A Human's Best Friend (Reader...

By Stayinali

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After Jasper got corrupted at the Beta Kindergarten, she was to escape from Steven, Amethyst, and Peridot. Me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

8.3K 221 196
By Stayinali


1st POV

I head back outside and see a crowd of people clustering together talking distinctively and having their phones flashing. I see Jenny push her way through them and run towards me. "(f/n)!" "What is going on?" I ask in a concerned tone. "Well...while you and Dr. Maheswaran were upstairs, I was introducing Kiki and Gunga to Jasper. Then out of no where, Ronaldo pops up and started taking a bunch on pictures and posting them to his blog. One thing led to another, and...." There was a slight pause, "So they are crowding around Jasper?" I said, finishing what she was trying to say. She nods, "Buck, Sour Cream, Kiki, and Gunga are trying to block them from Jasper."

I dash behind to a spot where I could see; Jenny was right. Those guys are trying to protect Jasper. It's like watching a celebrity being ambushed by the paparazzi. I see Jasper getting tense and hostile. Their claws have pierced into the concrete. They are so scared. I take a good 20 yard distance from the crowd and call out, "JASPEEERR!!" Everyone looks at me confused but didn't realize that the huge creature they cornered had jumped over them and had landed by my side. The crowd was about to gravitate to them again till I held my hand out. I sternly proclaim, "Stop! Not another step closer." They froze in their track. Ronaldo pushes his way through the mob, slightly irritated, "Why are you protecting that sentient beast?" What kind of stupid question is that? "Oh I don't know maybe because you guys were crowding around them. How would you feel if a bunch of random strangers are invading your personal space?" The group whisper among themselves while others were just as impatient as Ronaldo.

I check Jasper that have seem to have calmed down. I look at the crowd again, still holding their phones out itching to take a photo. I let out a sigh. "Alright! You can take your pictures." Their faces lit up with excitement, "Buuuuuut...only one at a time and you can only take three photos. Also, $10 per person. Nothing more, nothing less. Deal?" It took them a minute but came to an agreement. After an hour of that madness, Jasper had calmed down and I was collecting my money that could pay off this month's rent and get groceries. Jenny, Kiki, and Ms. Pizza had to go back to work at the restaurant and Buck got a call from his dad that needed his help. Sour Cream had to go home to practice for his rave party tomorrow night. Which he invited us to come and see. Jasper and I head back to the beach and look towards the horizon. I didn't realize it was almost evening until I looked at my phone and saw that the time was 4:10. "Hey Jasper, can we go home now?" I ask. They didn't seem to respond to my question. I lightly tap their shoulder, "Jasper, we need to go home." The didn't budge. I let out a frustrated grunt. Perfect. I guess we're going to spend the night here. I head to the pizzeria and ask Jenny if I could spend the night at their place. She said that they don't have any rooms for me to sleep and Sour Cream's house is always noisy. But she did suggest sleeping at Buck's place. She called Buck and asked if Jasper and I could spend the night. He replied that it was ok and hung up. Jenny said she could drive us to his place, which I was grateful. On the way there, Jenny and I talked while Jasper sat quietly in the back seat, that I was concerned for a bit but decided to brush off.

When we arrived to his house, it was rather big. It was a two-story house that pretty much stood out from the other neighboring buildings. Buck stands by the door waiting for us. I thank Jenny for the ride and she left only hearing the sound of the tires squealing. When we got inside, it was really nice. It wasn't fancy but instead felt comfortable and clean. I take a step and hear something crumple under my foot only to see a couple pieces of paper. Buck let out a annoyed sigh. "Dang it dad." He walks by me and picks them up. Along with other sheets of paper sprawled across the floor."Oh, I sorry are these your dad's paperwork?" I bend down and help him clean up. "Yeah, he has a meeting tonight so he will be back while we're asleep." After we finished picking up the papers, he led us to one of the guest rooms that is nice and well kept. He told me that the dresser has some clothes to sleep in and the bathroom was two doors down on the left. "Do you want to eat anything before you hit the hay?" I didn't realize that I haven't eaten anything since this morning. My stomach grumbles by the thought of food. I blush in embarrassment and nod. Buck reaches for his phone and dials the call. "Is pizza alright?" I just nod again. "What toppings do you want?" "(Favorite pizza toppings) please." He nods and places the order.

Once the pizza was delivered, we head to the dinner room to eat. While I was eating my slice and Buck was eating his, I felt this awkward silence carrying around the room. It's a little hard to read this guy. He has this I'm-fine-with-whatever type of attitude. Not wanting to make this more weird, I decided to start the conversation, "So um, what does your dad do for work?" Buck gazes for a second and goes back to eating, "He's the mayor of Beach City so he is usually pretty busy." I almost choked on my drink, "You're the mayor's son?" Buck gives me a confused look, "Yeah? Why are you surprised?" I slightly blush from my outbursts, " Sorry, I didn't know. You didn't tell me until now." "Yeah, I guess you're right."

I've also realized that Buck tends to shift his eyes from me and Jasper when we talk. I guess he's still nervous around them. " So how long has he been mayor?" I asked. " Hmmm.... I guess since I was a kid. No one tried to run against him during election and he seems to be doing a good job keeping this place together. So, he ever resigned." You finish your first slice of pizza and start eating the second slice on my plate. "How about you?" I look at Buck puzzled as I took a bite. "What do your parents do?" I finish the food in my mouth and answer his question, " Well, my mom works as a (insert mom's job here). She used to work a lot of hours to make ends meet since we were on our own, so I would usually spend the night at my friends' or other relatives. But I would mostly be by myself." Buck just listens silently as I continue, " She would always look tired and would try give me a smile when I catch her in the morning before going to school. But what she didn't know that I when I was home alone, I would stay up late in my room and wait till I hear the door open and close. It would just help me know that she made it home ok." I felt throat bobbing up and down, but I continue, " I was such an idiot when I got into middle school. I was so confused and emotional back then. All of my friends had either moved away or started hanging out with other people. I was so alone, I became rude, hostile, I didn't care about my grades. Just. A total idiot." I felt my nostril sting and my eyes water, " There was a time that after a serious fight with some kid, I was sent home. My uncle had to cover for my mom and dropped me off at the house before heading back to work. When I got inside, I just sat on my living room couch blankly staring at the ceiling. Just feeling empty."

Buck still stayed silent, " After what seemed like hours, I head to the kitchen to....grab a snack. I open the fridge and see a cupcake with blue frosting and a candle in the middle with a note underneath it that read Happy 14th birthday beansprout ." I felt a tear go down my cheek, " It seemed reading that note was enough to make that hollow feeling gone. I cried, and cried, and cried." I sat there quiet for a bit and continued talking after quickly wiping my eyes. " So, after that emotional fiasco, I stayed up all night waiting for mom to get home so I could share my cupcake with her. We talked, cried, laughed... Needless to say; she was my only best friend. She was there for me even though all I did was cause her trouble." I look up at Buck that seemed to be crying a little but tried to play it off cool which made me smile a bit, " And now, I have made more friends. I'm really glad I got to meet you guys." I feel Jasper nudge against me probably feeling left out. I turn around and hug them, "You too Jasper." "Hey (f/n)..." I turn to Buck that was looking away from me and had his shades off, showing his pretty face. " If you want...You and your mom and Jasper, can stay here if you want come over here for vacation. I'm sure you three would like to relax here."

Buck and I didn't notice, but both of our faces have turned red by his sweet offering. I've never felt so happy before. I feels so honored. "Sure. Thanks." I said, feeling I'm going to cry again. After we finished our dinner, we wished each other good night and went to our rooms. I change into an extra large white t-shirt and black pajama pants that were in the drawers. I go to Jasper and remind them that I was going to bed and that I need to sleep. They seem to understand when they sat quietly by the foot of the bed as I went to turn off the lights and get in bed. I told jasper good night and fell asleep instantly.

3rd POV

As you were sleeping soundly and the whole house was quiet, Jasper paces around the room in what seems in an impatient manner. They go to the door and mess with the knob that opened with ease. They walk out of the room and wander around the house in the dark. As they stopped in front of the main door; they instantly felt their head pounding like a migraine. They grunt and moan in agony, almost clawing their thick scalp and dragging their face across the floor to make the pain stop. But when they got closer to the door, they felt their head hurt less. In desperation, they clawed through it and ran off into the night.


I LIVE!!!!

Finals are closing in and I'm tired and stressing out. Anyway, sorry for taking so long. Enjoy the chapter and have a great day!!!

Image: http://su-aesthetic.tumblr.com/post/140040511334

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