Beautiful War {Peaky Blinders}

By xoxo-anonymous

486K 9.6K 825

"She is kind, heart made of honey. He is reserved, the opposite of sunny. No one would ever think they would... More

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6.7K 147 7
By xoxo-anonymous




The minute they had closed Timothy's door after putting him to bed, Victoria knew the events from that evening would make another occurence.

"I was honest about everything. It seems you weren't respectful enough to do the same back." Tommy mumbled as he walked into their bedroom.

She watched as he pulled his tie loose from its knot, throwing it down with anger.

"I was honest with you. I went on some dates with him, it was purely friendship." Victoria pleaded, her eyes already filling with tears.

Everything she had built up with Tommy that day was crumbling away right before her eyes, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"After a handful of dates together I decided that we both had different perspectives on life and we both had different needs." She continued as she walked over to him, putting her hands at either side of his face.

"Why can't you ever just be truthful about anything?" He mumbled, refusing to look at her.

"After having such an awful time finding another man in America, it made me realise that I still loved you." Victoria mumbled as she sat on the end of the bed wiping her eyes.

He stayed in front of the mirror and watched as she begged and pleaded with him.

"Please Tommy!" Victoria yelled.

As her words left her mouth, tears left her eyes.

His eyes eventually met hers. Ever since they were young kids knocking around, he could tell whenever she was lying, by just looking into her eyes.

He walked over to her and sat down beside her, looking into her eyes for any kind of hint.

All he could see was pain.

Tommy wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest.

"I believe you. I will do everything I can to keep you and Timothy safe, I promise." He whispered rubbing her back reassuringly.

She looked up at him and wiped her eyes clear of the tears.

"I've missed you so much." She whispered before pressing her lips firmly against his.

The way she kissed him was enough proof he needed.

He was hers, and she was his.

She slowly pushed him back against their bed, their desperate need to be with one another over taking them both.


Tommy awoke the next morning and pulled on his clothes. He glanced down at the bed and frowned as he realised their bed was now empty.

"Must be with Timothy." He mumbled to himself.

Then he heard it.

Timothy's loud cry coming from the other room.

He quickly pulled on his jacket and ran through the corridor to the baby's room.

"Hey little man. No need to cry, Daddy's here." He whispered softly as he picked him up from the cot.

Even after he tried all he knew, the baby showed no signs of calming any time soon.

"Lets go see mommy, I'm sure she'll know how to make it right." He whispered carrying him downstairs.

When he reached the bottom step he knew instantly something was wrong.

Tommy wandered into the living room and his heart sank. The room was almost upside down, papers on the floor, books on the floor and even picture frames were smashed.

"Victoria?" He yelled walking throughout the house.


Upon rushing out he noticed a piece of paper stuck to the door.

"She's collateral. Times ticking Thomas, tick tock."

In this line of business he knew it was risky to juggle the business with a family.

He quickly walked out of the house, keeping Timothy in his arms as he ran.

The pain in his legs was throbbing throughout him, but he wasn't going to stop. Tommy rushed up the garden path and pounded on the door before barging through the door.

Polly rushed over from the kitchen table upon seeing them both.

"Speak to me Tommy. What on earth has happened?" She asked frantically, taking Timothy from his arms.

"Victoria is gone, someone has taken her." Tommy mumbled trying to get his breath back.

She rocked Timothy softly to ease his crying and shook her head.

"Well whoever it was is down right stupid if they think they're going to get away with this." She mutterd laying Timothy down in his moses basket after calming him.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Polly yelled walking to the bottom of the stars.

Within minutes all of the Shelbys were downstairs, ready to face on whatever needed them so urgently.

"What's going on Tommy?" Arthur asked pulling his cap on.

Tommy looked up and glanced at all of them. "Someone has taken my wife! This job is too dangerous for the ladies so you lot stay here and keep a look out on Timothy. Everyone else needs to get out there and no part of this town will go unsearched till we have found her."

"I'll round everyone up in the village and tell them what's going on. Everyone will help." Finn nodded stepping forward.

Tommy walked to the drawers and rummaged through them until he picked up two of his guns.

"I want you all in pairs when you go looking. When you find the people responsible bring them to the boat yard and inform me." He mumbled slipping the guns into his coat.

"We will find her Tommy." Ada spoke softly as she wrapped her arms around her distressed brother pulling him into her comforting embrace.

After a few minutes passed by she let go of him and stepped back as she allowed him to deal with what he needed to do.

All of the men made their way outside and began splitting up into pairs, rushing off into different directions.

Tommy went off on his own. The thought of her being alone and hurt kept running through his head.

"Bastards!" He mumbled to himself as he kicked a stone away.

He pulled his gun from his pocket and began walking towards their old manor house.

He remembered telling her he had sold it but it wasn't the truth. Many of their things were still in their same place. Whenever he missed her he would go there, her scent still lingered throughout the house.

Tommy rushed up the garden path and stepped in through the door.

Almost instantly he dropped to his knees and clenched his fists, bashing them to the hard wooden floor.

With each bang his cries got louder.

"As soon as I'm happy again, you take her away from me!" He screamed, "why can't I just be happy?"

"My Victoria, my wife." Tommy whimpered as he held himself, allowing his tears to redden his cheems.

"Tommy!" A voice called pounding on the front door. "We think we know where she is!"

Those words were all he needed to pick himself up, wiping the tears away as quick as they came.

He pulled the door open and straightened up his cap.

"Lets get my wife back!" He mumbled stepping back outside, pulling the door shut with him.

"Tommy they think that she's being held up at the fight club. Everyone is on their way there now." Arthur spoke as he followed his heartbroken brother.

For someone to take a Shelby was brave, but someone taking a Shelby lady. Well that was stupid. In the time it would take them to find them, the person better pray to God. Because there was no way they would make it to the end of the day.

Within a short amount of time they had made it to where she was rumoured to be.

Tommy barged through the door, everyone following in close behind him.

In front of them, Victoria was handing by her hands from some rope, her head propt up against her arms and her feet inches off the ground.

"Well, it took you longer to get here than I thought." A voice chuckled before stepping into view.

The man was dressed quite rough, suggesting he had tough life. Though that's nothing compared to what he had coming.

The man put his fingers to his lips and whistled, a door to the side opening, several men walking to the middle of the room.

Tommy eyes didn't once leave her limp body. Her skin was lighter than usual, her hair was messy. But her night-gown was still in tact.

"She's not dead, just out cold." The man chuckled, breaking Tommy's gaze.

If they weren't in such a difficult position then he would have no problems of going across and killing the man with his bare hands.

"Why her?" John asked stepping forward beside his brother.

"Yeah you have numerous amounts of women connected to us, so why specifically her?" Arthur asked also stepping forward at the other side of Tommy.

"Well, Tommy here killed someone very important to me. Now I wanted to hurt him like he did me." The man shrugged, "I could have easily taken the little baby. But even I'm not cruel enough to hurt a baby."

"I'll send all my men away if you send yours away. We'll settle this like men and stop anyone else getting hurt." Tommy nodded as he stepped forward.

The man seemed to think about it, his eyebrows coming together in a frown.

"You keep your big mouth two brothers here and I'll keep two of mine." The man nodded as he sat down at a small table with two chairs at either side of him.

The rest of the men walked out of the room, prepared incase they were needed.

Tommy, Arthur and John sat down opposite the man and his two friends.

"So how do you propose we end this?" The man asked raising an eyebrow.

"Just like a Peaky Blinder would." Tommy smiled.

The three Shelby brothers slipped off their caps within seconds they had jumped on top of them. Their bladed caps slicing across their faces.

The blood of the men began to pour from their face as they sent another strike across each of their faces.

John and Arthur stepped back from the other two men once their damage had been done. Tommy stayed on top of the man in charge, pounding his fists in connection with his face. "Don't fuck with the Peaky Blinders." He yelled.

After distorting his face and leaving his damage, Tommy stood up and wiped the mans blood from his hands with his hankerchief.

The three Shelbys' rushed over to Victoria's hanging body and cut the rope, allowing her to fall into Tommy's arms.

"You get her seen by a doctor. John and I will sort these pillocks out." Arthur nodded to his brother.

Tommy held onto the woman he loved and carried her into the open, gaining a few gasps from the waiting men.

"Michael you run off and get the doctor to come to aunt Pol's. Finn you run ahead of me and alert them what's happening." He nodded as he began carrying her as fast as his feet would allow him.

He stared down at her pale limp body and let out a sigh.

"Stay with me, darling." Tommy whispered pressing his lips to her cheek.

He quickly hurried his pace as the touch of her skin sent fear throughout him. And it wasn't often Tommy Shelby was scared.

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