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Allen limped towards me. Was he hurt?! Oh god if he is, it will be all my fault. Allen gave me a comforting stare, his magnificent blue eyes seemed even bluer against with white coat. I slowly put my hand out, gently rubbing his head. His fur was so soft, his body warm. He transformed again, naked. I covered my eyes quickly.


“Sorry Ly...Um, I brought extra clothes, they’re in the trunk.”


I just nodded and walked to the car grabbing his stuff. I covered my eyes and handed them to him.


“Ok, you can open your eyes now.” I slowly opened my eyes and saw him holding his arm.


“Allen! Your arm! Is it broken?”


He shook his head gently, “No, I think it’s just dislocated.” He suddenly popped it back it, making a thunk. That must be extremely painful, he flinched when he did so.

“Here, we need to treat that, I have supplies at my house.”


Allen slightly blushed, “Oh it’s fine really, just dislocated it.”


“No it’s not. I’m not an idiot, if you leave your arm like that, we need a splint.”


Allen nodded, “O-Ok.” This was all my fault. So it’s my responsibility to take care of him.


We walked back to the car. I helped him get in the passenger's side,


“Do you mind if I drived? I don’t want your arm getting worse.”


He shyly nodded and we got in. I buckled up and started the car. I looked over at him and saw him struggling,


“Here,” I helped his buckle his seatbelt. He blushed and rubbed my hair gently,


“T-Thanks Ly.”


I gave him a warm smile, “No problem Allen”


I drove to my house and saw that the lights were all off. Guess my parents weren’t home yet, but then again it was only 10 at night. I helped Allen out and escorted him to my room.


“I’ll go get the supp-” He pulled me into his body, hugging me. He rested his head on my shoulder,


“Sorry Ly...I should’ve been beside you the whole time, but I left you there, exposed..” He gripped the back of my sweater,


“They could’ve...k...killed you…” I rubbed his back,


“It’s ok~I’m still alive, I’m here, it’s ok.” I calmed him down. My heart was pounding fast, but I felt terrible for him. He let go and looked at me. I looked up at him and rubbed his hair,


“Thank you, for saving me. You still pinned down that jerk Cashmere, right?” He smiled and leaned in, dangerously close to my face.


“This is probably why I chose you over everyone else Ly..” He let go and sat on my bed, exhausted.


I wonder what he meant by that. I smiled and left the room. I headed down to my basement, getting the med kit out. I walked back upstairs and saw Allen sleeping. I smiled and slowly walked over, opening the kit. I finally finished wrapping his arm. I got up from my kneeling position and turned around. But something grabbed my wrist, pulling me down. I fell on my bed, Allen next to me. My heart started racing. My face hot and red, my eyes wide open. I slowly turned my head and saw him still sleeping. He was beautiful. The way he slept, his hair covering half of his face. Before thinking about what happened today, I felt my eyelids closing, and soon drifted off.


~Alarm clock goes off~


I groan as I slap it off of my desk. I yawn and turn around before my eyes widen. I yelp and fall off the bed. Allen wakes up surprised.


“Wh-What..wh-why are you..” I stared at him before realizing what happened last night. I sighed of relief and stood up. Allen yawned and stretched.


“Sorry I slept on your bed, I was just so exhausted…”


“No it’s fine.” I didn’t have a nightmare. Ten years of suffrage and I finally slept one night without having one. Why? My eyes wandered and suddenly looked at Allen. No way...Was my dreams gone because of him?


“What’s wrong? You’re staring at me like I did something wrong..”


I jumped towards him, embracing him hard, he almost fell back. I found the key. I think I found the person I belong with.

“Woah~” He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me, the other hand on my head. I dug my face into his chest. I loved him. I understand it now.


SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER! v.v so sorry...But I promise y'all the next one will be good! What do y'all think so far? Any ideas for Allen and Lylas relationship! COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!

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