Fake World. Real Experiences.

By JoshR2

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Welcome one and all to SAO! The new hit video game in the virtual reality market! Or should I say, the "Death... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Reality's Ignorance
Chapter 2: Welcome to Sword Art Online
Chapter 3: The Death Game Begins
Chapter 4: Preparations
Chapter 5: The First Boss
Chapter 6: The Silver Wolves
Chapter 7: Betrayal of the Succubus
Chapter 8: Heeding the Call
Chapter 9: Hospitalized
Chapter 10: The Red Swordsmen
Chapter 11: Forging a Friendship
Chapter 12: By The Riverside
Chapter 13: Heartbeat
Chapter 14: One Chance
Chapter 15: The Royal Atrax
Chapter 16: She who Walks in Shadows
He who Rises From Shadows
Chapter 17: Crimson Onslaught
Chapter 18: Bleed Out
Chapter 19: Aftermath
Chapter 20: The Dragon Slayer, and His Smith
Chapter 21: Good Riddance
Chapter 22: Past of The Shadow Walker
Chapter 23: You and I
Chapter 25: The Dance of Red Swordsman
The Bookmark: Goodbye For Now.

Chapter 24: It's Time

44 0 2
By JoshR2

I laid on the bed, unable to do all that much. Athena was still over me, asleep in her dreams. Don't ask me how on Earth she got on top of me, she does move a lot when she sleeps. That's what I noticed anyway.

I yawned rather loudly as I petted her hair gently. It wouldn't​ be nice of me to force her awake just so I could get up. So I simply laid there, gazing out the open window, green leaves freshly plucked from the branches passing by. And in the distance, those leaves seemed to flow towards the arena. The Coliseum where people were gathering.

Today was the day I was to duel Heathcliff. They day I was nervous about. The day where everything, in one way or another, was leading to this point in time.  And since I am the kind of guy to honor my word, there is no turning back now.

Athena gently shifted around, grunting tiredly as she was coming to. I slowly sat up, holding her close, her hair running down my torso as her head rests on my shoulder.

"Morning. You seem to have gotten comfortable last night." I tease.

Her eyes slowly open to gaze at me, nodding was her only reply. She grips my shirt and hides away from the harmless sun in my chest. I could only admire the girl in my lap as I ran my hand trough her hair. She was such a cuddle bug in the morning. Not that I dislike that or anything, not what I'm getting at all. Just odd for me, since nothing like this happened to me in the real world.

I kiss the top of her head.

"I appreciate the extra cuddles, but I...have something important to do today, and I need to be a free man to do that."

"Nuuu...you stay here. That way I can hide from the sun's mean light." She mutters.

I couldn't help but giggle at her. After a moment however, she slide off unto the side of the bed, rubbing her eyes to sharpen her vision. I stood up from the bed, opening my equipment, and placing on my usual gear. 

"What do you have to do so early anyway...?" She asks.

"Just some restock and some other random crap. I'll be back before sunset."

"Okay...I'll probably go with my friends then." She replied.

"You really are hitting it off with her,huh?" I ask with a smile, my sword sliding into place where it rests, on my left side of my hip.

"Mhm...have fun." She says, with a smile of her own.

I nodded, and opened the door, gently shutting it as I exited.

But I didn't get going just yet. I stop...and just look down the hallways. The anxiety was getting me I suppose. I rub my hand trough my hair to try and relax. Calm down man! It's just a duel, nothing crazy. Although it is in front of God knows how many people...I'll just say a lot. But now was not the time to ponder such things. I made my way down the hall, ajusting the jacket I wore to have a snugger fit.


I munched on a mozzarella stick at a nearby dinner near the areana. Well, it was more like 12. Cause seriously, I think I have a problem. I was enjoying the meal in peace. Or that's what I wanted.

To say there was a line, would be a understatement. Holy crap! The line was filled with other players, gossiping about Heathcliff, me, and the outcome of the duel. Can't blame then, I'd do the same thing if I was an audience member.

But I'm not. And while a lot of people are coming, this isn't to show off for me. It's for information. Information on something I have no control of...

I sighed to myself, shoving the last mozzarella in me, and paid my bill. I had to go into the back, cause no one was supposed to line up there. The key word is supposed to. Cause the line goes all the way back there! But it's whatever.

I stood up from the chair, glancing at the line. I began walking the opposite direction of it, being the quickest route from where I was. Man, I was nervous beforehand, but now? I got a rush going trough me! I was getting excited! That, or I'm hyped off of adrenaline. One of the two. As I walked, I couldn't help but notice people in the line looking my way. They must have known who I was. I could see moments of them whispering to one another.

"Wow! It's really him!"
"You can do it!"
"Go! Go! Go!"

Suddenly the crowd was in a uproar, cheering me on loudly. My eyes widened in suprise. But in the wave of people, I saw hands in the air, balled up in fists. And one word was all I heard.


I couldn't help but grin. I slide my sword out, and raise it in the air. They lost it, they were louder now. I smile, and walked to the door, sword in hand.

Sir Drake was waiting for me there, him opening the door for me.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Sir Josh."

"Thank you." I replied.

He shut the door behind me. The area I was in was only lit by the candles placed on the walls. The walls themselves made of stone. I was getting some serious dungeon vibe...

I follow Drake to a area just outside the actual areana. This was essentially my place to get ready.

"Holy shit...there are so many people here!" I muttered quietly. The stands were getting crammed with players. I could say that a fourth of them had to be here!

"Could you blame them?"

I turned around, it was Midnight, her arms crossed.

"The Third strongest player is about to duel the strongest player. Who wouldn't come to see it?" She asked.

"But still! It's crazy to see the number in person." I reply.

I only got a shrug from her, Drake was heading back into the areana.

"Mira wanted to let you know that the duel will be to red health. And that Heathcliff has decided to allow special skills. That includes his Holy Sword, and your Crimson Onslaught."

"I see..." I cracked my neck, looking at her.

"So, be honest with me here." I begin, her looking at me with the same expression.

"What are my chances of actually winning?" I asked, crossing my arms myself. Witch apparently made Midnight rest hers at her side.

"Well, you have a better chance then that dead duel blade Mira talks about, if that's any indication." She smiles a bit teasingly.

"...." I had nothing to say to that. Mainly cause that was kinda the ultimate wake up call.

Heathcliff is THE strongest player in Sword Art Online. I shake my head. Not the time. She said I had a better chance, not that I'm gonna get mauled out there.

"Good luck out there..." Midnight finished. She turned to walk back in as well. I was alone once more.

"Ladies and Gentleman!" A voice echoed, my head turned towards it. To the arena.

"The duel is about to begin! Please give a round of applause to the man who heads The Knights of Blood, Heathcliff!!"

Far off in the distance, on the other side of the areana, he appears from the shadows, bearing his red and white armor, sheild and sword. His walk is that of a tank. And boy, he is still just as intimidating as he ever has been.

"And today, a challenger approaches. He is the rumored third strongest player in all of Sword Art Online. The man who dawned the Crimson Swordsman title with pride! Give it up for Joshuaaaaa!!"

I took one last deep breath, and began to exit. The noon sun blinded me, but as I walked, my vision cleared. And all I saw was the packed stadium. Filled with cheering players. I couldn't help but smile up as I slowly made my way in front of Heathcliff.

"You seem suprised." He says.

"Can you blame me?! There are so many people here."

"Indeed..." His gaze went from the audiance, to me. I gulp.

"Now then..." He opens his menu, and sends me a duel request.

Red health, no time limit.

I couldn't help but stare.


I accepted. And the counter began from twenty. Heathcliff took the end of his blade, sliding it out of it's sheath. Putting his iron in front of himself. He locked until me as his eyes narrowed.

I kick the back of my sheath, my blade popping out, I grab it's hilt, spinning it around me before I held it inverted behind me.

Ten seconds. The crowd was beginning to silence as the counter got closer and closer to zero.


I took my stance, lowering my profile, this was make or break time for me. Losing would not be a option.

Two, One.

I have to know what he knows about my special skill!


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