Loner | e.g.d.

By cutebutdolan

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'I'm a loner. I don't care about anyone, no one cares about me. I need an escape from reality.' 'Let me be... More

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271 14 1
By cutebutdolan

Ethan's P. O. V.

"I mean it'll be fine. We just have to exercise more" Grayson told me as we were having lunch in school.

We were talking about our football coach - he shouted at everyone because "we weren't fast enough". Yeah suck my a$$. He pissed all of us, but we don't need to love him. He's our coach and I know we have to listen.

As I'm about to answer, I see Grayson checking out the girl from my history class with her best friend I guess.

He had more girlfriends than me, but just because I rejected a lot of them. I wasn't attracted by happy girls who wanted to be in the center of attention, who would only talk about unicorns and princesses and did girly things.
The girl from my history class was different. I heard her best friend calling her 'Mannie' a few times, but I still don't know her full name.

Both of them weren't all girly and fluffy, but Mannie was more like me.

She was invisible to others except to her best friend, as I was to Grayson. She seemed interesting, intimidating, unique. And most of all, she seemed like a loner.

Grayson interrupts my thoughts by tapping me on my shoulder.
"See those two girls in black hoodies?" he discretely pointed to Mannie and her friend.
"Yes, I do" I answer him, looking at them.

"Look at the one with the lighter hair, light caramel I would say. She seems very different, like she would be the dominant one in a relationship. Look at two of them not blending in, and not wanting it. Just wait for that girl to come up to me. I want to try something new and she seems perfect for it and we already talked a bit in my math class." Grayson says, enjoying the view we had. Their backs were facing us now.

"Okay bro, but the other one is mine" I say, lightly raising my voice while saying 'mine'.

"No problem dude. Do you know her name? " he asks me.

"I know her nickname is Mannie" I answer truthfully.

"The girl with dark brown hair is Manuelle, and the other one is Nina." he explains.

We notice them finishing their meals and getting closer to us. I see Nina coming up to Grayson and I, Manuelle walking slowly behind her.

"Hey motherfu-" Manuelle nudges her shoulder and Nina stays quiet.

"Hello to you too Nina" Grayson laughs.

"So Grayswan, I wanted to ask you to go out with me." she says, being very confident. Grayson was right.

Mannie lightly smirks at me, looking me up and down. I wink at her to see her reaction, but she doesn't blush or looks down, she just shakes her head and smiles lightly.

"Sounds good to me. Give me your number" Grayson says.

"I have yours already, I'll call you." Nina pauses.

"But maybe Ethan could give Manuelle his number" she finishes.

Manuelle is lightly shocked but it doesn't seem to bothers her.
"Sure" I say looking at her, "give me your phone" I say and Manuelle does so. I type in my number.

"How should I name myself?" I ask her.

"However you want" she says.
I hand her her phone.

She looks at the screen.

'However you want' she reads out loud and laughs.

"I'll change it when I get home." she says and with that they leave.
"Wow, they have some fierce vibe" Grayson laughs.

"I felt it too." I look at him and smirk.

"This should be fun" I say, and he agrees by smirking too.

Written on 15th March
Published on 29th March
609 words


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