My Lost Hero (Angels of War S...

By HTEllis

723K 31.1K 3.1K

*Best Friends Brother Romance* When Joshua Caswell crashes into Tabitha Sommerberg's life, she doesn't know q... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one*
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Festive Bonus Chapter
Valentine's Bonus Chapter

Christening Fun Bonus Chapter

10K 521 29
By HTEllis

Mature Content 17+ reccomended

For all the times my son could have chosen to go to the toilet, he decided now just as I fastened the last button on his christening gown. It's a monstrosity. There was poo everywhere, and by everywhere I mean halfway up his back and front, covering his legs...I'll save you the details.

"Joshua!" I shouted, as George's face grew purple and the crease between his eyebrows warned me that he wasn't finished. "SOS in here!"

What did my mother feed him for breakfast?

Joshua jogged into the room, holding Megan who covered her face with her hand. I couldn't blame the kid. I was giving it my all not to gag on the spot.

"Sweet Mother of Joseph," Joshua said, his eyes zeroed in on our now giggling son.

"Yes, that's right," I stared down helplessly at George while he made grabbing hands towards his father.

"It's everywhere," he cried, putting Megan down when she pointed to the floor, gently guiding her back to me. "What did your mum feed him?"

I watched Megan waddle my way and collected her in my arms, tugging down her white dress. "My thoughts exactly, love. The gown is ruined."

"No," Joshua became determined, striding over to our son, pegging his nose with his fingers. "It's not ruined. We have thirty minutes to bath him, wash the gown and get to the church."

Megan covered her face with her hand and scrunched up her nose. "Baby."

I rearranged the headband keeping her dark curls at bay and nodded, "Yes, smelly baby."

Megan giggled. "Baby!"

Joshua stripped George down to his nappy and then got a towel from underneath the changing table to wrap him up. "How is Leo sleeping through the smell?"

I let Megan give me kisses on my cheek while speaking to him. "I don't have a clue. The place will need fumigating."

Joshua scooped George in his arms, moving his head from side to side as our son tried to bash his face with his baby fists. "Are you hitting me now? When I'm about to change your nappy?"

George closed his eyes and belly laughed, making some gurgling noises close to Joshua's nose. "Gah! Bah!"

"How are you this happy when your nappy is full of mess, huh?" Joshua said, walking out of the room.

I checked on Leo who slept in his cot and then took Megan and the dirty gown with me downstairs. I sat Megan in her high chair with some slices of banana, attaching a bib around her neck to shield the beautiful fabric and walked to the sink.

I kept the conversation going, learning from the health visitor that it was the best way to improve their speech. "Are you enjoying your banana, Megs?"

Megan stuck a piece in her mouth with wide eyes. "Yes."

I dumped a load of stain remover in the sink and filled it with tepid water. "Can you say banana, Megan?"


I submerged the dirty gown with the water and scrubbed until my hands went sore. "Banana," I prompt her.


Everything was a baby at the moment.

I gently shook my head with an encouraging smile. "Banana."

Megan started to bang her plastic bowl on the worktop. "Nana."

"Yes, sweetheart," I swelled with pride, the smile on my face full to the point of it hurting. "Who is mummy's smart girl?"

Megan pointed at her chest. "Baby."

I left the gown soaking for a few minutes and made my way over to Megan, kneeling so we were at eye level. I pointed at my chest and said, "Mummy," and then moved my fingers to tickle her chest and echoed, "Megan."

Megan's denim blue eyes glittered with mischief. "Baby."

I couldn't help but laugh with her as she moved her chubby legs up and down, squeaking with delight. "There's your beautiful smile. Are you laughing?"

Megan rocked back and forth in the high chair, pointing at the ground. "Down."

I used the wooden floor as my lever to get up, hearing my knees crack when I strained my joints. Some days I felt older than a woman in her early thirties. Megan made grabbing hands at me when I picked her out of the high chair and blew a raspberry on her cheek, knowing it would prolong her laughter.

Megan pointed down at the floor. "Down."

I dug my fingers into her sides and tickled her senseless. "Who's a bossy little miss? Can't mummy have her cuddles anymore?"

Megan was eighteen months now and acted like little miss independent. As much as I loved to watch her blossoming into her own person, it saddened me to think she wouldn't need me as much.

Megan moved around in my arms, trying to get away from my tickling, but I wouldn't let her. "Tickle. Tickle. Tickle."

"Mama," she said when I stopped, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Down."

I let her slide down my body and watched her waddle over to her teddy box. "You play for a second while mummy fixes George's gown."

Megan ignored me, already having a conversation with Mrs Bear.

I couldn't deal with the cuteness.

I rinsed the material under the cold tap, celebrating that all of the stains had disappeared. I beat all of the water out and then put it in the tumble dryer on a higher setting to get it dry quickly.

By the time the gown was dry, Joshua had appeared with a twin in either arm, his dress shirt sleeves up past his elbows and a harrowed look in his eyes. "All they've done is hit me."

I snorted when Leo's fists came flailing out, catching Joshua's nose. "You see? Is it beat up daddy day or something?"

After watching his brother beat up Joshua, George decided to have a go by slapping his hand on Joshua's cheek. "Gah! Bah!"

"It's a sign of affection," I replied, taking a now clean George from my husband's arms, allowing Joshua to give me a quick kiss before pulling away.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart," Joshua murmured, his eyes hot on mine.

I went shy for a second, taking in how handsome he looked in his black-rimmed eyeglasses. "Back at you, stud."

"Stud?" he cracked up, showing me his dimples.

My mind drifted back to last night and how he caught me off guard downstairs while we were watching a film, by switching off the lights and making love to me well into the credits. It was a night to remember.

"Yeah," I wiggled my eyebrows up and down. "Stud."

"I'll take it," he lifted his free hand prancing around the kitchen like a lion. "We best get a wriggle on. We can't be late for our kid's christening."

I managed to dress George in no time, letting Joshua put the twins in the car while I made sure Megan was ready for her big day. We decided to get all three of them christened at the same time as it seemed special to us, and something happy to look at in the future.

It settled me to know they would be connected in this way.


Megan wriggled in the priest's arms, pointing at the ground. "Down."

I held the twins in each arm, trying not to intervene as Joshua kept this under control by telling her to be a good girl. Megan couldn't care less about her father's words, now giving the priest her best dirty look.

"Down," she pushed his hand away when he used his fingers to wet her forehead. What a disaster. "Down."

The priest mumbled something that I couldn't hear and then passed her to Joshua who also struggled to keep her still. Megan saw my mother when she got up on stage and suddenly decided it was nanny time, hence the 'down' demands.

Mum blew her a kiss to which Megan smacked her hands against her mouth in the same gesture. Our family and friends awed to which Megan waved at everyone. "Baby!"

Joshua chuckled, jiggling her about to distract her from wanting to get down. "Don't you look pretty, Megs?"

Megan turned her eyes on him and fisted the hem of her skirt. "Nana."

Oh, so now she was a banana?

I shared a smile with Joshua as the priest closed off the ceremony, feeling Leo drop to sleep in my arms. I glanced out to the crowd of loved ones and saw my mother giving Megan cute little waves, clicking away with the camera. While Joshua's father knelt in the front of the aisle filming us all with a video recorder.

Joshua put Megan down and held both of her hands, helping her down the tiled steps, letting her go when she reached the bottom. Megan put her hands out to the side and dashed for my sister who got out of her seat to get on the floor.

Joshua came back to me, taking George who also appeared to be sleeping. I shuffled Leo in my arms, so his chin rested on my shoulder and then went to greet my family and friends.

Matt came up to me first, giving me a big kiss on my cheek. "How are you doing?"

"Good," I let him take Leo from my arms. "You didn't have to come if Felix is poorly. How's he doing?"

Matt smiled. "Better. The doctor gave him some antibiotics to clear up the chest infection, and he's acting more like his demanding self. I can't believe how quick they grow."

"They will be teenagers before we know it," I smiled, not quite believing Megan would be two in six months.

"I can't wait," Matt replied, cooing at Leo when his eyes opened for a second. "My boy's going to be a football star, I know it."

"That's odd because Joshua says the same thing about George and Leo."

I don't think either of our sons would have the chance not to like football as Joshua always sat them both in his lap, talking about players, techniques and score results like they could speak back to him.

"We've got our own football team started already," he smirked, knowing how eager Joshua was to try for another baby.

"I've told him no more," I pointed my finger in his face. "It's up to you and Liv to add to the team now."

Matt pursed his lips to the side as if trying to stop a smile. "Funny you should say that, actually."

My eyes widened as I read his thoughts. "Are you pregnant?"

"I'm not pregnant, no. But my wife is," he cracked up.

I covered my mouth and jumped on the spot. "How many weeks?"

We both glanced down at our feet when Megan made a sudden appearance, her arms wrapping around my calf muscles as she bounced her knees back and forth. I stopped my jumping to lift her onto my hip.

Matt reached out to steal Megan's nose. "Fourteen weeks. We had a scare at the beginning, so we wanted to wait until we were sure before telling everyone. You are the first person to know bar our parents."

"You had a scare?" I lowered my voice, stroking his arm.

"Yeah, Liv started to bleed at eleven weeks. The doctors weren't sure if she was miscarrying, but it stopped after a few days. The heartbeat was still strong, so they put it down to a pregnancy symptom. Scared the shit out of me, though."

"I bet, and Liv's okay?"

The light in his eyes intensified at her name. "Liv's doing well. Sad she couldn't be here, but little man is still so sleepy."

I smiled. "You've all been through the mill a bit, it seems?"

"It's been a crazy few months," Matt tickled under Megan's chin. "Boy, does she look like her aunt every time I see her."

I felt my eyes fill with tears but tried to stop them. I was missing Megan more than ever as we watched our children grow. And, I knew Joshua felt the same.

I twisted my finger around an ebony curl. "Isn't she the spitting image?"

Matt took in my daughter's appearance, his fingers still tickling her chin. "My goddaughter's a beauty."

I smirked, blinking back the tears. "You love the title, don't you?"

Ever since Joshua and I asked if he would do us the honour of becoming Megan, George and Leo's godfather, he's worn the badge like an MBE.

Matt puffed out his chest. "Of course, I do. I love these three munchkins to death."

I moved Megan so she could look at me. "You love your uncle Matty too, don't you?"

Megan glanced over at Matt, reaching her arms out in front of her. "Dadda."

Oh, no.

Matt placed his finger over his mouth and hushed her. "It's meant to be a secret, Megan."

"Matt," I coughed, thinking if he weren't holding my son, I would smack him across the head.

"Dada," Megan demanded, nearly falling out of my hold. "Dada. Seeeret!

"Awe, she's a clever girl," Matt managed her in his arms, giving me Leo. "I think she's trying to say Secret."

Megan gave him a sloppy kiss on his nose.

"You are a nightmare," I said shaking my head.

Matt only winked, taking Megan outside to see the duck pond next door to the church, explaining that they needed some godfather bonding time.


Joshua threw my bra across the room, his eyes hungry on my breasts as I fought with his belt buckle. The day was over which meant we got our adult fun time when the kids went to bed. I let him sort out his trousers while I raced to the bed, sliding my tights off my legs, kicking when they wrapped around my feet.

"You alright there?" Joshua asked, his voice light.

I kicked harder until the tights came off onto the duvet, lifting my bottom up to remove my knickers. Letting my eyes stay close on Joshua when he climbed on the bed buck naked, his arousal prominent as he covered me with his body.

My bottom cheeks itched against the sequinned bed blanket when I shimmied down the bed, using Joshua's strong shoulders to help balance me. A sigh pulled from my lips when I lowered my thighs and lifted my hips up to meet his. "Come on, stud. Have your way with me."

Joshua dipped his head to taste the skin down my neck, his breath tickling as he chuckled. "You do make me laugh."

I reached down to his arousal and moved my hand up and down. "I'm glad I make you laugh, but right now, I need you to make me moan."

Joshua's groan vibrated on my skin as he trailed his lips all the way down to my breasts, taking my nipple in his mouth. "No foreplay?"

I brought him closer to me and nibbled on his ear lobe. "No foreplay. I'm in a needy mood."

Joshua's hips moved up and his fullness surprised me, my back arching off the bed. "Needy Tabitha is my favourite Tabitha."

I moaned when he picked up pace, his hips thrusting back and forth. "That's more like it."

"Yeah," he groaned, placing his hands either side of my head so that he could brace on his elbows. A faraway look in his eyes as the pleasure started to build. "It feels good?"

I rolled my eyes closed. "Um-hm, touch me as well."

Joshua knew what I meant moving his hand down my stomach so he could work his magic between my thighs. He grunted. "I've needed this all day. I will always need you, baby."

I rest back in the cushions lost in his pleasure and words. Joshua was always so vocal in bed, and I could tell by his high-pitched moans that he was coming to his end.

"Tabby," he warned me, now using everything he had to get me off. "Tabby, I'm real close."

My stomach coiled when his lips pulled at my nipples, taking me over the edge as he kept thrusting into me. I could hear myself murmuring something, but was too involved with the sensations to register them with my brain.

I floated down from my high just in time to watch Joshua's face screw up into a ball, his expression softening when he reared back and then thrust forward to cover me with his body, shouting how much he loved me over my lips.

I wrapped him up in my arms, pulling his sweaty body close to mine, listening to his staggered breaths over my racing heart.

I was so in love it hurt.

"We still have it," he mumbled, his grin apparent by his tone.

I scratched my nails up and down his back. "We sure do. I'm starving."

Joshua pushed his body up and stared down at me, his lips pursing out. "Hmm, me too. Shall we order in a Chinese?"

"Or pizza?" I replied, wanting us to have a few options.

"You see," Joshua rolled onto his side, taking my body with him. "Now you've mentioned pizza, I think I could eat a kebab."

My stomach rumbled appreciatively. "With garlic and chilli sauce?"

"Hell to the yes," Joshua kissed the side of my head.

I jumped out of bed and reached for my dressing gown at the end of the bed. "I'll go order food, and while we wait for it to come, we can watch the kids sleep. Sound like a deal?"

Joshua showed me his dimples. "Deal."


Hey, lovelies!

I hope you enjoyed this tiny snippet into Joshua and Tabitha's family life?

I have other chapters planned and hope to keep releasing them this year, so please look out for them.

I'm also super excited to announce that I entered Hero into the KIS AWARDS and the voting is open now! 😃

If you think Hero deserves a vote, I would be forever grateful to you if you could give me your nomination.

I have attached the voting link on the conversations part of my profile too! ☺️

Thank you so much!! 😍❤


Holly 💕

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