Summer Rain

By JJJiangx

3.7M 97.1K 13.1K

[Includes Something about Summer & After Rain] Raine Evans had everything. Okay, maybe not. So she avoided he... More

Summer Rain
[1] Dynamite
[2] Young, Wild, and Free
[4] Mr. Know It All
[5] Hit the Lights
[6] Tonight, Tonight
[7] Fall to Pieces
[8] We are Young
[9] Starships
[10] Two is Better than One
[11] Good Life
[12] Thunder
[13] Summer Girl
[14] Beat of My Heart
[15] Fireflies
[16] Love Life
[17] Irreplacable
[18] Pocket Full of Sunshine
[19] My Dilemma
[20] Only Fooling Myself
[21] Love Song (Part 1)
[21] Love Song (Part 2)
[22] Some Hearts
[23] Take Me Away
[24] Kiss You Inside Out
[25] Gotta Be You
[26] Anywhere But Here
[27] I Must Be Dreaming
[28] Decode
[29] Airplanes
[30] Alone Again
[31] Break My Heart
After Rain
[1] White Houses
[2] Here We Go Again
[3] Ship in the Dock
[4] I Hate Myself for Losing You
[5] All Too Well
[6] I Can't Breathe
[7] Catch My Breath
[8] Like We Used To
[9] Impossible
[10] Curiosity
[11] Just Give Me a Reason
[12] If This Was a Movie
[13] That's What You Get
[14] King of Anything
[15] Daylight
[16] Heart Attack
[17] Unwritten
[18] Fall
[19] Sweet Nothing
[20] One More Night
[21] Fallout
[22] Same Mistakes
[23] Alive
[24] Kiss Me Slowly
[25] I Need Your Love
[26] Looking Up
[27] Dark Side
[28] Endlessly
[29] Made in the USA
[30] Try
[31] Ever Enough
Extra: Forever and Ever
[18] Kaden's PoV: Secrets
Summer Rain Playlist & FAQ

[3] Live While We're Young

75.5K 2.1K 237
By JJJiangx

Dedicated to MissAkira246 for the amazing banner! Thank you so much!

Picture of Kallie --->


Yeah, we'll be doing what we do

Just pretending that we're cool

So tonight,

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy

'Till we see the sun


~Live While We're Young- One Direction


      We decided to take Brett's car, which of course resulted in him driving. He wouldn't let anyone else drive his 'baby', except maybe Kallie, if she really tried. Guys and their cars, I swear. Kallie sat in the passenger seat, Clark sat in the back with Annabelle on his lap, and stuck between those two and the guy who has perfected being a jerk was me. Oh, so lucky me.

      Brett looked back at us through the rear-view mirror. "Put on your seatbelts, I don't want any accidents," he instructed.

      "Of course, dad," I said sarcastically, but did pull the strap out and buckle.

      "Don't call me that," Brett scolded. I stuck out my tongue at him.

      "By the way, I was wondering, where are your parents?" Annabelle questioned as Clark played with a strand of her long, dark hair.

      Kallie shrugged, "Dunno. Traveling somewhere. I think it's Australia this time. Dad had some giant meeting and they decided to make a vacation from it." Suddenly Brett made a sharp turn and we were all sent to the right. I got smushed against Kaden, and pressed against my left side were Annabelle and Clark. This is why I hate sitting in the middle. Apparently, other than Kallie, who just had to sit in the front, I'm the only one who'll fit.

      "Dude, what the heck?" Kaden asked, only he didn't use heck. I pushed away from him and rubbed my ear. Somehow, his mouth had ended up inches from my ear, so when he spoke, I got the worst of it, and he had spoke pretty loud.

      "Some guy was speeding and about to crash into my car," Brett replied, a trace of anger under his tone.

      I tapped my fingers against my knee nervously. What if I get kidnapped? Or grabbed? Or, what if I die? Or what if the clothing rack falls on me?

      "Or what if a meteor hits the earth?" Kaden said. I jumped and looked at him confused.

      He chuckled and grinned that annoying, cocky grin. "You know you were saying those out loud? Quietly, but still out loud." I looked around the car for confirmation; they all looked amused and nodded yes.

      "I can't help it, what if I die?" I whined looking at Kallie with pleading eyes, making my brown eyes go as wide as I could.

      She just laughed, "That's not going to work, Raine. You learned it from me, remember?" She had a point there. She was the one who taught me how to charm someone with your eyes. And, okay, she was a lot better at it than me, so, really, I didn't stand a chance.

      "Besides, you have a pretty easy challenge." Kallie continued. Brett pulled the car to a smooth-ish stop.

      "We're here." he announced loudly. I think he's starting to pick that up from Kallie, but then again, after spending time around her, Kaden and their family, everyone kind of does. I gulped. Here we go. My death. Or humiliation. But I think both are on the same level. Pretty much. Sorta. I guess death is worse. Humiliation's bad, but death is, well, death.

      I got out of the car and stared up at the gray building. There was a dull blue board over a red rectangle and the Wal-Mart with a star between the L and the M gleamed at me mockingly. People went in and came out, with arms full of bags, or carts full of boxes. They looked so normal, and peaceful. Well, not really since the majority were either screaming into their cell phone or carrying a squealing baby.

      "It's not going to eat you, Sunshine." Kaden said, laughing as he stepped up beside me. A picture of the store growing teeth flashed through my mind and I shuddered.

      "Ack! Bad mental image. I hate you." I glared at him and stabbed a finger at his chest. He calmly grabbed my wrist and dropped my hand to the side. I quickly took a step back, putting some distance between us. No need to provoke certain feelings by getting too close.

      If Kaden noticed the visibly larger gap between us, he didn't how it. "Tell me something I don't know," he retorted, rolling his eyes.

      "Come on guys, let's go. Enough stalling," Kallie said. She stepped in front of us and pulled us forward.

      Kaden pulled away from his sister's grasp. "I wasn't stalling, she was," he replied shrugging, before turning and walking towards the store entrance. Kallie and I almost had to jog to catch up with him. Brett, Annabelle and Clark followed closely behind, talking and laughing about something.

      "I wasn't stalling," I said as I struggled to catch up with the six-foot tall giant. "I was, uh, admiring the view." I lied.

      "What view?" Brett asked coming up on my other side and looking around. All you could see was a cracked, gray, cement parking lot, dusty family friendly cars and a couple of pieces of trash floating around in the light breeze.

      "Why are you guys all ganging up on me?" I whined looking between him and Kallie, who looked like she was trying to hold in a laugh.

      "Why are you so nervous?" Brett tried to mimic, but his voice came out too high-pitched and slightly squeaky.

      "Because, I could die!" I exclaimed a little too loudly as we headed to the clothing section. A couple of people shot me frazzled confused looks, but didn't comment.

      "You're not going to die, Raine," Clark drawled from behind us.

      I whirled around to face him, causing Annabelle to almost crash into me from my sudden stop. "You don't know that! There could be an earthquake, right now, for all you know!"

      "Alright, I really, really doubt that you'll die right now," Clark revised, putting heavy emphasis on the reallys. "And, even if you weren't about to do the challenge, an earthquake could still happen."

      "Come on, let's just go," Annabelle suggested stepping in between us. I pouted, but did as she said.

      "Come on, Raine! In, in, in!" Kallie started bouncing up and down while pointing to a rack of white and gray t-shirts.

      "Wait, what? Why can't he go first?" I asked gesturing to Kaden who was standing beside Kallie with his, surprise, surprise signature smirk pasted on his face.

      Kallie ignored me and turned to her twin. "Hey, is that Miranda?" She asked nodding across the room to a petit redhead heading our way. Kaden looked in the direction his sister was staring in and a shocked expression crossed his face. Then he dove into a clothing rack stocked with neon coloured t-shirts. What the Watson? I looked at Kallie with a completely baffled expression.

      She just grinned evilly. "Go, get in!" She pressed and shoved me into the clothing rack. I fell in and barely managed to keep myself and the rack upright. I peeked through two white t-shirts to see Kallie, Brett, Annabelle and Clark duck behind a nearby corner. Then a hand cam to grab a t-shirt. Here goes my life, dignity and pride. I shut my eyes and readied myself.

      "Pick me! Pick me!" I screeched in a very annoying voice as I leaped out of the clothes. I kept my eyes closed, but I could hear Annabelle and Kallie's giggles mixed with Clark and Brett's chuckles. This is so not funny! I wanted to scream at them.

      "Raine?" Came a puzzled voice. I squeezed open an eye to see Miranda standing in front of me. Miranda was the nicest cheerleader on the team. She was also the one girl who hadn't cried when Kaden broke up with her. Instead, she slapped him every chance she got. I loved her for that. It was very amusing to see Kaden, a six-foot something giant get smacked by a barely five-foot redhead. It made my day, every time I saw it.

      I opened my eyes fully and fixed a plastic smile on my face. "Hi Miranda!" I exclaimed in a fake cheery voice. She had a flustered and rattled expression on her face. As much as I told people I was, I wasn't physic, but it doesn't take a mind reader to figure out what she's thinking. She thinks I'm insane. That I have completely lost it. I hate you Kallie.

      "What are you doing in a clothing rack?" She asked, still confused, her eyes darting around. Fortunately, there hadn't been many people around so they did not see my, er, sudden appearance.

      "Oh, um. Playing hide and seek?" I lied weakly. It sounded a lot more like a question or guess than an answer.

      "In Wal-Mart?" Miranda still had that flustered expression her face.

      I shrugged. "What are you doing here?" I asked trying to change the subject.

      "Oh, uh," Miranda stuttered. "My sister and her friends decided they wanted to tie-dye some white shirts so I'm here to get them," she trailed off and gestured to the rack of clothes I had sprung out from. Then, an idea crossed my mind. It was so sudden and genius-istic that a light bulb should've flashed over my head.

      "Hey, Miranda?" I grinned. I probably looked like Kallie right now, but honestly, I didn't care. What was coming up was going to be so worth it.

      Her expression got even more confused by my sudden change of attitude. "Yeah?" She replied cautiously.

      "You know Kaden Fleming, right?" I asked, my grin widening.

      Miranda's gaze hardened. She laughed humorlessly. "Yeah, doesn't everyone?" She asked, a little too harshly.

      "Well, just do you know. He's over there." I spun around and pointed to the rack of clothes Kaden had dived into. Miranda's brown eyes suddenly widened and filled with understanding. Then, a grin that mirrored mine appeared on her face.

      "Thanks, Raine," she called over her shoulder as she marched over to the neon clothes. She looked in a yanked out a terrified looking Kaden. He towered over her, yet he still looked deathly afraid. He saw me grinning over his shoulder and glared at me, then seemed to compose himself, a smile replacing his expression of fear. I heard Kallie, Brett, Annabelle and Clark roaring with laughter in the background now. Miranda pulled a hand back and slapped him. He palm connected with his cheek with a loud snap, and an angry red hand print was left on his face. Then she marched away, but threw a secret smile and the subtlest of winks over her shoulder at me.

      Annabelle, Clark, Brett and Kallie stumbled out from around the corner and came up to us, still laughing. Brett even looked close to crying.

      "I wish I had a camera," he said wiping something off his cheek. Holy casseroles. I think he is actually crying.

      Kaden just glared at him. "You," he said, spinning around to face me. "Are pure evil."

      I smiled cheekily at him. "I only learned from the best," I answered sweetly, looking at him from under my eyelashes while slanting a sly glance at Kallie, who smiled, almost proudly back at me.

      "I knew this would be awesome!" She exclaimed. She led us out of the kids section and to another section of clothes.

      "If they're all like this, it'll be tough deciding the best." Clark agreed. Kaden just stalked forward silently, fuming.

      "Am I done yet?" I asked eagerly. Please say yes, please say, please say yes. I chanted in my head. Unfortunately, Kallie shook her head.

      "Just one more time. You're doing well. Win this for us, Raine," she instructed. I have no idea how I'm going to be able to. I mean, the normal reaction is running away screaming or looking at me like I'm insane, and while that's amusing, it won't win this for me. And if I don't win any of the challenges...oh shoot. I'd have to be Kaden's slave for the rest of summer. I really do need to win this.

      "I'll do my best," I replied uneasily only half meaning it.

      Brett suddenly came up to us. "The code, Kallie?" He said. What the Watson? What code? What are they going to do now? Kallie suddenly started bouncing up and down and rubbing her hands together.

      "Kal," I trailed off. She looked at me pausing in her actions for a moment. "You look kind of evil," I finished.

      She shrugged. "Don't care," she replied. I looked from her, to Brett, to Annabelle to Clark, and back through that cycle again. They all had knowing looks on their faces.

      "Guys, what's going on?" I asked, half scared of their response. Brett ginned.

      "Oh, while he was flirting with Miranda," he said, teasing Kaden, who looked like he was trying to burn Brett with the way he was glaring. "We decided, at every Wal-Mart, we were going to go up to a random employee and tell them 'Code three in the Warehouse section' and see what happens." I stared at him. "What?" He asked, staring right back at me.

      "You're spending too much time around Kallie," I remarked then turned away and dove into a rack of cheap suits. I peeked out to see Brett scoffing and the rest of them going around another corner.

      "Pick me! Pick me!" I jumped out, using the voice I had used on Miranda. A hand grabbed me and I felt myself being pulled toward someone. I opened my eyes to see a man in his late thirties with a straggly beard and a weird expression on his face.

      "Sure, honey." He whispered in my ear. His breath was nasty. I squealed and tried to pull away. He didn't let me, his grip tightening. Oh my god. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. Memories of that night were starting to creep into my mind, no matter how hard I tried to block them. I desperately tried to pull away again, this time, succeeding.

      "Ew! Ew! Rape! Rape!" I screeched at the top of my lungs and ran to the rest of my friends, leaving the now very embarrassed and shocked man behind. A couple of people turned to look at me in horror, while others in amusement.

     Brett and Kallie were all roaring with laughter. Annabelle and Clark had the decency to try to keep a straight face. Though they weren't succeeding. Kaden looked at me with a part curious, part worried expression. 'Are you okay?' His eyes more or less asked. Instead of answering, I turned away, not wanting to he reminded more than I already was of that night.

      "Oh my god." Kallie choked out between her laughter. "I...can't...breathe!" She finally finished. I narrowed my eyes at her.

      "It's not funny," I declared as they all tried to compose themselves.

      "You're right,"Brett agreed. I looked at him in shock at his agreement. "It's hilarious!" He clarified. I forced back a smile and pretended to be incredibly mad.

      "Yeah, whatever. Your turn," I told Kaden, changing the subject slightly. He just smirked and hid in a rack of clothes. Then a woman came. When Kaden did it, she just flinched and speed walked away. Of course, he gets the normal reaction. Life is so unfair.

      "Okay, Raine won that round, hands down," Clark declared when Kaden returned to us. "Sorry, Kaden, but the rape thing was just too funny," he told Kaden apologetically.

      Kaden shrugged and grinned at me. "Can't say I disagree."

      "Okay, so point for the girls! Time to do the code thing. Get ready to run, just in case. I see someone over there," Kallie exclaimed and walked over to the salesperson. She tapped him on the shoulder and leaned in close. Suddenly the salesperson jumped and screamed.

      "There's an alien attack in the Warehouse section?!?! Excuse me, ma'am." Then he ran off. Kallie returned to us giggling.

      "Aliens, huh? Who knew?" Brett remarked as we hurried to the store exit. As we exited a voice came over the speakers, "Code three alert. Code three alert."

      Clark looked up at one of them, "I think that's our cue to run."


      As soon as we got home, I jumped in the shower. I had to get the guy's smell off me. That was going to give me nightmares. The warm water felt good and relaxing running down my back. I finished my shower and pulled on a pair of sweats and a tank top. After I towel dried my hair, I tied it into a messy bun that walked downstairs.

      The house was strangely silent. The only noise was the TV. I found Kaden by himself in the living room, but there was no one else in sight.

      "Where is everyone?" I asked him. He shrugged and turned off the TV.

      "I think they went shopping or something." Oh no, that means I'm alone with him. Something bad is going to happen. I can almost guarantee it. I tried to pretend it didn't affect me and moved to the kitchen to find a snack. Because of the Wal-Mart, ahem, adventure, we had skipped lunch. It was half past five, almost dinnertime.

      I heard Kaden get up and follow me into the kitchen. I pretended I didn't though, and just ignored him.

      "Raine, we need to talk," he said. I hate those four words. Nothing good ever happens with those four words. Last time, I heard that, I found out my favourite teacher died. The time before that, I found out that one of my closest friends hated me. Nothing good ever, ever, ever comes from those four words. Life's proven that enough.

      "What if I don't want to talk?" I asked, managing to keep my voice light and airy while I looked through the fridge. I didn't turn around. If I did he would see the nervousness in my eyes.

      "Raine, look at me." I heard him come closer. I gulped and closed my eyes. I felt him turn me around and the fridge door slammed shut behind me. When I opened my eyes, I found myself staring straight into his hurt gray ones. I broke away from his gaze and looked around for an escape route. There was none. I was trapped between him and the fridge.

      "What happened? Why do you hate me so much?" Kaden didn't sound like he normally did. There was none of that self-assurance. He sounded normal, and almost vulnerable. The thing about Kaden was, he almost never showed a weakness.

      "I don't hate you," I managed weakly, still looking around wildly for an escape route.

      "Raine, stop trying to lie to me. It won't work. I've known you since elementary school," he replied, his voice hardening just a bit.

      "It's nothing. Really." I protested. He stayed silent and just continued staring at me. I squirmed under his gaze, not liking the way he was examining me.

      "When are you going to tell?" He asked softly. Don't crack, Raine. Don't crack. Don't tell him how much it actually hurt. Don't show weakness. Come on, Raine! I chanted in my head. It didn't work.

      "You just stood there and let him hurt me, Kaden!" I blurted out before clapping a hand over my mouth as Kaden's eyes lit up with understanding.


*Gasp* Yeah, Raine and Kaden do have a serious side. So, giant talk coming up. I know some of you said Raine's hatred for Kaden's a bit unrealistic. So, I guess you 'll find out why, now... Don't worry, most of this will still be light, and fluffy, and basically plotless, it won't be filled too much with angst and drama.

Fan, vote or comment, and I will love you forever.

~JJ :)

Edit: I've decided to enter this in the Watty Awards, so pretty please, vote, and comment, and show your support! Thank you! :3

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