Prince Doragon (Boy x Boy)

By oliverkirkland

41.9K 1.5K 300

Centuries ago, the war of all wars began between the two kingdoms of Planet Diana. Hundreds of years later, t... More

Prince Doragon (Boy x Boy)
Chapter One: Why me?
Chapter Three: Life on the Battlefeild
Chapter Four: Love at First Sight?
Chapter Five: Good Luck, Bad Luck

Chapter Two: Kibo's Wish

6.8K 260 91
By oliverkirkland

{ Kibo's POV }

    I yawned, stretching as I sat up in my warm, comfy, king sized bed. Today was meeting day, Tuesday. A day I oh so loathed...

    Your majesty, we need to come up with a plan for battle!

    Your majesty, the supplies are running low!

    Your majesty this! Your majesty that!

    I grunted as these thoughts raced through my mind, laying back down and burying my face in my blue pillow. I'm not even the king yet! I'll only become king if my father, King Richard dies. And I don't see that happening any time soon.... 

    And to top it all off, I really hate the idea of war....

    My people, the Doragon clan, they....they don't even remember how this all started centuries ago! All we know is that humans are pest, and pest need to be exterminated. Just like mice and bugs....

    But why?

    Just as I decided I needed to get out of bed, there was a knock on my rather large wooden door.

    "Your majesty?" A voice all too familiar called out, "May I come in?"

    I grunted as a response, and in came my faithful servant, Penny. A member of the Pegasus clan. His long blonde hair was tied back in its usual ponytail, swinging against his pure white wings as he entered the room. The Pegasus clan were a rather....weak addition to our kingdom. All they can do is turn into a hoarse with wings. Not really battle worthy when we have dragons and griffins....

    So we usually just use them as servants.

    "Sir," Penny came over to my bed with a worried expression on his aged face, "His majesty, King Richard wishes to see you in the war room at once. He's declaring a state of emergency."

    "A state of emergency? Against what?" I rolled my eyes, brushing some of the silver hair out of my tired face as I once again sat up, "Comets? Has the Griffenda clan finally snapped? A volcano eruption?" 

    "The humans, sir...."

    I raised an eyebrow, giving him a look of disbelief, holding back laughter, "Oh really? What about those pest?"

    "I don't know the details, sir...." The middle aged man pointed towards the doorway, "Your father has them, Kibo, sir...."

    Sighing, I nodded, standing up and signaling my servant to leave so that I could get dressed. Once he left, I did so, looking myself over in the mirror. My lean, muscular, slightly freckled body was covered in battle scars. Those humans were getting more and more clever with those weapons of theirs....

    Once I was dressed in my usual attire, a black t-shirt with dark blue skinny jeans, a white studded belt, and a black beanie with a pair of black converse to match, I quickly made my way to the war room. Father oh so hates waiting. The scales of fallen soldiers covering the door of the war room reminded me of that....

    Cautiously, I slowly opened the giant doors, knowing that my younger brother, Axel, would attack me if I startled him, "You wanted to see me, father?"

    My father and I never were close....He was never around. So I was basically raised by servants, since my mother died giving birth to my brother.... And, when he was around, he was always in this damn war room, thinking of more ways to exterminate those pesky human beings.

    "Ah, yes, Kibo. Come here, my son"

    I obeyed, coming over and sitting in the wooden seat next to my fathers. My younger brother, Prince Axel, sat across from me, our purple eyes locking for a moment as he gave me a sly, cheesy grin.

    "Son, it has come to my attention that the humans have invented a new weapon...a very dangerous could strip us of our powers, making it easier for them to take us down...."

    Interested, I took my gaze away from my brother and turned to face my father, "But pop-"

    "Don't interrupt people while they are speaking, its rude."

    I hung my head in shame, nodding to show my understanding.

    "I need you to lead the western front in battle tomorrow. Can you do that? We have to exterminate their scientific districts. We believe that one of them has the weapon concealed within it...."

    Shocked, I spoke up against my father, something nobody has ever thought of attempting, "But pop! Do we really have to fight!? Why can't we just get along-" my words were cut off by a stinging sensation on my right cheek.

    He had slapped me....

    "No son of mine will ever say such things! How do you expect to rule this kingdom one day if all you think about is peace!? Get out of my face! You're going into battle tomorrow and that's final!!"

    "......" Quickly, I nodded, running out of the room. This is all so stupid. I hate war. I hate death. Why can't we all just get along....?

{Time Skip}

    As night fell, I looked out the small, glass window opposite my bed. The stars looked so nice. Dancing and twinkling around each other without a care in the world....

    Suddenly, something caught my attention. A shooting star flew by in the blink of an eye. I....I know this is childish....but its worth a shot, no?

    "I wish....I wish that somehow....someway...this war could end soon...." I mumbled to myself as I fell asleep.

    Little did I know the damage that this wish would bring us all....

{ Taiyo's POV }

    As morning arose, I made my way to the Doragon palace in the Uran mountains. As princess of the Griffenda clan, it was my duty to make sure that young prince Kibo arrived safely to the battlefield.

    "Ah, prince Kibo....," I mumbled under my breath, beginning to daydream about the handsome prince as I flew closer and closer to the palace.

    He was to be my husband when we came of age. And I wasn't complaining. His silver hair perfectly framed his gorgeous, freckled face. And his deep, purple eyes could practically stare into your soul....

    Oh, snap out of it Taiyo! He isn't your husband yet. He isn't even interested in you yet!

    I frowned, agreeing with my inner thoughts.

    Although, we are only seventeen....I have three years to make him fall in love with me before we are old enough to be wed.

    Three long, gruesome years of waiting....

    I sighed, turning back into my human like form as I entered the palace courtyard, spitting out a few pesky feathers that managed to make their way into my mouth. That's right, when we aren't in our shape shift form, you can't tell the difference between a normal human and us. The only way to tell is a birthmark all shape shifters are born with. A small heart that varied in color based on your clan.

    Mine is a shade of bright pink....

    And I find it rather hideous....

    Quickly, I made my way to my dear prince's room, only to find the lazy bastard still fast asleep, face down on his bed.

    "Kibo," I sighed, crawling on top of my future husband, "Wake up, my love~~" He didn't wake up, making me twitch slightly in annoyance. "I said, wake up!" A snarl escaped my lips as I shoved him off of the bed, making him scream as he hit the floor.

    "What the hell-"

    I quickly cut him off by placing a quick, soft kiss on his smooth, pink lips.

    "Taiyo!" he shouted, shoving me off, "What is wrong with you!?"

    "Its war day~~"


    I smiled, brushing a strand of my long, brown hair behind my pointed, elf like ears, "And I'm here to lead you into battle~"

    "Oh great, now I know I'm going to die...." he rolled his eyes, getting up and stretching.

    "That's not true! If anyone tries to kill you....well....I'll....I'll scratch their eyes out with my talons!" I frowned, clinging to Kibo's legs, "I won't let anybody hurt you, my love...."

{ Kibo's POV }

    Sighing, I shoved her majesty, princess Taiyo off of my leg, looking down at her as I began to speak, "Princess, why don't you be a dear and not take me to battle. Please? For me?" I batted my eyelashes, praying that the princess' love for me would allow her to give in to my demand.

    "Why would I do that?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion as she stood up, "its such an honor to be chosen to lead a battle against-"

    "An honor to kill thousands of innocent people?" I cut her off, wanting to make my point as quickly as possible, "Taiyo....we don't even know why we're fighting in the first place...."

    She sighed, a slight twitch in her eye as she pulled me by my loose t-shirt so that I was at eye level with her, "Now you listen here, Kibo. Don't try and avoid this? Ok? Do you think I'm crazy? I won't disobey a direct order from the king, he'd have my head if I did know that~," She giggled, a grin on her face, "I'm not crazy enough to die before our wedding day, my love~~"


    She's crazy....

    I sighed, nodding pointlessly, "Yeah yeah, whatever, I'll be downstairs in a moment. Ready the carriage, will ya?"

    She nodded, quickly leaving the room and giving me a moment to think.

    I had such a bad feeling about today. Like....something bad was going to happen....

    But what?


Author's Note

Yeah....Taiyo is crazy. I based her character off of Hetalia's Belarus. She's all, "marry me marry me marry me!" XD

Also, I realized that some of these names may be hard to pronounce. Kibo is pronounced, key-bo. And Taiyo is pronounced, tie-yo. (Its Japanese. Kibo means hope and Taiyo means least, I think they do. Google translate could be wrong XD)

Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing it :3

Don't forget to:



-And Fallow

Also, check out my other stories.

I love you guys~~!!!! <3


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