He goes to my school?!

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Things could've been better, but no. God had to curse me upon this planet doomed for the rest of my life. The alarm clock rang and I slapped it onto the ground, probably breaking it. I was already up an hour ago. I swung my legs over the bed and got out, almost falling. First day of my senior year, yay. I huffed as I put on my over sized sweater, my leggings and boots. I didn't want to do anything fancy for the first day, so I casually put my hair up in a messy bun. I grabbed my backpack and walked down stairs. My mom was the first person to greet me,

"Did you have the same dreams sweetie?"

I nodded,

"You know I do, everyday, for the past twelve years. Gosh, don't ask me that everyday."

My dad walked in holding the daily newspaper,

"Don't talk to your mother like that Lyly."

I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table.

My mom sat down with her cup of coffee and my dad sat there without speaking a word. I quickly ate my toast and got up,

"Bye, I'm going now." Like they cared. My mom smiled, but I knew it was merely a forced one,

"Good luck on your first day of senior year!"

Sad. Just sad. I just nodded and headed out the door. I passed the woods and park when I walked to school. I lived just 7 minutes away from it. It has its pro's and con's. I reached the school and went through the front doors quickly. Kids coming off of the buses ran into me, god why are they so desperate to go to school?! I made my way through the halls filled with people talking about their break. I sighed when I hear a group of girls talk,

"Oh my god! Did you see the new boy?! God dang he's so freaking hot! I called dibs on him first!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, what is up with girls being overly obsessive over guys?

I went to my locker, which was thankfully in the corner isolated from the rest, and opened it. I started putting my books in when I heard screams. I closed the locker door and to my surprise the boy I met yesterday was standing over me. I swallowed loud enough that probably he could've heard it.

"W-what, why, uh.." Nothing came out of my mouth.

He smiled, in a polite way and chuckled,

"A hi would've been nice."

I felt my cheeks turned slightly red. I looked behind him and saw girls giving me death glares. But not one of them got closer to us. He rubbed the back of his head smiling. God, why are you so hot right now. Wake up! You're a freak remember? I cleared my throat,

"Uh, Hi?" I held my binders closer to my chest. He smiled,

"Hello, sorry I didn't introduce you to myself. I was just so excited and stunned by you, I'm Allen Dixon." He put his hand out.

"Um, Lyla Bouquet." I shook his hand, which was unbelievably warm. Wait, did he just say he was stunned by me? I looked up at him,

"I-I better get going, nice meeting you!" I dashed out of there like a rabbit spotted by a fox. I walked into chemistry and sat in the back corner by the window. My heart was throbbing, what the heck was that back there? Why does he have to go to my school and why say hi to me when there are hundreds of girls just waiting to attack him? That's when I heard a slam. I jerked my head up to see my worst enemy, Tess O'Brien. She had the usual, a butt load of makeup on, the skankiest outfit in the whole school, and her two disciples behind her smirking. She smirked and said,

"What the heck were you and Allen Dixon talking about back there? I hope you didn't scare him or, possibly flirt with him" Her friends laughed in the most annoying tones ever.

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