This is Definitely Not Love...


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[COMPLETED] Meet Skye Henry, the new guy at school, who happens to be gay. he thought he would have fun makin... Еще

This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 1
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 2
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 3
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 4
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 5
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 6
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 7
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 8
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 9
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 10
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 11
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 12
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 13
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 14
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 15
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 16
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 17
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 18
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 19
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 20
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 21
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 22
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 23
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 24
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 25
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 26
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 27
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 29
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 30

This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 is a go! YAAAY!! i can't believe i finally uploaded two chapters within two days.

okie, so this chapter is Sam's POV completely. i just wanted you guys to see the entired story from someone else's view.

the pick is of Sam. (Mitchell Musso)

the video link is Gotta be you by One Direction. ( i just LOVE this song. i listen to it everyday. <3)


comment, vote, like, etc :D

~Sam's POV~

“Skye!” I yelled running down the stairs. “What the hell?”

“What?” he said looking just as surprised as I was.

“A guy from y school just told me that his sister, who is in your class, saw you and Jake on a date a few days ago. When did you guys get back together?” I asked finally smiling. More like grinning actually.

I was so excited. I couldn’t believe that Skye had finally had the balls to admit that he was wrong. Now everybody could just move on and live their lives in peace.

“We’re not back together.” Or not. “And it wasn’t a date either. It was just a cup of coffee. Nothing else to it.”

“Just two people, specifically you and Jake, out for a cup of coffee obviously talking about your feelings. That was date, you idiot!” I saw his face go red.

“No, it wasn’t.” he looked away and turned back to reading his book. “We were just getting along. That’s what you suggested we do right?”

“Yea, that’s the step before you guys get back together. Deny it all you want brother, but this is going to happen. I’ll have a party the night you do.”

“Don’t say ‘brother’ that way. it freaks me out.” He pulled his face. “And Vanessa will never allow you to throw a party with a bunch of teenagers and booze.”

“That’s why they will be going away for the weekend and Hailey will get everything else since I’m only fifteen and there’s not much I can do.” I shrugged.

“Well then I’m not coming.” He turned over a page. “I’ll find something else to do. A different place to escape to.”

“Come on Skye. Don’t be such a spoiled sport.” I nagged.


I pouted and walked back to the stairs. I was stopped when Skye’s phone rang. He answered it and an instant smile was planted on his face.

“Hey Jake.” His face lit up. “No, I’m just reading a book.”

“What’s so kinky about reading an old book?” his eyes widened. I walked a little closer so that I could have a clear view of his face, but enough so that he couldn’t see mine. “Oh, I see you have a librarian fetish.”

“I don’t have any fetishes.” He laughed. “No, I’m serious. Why would I? I prefer the real thing.”

His smile got even bigger. “Yea, sure. Tonight, what time?”

“Okay, I’ll meet you there.”

I rubbed my hands together and ran up the stairs. I paced around my room and fell back on my bed. What could I do totally change their plans for tonight? The way Skye made it sound, it seemed like they were just going to watch a movie. A movie theatre was great, but not completely private. Why do the normal teenage shit there, when you can do it in the comfort of your own home.

I opened my bedroom door and checked to see if the coast was clear. I ran across the hall from my room to Skye’s and snuck in.

I walked over to his laptop and saw that his Facebook tab was still open. I opened his messages and saw that he and Jake had been exchanging messages since the day of his date, and well into the early hours of the morning. I typed out a new message and hit send. How’s that for getting a plan together?

-“Hey Jake, something came up. I can’t leave the house because my idiot brother had me blamed for something he did. Could we make our thing at my place instead? Also, could you come an hour earlier?”-

I read the message again and smiled at my artwork. If this worked Skye and Jake would be forced to be grateful to me for the rest of their lives.

I moved down to the lounge and kept smiling to myself. Skye looked at as if he knew I was planning something. I just smiled back innocently.

“What did you do Sam?” he asked after about a half an hour went by.

“Nothing. I’ve been sitting here with you the entire time.”

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Okay. I’ve got this thing to do tonight. You can take some money out of the jar for some pizza.”

“Where are you going?”

“Nowhere special. Just the movies with a few friends.” You mean just the movies with Jake, you liar.

“Friends huh?” I asked.

“Yes Sam, friends.”

I walked to the kitchen and took out a tub of ice-cream. I dished some out into a bowl and licked the spoon. I leaned over the counter and started eating the ice-cream as if it was my last I’ll ever have.

The doorbell rang and both Skye and I looked up. I looked down at my watch. Damn, he was early. What were they going to see? Some cartoon, with a side of juice?

“Expecting anyone?” Skye asked getting up to answer the door.

“Nope, are you?”

He shook his head but continued walking. By the time he opened the door, I had already made my way to the foot of the stairs.

“Jake, what are you doing here? I thought we were going to meet at the cinema.”

“Yea, I thought so too. But you sent me a message saying that I should come here instead.

I was busy sneaking up the stairs. Almost made it all the way to the top too if it wasn’t for Skye catching me.

“Sam, stop right there.” I turned around and gave him the ‘I’m innocent’ look.

“I thought that I’d leave you two alone.”

“You hacked my account and sent him a message that was a complete lie.” he said.

“I just wanted you guys to be more comfortable.” I reasoned.

“How could we be more comfortable if five of us were sitting here watching a movie?”


“Yes. Hailey, Blake, Jake, Paul and myself.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize.” I said averting my eyes.

“What didn’t you realize?”

“I thought it was only going to be you and Jake so I wanted to give you guys total privacy.”

“What?” Jake and Skye asked together.

“Sam, it’s not like that.” Jake said.

“You were the one who wanted him back and now you want to get mad when I try to help?” I yelled. “Fuck this shit. I’m out of here.”

For the second time that night, I was surprised by the doorbell ringing. Curious as I was, I leaned over the railing of the stairs and saw Hailey walking in.

“I saw Jake’s car outside. Weren’t we supposed to meet at the cinema?”

“Yea, but my brother thought that he’d take matters in his own hands and invited Jake to come over instead.” Skye said, still sounding a bit angry. “He always does this. I don’t understand why he can’t just stay out of my way and let me live my life in peace.”

My mood dropped and I walked the rest of the way- softly if I may add- up the stairs. I went into my room and shut the door. Why would he say that? I was only trying to help. It wasn’t like he was doing anything to get the guy he clearly loved back.

I heard a soft knock on my door and my eyes moved to the door. “Go away. I’m busy.”

“Sam.” It was Jake. “Please, let me in.”

He was silent for a moment. “I just wanted to talk to you.”

“Well I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Okay then, I’ll go. But if you must know, I’m glad you told me to come here instead.”

I ran to the door and opened it, looking up at a surprised Jake. “You are?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well yea. When you love someone as much as I love Skye; anything would make you happy if you get the chance to be closer to them.”

“Where does Skye think you are now?” I asked cautiously.

“In the bathroom. In any case, they’re going to be talking for a long time. Blake and Hailey are now closer than ever.” He snorted.

I pulled him inside and closed the door behind me.

“Sam, what the hell!”

“I’ve been hearing that a lot lately.” I joked. “Now talk.”

“About what?”

“Why you haven’t made your move yet.”

“Skye doesn’t want me to. He said that he didn’t want to get attached to anyone.” His expression got sad.

“Sometimes Skye says stupid things.”

“Sam, what is his problem really? Why won’t he get back together with me?”

“He might. Actually I think he will.” I said sitting down at the foot of my bed. Jake settled for the chair.

“What do you mean?”

“You see, Skye has always had this thing.” I started. “Whenever he did something bad, he’d feel so guilty that he worried that the person would never trust him again. He would shy himself away from the world and try his best to ignore that person.”


“Yea, and after what he did to you, he hardly slept those few nights.” I admitted. “I heard him cry, but that’s probably because you guys broke up.”

“I knew Skye was sensitive but not so…fragile.” He said.

“You meant the world to him Jake. You still do. And believe me, he wants you more than anything. He just needs that little push. That thing that will tell him that you forgive him and you guys still have a chance.”

“And this thing must come from me?” he questioned.

“Most likely, yea.”

He put his face in his hands. I heard him take a deep breath and then he threw his head up as if a sudden thought popped into his mind.

“Okay, I’ll do it.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked.

“I can’t explain the statistics of my plan. Do and then think.” that was all he said before he was running out of my bedroom.

Obviously I followed him downstairs. When I got down there, Jake had just reached Skye. He looked him in the eye and said; “This is it. It’s now or never.”

As soon as he said that he crashed his lips to Skye’s. at first I was shocked. I heard Hailey gasp. After a few seconds, I smiled. Atta boy.

The kiss went on. It really looked like Skye was enjoying it too, given the fact that he was kissing back. I thought I saw some tongue in between. Gross. I wanted to say something, I really did. but I couldn’t.

“Get a room guys. Preferably upstair,s second door to your right.” Blake said stepping inside.

“Baby!” Hailey screamed and all but jumped on him.

Not another happy couple. Please make this stop. And stop they did. they were surprised when Paul walked in looking guiltier than a criminal and eyed him closely.

“I parked behind Blake.” He said. “Jake texted me to say that the venue changed. I brought beer.”

The second the word ‘beer’ left his mouth. Everybody smiled at him.

“Come one in.” Skye said. “We can put that in the cooler over here.”

“Hold on a second.” Paul said. He walked to the door and motioned for someone to come closer. “Babe, you can come in.”

“Babe?” we all said together.

“Wow Paul, you left the fact that you had a girlfriend out.” Jake teased. “So, who’s the lucky girl?”

His questioned was answered when a girl with blonde hair walked in. Paul took her hand and smiled down at her.

“Get out!” Blake yelled. Hailey stiffened and held Blake’s arm tighter.

“Blake please.” Paul practically begged.

“No, it’s okay. I knew they wouldn’t want me here.” She said squeezing Paul’s arm.

Jake glared at Paul. “What the hell were you thinking bringing Tiffany here? Do you want to die? Why are you even with her? What the fuck possessed you to even want to date her?”

So this was the infamous Tiffany. She seemed pretty sweet. She looked like she couldn’t even hurt a fly.

“Jake.” Skye warned.

“Paul, I’m sorry. But I have to go.” She said with tears pooling

“I’ll go with you.” Paul said.

“Yea Paul, go ahead and ditch us for the slut.” Jake said.

“Jake!” Skye yelled.

Tiffany ran out crying. Paul glared at Jake and balled his hands into fists. “You’re a fucking asshole you know that? She’s my girlfriend and she’s not a slut.”

He ran out after her. All of us looked at Jake. We get that he hated her, but that was totally uncalled for.

“Jake, couldn’t you have been a bit nicer to her? She’s your best friend’s girlfriend.” Skye said.

“Just because they’re dating, it doesn’t mean that I should become her biggest fan.” Damn, this guy was stubborn.

Skye motioned for me to follow him. I went over to him and we walked to the kitchen. “Sam, could you do me a favor and call them back in? I know Jake and Blake hate her, but she’s not so bad. I can’t go out because they’d try to stop me.”

I nodded and snuck out while everybody else were still arguing about this little thing that just happened. Luckily for me, when I got outside Paul was still consoling Tiffany.

“Hey guys, you could come back in.” I said.

“I really don’t think that’s a good idea, buddy.” Paul said.

“They’re just angry.” I said. “Skye himself asked me to come call you.”

“Why didn’t he come out himself?” Paul asked.

“Jake.” Paul nodded. He understood Jake’s mood swings.

I motioned for them to follow back into the house. “Sam.” Blake warned,

“It’s okay.” Skye stepped forward. “I asked them to come back.”

“Why the hell would you do that?” Blake yelled.

“Because-” He walked over to stand next to Tiffany. “we made up. She apologized and I forgave her. Anyone who doesn’t agree, well there’s the door.”

No one moved Skye smiled. “Good. Now could you guys pull the sticks out of your asses long enough to listen to her? I’m sure she has a few things she wants to say.”

All of us moved to the lounge and sat on the sofas. Tiffany cleared her throat and Paul held her hand for moral support.

“I know I have done a lot of hateful things to each and every one of you.”

“Hell yea, you did.” Jake piped in.

“Be quiet.” Skye said.

He looked at him and then continued. “I am so sorry. I wish had never done those things. Jake, that video I posted of you. I know it ruined everything. I never meant to destroy you like that. I just wanted to get back at Skye. All of which I already explained to him.”

Skye gave her a weak smile. “Blake, you on the other hand. The way I treated you, above all others, was the worst. I was mad at you for leaving me. I loved you and I felt betrayed.”

“I told you to stop with your manipulating and lying. You wouldn’t, so I left. It was a good thing I did too. I would never have met and fell in love with Hailey.” He gave her a peck on the cheek.

“I know what you mean. After I started dating Paul, I discovered that there are things to life than scamming your way through everything to get what you want. He liked me for me. And I haven’t looked back since. I really do care for him.”

“I can see that you do.” Skye said.

“Thank you Skye. You really started me on this path of forgiveness. Of wanting to be forgiven.” She turned to the group. “I’m not forcing you guys to accept me immediately, but I would want nothing more to know that I can start off on a new slate with you.”

No one said anything. Skye said. “Well you got my vote.”

She smiled at him. Hailey nudged Blake and he cleared his throat. “M-mine too.”

“Thank you Blake.”

They looked at Jake. “Well there’s nothing to be mad at you personally for anymore. Skye forgave me for that stupid video ages ago.”


“Okay.” Skye got up. “Are we going to sit her and talk about friendship and shit or are we going to take out the beer and movies?”

Everybody settled for the latter. I found it fascinating how all of them could just act as though nothing happened. They seemed almost like a family now.

Jake and Skye were basically together again. Hailey wasn’t avoiding Blake anymore and new friendships were created. I was glad I stayed for this. Life didn’t always have to suck. It was what we did with it, that ­was the deciding factor.


A/N: Soooo what did you guys think??

probably too glad that i didn't take that long to upload. i hope i can keep this up for the next two chapters :)

don't forget that a comment doesn't take do much effort. thanks for reading :D

much love...Carrie♥♥

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