Magcon Fan Fiction (Nash Grie...

By saniyya24

108K 1.4K 202

What will happen when 4 friends go to Magcon? Will they fall in love? Will hearts be broken? Will friendships... More

Magcon Fan Fiction (Nash Grier/ Taylor Caniff/ Jack Gilinsky/ Shawn Mendes)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 part 1
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 7

3.3K 47 4
By saniyya24

Nash P.O.V.

Uh oh. Jen wanted to talk about Kylie. I like Kylie, maybe even love her. But I can't let anyone know that because it's too soon tell if I love her or not. We've only known each other for a week, but i feel like I've known her forever.

"Why do you want to talk about me and Kylie?" I asked Jen, trying to keep it cool. "Because she liked you a lot like A LOT. And when me and the other girls were talking about our boyfriends, she just sat here looking sad but she was happy for us. We tried convincing her that you would ask her out soon, but she didn't go for it. She started having thoughts like what if you didn't feel the same way as-" Jen said, but I cut her off. "Woah woah. I feel the same as Kylie. I like her a lot and care about her a lot , too. I just get really nervous around her and sometimes I wanna ask her out but I chicken out. I think I might love her." Holy shit! I couldn't believe I said that last sentence out loud. "You LOVE Kylie?!" Jen yelled/asked. "Uh uh... I think. I'm not sure. It's too soon to tell. I know for sure that I like her and would do anything to make her mine." I said. What I said was true. "I think tonight is the night that I'm gonna ask her out." I said to Jen. "Okay well that's good. I'm gonna go back to my room now and try to cheer her up." Jen said. And with that she left. I have the perfect idea of how to ask her out.

Kylie P.O.V.

As I was about to lay down and sleep for the rest of the day, Jen came back. "That was a long phone call." I said. "Yeah I talked to my parents and my grandparents." Jen said. I could tell she was lying. Maybe she went to see Shawn, but I knew she wouldn't leave us to go hang with her boyfriend without telling us. "Well I'm going to sleep." I said. "What?! Why? Get your lazy ass up right now!" Jen said while laughing. As I was getting up, there was a knock on the door. "Kylie can you get that?" asked Becca. "But the door... So far away." I said jokingly as I walked to the door. I opened the door to find Nash. "Oh, hey Na-" I was cut off by him kissing me. I was kinda caught off guard, but soon started kissing back. We basically made out in the door way for like 5 minutes until he pulled away. "Will you go out with me tonight?" Nash asked. "I would love to!" I said with a big smile, probably looking creepy as hell. "Okay. I'll pick you up at 8:00. Wear something casual." He said. And with that we said goodbye and gave each other a quick peck on the lips. I ran back inside and started freaking out.

"WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA WEAR?!" I yelled. "Don't worry, we got this." Paige said.

I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and shaved. Jen blow dried and curled my hair, pinning my bangs back. Becca did my makeup which consisted of mascara, eyeliner, and lip balm. Paige layer out an outfit for me which was a strapless blue dress that stopped at my knees and white vans. I gotta admit, they did a great job. I decided not to wear my glasses tonight so I put my contacts in. It was 7:57. I was surprised it took us that long. Right when it reached 8:00, there was a knock on the door. "Hi Nash." I said. He looked very handsome in a blue polo button up with khakis and black vans. "Hi Kylie. You look beautiful." Nash said. I blushed at his remark. He took my hand and intertwined our fingers. We got to his car and he opened the door for me, which he always did because he was such a gentleman.

He drove to this little restaurant and took us to the rooftop. I'm guessing he reserved it for us because there was a table set for two and they had a whole bunch of rose petals on it. The rose petals read 'will you be my girlfriend?' I was in shock because earlier I didn't think he would ask me out, but now I'm hear smiling like an idiot because he did. "Yes. Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes! I would love to be your girlfriend!" I yelled. He picked me up and spun me around kissed me with so much passion. We then ate dinner and just talked and learned more and more about each other. He took me back to my hotel room. "Thanks Nash for the most amazing night of my life." I said. "You're welcome. I'm glad I got to spend it with the most amazing girl in the world and I'm glad I can officially call you mine." He said. Then we said goodbye and gave each other a kiss.

"TELL US EVERYTHING!" Becca said as soon as I walked in. I laughed told them about my amazing night with Nash. "Aww Kylie that's so cute! See I told you he would ask you out. I'm just glad he finally grew a pair and did it." Jen said and this made us all laugh.

Paige P.O.V.

As I was talking with the girls, I got a text.

From Jack my bae 😍😘: hey babe... How's your night going?

To Jack: good just talking with the girls. I miss you 😣

From Jack: I miss you too 😘 wanna sneak out? I'll pick you up from your hotel room in like 5 min

To Jack: okay see ya byee

I used the 5 min to change into yoga shorts, flip flops, and jacks Nebraska sweatshirt. "Hey girls I'll be back I'm gonna talk to Jack for a bit." I said on my way out. "Okay don't have too much fun!" Jen said with a wink. I met Jack outside my room and he greeted me with a kiss. "Hey baby girl." Jack said. He sure knows how to make someone melt inside. "Hi Jack." I said with a smile. We just took a walk along the beach and let our feet touch the water. "Paige?" Jack said. "Yes?" I replied. "You have been the most amazing girlfriend ever and I've never felt this way about a girl before. You're beautiful, kind, caring and so much more. I don't care if saying this is too early or not." Jack said. I think I know where this is going. "I love you Paige." Jack said as he looked me in the eyes. That's how I knew he meant it. But the question was do I love him back?


Cliffhanger! Sorry I just had to do that. Don't worry I'll be updating another chapter or 2 tomorrow, or today since it's midnight lol. Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and favorite. Do you think Paige is gonna say I love you back?


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