each side were 3 other smaller gems to represent the other factions, Erudite Candor and Amity. The ring also has '4+6 = Forever' engraved on the inside part of the ring.

I showed it to Ali and she said, "Yes, that's just so perfect!"

I payed for it and left the store with Ali.

D I N I N G   H A L L :


Four and I entered the dining hall and each got our food. I walked to my table to be greeted by Amille, Jax, Ax and Alexandrynna

"Alex will be sitting with us." Amille stated to me.

"Hey. Um... Do I call you Alexandrynna or Alex? Because I'm a bit unsure." I asked her.

"Hey. Just call me Alex. I know Alexandrynna is quite long. Congrats, by the way, on being first." She replied.


Ax nudged me and said, "Date night?"

"Okay." I replied and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"Wear something formal." He whispered. I nodded at him and continued eating.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"He asked me to go out on a date so I said okay." I replied.

"Oohhh. You two are a thing?" Alex asked.

"Yeah." We all replied to her. We all laughed at this then continued eating our lunch.

"Oh, I almost forgot, girls, we are going shopping right now. Boys, you two do whatever you want." Amille said.

"Okay, ma'am." We all replied.

"Why are we shopping?" Alex asked.

"Because, she has a date, I also have a date and you will have to have a bigger closet so we can find a guy for you to date!" Said Amille.

"Okay..." Alex said.

"Make sure you have a ton of money." I whispered to her.

"Because she's gonna make me buy a lot of stuff?" Alex said.

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" I replied to her.

"This one!! Ali, Try this on! I'm sure Axel will like it!" Amille squealed, holding a spaghetti strapped black dress which hugs my chest, a silver zipper which runs from the top to the belt of the dress and a tight bottom. At the belt, there is a thin, not evenly cut fabric going around the waist loosely. It looks like a peplum dress but the fabric is not even and is loose. It reaches just 4 inches above my knees.

I tried it on and got some fishnet tights with small holes and black leather boots which reaches 5 inches below my knees.

Amille got a black sleeveless dress with a net at the top and stops until the sweetheart neckline. It has a puffy shape at the bottom which is a circle skirt and got 4 inch black heals to match.

Alex, on the other hand, got a ton of clothes from tops, dresses, shorts, pants and shoes.

We left the last store and went back to the dorm. It was around 4:20 pm and my date is at 6:30 pm.

We were walking towards the dorm when something I've been thinking about came to my mind. I wanted to color my hair.

"Amille, Alex, I've been thinking..." I started.

"Of what?" Asked Alex.

"I want to color my hair." I stated.

"Oh My Gosh! Go for it!" Amille said

"Yeah, totally!" Alex said.

"Let's drop these off and go to the hair parlor." I said.

We went inside the parlor and immediately saw a million hair colors. We all scattered to check them out.

A grayish white color of hair attracted me. I was thinking of having white hair with black roots to go along with it.

I went to a lady and told her what I wanted. She instructed me to sit down and went to get the hair dye and other supplies she needed.

"Hey, what color are you getting?" Asked Alex.

"Grayish white with black roots." I described.

"Cool! I feel like I want to color my hair to.... or maybe curl it. What do you think?" She asked Amille.

"I think you should curl it." Amille said.

"Yeah, me, too. It suits you well." I said.

"Okay." Alex said then went to a lady to get her hair curled.

"It looks so good on you!" Squealed Alex. She sounds like Amille now.

"Thanks. Your hair looks great, too, Alex." I replied with a smile.


We left the parlor and made our ways for the dorm when Amille piped up, "When did Four say we'd get our apartments?"

"Tomorrow. Before choosing our jobs." I replied.

"What job are you guys going to get?" Alex asked.

"Instructor and maybe tattoo artist." I said, considering my choices.

"Instructor or maybe a job in the control room." Amille said.

"What about you?" I asked Alex.

"Fence guard? I'm not sure." She shrugged.

I looked at my watch and realized I had one hour to prepare. I bolted for the dorm, leaving Amille and Alex staring at me dumbfounded.

I reached the dorm and changed into the dress. I put my hair in a bun and did my makeup for thirty minutes. I made my hair and wore the fishnet tights along with the boots. I got some other gold accessories that I bought earlier and put them on.

I checked the time. '6:29 pm' is what is read. A minute left.

I went outside of the dorm and saw Ax wearing a gray v neck underneath a black tux coat and jeans.

He noticed I was there and made his way towards me.

He offered me his arm, "Shall we?"

I gladly took it and gave him a huge grin, "We shall."


Hey guys! I decided to skip the last stage because it's going to take so long to write. And I tried my best to make this chapter extra long. Hope you guys enjoyed! And remember to vote, comment and share!

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