Bad Boy Roomie {COMPLETE} [UN...

By Littl3R3d

136K 3.8K 484

Bad boy's are like vampires, they're alluring, powerful and dangerous... not to mention HOT! Who can resist b... More

Chapter 1- Introduction
Chapter 2- Moving In
Chapter 3- Roomies
Chapter 4- What?!
Chapter 5- Everything Is Changing
Chapter 7- Misunderstandings
Chapter 8- Old Wounds & Jealousy
Chapter 9- Confusion
Chapter 10- Arrow Heart
Chapter 11- Jealous Party
Chapter 12 - I Need Time
Chapter 13 - Cade's Birthday
Chapter 14- War With Yourself
Chapter 15- Your Friendship is Important
Chapter 16 - Growing Bond
Chapter 17- Accept Change & Then Give Up
Chapter 18- Drinking Doesn't Heal Wounds
Chapter 19- Kisses Can Heal.
Chapter 20- The Bad Boy Wants A Girlfriend
Chapter 21- Secret Relationship
Chapter 22- I Love You.
Chapter 23- If Love Is Strong Why Am I Weak?
Chapter 24- Give Me Love Not Drama
Chapter 25- Apart
Chapter 26- More Heartache
Chapter 27- Coming Up With A Plan
Chapter 28- Putting The Plan In Play.
Chapter 29- It Helps To Have Friends
Chapter 30- Is The Cat Out The Bag?
Chapter 31- Its Too Much.
Chapter 32- You're Not Done Yet.
Chapter 33- All Is Lost.
Chapter 34- Downward Spiral.
Chapter 35- Wedding Crisis
Chapter 36- Happily Ever After?
Chapter 37- The Future Awaits.
Chapter 38-Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 6- Cade The Narcissist

4.5K 128 32
By Littl3R3d

(Above is a picture of Cade but he has stronger arms and a more muscular chest than that.)

He isn't leaving the bathroom, I feel so sorry for him. One minute he's quiet the next minute he's throwing up.

He has to be hungry, I know he doesn't want my help but I can't just sit here and do nothing.

I got up and changed my night shorts into a jeans pant, I threw a hoodie over my night shirt. I was going to make a visit to the campus pharmacy.

I grabbed my my purse and headed for the door. "Toby." Cade calls out and his voice sounds low and weak. "Yes?"

"Could you get my phone so I can call Abby?"

I took his phone off the charger and a picture of Abby kissing him on the cheek is on his locked screen. I thought they said they weren't dating...

I opened the door and there he was laying on the floor. "Here and you shouldn't be laying on the floor like that." I said before walking out.

I took one of my padded blankets from my closet and a pillow from his bed. I went into the bathroom and started to lay them on the ground.

He watches me with his phone at his ear. "Hey Abby." He says and his eyes look else where.

"I have to cancel today. I'm sick as fuck."

"Your such a little bitch Cade." Abby teases, I can hear her talking even though his phone wasn't on speaker. Was his ears sick? Damn I'd think she was yelling if I didn't know any better.

"Whatever I can't be there, unless you want vomit all over you and everyone. Just call the whole thing off until I feel better."

I stand up and walk over to the bathroom sink to wash my hands. To be totally honest I was listening to there conversation.

"The world doesn't revovle around you idiot. We've been planning this for 2 weeks. You'll just have to wait until the next one."

I walk out of the bathroom and exited the room.

I walk into the campus's pharmacy and there is hardly anyone in there. Beautiful brown locks are standing in front of one the shelves. I know who it is so I walked over to say hi.

"Hey Megan." I said with a big smile on my face and she was startled knocking a few things off the shelf.

I started laughing and I started taking the items off the floor. They were pregnancy tests.

I stopped laughing and got up to look at her with wide eyes, she looks back at me and she looks terrified.

"Megan do you think you're...?" I asked holding up one of the test box.

"Yeah that's why I'm here." She said looking down, I realize that I'm making her uncomfortable so I just decided to leave.

"Ok. Tell me how it goes, okay?" I stated and she nodded her head and a single tear falls. Her hand comes to her face fast and she wipes it away.

I know she didn't want me to see it so I pretended that I didn't.

I stepped out of the pharmacy with a single white plastic bag with some antiemetics for Cade.

I decided to go to the fruit stand on campus to get him something to eat. Since his stomach is upset he wouldn't be able to eat much food.

I also got him some bottled coconut water because I heard that it was good when you have vomiting problems.

I arrive at our room and I saw Abby exiting. "Hey!" She yells and I started to wonder why because I was standing right there. Maybe she was yelling on the phone...

"Girl I don't know how you'll manage with all that vomiting in there. Its so gross, I don't think I can be around that." She says throwing her blonde hair over her shoulders then putting her hands on her hips and flashing me a smile.

I was awkwardly staring at her and wondering what the heck was wrong with her.

"Uhm-" she cuts me off before I can say anything. "Well I have to go so see you around." She says and then she pulls me into a hug, she then storms off and I feel confused.

I enter the room and a shirtless Cade is sitting on his bed with messy hair. I see he's feeling a bit better but he looks pale.

"How do you feel?" I asked as I close the door. He just sits there lookikg at me.

"Well?" I said walking over towards him. His hazel eyes are glossy and he looks real sick, he looked pale even, he's actually shaking. I was wondering why he wasn't wrapping up by now.

"To be brutally honest, I feel like shit." He says and then he holds his head. "I got you some coconut water and fruits. You've lost a lot of fluids so this will help. Eat these and then take these." I said holding out the bags.

He takes them and proceeded to look through them. I hold my hand out to touch his forehead and he pulls away.

"Relax I'm just checking if you have a fever." I said and he sits still opening the container with the fruits.

I place the back of my hand on his head and it felt like I just touched a warm pot. For a pot that's okay but for a human it can't be.

"Cade you're burning up!" I said in a panicked voice. "Duh, that's why I'm stripping down so my body can cool down. Didn't you know that a high tempered body kills enzymes even though I've been killing them because I have a hot bod." He says then winks.

This guy is smart, that was absolutely right, he seems to know science so why have I not seen him in any of the sessions?

"We need to get you to the campus clinic, just to be safe." I said and he continues to devour the fruits.

"We?" He asked putting the empty container down and opening the water.

"Are you strong enough to go there by yourself? You'll probably need someone there to remember everything they tell you to do in order to feel better." I stated and he looks at me as he gulps down the water.

His adam's apple is just moving after every gulp. Am I the only one that likes to see a guys adam's apple? Naaah, can't be.

"What makes you think I can't remember? My brain is perfectly fine." He says after he finishes the water.

"Suit yourself." I said as I made my way into the bathroom. If he didn't want my help fine, I wasn't going to force him.

I was almost finish undressing when I heard him on his phone. "Why can't you come with me? Its not even the hospital Abby its a clinic."

Oh so he doesn't want to go alone he just doesn't want to go with me. What the hell was wrong with me?

I look at myself in the mirror and Dereks fingers are printed out on my neck. They were light though, thank God.

After I was finished with my shower I got dressed then blow dried my towel dry hair, I decided to leave it straight, I put some makeup on my neck just so it covers up the marks. I added some lipgloss and then I turned to leave the bathroom.

I exited the bathroom and Cade was dressed and laying in his bed.

"What the hell took you so long?" He says and then he sits up. "Why'd you keep me waiting this long? I could have died." He states then he comes to his feet.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused and looking at him. "We are going to the clinic." He says walking pass me and towards the door.

"Uh, no. You are. You don't need my help remember. Call Abby or one of your other friends." I said taking up my bag and phone. I was going to see if Megan was okay since she didn't bother calling me back.

"Abby doesn't like those places so come on."

"Will you ask me kindly?" I said and he sighs and leans against the door.

"Fine I'll go alone." He says and he opens the door. What the hell? Is it that hard to ask for help?

He storms out and I go out after him. When I got out of the room he had both his hands on the wall putting him at arms length away and his head was down. Was he going to throw up again?

I ran down to where he was pulling out a bag from my bag so he could throw up in it. "Here throw up in this." I said holding out the bag.

"I'm not going to throw up. I'm just weak." He says removing his hands off the wall. Once he did he looked as if he was going to fall. I grabbed his arm throwing it over my shoulder.

"If you wanted a hug all you had to do was ask cupcake." He teases and then he winks.

"Okay there is no way you're going alone. You can't even walk and the clinic is all the way across campus. We have to take my car."


We both wait for someone to come and assist us, I was on my phone texting Elizabeth to see if she knew anything about Megan. Sadly she didn't. Cade was just laying still on the clinic bed.

"I'm going to get some water I'll be right back" I said while walking away. "Wait! Don't go. Can you just wait until we leave?" He asked and a scared look is on his face. Was he afraid of medical institutions too?

A loud crash came from beside us and Cade jumps. "What was that?!" He asked sitting up I couldn't help but laugh, big badboy Cade was spazzing out like a girl.

"This is not funny. I could have died from a heart attack." He says and I giggle.

"Aww you're so cute when you're afraid." I said teasing him. "Shut up." He says then rolls his eyes.

"Toby?" An all too familiar voice calls my name. I pretend not to hear and Cade's face turns angry.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and I realize that he's behind me. I turn around to look at him.

"None of your business."

"That's nice of you, accompanying your roommate here. You were always such a nice girl." He says placing his hand on my shoulder and I flinch at his touch. He removes his hand quickly and I look up at him.

"Can you go now please?"

"I will as soon as that stupid cunt gets here." He says folding his arms. I look at him confused and he sighs.

"I messed up Lynn." He says looking at me. I hope he wasn't going to apologize because I wasn't going to have it.

"I got someone pregnant and she told me to meet her here because she didn't want to get rid of it alone. Since I'm responsible too I just tagged along." His words pierce through my heart and I feel the tears flooding my eyes. He was sleeping around unprotected?

I feel angry with myself for caring this much. But I honestly do love Derek so it's going to still hurt. So I have to stay strong.

"Will you get out of here? Haven't you done enough?" Cade ask in an angered voice.

"Stay out of this." Derek says flashing him off with his hand.

"I want you back Lynn and I'll do everything to try and fix myself first." He says touching my shoulders. I don't think I can hold these tears anymore.

"Don't touch her. Get over here Toby." Cade hisses at Derek and I turn to walk over to him.

"Who are you to say shit about what I want to do to my girl?" Derek asked grabbing onto my arm.

"Your girl?" Cade asks and starts laughing. He sits up on the tiny bed and looks at Derek. "Are you forgetting who's room she's staying in now? Do you think she's staying in her bed?" He says and burst out laughing again.

Derek's grip tightens around my hand and I rip my hand out of his clutches.

"Is this true Lynn?" He asks looking at me. "Of course its true idiot. Do you think she was just gonna keep taking your shit and do nothing about it. You had it coming asshole." Cade says throwing up his middle fingers at him and smirking.

Derek lunges at Cade and Cade's foot connects with his gut. He falls to the ground and Cade gets off his bed.

I run in front of Cade in an attempt to stop him from going after Derek. My hands are on his chest and he stands glaring at Derek.

"Cade no. Remember that you're not feeling well. Please just ignore him." I said softly so only he can hear.

"Derek get the fuck away from us!" I turned around growling at him.

"Us? So its true then." He says coming to his feet. "All the virginity bull crap, you're such a whore." He says and Cade starts going after him.

"Stop! No." I commanded and I guide him to sit and he sits down and Derek walks away.

"How did you end up with a jerk like that?" He asked putting his feet up.

"I don't know." I said walking over to the chair I was sitting on. I take up my phone and there is a message from Megan.

Megan: Hey I took the tests and they came back positive. I pannicked and then I left for the clinic...

"Oh my god!" I shout and start crying and my phone falls from my hands. I thought she said that they didn't sleep together.

"Jesus Toby, you almost... Toby what's wrong?"

"Megan is pregnant with Dereks baby." I said sobbing.

The nurse arrives and I start wiping my tears away. I needed to be strong, the nurse asked what the problem was and Cade doesn't answer, instead he was still looking at me.

"He's been throwing up all morning and he has a fever." I responded.

I come back to Cade's bedside because I went to the bathroom to finish crying.

"He was suffering from alcohol poisoning, luckily the medication and the fruits you gave him helped him before it all got worst. Its also good that you got him here sooner than later. Once he's finish getting all the intravenous fluid you guys can go." The nurse says before I even take a seat.

"Okay thank you." I said and she's giving me a paper to sign.

"Uh, I'm not family." I said holding out my palms to say no. "Its okay, aren't you his girlfriend?" She says still holding the paper and the pen out.

"No I'm just his roommate."

"Well he's asleep and this needs to be signed so it can be added to his school file." Oh no. He's underage and he was drinking.

"Is this going to get him in trouble?"

"No sweetheart it just needs to be added to it, just to say that he was here. Every student that comes here has a record and visits here are added to them. Just procedure." She says and I am relieved.

I take the items from her hands, sign and smile as I hand them back to her. She smiles back and leaves.

I look over at Cade and he looks so peaceful when he's a sleep, the color was also back in his skin. How could this boy be bad when all I've seen him do is good?

His eyes open and he smiles, "Hey." I said returning the smile.

"Are you okay? You're eyes are red and puffy." He ask wiping away that cute smile.

"I'm fine I was just crying that's all. You look like you feel better. Do you?"

"Yeah. When can we leave?"

"As soon as that's empty." I said pointing at the IV bag.

I look up and I see Megan. Bitch.

"Megan! How could you?" I growled at her.

"Toby? What... huh?" She says walking over to me.

I was going to let her have it.

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