Hetalia Oneshots

By FlyingExoticButters

3.5K 97 145

From now on I'll be doing any kind of ship, whether it be male and male male and female or female and female... More

Did it hurt? (ItaGer)
Nyo! Germany X Germany~The Pocky Game
Nyo! Germany x Germany- Are you sick?
Nyo! Austria x Prussia - Puddle Kiss
Nyo! Germany x S. Italy - One.... Last "I love you."
Nyo! Germany x S. Italy- Please Daddy?
Tagged!! :3
Nyo! Germany x Prussia - K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Nyo! Canada x America - Just Breathe
Nyo! Germany x Dark! N. Italy - Little One (Preview)
Guess who's back!!
Nyo!America x France - It's okay
Female! Japan x America - Cookies
Nyo! Spain x S. Italy - Teenage love
Female! America x Germany - Letter
I'm sorry.

Nyo! Germany x Germany- It's Over

174 2 21
By FlyingExoticButters

// Sarah56643 It's done!!!

    Monika knew something was wrong. Something was going to happen, and she knew it wasn't going to be okay...

Monika sighed softly, cuddling into the pillow. She opened her eyes to see Ludwig already dressed in his work uniform. She sat up, giving him a soft smile. 

"Guten morgen*1, Ludwig." She whispers, to him starting to stand up. Ludwig just mumbled a small 'good morning.' Before hurrying out of the room. 

   The woman gave a soft frown as she watches him leave in haste. Her eyes catch the clock, knowing he wasn't late. And it was Sunday! Where was he going on a Sunday, in his uniform? That was odd.... What was even more odd is that he didn't even bother pecking her lips as he usually did. But, she didn't thing anything of it and moved to go to the bathroom. 

      She closed the door,  and stripped from her night gown. The water went on and she started to grab her bathing supplies from the bathroom cabinet. She set them on the edge of the tub, pouring some bubble bath in. Soon, the bath was full of bubbles and she was stepping into tge the warm bath. She smiles softly laying down,

      Monika stays there for a little bit under an hour, standing up as she rinses her body from the bubbles. She turned off the water, and unplugged the tub. She wrapped a towel around her body shaking her head as if she was a wet dog. Speaking of dogs...A couple of them came running to the bathroom door, scratching at it. 

"Hold on! Hold on!" She called, opening the door.  There sat two German Shepherds. She gave a small whistle and they moved out of the way. She walked into her room and removed the robe. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a out fit she planned for the day. A pair of plain purple leggings, and a shirt that said, "I bake because punching people is frowned upon." She just slid on a pair of flats and walked out of her bedroom. 

She let out a soft chuckle at her own shirt, leading her dogs to the kitchen. She looked at the fridge and table, in hopes that she would find a note, or... Or something! But alas, nothing was there. 

She sighs and reaches for the hooks that contained the dog leashes. She hooks them to her dogs collars before both of her hands to scratch both of the dogs behind their ears. She stood up and walked out of the house. She turned to lock the door, a habit of hers. Well, for just a little back story. Monika lived in a bad neighborhood as a kid, and the one time she forgot to lock the door almost got her and her older brother killed. 

     She lets out a small sigh, turning around. She let out another whistle the dogs taking the lead. She ran a hand through her hair, giving it a small ruffle. Her hand reached and connected her keys with the belt she was wearing. She looked around her yard noting that she would have to mow the lawn again, and maybe do some touch ups on her flower garden. She turned her head forwards again making sure the dogs weren't trying to kill themselves or each other. 

     TO her surprise, they were just strolling alone, barking playfully at anyone that passed by.She just shook her head with a smile, waving to one of her neighbors. 

"Good morning, Mr. Kirkland!" She greeted, stopping at his house. He looked up and gave the woman a smile.

"Good morning lass!" He stands up, the palm of his hands dusting the dirt off of his pants. "How's everything?"

"Oh, everything's fine. How's Francine? The baby?" She gives a gentel tug on the leashes in hope that the dogs would stay put. 

"Bratty. Very, very bratty." He answered with a laugh.

"The baby?"

"Nope, Francine. The baby is just fine though. Being very cute, and looking much like her mother! I just pray that she'll have my personality though, I love Francine and all. But having two, and living with them," he shook his head, "now that would be stressful."

Monika let out a brisk chuckle, bringing a hand to her lips.

"Now what about that Ludwig of yours? Proposed? He ought to, your a lovely young woman and he shouldn't let that slip through his fingers." He gave her a small wink.

Monika chuckled once again, her cheeks tinting a light pink.

"Unfortunately for me, he hasn't proposed."

"Well you never know, it might be soon!" 

"Maybe so! Now I must go, these two are getting antsy."

"Alright, love, have a safe walk!" He says to her before once again getting back down on his knees to dig another fresh hole of dirt.

Monika nodded and waved to him as she walked away. She hummed softy as she trailed behinf her dogs. Looking up she saw a clear blue sky with few clouds. She looked back down, as she sang a soft tune under her breath. 

       And then, for the next two hours Monika proceeds to walk around the park and town but ended up heading for home. She jogged most of the way so the dogs could get rid of most of their energy. She stopped and smiled when she saw Ludwig's car in the driveway. She got up to the house and opened the door. 

"Ludwig! I'm home!" She called, crouching down on one knee to unhook the dogs. All she heard was silence, and something scrapping on the floor

"Ludwig?" She called again starting to make her way up the stairs. Everything was still. She walked across the creaky floorboards, peaking into her bedroom. It was a mess. Her clothes were on the floor, books scattered around, and.... And glass shattered the floor.

Monika wrapped her arms around her abdomen her eyes widening with confusuion and worry. Ludwig was packing... And Feliciano was at his side...

"L-Ludwig....?" She asked again, stepping closer to put a shaky hand on his shoulder. Ludwig turned around and smacked it away. She pulled it back to her chest, staring at him in shock.

"Don't touch me...." He growled in a deep voice, his once warm blue eyes now cold ice that could kill. Monika took a step back, analzing his face. 

"What's going on? Why are you packing? " Monika asked in a concerned voice, holding her arms. LUdwig was silent as he continued to fold his clothes putting them in the suit case neatly. 

Feliciano smiles happily, laying across the bed. He looked joyous, but in his eyes he looked sinister. Monika chewed on her lip as she stared silently. 

"I'm leaving you." Ludwig said out of the blue, pulling the zipper around the black item.

MOnika's arms dropped her mouth opening wide. Tears clouded her vision as she started to shake. 

"B-But why Ludwig..?" SHe asked as tears rolled down her cheeks. Her frail body started to shake, hands moving to grip each other.

"Because you're so damn clingy! You want to want to know what i'm doing every five seconds! You want to..." He sighs, rubbing his temple. "You almost NEVER want to have sex! And when you do you're all fucking timid! I don't want that!! I want someone who's active during sex!" He screams at her.

     Monika breaks down in tears, falling on her knees. SHe puts her hands to her face as she cries. Ludwig just stares at her coldly picking up his suit case. 

"And I found someone who's perfect for me. He's sweet, he knows how to cook! He is everything I want! Feliciano is EVERYTHING I need in my life! You... You are the other hand is something that I don't want. " He growled, picking up his bags. 

And that's when he left, leaving her on the floor in tears.

What he didn't know is that Monika was pregnant. 

Two years passed. Monika had given birth to a a set of healthy twins(named Alana, Roderich), and was even in a relationship with a man named Lutz, who was some how related to Ludwig. SHe was happy. She recovered from the heartbreak that Ludwig caused. Hell. SHe thought she was even more happy without him. And it was true. She was. Ludwig on the other hand.... Despite thinking that Feliciano was everything he wanted, he got cheated on by him. 

Feliciano cheated on him with a blonde girl. 

Monika sat in the living room, playing with the  babies. She smiles as one of them reach up to grab her short hair. She gently pushes Alana's hand away, shaking her head. A knock was heard at the door. 

"I've got it!" Lutz called walking to the front door. He opened the door to find Ludwig holding a bouqet of roses. He growled at him. 

"What do you want Ludwig?" He hissed, holding tight onto the doorknob. 

"Lutz? What are you doing here? WHere's Monika?" He asked in a sudden hurry, trying to look past him. "Monika! I'm back for you!" Ludwig called.

A pang of grief hit Monika's heart, making her flinch at the sound of his voice. She stood and started to walk towards the door. She put a hand on his shoulder signalizing for him to move. He moved out of the way and Monika stepped outside, closising the door behind her. 

Ludwig smiles at her, bringing her in for a warm hug. "God... i've missed you.." He whispers, kissing the top of her head.

"Well.. I haven't missed you.." SHe tells him harshly, pushing him away from her.

"Monika... I've come back for you! I want to be with you again! I love you!" He tells her in a pleading voice, placing his hands on his shoulder.

"Ludwig, I can't do this. I have a family now, I have a boyfriend," SHe says pushing his hands off of his shoulder. 

"Y... You have a family...? You have-have kids?" He stuttered out, his eyes going wide. 

"Yes," she hisses, "I have a set of twins. Alana and Roderich. They're about to turn two in a couple of months." LUdwig turned away in shame, his head hanging.

"Wait..." He started turning around to face the blonde. "Two.. T-Two years? That.. T-that would mean they we're mine! Monika... Are A-Alana and Roderich mine?" He stuttered out. 

      Monika sighs nodding. 

"Yes, Alana and Roderich are yours." She turned on her heel, starting to open the door.

"Can... Can I meet them?" 

"Yes.." She opens the door with a sigh, gesturing him in. He follows her looking around the home. It had changed.... A lot. Pictures of them had been taken down and had shown pictures of her and Lutz, her pregnant, and even holding the twins. 

"Lutz! Where are you?" She called, looking around the living room.

"Kitchen! Feeding the kids!" He called as he spoon fed them. Well tried to anyway, they always tried to smack it away. Or take the spoon. Or just smash their faces into the bowl.

Monika lead Ludwig in. Ludwig smiles as soon as  he saw the babies. Alana and Roderich looked over, but turned away.

"They look exactly like us..." He whispers.

Alana reaches up to Lutz cooing happily. "Daddy!" She yells happily. 

Ludwig took a step back, face covered in shock.

"Heh..." She says softly looking over to Ludwig. "They think Lutz is their biological father. I thought I wouldn't have you in the picture ever again, and they needed a fatherlt figure... And LUtz was up to the task. So... hear we are."

Ludwig turned around, wiping tears from his eyes. 

"I think it's best if I leave..." Ludwig says before running out. He lets tears run down his face, entering his car. He lays his head on the steering wheel, letting his fist collide with the dashboard.

"How did  ever say....."

"It's over?"

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