In The Shadows (A Justin Bieb...

By dominicsccott

139K 4.7K 622

Love Never Dies. Unfortunately, Neither Do They. This story is mine and mine alone. If you want to transla... More

Chapter 2: Running
Chapter 4: Tragedy
Chapter 5: Seeing through his eyes
Chapter 6: Discovery and Memories
Chapter 7: Learning the Alphabet
Chapter 8: You see me but not me
Chapter 9: Control?
Chapter 10: Different Demons
Chapter 11: Hide and Seek
Chapter 12: Found
Chapter 13: Alone
Chapter 14: Attack
Chapter 15: Close
Chapter 16: Myrnin
Chapter 17: Him
Chapter 18: Home?
Not an update!!!
Chapter 19: Save Me
Chapter 20: Hold
Chapter 21: Finding Out
Chapter 22: Demands
Chapter 23: End

Chapter 3: Change me

9.3K 295 48
By dominicsccott

Hiiii SOC is We R Who We R by Ke$ha x


Vampire's POV

I watched as the two girls sped out of the car shop and smirked. This was going to be fun. It's a good thing I'm good at acting. I pulled my black SnapBack down low to cover my face, and to also protect it from the sun. I then ran towards the car shop as fast as a human could. "Please, help me!" I yelled at a guy with the name tag 'Jake'. He looked up, alarmed and ran over to me. "Are you alright sir?" Jake asked. "Have you seen a girl with long, straight light brown hair and green eyes, she's around 5'4?" I asked. "She was supposed to meet me, but I saw her being yanked into a car by a blonde haired girl!"

"Actually, yes. A girl matched that description just came in here, she said her bane was Natalie and she-" Jake started, but I cut him off. "What kind of car did she get?"

"A black Range Rover." he replied. "Did they say where they were going?" I asked, pretending to be panicked and relieved. "No, but they went that way." Jane said, and pointed. "Oh my god, thank you so much!" I yelled, then raced back to my black Ferrari with blacked out windows. Natalie huh? Be prepared Natalie, cause I'm coming.

Natalie's POV

"Tonight we're going hard hard ha-ha-ha-hard, just like the world is our-our-our-ours, we're tearing it ap-par-par-pa-part, you know we're superstars, WE ARE WHO WE ARE!" Fawn and I screamed along to the radio. I didn't usually listen to a lot of Ke$ha, but I can't resist this song. It's awesome!

Fawn turned the radio down, and I protested. "We should probably check into a hotel soon, it's starting to get dark." she said. "Are you kidding me? We're in the middle of nowhere!" I exclaimed. Suddenly, something ran out in front of the car, and we both screamed. I stomped hard on the brakes, and we skidded. The animal raised its head, and I realised it was a wolf. A HUGE wolf at that! It had brown hair, and, even weirder, blue eyes. I just missed the wolf, and we screamed again as the car nearly flipped. The wolf darted away.

"HELL NO! I JUST GOT THIS CAR!" I yelled, and got the steering under control again. I braked hard, and we stopped, then stared at each other. "Oh. My. God." I said. Fawn nodded numbly. "Let's just... keep driving." I said, and started driving again.

About half an hour later, Fawn pointed. "Look! A motel!" she said. I pulled into the parking lot and braked. "Let's get some sleep, I'm knackered!" I said. We climbed out, pulling a suitcase each with us. We walked into the lobby and an old woman backed into the room, carrying a tray of baked cookies. They smelled heavenly. "Excuse me ma'am?" I asked. She jumped, turning around. "Howdy, how can I help y'all?" she asked, smiling warmly. She had sharp blue eyes, wrinkled skin, shirt grey hair and laugh lines around her eyes. "Can we have a room please?" I asked. She nodded, turning around and pulling a key with the number 4 on it. "Just sign here please." she said, pushing a book towards me. When she said 'sign', it sounded like 'sain'. She sounded like she was from Texas. I quickly scribbled my name into the book, and shoved it back. "All right, here, have these cookies, and get a good nights sleep now!" she said, putting the cookies into a green tin and putting the top on, then handing it to me, along with the key. "Thank you ma'am!" I said. The woman shook her head. "Honey, call me Maisy!"she said, smiling again. She was the kind of granny everyone wanted. "Okay Maisy." I said smiling, and me and Fawn went up to our rooms.

"I don't know about you Fawn, but I sure could do with a shower!" I said, throwing my suitcase on one of the two beds in the room. "Already ahead of you!" Fawn called from the bathroom. Shoot. "Hey!" I banged on the door. "I wanted in there!!" I protested. I heard Fawn blow a raspberry at me, and then the water turned on. I groaned and flopped down onto the bed. I guess I'm gonna have to wait. I reached for the remote and switched the TV on. Boring, boring, boring... Yes! The Big Bang Theory! I settled myself back on the pretty blue and purple quilt and turned the volume up. I kicked my shoes off and curled up, waiting for Fawn to finish.

Vampire's POV

I drove silently into the Motel car park. I had seen Natalie's car pull in here. I don't know what's happening to me. I know I want her blood, but I can't stop thinking about her in other ways as well. The soft skin on her belly, her long light brown hair, smelling so wonderful, and oh, her green eyes. They are beautiful. I pictured her round, full pink lips and imagines them under mine. I felt my manhood get hard, and instantly tried to distract myself from this beauty. I can't stop, I won't stop! Not until I have her. I got out of the car, and plastered on my most humble face. It started pouring down, soaking me. Even better. I ran towards the doors of the motel, pushing the doors open. "H-hello?" I called, pretending to make my teeth chatter and make my voice sound babyish. I fake shivered, gripping my biceps in my hands, huddling down into my coat. Damn, I'm so thirsty! I was trying to save it for Natalie, but I can't take it anymore. I have to feed.

An elderly woman looked up, and when she saw me, he gasped and rushed into a door. I frowned. Rude much? She came running back in with a big fluffy towel in her hands, and she rushed towards me. She smelled like lime and gingernut cookies. "Goodness gracious, what happened?" she asked, wrapping the towel around me tightly and leading me over to a radiator. "Th-tthanks," I stuttered. "M-my c-c-c-CAR broke d-down s-so I had to run h-her-re." I said, still pretending to shiver. "Hang on a second honey, I'll be right back!" she said, bustling off. She came back after a few minutes holding a tray. On it were some chocolate chip cookies and a mug of hot chocolate. I smiled gratefully and reached a shaking hand out from the towel to clasp them around the mug, pretending to try to warm them. "Anything else I can get you honey?" she asked. I smirked, standing up and throwing the towel off, towering over her. "Oh yeah," I said, reaching for her and using my normal deep voice. Her eyes widened and she backed away, then turned and ran to the door, but I used my vampire speed to block the doorway. She opened her mouth to scream, but my hand flashed out and gripped her neck hard, cutting off her words and lifting her up. She choked and clawed at my hand, but that didn't help in the slightest. I loosened my hand just a little. "Any last words?" I said. "V-vampire!" she choked out. I smirked and chuckled. "Well done." and I sank my teeth into her neck, draining her dry in seconds. I dropped her lifeless body carelessly to the ground and dusted myself off, licking the blood from my mouth.

I heard footsteps, and quickly hid behind the couch. "Maisy can we have some more-OH MY GOD!" I heard a girl scream. I peeked out from behind the couch to see a blonde haired girl stumble away from the woman's body, her hands over her mouth. She turned and ran back to her room as fast as she could. I chuckled and followed her.

She ran to a room with the number 4 on the door and burst in. "NATALIE WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" She whisper-screamed, shaking a lump on one of the beds. The lump stirred, and I saw her. I was peeking around the corner of the door so they wouldn't see me, and it took every ounce of strength I had not to run in there and feed from her.

"Wha-wha? Whassamaddur?" Natalie mumbled. "Wake up!" The girl whispered fiercely, shaking her. "Natalie oh my god PLEASE WAKE UP!" The girl was sobbing now, still shaking Natalie. "What's wrong?" Natalie asked, sitting up. She had bed head, but she still looked beautiful. "Maisy's dead, something killed her! We need to get out of here NOW!" The girl sobbed, yanking her out of the bed. Natalie stumbled a little, then regained her balance. "Lets go!" she whispered, and I could hear the terror in her voice.

"Fawn, you don't think it could be.. him?" Natalie whispered as she got dressed quickly and started packing again. The girl- Fawn- stiffened. "I hope not." was all she said. Natalie threw a hairbrush into her purple suitcase and zipped it shut, picking it up and starting towards the door. The curtains were open, the full moon up, and I stepped out into her path, the moonlight making my skin look even paler, and my eyes were black. To say I looked terrifying to them probably was an understatement. Natalie gasped, dropping her suitcase with a thud on the floor.

"Hello Natalie. Remember me?" I said, and smiled, feeling my fangs growing. Fawn turned around and screamed. Natalie remained frozen, her eyes wide with terror, mouth hanging open. I moved towards her and closed her mouth gently. "You don't want to catch a fly," I said, and chuckled. Natalie started up at me, still unmoving. I took in a deep sniff, then groaned, burying my face into her neck. "God, you smell so good! You taste even better!" I growled, my fangs pressing against her neck. "Please," she whimpered. I chuckled. Deja vu much?

I suddenly heard a loud bang, and then, excruciating pain spread in my side. I screamed and fell to the ground, writhing and clutching my side. "You bitch!" I spat at Fawn. She was holding a shotgun. I looked down and saw a pink feathered dart in my side. "COME ON!" Fawn screamed, grabbing Natalie's hand and they ran as fast as they could outside. I groaned, then, mustering up my strength, gripped the dart and quickly pulled it out. I gasped, panting and putting my head down low, curled up. God that hurt! I slowly stood, then limped to the window. I saw the Range Rover peel out of the parking lot and smiled to myself. A chase. Lovely.

Natalie's POV

"FASTER! FASTER!" I screamed at Fawn. I had to get away. We had to get away from him. How did he find us?Fawn pressed harder on the pedal, and we shot down the road. I was glad there was no police anywhere to stop us.

"Nat, wake up!" A hand shook my shoulder. I groaned and batted it away. "Get up. NOW!" Fawn snapped, and I opened my eyes. "I'm up, I'm up!" I groggily said. I opened my eyes to see we were parked in a car park. A Walmart car park. "Why are we at Walmart?" I asked. "We need to change how we look, especially you." she replied. "Good point," I said, and climbed out of the car, slamming the door behind me. I was halfway to the doors when I stopped and turned back. "Hey! Where are you going?" Fawn yelled as I ran back to the car. "I forgot my purse!" I yelled back. I clicked the button to open my car an opened the car, grabbing the car seat and leaning down, grabbing my handbag and pushing myself up again, slamming the door shut and running back to Fawn who had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot. "Patience is a virtue!" I reminded her. My mum had always said that to me. I know, I'm from California and I call my mother mum. Well, I'm not originally from Cali. I'm actually from England. I used to get teased all the time because of my accent, and one day I was getting pushed around when Fawn stepped in, glaring so fiercely that the girls and boys backed off. Then, she had turned around and said, "Ello love." we became instant friends after that. Fawn isn't British but she loves my accent.

We walked inside and I went towards the hair dye aisle, grabbing some black hair dye. I grabbed some hairdresser scissors too. Fawn got some brown hair dye. I walked past an aisle and saw different coloured contact lenses. Why not. I walked over to them and grabbed some blue contact lenses. Fawn took some brown ones. We walked towards the till and paid. Then, we walked back outside and climbed into the car. "Now let's find a hotel." Fawn said, and started the car. I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes. I was knackered. Hehe, another British saying.

"Okay, let's get started." I said, picking up the hair dye. Fawn did the same, pulling the packets out. After we applied the dye, we waited a while and then rinsed our hair out. And dried it. "Ready?" I asked. Fawn nodded. "On three." "Okay. One, two, THREE!" We opened our eyes and squealed. We looked AMAZING! "OH MY GOD, WE LOOK SO HOT!" I squealed. Fawn jumped up and down, clapping her hands. I sighed, picking the scissors up. Time to make my hair short. "Here, let me." Fawn said, takin the scissors and sitting me down on the bathroom stool. We were in a hotel called the Grand Grange Hotel. Fawn started snipping. "I want it shoulder length." I said. Fawn nodded. When she was done, she stepped back, admiring her handiwork. To say I looked gorgeous would be an understatement. My fringe was gone, cut off; the bits of hair at the side of my face now framed it in feathers, really nice. My hair just brushed my shoulders. "I love it!" I squealed, clapping. I stood up and hugged Fawn. "Thank you so much!" I said. Fawn laughed and hugged me back. "Your turn!" I said, pushing her onto the stool. "I want it cut up short, like up to here," she said, pointing to a little above the bottom of her neck. I nodded and started snipping. After a while I stood back and put the scissors down. "Done!" I announced. Fawn opened her eyes and squealed. "It's awesome- er, amazing!" she shrieked. I laughed at her attempt to be British. She hugged me, and I hugged her back. "I'm hungry, lets go get some McDonalds!" I announced, grabbing my car keys. "FOOD!" Fawn screamed, running towards the door. "Contacts!" I yelled. She turned back without stopping and grabbed them, putting them on and running back out the door. I put my contact lenses on as well. They felt sort of weird. Oh well, I guess I have to get used to it. "Hey, wait for me!" I yelled after Fawn, chasing her and slamming the door behind me.

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