
By Pukafish

210K 8.3K 953

Lyla Bouquet is your average teenage girl. Except not so average after all. She becomes an outcast at school... More

Who is he?!
He goes to my school?!
He's my mate?!
My fate?!
My protector
My friend
The Encounter
Lost and Found memories
Move on?
Never doubt the ones you love
Save me...
My Superman
The Decision
New Comer
Lies and Truths
The Truth
Marry me?
Bad things find and destroy good things
Survive the torture
Pup and its mother
Not over yet

Will you...?

5.1K 206 26
By Pukafish

I woke up with Allen next to me. The way he looked so peaceful as the sunlight shined through the curtains. After the kiss, we just slept. In the most innocent way possible. I’m not afraid of whatever's out there anymore because I have him, and he has me. I never knew until now that someone could fall in love over and over again. And what he said was true, I did fall in love him him everyday. I smiled and moved a lock of hair that was in his eyes. His flawless, white skin was soft. His hair delicate but pure. I loved every single aspect of him. And his smile. His warm soft smile. The way he smiles at me is breathtaking.


He slowly opened his eyes, “Morning, did I wake you?”


I blushed, “N-no. I just got up.”


He smiled and looked into my eyes, “We better wake the others, tomorrows graduation.”


I opened my eyes wider, “I completely forgot about that!”


I was so caught up in everything else that I forgot that tomorrow was the last day of school and that all of us were graduating. Some becoming adults and some still in school. Time is going way too fast.


Allen chuckled as he got up stretching, “Can you believe that we’re going to graduate high school?”


To be honest, I didn’t. I still don’t think I’m going to turn eighteen in a week and that I’m going to be an adult.


“N-no. Come to think about it, I never really thought about it.”


He smiled and came around the bed and hugged me, “Well, hope everything goes according to plan tomorrow night.”


“What’s going on tomorrow night?”


He lifted his head up and looked at me, “The graduation party!” He rubbed my hair.


I smiled, rubbing his hair as well, “Well we better get to it then!”

We were both laughing as we made our way down stairs.


Faylinn was half asleep of the couch, Cashmere’s head on her lap. They made a wonderful couple.


“Hey Lyla” Fay groaned.


“Morning you two! Come on and get up! We need decorating to do!”


They both whined as they got up. We made our way up three flights of stairs and woke the rest of the pack up. Jack ran over to me and quickly hugged me,




I looked down at him surprised, “What’s wrong Jack?”


He looked up at me with teary eyes, which made his blue eyes pop, “I-I had a nightmare…”


Oh, I know how that feels. I kneeled down and hugged him, “Shh, it’s ok. It was just a dream. Here, why don’t we take a walk around the house, you know; to cool off.”


He smiled, wiping his tears away, “Okay!”


Fay giggled, “Looks like you just got yourself a girl friend.”


Jack blushed and grabbed my hand, “No!”


I chuckled as we walked outside.


“Have you had these dreams often?” I asked cautiously.


“Mhm, one every week.”


We sat down on the grass, “Well if that happens, come see me. Talking can make it better.”


Jack crossed his arms, “My sister wants me to go see a therapist!”


Oh been there done that. “Trust me, therapists don’t do crap. Talking it out with someone who has been through it helps a lot more.”


He looked at me surprised, “You have them too?”


“Did.” I corrected him.


He just smiled, “Guess I’m not insane then.”


I chuckled and rubbed his hair, which was bit of a habit thanks to you know who… “Just go for walks and talk to me. It will cool you down.”


Jack jumped up, “Thanks Lyla.”


I got up as well, “No problem Jack, any time.”


He slightly blushed and hugged me, “Are you gonna leave after graduation?”


I looked down at him bewildered, “No, what makes you say that?”


“I don’t know. I just figured once you and Allen graduate, you might move away.”


“I’m the Luna, remember? It’s sorta my job to take care of you and the rest of the pack”


He flustered, “Oh yeah, sorry.”


I jerked my head up when Jack’s year older sister, Kat was calling, “Jack! Come on! You need to help us out!”


Jack called back sounding annoyed, “Coming!”


We went back inside and helped prepare everything for tomorrow nights party.


Allen walked up behind me and rested his head on my shoulder, “What did you talk about with Jack?”


I giggled, “Personal stuff.”


I felt his warm breath on my neck, “What kind of personal stuff?”


Faylinn walked up and five-stared him on the back, “Cut it! Jack’s fifteen, he wouldn’t dare go for the Alphas mate.”


Allen flinched, “Exactly, he’s only two years younger than us.”


I rolled my eyes and rubbed his hair, ugh I seriously have a habit now, “It was about his dreams. So don’t worry.” I kissed him on the cheek and helped Fay out with the ribbons.


After four long hours, we finally managed to decorate the whole first floor. The pack seemed pretty satisfied as well.


Jack and his sister were admiring their part too. We cleaned everything up and all we needed to do was prepare the food.


“Who wants to go grocery shopping with me?!” She shouted out.


Everyone avoided eye contact and stayed low.


“I will!” I cheerfully said.


Fay squealed, “Anyone else?”


Allen and Cashmere happily offered their help.


Before leaving I turned to Jack, “Jack? Will you look out for me while I’m gone?”


His blue eyes seemed to light up, “Mhm! I will protect this house and the pack with my life!”


I chuckled and patted his head, “I knew I could trust you.”


All four of us got in Fays car and drove to the local Wal-mart.


“Oh crap I forgot to get flowers so the main entrance, anyone volunteer to go get them?” Fay asked.


I giggled, “I can. What color do they need to be?”


“White and black.”


“How am I supposed to find black flowers?”


Fay drove into the parking lot, “I don’t know!”


I rolled my eyes giggling as we got out, we exchanged goodbyes. Allen was my partner and Cashmere went with Faylinn.


“What flowers are black?” I asked Allen as we made our way to the flower stands.


“Hmm, I heard that they do have black roses.”


We finally got to the stands and beautiful white roses caught my eyes immediately.


Allen leaned forward and smelled them, “Wow, these smell amazing.”


I smiled, “Faylinn said that we should get white and black flowers, I think we should get these.”


I grabbed five bundles of white roses and looked around for black roses.


“They don’t have them here…” I mumbled looking around.


Allen started chuckling.


“What? Did I say something funny?” I asked tilting my head a little.


He shook his head, “No, no; you just look so cute right now.”


I blushed uncontrollably, “W-what?”


He chuckled again, “The way you’re looking at the flowers, it’s cute.”


My eyes slowly widened as my blush got redder. I can’t control this feeling!


He walked up towards me and kissed me on the forehead, “Guess Fay just has to put up with white flowers.”


I looked up at him with wide eyes, my cheeks probably bright red. “I-I guess she does…”


Allen smiled and wrapped his arm around me, “We better go find them.”


I smiled to myself, enjoying this warm, fuzzy feeling as we saw Fay and Cash fight again.


“I want the white plates!” Fay blurted.


Cashmere looked annoyed, “Everything’s white, can’t we add some black in too?”


Fay looked like she was about to scream, “Who wants to eat food on a black plate?!”


I put my hand on her arm, “We can get both, some might like white, and some might like black.”


I felt her ease down, “Fine.” She glared at Cashmere before dragging me over to the cashier.


“Did you get all the ingredients?”


Fay started to put them on the belt, “Mhm, barely. Cashmere was acting up! Ugh he’s so freaking annoying sometimes.”


“All boys can be.” I lied. Allen never annoys me, it’s impossible for him to annoy me.


We finally got everything checked out. I turned around and saw Allen and Cashmere carrying the bags,


“It looks like Cash is still mad at you.”


“Well that’s too bad.” She pouted.


I rolled my eyes and got into the car. I looked over to Cashmere and saw him still stern. They fight like a married couple.


We arrived home and unpacked,


“You do have your dress, right?” Faylinn suddenly asked me.


My eyes flew open, “Um, I kinda forgot…”


She screamed, “YOU WHAT?!”


I flinched, “I-I forgot this morning.”


Fay fell onto the couch, “First thing tomorrow morning, okay? I’m going to head upstairs and crash.”


I giggled as I saw her crawling up the stairs. I yawned, maybe I’ll crash as well…


-The next day-


I woke up when someone started pounding on my door, “Lyla! Lyla! Wake up!”


I groaned and rolled over, “What do you want Fay?!”


I accidentally rolled over to far and fell onto the floor with my blankets wrapped around me.


She barged in, “Lyla!” She helped me up.


“You better not sleep in! It’s graduation day!”


I smiled wide, “Oh yeah, almost forgot.”


She rolled her eyes giggling, “Come on, first things first. You need a dress.”


I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs, almost knocking Jack over, “Sorry Jack! I’m in a hurry!” By the time I apologized, I was down the stairs running for the door.


I saw Fay anxiously waiting in the car, “Hurry up Lyla!”


I quickly got in and before I had time to shut the door, Faylinn was pulling out of the driveway.


“Ok, a black and white party dress...hmm we can check out the mall first.”


I nodded putting my seatbelt on. We had to go to school for the pictures and be back home by four.


Faylinn was probably breaking almost every single law on the road but she didn’t seem to care. We finally saw the mall on top of the hill. We drove up and parked in a handicap only parking spot. Oops. We dashed inside and ran into Macy’s. The store was full of graduation sales and stuff. We ran up the escalator and looked around for a sign that read, “Dresses.”


“Oh there it is!” Fay blurted. She grabbed my hand and dragged me over. Her eyes were moving around like a cat attracted to a laser dot. She squealed when she saw one; yanking it off, she shoved it into my hands,


“Go try it on, now!”


I nodded and got into a dressing stall. Dang, everything was happening so quickly I fell onto the chair and started panting.


“You done yet?!”


“Yeah.” I opened the door and her reaction was priceless.


“It looks gorgeous on you! Ok, we’re getting this one.”


I quickly took it off as I made my way over to the cashier who scanned it and put it in a bag.


“$200.00 please.”


I gave her my debit card and anxiously waited.


“Here you go, thank you and please come again.”


This time, I grabbed Faylinns arm and dragged her out of the mall.


“What time is it?” She asked as we got in.


“Um, three thirty.”


She grinned and started the car. We definitely broke the speed limit driving back to the house.


“We’re back!” Fay and I shouted.


My eyes slowly got wider when I saw the food tables ready and the drinks neatly aligned at one table.


Allen smiled and came over, “Cashmere wanted to say sorry so he prepared this in advance. You should forgive him Fay…”


Faylinn had her “thinking” face on. She looked up at him smiling, “Where’s my boo?!”


She ran off squealing. They have got to be the cutest couple out there.


Allen spun me around and hugged me, “Did you get the dress?”


I giggled, “Mhm. But don’t beg me to show you! It’s a surprise!”


He chuckled and kissed me on the forehead, “We better get ready, the school ceremony starts in twenty.”


I nodded and headed upstairs. I smiled to myself as I got to my room, without him, I’m nothing. With him, I’m something. But when we’re together, we’re everything.


***Allen’s POV***


I waited on the couch as Lyla got dressed upstairs. The senior graduation wasn’t taken really seriously around here so we just had to wear formal clothes. Fay and Cash made up thankfully and decided that they’ll go first and save us seats. I got up when I heard Lyla walking down the main staircases. She wore a navy blue dress with flats. No matter what she wore, she’ll still look prettier than any girl in the world to me.


“You look lovely.” I smiled at her.


A slight blush appeared on her cheeks, “Thanks Allen.” The way she looked up at me with her golden brown eyes, she was my life.


“Ready to go?” I asked opening the front door for her.


She smiled, “Yup!”


The pack already went to their schools and we decided to meet back at the house around six.

As we arrived at school, kids were everywhere, taking pictures, talking, hugging, this was...insane. We managed to find a parking space and walked into the gym. Faylinn and Cashmere were waving dramatically as us. We laughed as we made our way through the seniors sitting around.


We sat down and stayed quiet as the principle read out his long, terrifyingly boring speech.


After an hour of misery, he started to call out names, and soon enough, Lyla was up.


“You’ll do great!” I whispered. She looked nervous and I wanted to just hug her.


She made her way up surprisingly calm and walked up the the podium. Two guys who were in front of us were whispering,


“Hey, isn’t that Lyla?”


“Yeah, the girl who was an outcast the first semester of school.”


“Dang, when did she become so hot?!”


“Man, puberty can do wonders.”


“I wonder if she has a boyfriend.”


I grinned and leaned forward, “She does have a boyfriend.”


The two of them turned around, “How do you know?”


I leaned in closer, “Because I’m her boyfriend.”


They quickly looked at each other and turned around. I smiled, internally laughing; I saw Lyla receive her flowers and diploma. She smiled for the cameras and made her way back. My smile turned into a frown when I saw some football players look at her hungrily. Some even whistled. I wanted to rip their heads off and kick them like soccer balls.


“H-how did I do?” She sounded nervous.


I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her, “You did great! You didn’t look nervous or even worried. Perfect confidence.”

She smiled and kissed my cheek, “Thank you~”


I felt my cheeks get warmer for a second. Lyla’s my life, and no one can complete it except her.


-At the house party-


Lyla walked down elegantly with her dress, hair and makeup done. She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful for who she was. She was beautiful when that sparkle lit up in her eyes when she talked. She was beautiful for her ability to make others smile without them realizing. No, she wasn’t beautiful for something as temporary as looks. She was beautiful deep down to her soul.


“You look amazing Lyla~” I said putting my hands around her waist.


She blushed, that same sparkle lighting up in her eyes, “You know how to make a girl feel special, you know that?”


I leaned in a kissed her, then I looked into her eyes, “Only for you.”


We walked to the back were the party was taking place. Everyone was laughing, talking and most importantly, having a great time. I looked around and saw Fay and Cash dancing together. I saw the pack talking to school friends. This day has got to be one of the best days of my life.


I glanced down at Lyla, whose eyes were sparkling when she looked around the yard. Lights were wrapped around trees and the pool had colored lights in them. Fay looked at us and waved. We chuckled and waved back.


“Wanna dance?” I asked, offering my hand to her.


Lyla looked up at me smiling wide, “I’d love to.”


We made our way next to Fay and Cash.


Fay squealed, “This has got to be the best graduation party, EVER!”


Lyla giggled, which was so unbelievably cute, “I know right?!”


We were dancing when I remembered something important. I gently grabbed Lyla’s hand and took her out of the mob of dancers.


“I need to show you something.”


Curiosity filled her eyes, “What is it?”


“You’ll see.” I took her up to the third floor balcony.


I set up a small table with her favorite snack, red velvet cupcakes.


She squealed, “Red velvet!”


I chuckled and pulled her seat out.


“Thank you.” She said as she sat down gracefully. Her eyes were targeted at the cupcakes.

This was the perfect time. The perfect time to tell her how I feel. This was the time I’d tell her that she will complete my life.

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