Arlington High

By OhSnapItsPTX

1.3K 98 28

Kirstin Maldonado, a 14 year old freshman who is beginning her journey through high school. She was bullied p... More

The Next Day After School
The Next Day of School Part 2
Free Class Time
Hanging Out
Singing Together for the First Time
Did I get Accepted?
After School
First Gig
Competition Time!
Compitition Awards
After School

First Day of High School

254 10 8
By OhSnapItsPTX

"KIRSTIN TAYLOR MALDONADO WAKE UP! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY!" My mom yells from the stairs. Ugh! I really don't want to go, I wish school didn't exist. Then again, I still want to attempt to look my best for my first day today. I'm looking at myself in the mirror. I look okay. I thought to myself. I hope today goes well. I still have to choose my electives for the year. I hope they have good ones available. "I'm gonna go now mom! Love you!" I call out to my mom. "Love you too! Don't forget to tell me how your first day of school goes!" My mom says. I really hope it goes good.

I'm currently waiting at the bus stop. I walk there from home because it's only like 10 minutes away from my house. The bus is here, I'm just going to sit in the back by myself. I hope I don't get bullied at this school, I got bullied back in middle school and it completely messed with my self confidence issues. Now, I have barely no self confidence. I'm putting my headphones in so I can avoid contact on the bus. There were only three seaters available that were empty in the back, so I sat there. The bus is already starting to get noisy so I put my music on.

Music is the only thing that ever keeps me sane. Music is like a everlasting drug that I can never get enough of. Someday, I wish I gain my self-confidence back and begin creating my own. I was always curious about how songs were made. I think it's just like a puzzle. Where you just try and find the perfect pieces to fit. When you have a certain amount of pieces put together, it becomes a song.

Someone just sat next to me, I hope they don't think I look weird or there's something wrong with me. All of the sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder. I take out one of my earbuds. "Hello." I hear the person that's sitting next to me say. "Hey." I said back hoping that this guy is nice. He looks nice, he's really tall, he has blonde hair, and blue eyes. "My name is Scott, what's yours?" He asks. "My name is Kirstin" I greet back to him. He seems nice. "Do you know anything about this school?" I ask him. "Nope, I was just about to ask you the same thing!" Scott says. I chuckle and we just continue having a very nice conversation on the bus. We stop at a next stop when Scott says something again, "Hey I think you and my friend Mitch would get along very well! HEY MITCH!" Scott yells down the bus at a short, and skinny brunette male trying to find a place to sit. "Oh my god! Hey Scott!" The brunette exclaims before running over to where we were sitting. He sits next to a random person in a two seater next to Scott and I. "Hey Mitch this is Kirstin, Kirstin this is Mitch." Scott says happily. "Hey Kirstin!" Mitch says to me with a smile. These people seem really nice, and wow! He has a very high pitched voice for a male! That's amazing! I thought. Maybe I can end up being really good friends with these guys. They seem like really cool people! I didn't think I could meet such great people on the bus! Maybe today isn't going to be so bad after all. "You guys can call me Kirstie." I say as the three of us arrive at school and we go to the guidance office. "Okay." They both said with smiles.

Turns out, they need to choose their electives also just like me. They went in and chose first. We all went in separate. When I went in to choose my electives I had only a very few amount of classes I could choose from. So I chose Animal Science and the second one I was stuck with. Choir. I didn't really want choir because I hated it back in middle school when I had to take it. At least I have this class every other day, I thought. At Arlington High, we have A days and we have B days. A days I have Choir, and B days I have Animal Science. "Hey Kirstie! What classes did you choose?" Mitch asked. "I chose Animal Science and I had no choice but to choose Choir. I have Choir on A days, and Animal Science on B days." I said. "Oh my gosh! Scott, you, and I all have Animal Science together!" Mitch exclaims. "Yes! You're right! Yay!" Scott says. We all look at each other's schedules and find that we have every class together except for Choir. In fact, they didn't choose Choir. Maybe for the same reason I didn't want to choose it in the first place? I thought. *Bell Rings* "Okay guys, I'll see y'all in class!" I yell over to Scott and Mitch. "Okay see ya!" They yell across the hall.

So far, today wasn't that bad. It's finally time for lunch. I got my lunch and saw Scott and Mitch sitting at a table with two other people. Should I sit with them? I thought as I hear Mitch yell over to me. "Hey Kirstie! Come sit here!" He says as I walked my way over to the table. As I sat down, Scott says to me "Hey Kirstie! I would like you to meet Avi and Kevin." He says as he points to each of them individually. "Hey guys! It's nice to meet y'all! My name is Kirstin, but you guys can call me Kirstie! I exclaim. "Same to you!" They both say. When Avi spoke I noticed something incredible! "HOLY CRAP YOUR VOICE IS SO DEEP!" I beamed! "Haha I get that a lot!" He says. Hmm... that's weird... Mitch has a really high pitched voice for a male and Avi has a very low voice in general! I wonder what the lowest note he could hit is! And I wonder what the highest note Mitch could hit is! Are they even singers though? I should ask them someday... I thought. "So how did you guys, Scott, and Mitch meet?" I ask Kevin. "The teacher for our woodworking class assigned us seats together. Avi and I have known each other for a while." Kevin says. "Oh that's awesome! I say while we continue eating our lunch.

When lunch ended, it was time for the rest of our classes. Kevin and Avi are in the grade above us, so Scott, Mitch, and I don't have any classes with them except for the elective Scott and Mitch have with them. Choir wasn't that bad today, but I already have that feeling in my gut. The feeling where the choir teacher has already picked out her favorites. And I wasn't one of them... Oh well... it's not like I cared... or did I? I thought. Ugh! I can be so confusing sometimes.

Scott, Mitch, and I all exchanged numbers with Avi and Kevin while we were at lunch so we texted them to ask if they were on our bus. It turns out they were so we motioned for them to come and sit with us and we all had a very happy and funny conversation. "Hey guys, can you guys come over tomorrow?" I ask them. They all said they need to ask their parents and when their parents get back to them, then they will let me know. We all just sat there and fooled around on the bus until it was time for us to get off.

"Hey mom, I'm home!" I yell to my mom. "Hey sweetie! How was your first day?" She asks. "Better than I expected, I had to get stuck with Choir because that was the only elective I could take left after I chose Animal Science. Oh! And I met four really cool friends today. Is it okay if I have them over tomorrow after school?" I asked mom while she was processing everything I just said. "Of course you can!" She says with a hint of excitement in her voice finding out I finally met some friends. "Yay! Thanks mom!" I say before giving her another hug. Things begin to race through my mind. I've never felt like this in a long time. I can't wait until tomorrow! I really want to find out more about them and I can't wait until they come over tomorrow! They all have something really special about them that I just can't put my finger on...

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