The Princess with Purple Hair...

Av kat25521

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If you were born as a Princess or Prince what whould you do? My name is Mae Roslyn. I'm known to be a social... Mer

The princess with purple hair
Chapter 1: The life of a princess
Chapter 2: From a Yes to a No
Chapter 4: The kiss!?
Chapter 5: More Surprises-Part 1
Chapter 6: More Surprises-Part 2
Chapter 7: More Surprises-Part 3
Chapter 8: When The Plan Gets Screwed
Chapter 9: Life Is A Bitch
Chapter 10: Dealing With You
Chapter 11: Complications
Chapter 12: New Beginnings
Chapter 13: Hidden truths
Chapter 14: Before Everyone Finds out
Chapter 15: Staying Strong
Chapter 16: Finding happiness
Chapter 17: When hope is lost
Chapter 18: Saving Mae
Chapter 19: Just hold on We're going home
Chapter 20 : The End of the Beginning

Chapter 3: The Hapi

756 27 3
Av kat25521

I woke up to a bark near my door.

"What the hell?" I whisper and got out of bed and opened the door to find Emmett playing with a cute small fluffy puppy "Aw oh my gosh he's so cute!" I kneeled down to pet the little puppy.

"Do you like him, he's all yours!" Emmett said and I gasped.

"What breed is he?" I asked him cause he had brown, black and white fur with blue eyes he was so cute though.

"Australian shepherd, only a month old and yes he's a boy." I think he saw my look to the last answer but then I realised my hair was probably a birds nest and my pajamas weren't all that appropriate I wore camis with shorts.

"Um could you play with him for a while I need to change and take a bath cause someone came really early in the morning!" I shouted as I got into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

after my lovely 15 minute bath I did my awesome purple layered hair into a high ponytail it's been getting pretty chilly since it's September so I'm gonna put something warm.

I got out a black jeweled necklace sweater, brown leather ankle boots, spiked bracelets some cross lace denim shorts and I was done with my outfit.

Next alittle makeup so I decided to put something natural so I only put concealer, blush, mascara and some light pink lipstick and I was now complete!

I opened the door and tried to look for Emmett but he was nowhere to be found in the hallways so I decided to look downstairs still nothing then I heard laughs outside in my backyard and their he was playing with my dog now.

I opened the slidding door that opens to the backyard and my backyard was huge it had a pool a place for chilling and in another part of the house we have a mini beach.

"What are you doing in the backyard?, you're lucky my parents aren't here." I told him calmly and patted the dogs head 'I should name him'.

"Don't worry it's just someone got a little to excited and needed to pee so I took him out." he said.

"Wait so you're saying he peed here..on the grass, You idiot my mom does the garden she'll notice and she hates dogs to pee and poo on her garden!" I nearly scremed at him.

"Okay, okay chill geez."

"Did you possibly bring a leash?" I asked hopefully.

"Um yeah." he gave me the keys and I ran all the way and hoped no one would see me.

"Come on let's go walk him and in the mean time you tell me your plan!"

He agreed and we were out the door walking the dog we were very silent but me because I was thinking names for the puppy and Emmett who knows what happens in his mind but I feel as if the silence is very..comfortable.

we walked by this park I played as a child oh memories, then I noticed who was stitting in a bench and panicked and grabbed Emmett's hand and dragged him with me to hide from him.

"What the hell-!" I cut him off by covering his mouth with my hand.

"Shhh!" I told him quietly and pointed to who was at the bench across from us.

We just started at him, he was bad news, he was the only one who knew I the princess of Guernsey was here in florida in a small city, to tell you the truth I was scared to death if he would find me and spill it to the press.

So we quietly and sneakily tip toed to the woods behind us and once we were out of eye distance from him, we ran as fast as we could along with my puppy

I looked behind us and found a small lake with a great view and I was actually a little more hot now good thing I brough an extra top in case I got hot I quikly changed into it and put the other shirt into my small shoulder bag, but I forgot that Emmett was there, watching me.

"Well that was interesting!" he said with a sly smirk on his face.

"Whip that smirk off your face, perv!" I teased him but kind of meant it.

"So what now?" he asked while siting at the edge of a small boardwalk.

"I don't know....wait I need to name this little guy!" I said while petting the puppy.

"How about munchy, browny, spot or eddy!" he said the last one so excited.

"I like the name hapi!" I said and it was a cute name after all.

"Okay hapi it is!" we both started to pet hapi then emmett found a stick and started to play tug-a-war.

I thought that was so cute that I didn't notice Emmett smirking at me, I quickly looked away and blushed so red that I probably looked like a tomato.

Then I noticed he sat by me and watched hapi play in the water we both giggled at the same time and looked at each other.

"So what the plan?" I asked him he looked at me I saw some emotion in his yellowish eyes I don't know what emotion though.

"Oh uh that well I was hoping to tell you something else....more important!" he said looking up at the sky it reminded me of yesterday then I remembered the kiss, I blushed though I'm sure he didn't notice.

"You know you blush a lot." he says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, well you...." I was never good at comebacks.

"I what?" he was starting to get too close for comfort.

"y-you smile a lot." I say very shuttery like cause of how close we were.

"You don't like my smile?" he says while smiling, but let's be honest I really do like his smile it made my day sometimes.

"t-that's not what I meant!" I said a little loud.

"But that's what you said." I could feel his breath on my lips that's how close we were.

He was about to kiss me when a loud bark came into view and I snapped my head to hapi and Emmett ended up giving me a kiss on the cheek, again I blushed, ugh why am I getting so flustered.

he sighed but it sounded like an irritated sigh, which I was right cause next thing you know he gets up and walks away.

"w-why are you leaving?" I think I sounded like an innocent child when their parents leave or something.

" do so I'm..just gonna yeah..bye!" and so he left stompping on his way I kind of giggled, when it hit me, my parents!!

I quickly got up put hapi's leash on him and went the way we came from..well the way I thought we came from.

I was now officially lost cause I was now going in circles ikept seeing everything I saw before and I was strting to get dizzy, also it was getting late.

I got my phone out of my and loked for emmett's name, I found him and dialed his number, few seconds later he answered.

"Oh thank god Emmett I need your help I'm lost and it's geting pretty late." I heard a sigh and he spoke.

"Alright, where are you?"

"Still in the woods."

"What!? you have to get out of there it's already 5:30 pm!" he screamed in the phone.

"I know that's what I was trying to do but-" I heard heavy breathing behind me so I turned around and found a wolf 6 meteres away from me "help." I sobbed into the phone.

I stepped back and the wolf would step forward so I stayed still, but tripped on something and broke my ankle and I had to have all the courage in the world but I just sat down and I just looked at the wolf.

All the sudden I had the urge to scream and so I did, so loud that you could hear it all the way to the white house, I shut my eyes really tight when I heard a bang that scared me and made me jump, so I opened them to find that emmett had shot the wolf!

"Emmett what did you do to the wolf?" I screeched at him.

"Don't worry just put it to sleep for a while." he casually said.

"Oh okay, now could you help me get up?" I said.

"Are you okay?"he asked with REAL concern for ME!?

"Oh um just probably broke my ankle nothing much, what do you think!" I said with sarcasm.

"Okay gosh no need to get sarcastic, can you get up?" he asked.

"Um I don't think so, why-" I was cut off cause Emmett was picking me up bridal style! "what the hell, emmett put me down!"

"No chance of that, you can't even walk so how are you gonna get home?" he asked I just stayed in his arms defeated cause he was right.

"Ugh fine!" I said with defeat.

And there he walked me all the way out of the woods to my house carrying me and still holding the leash of hapi, though I felt bad flr having him to carry all my stuff plus carry me and hold hapi's leash, soon enough we were at my house well 5 meters from it so my parents can't see us he put me down and I hopped off with one foot.

"Thanks for helping me I thought you wouldn't come." I luaghed nervously.

"Your welcome and I'm offended." he scoffed.

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek okay maybe now we were getting really cheesy, and so I hopped my way home with hapi.

I opened the door and found my mom crying on the couch and my dad comforting her, then they looked my way and they both sighed and came to hug me.

"Oh honey we were so worried, where were you? and why is that dog here?" she asked and looked down then gasped "What happened to your leg?"

I just dragged my self to my room, once I got there I put hapi in loki's little bed and went to take a bubble bath.

I got there and just took off everything then put the water tied my hair up, once the water was ready I put my right foot in but forgot I had sprained my ankle, and I hissed at the pain but still got in the tub and sighed in relaxation.

When I heard a knock on the door " It's open!" I shouted.

Then my mom got in and she sat on the toilet seat and looked at me.

"So you wanna explain?" she asked, I sighed.

"Well first I was in the woods, the dog I found on the street and I checked it didn't have a collar and I sprained my ankle cause I almost got attacked by a wolf but emmett saved me and carried me all the way home." I said flatly maybe I was being to harsh on explaining but she gets me so yeah.

"Okay wanna tell why you were In the damn woods?" she said and I chuckled cause she said damn.

"I saw...Henry abulten, yes the guy who is pretty much stalking me." I said to her.

She nodded and kissed me on top of my head "We'll check out your ankle first thing in the morning, okay?" she said and I nodded.

she exited out and closed the door behind her I sank Into the tub, you know somethimes my mom maybe pretty bossy but that's only when she wants to be strict with me, but she still has the loving and caring mother side of her and that's what I love about her the most, she's professional but caring I've always wanted to be like her.

I sighed in delight.


oh god this took me forever to finish but it's done hope you like it next chapter up soon in a week or 2 cause I have dance practice to do and homework and housework and all that crap so it'll be a very busy week


love, kat25521

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