Our Story of Love

By aurafics

6.8K 122 99

Rocky and Zuma tell the story of how the two fell in love, through all the hardships and obstacles one thing... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

1K 18 9
By aurafics

A few weeks had passed since Ryder found Rocky and brought the pup to live with him at the Lookout. So far everything seemed to be going great, especially for Zuma. The lab was still pretty new to the team himself and he never really got along with the other members like he did with Rocky. Marshall and Chase had been with the boy since they were born so they were basically brothers, and they knew nothing of living on the streets, not like his two newer pups. The lab and mix were rescues, and they had bonded instantly.

Ryder remembered not too long ago, Zuma was depressed almost every day, the pup had gone through something awful with his own family who had abandoned the poor thing, and though the pup has never told Ryder what happened he had some guesses. I've never seen Zuma as happy as he is now that Rocky is his friend. The boy thought to himself as he watched all his pups playing in their gigantic yard from the lookout balcony. It was a beautiful evening and no rescues had come up all day so all the pups were relaxing and having fun.

Marshall and Chase were laying by themselves under a large maple tree towards the back of the yard. It was sort of like their special spot, or so Ryder thought anyway, the two of them did spend a lot of time under that tree after all. They appeared to just be talking with one another, the boy was curious about what they could be discussing, of course he'd never get to know. Those two had been stuck together like siblings since they were born. Lately their relationship had been headed towards something more, though. Ryder was sure he was the only one who saw it.

The boy turned his attention to Rocky and Zuma who were playing fetch with a tennis ball, racing to see who could get the bright green treasure first. They were using a small makeshift catapult that the mix breed had put together out of random junk lying about. Ryder was impressed to say the least, the pup had a talent for inventing, no doubt about it. He was already thinking of how to integrate the grey pup's skill on his team. Ryder was extremely grateful for finding the mix breed, at least now Zuma had some pup to play with when the other pups didn't include him.

"I got it, I got it!" Zuma yelled as he sprinted towards the flying ball as fast as his legs would take him.

"I don't think so, that ball is all mine Zuma." Rocky called back to his friend who was trailing a bit behind him. He only looked back for a second, but that was all it took for the mix to miss the rope toy lying on the ground. The pup tripped over the toy sending him tumbling before he stopped, landing on his back with a groan.

"Wocky, look out!" The lab warned, unable to stop himself in time he collided with the mix sending them both rolling again. When at last they came to a halt Rocky found himself on top of the lab looking into his pretty, golden eyes, the two of them blushing at at their situation. The mix laid on top of Zuma for a moment feeling the warmth of his soft brown fur, trying hard to resist the urge to kiss the adorable pup below him right then and there. He knew that he loved the lab, he realized that weeks ago, but would Zuma ever feel the same?

"You alright?" Rocky asked his friend. "Ow!" he yelped as the tennis ball bonked him right on his head. He rubbed away the pain with his white paw.

Zuma was laughing underneath the mix, "I guess the tennis ball got you dude." Rocky joined the lab in his laughter. Ryder was chuckling to himself on the balcony as well, watching the spectacle.

Rocky rolled off of the lab and helped him up. "That was weally fun Wocky." Zuma smiled at his friend, panting rapidly. "But I am exhausted fwom all that wunning. Hey, I was gonna go down to the bay today, wanna come with?" He asked, tail wagging.

The mix breed was suddenly overcome with dread as he looked down at the ground, ears folded back. "I can't go swimming with you or anything though, why would you want me to come?" Rocky asked.

The lab patted his friend on the shoulder. "I know you don't like the watew Wocky, but we don't have to swim, we could just sit on the beach and talk and watch the sunset. I know this supew secwet place that is pewfect fow watching it, I go thewe all the time to think about stuff."

Rocky looked into the labs eyes, "are you sure Zuma? That doesn't sound like it would be much fun for you." The mix breed really did want to spend more time with his friend, but he didn't want to seem like he was boring, or keep Zuma from swimming.

"Of couwse it will be fun, you'll be thewe, and I wasn't planning on swimming anyway." The lab said with a huge grin. "Come on, the sun looks weally pwetty setting ovew the ocean, you should see it."

The grey pup raised his brow, "you sure you're not gonna be bored with me?" He asked again.

"Oh just come on dude." The lab laughed grabbing his friend by the paw and dragging him along. "We just have to ask Wyder fiwst."

The two of them stepped out of the lookout elevator and went out on to the balcony where Ryder was playing on his pup pad. The boy looked up to see his pups.

"What's up guys?" He asked the two of them.

"Wocky and I wewe wondewing if we could go to the bay and watch the sunset?" The lab told him. It wasn't an unusual request, the lab went down there a lot to witness the spectacle.

Ryder nodded. "I don't see anything wrong with that Zuma, just make sure you're both back by ten, you know the rules." The boy smiled. "Thank you for letting me know where you'll be."

"We won't be late, thanks Wyder." Zuma yelled as they ran towards the elevator.

"Have fun you two!" Ryder called out to them as the boarded the lift. Those pups are so adorable together Ryder thought, smiling as they went off together.


The sun was descending over the bay, the sky burning with orange and yellow. Zuma had always loved coming to the beach to watch the gorgeous sight. There was something about it that was very relaxing, and now he even had a friend to see it with him. The lab looked over to see Rocky staring in amazement at the sky, his own brilliant orange eyes full of wonder.

"See I told you it was pwetty." Zuma smirked.

The mix breed turned his attention towards the lab, their eyes locking. Zuma's golden ones looked stunning in the light of the setting sun. "It is really nice, I can't believe I never noticed how beautiful a sunset is until now. So how did you find this place anyway?" The grey pup asked, looking around. Zuma had led them to a part of the beach that was fairly secluded, hidden behind a large cliff, where no one could see them if they weren't looking closely.

"I just sowt of stumbled upon it one day, befowe Wyder took me in. I was uh..." The lab wondered if he should be so open with his friend. The brown pup didn't really want to bring Rocky down with stories of his past. After all, the both of them had been so happy the last few weeks, why ruin it now with sad memories?

Rocky noticed the troubled look on his friend's face. Ryder had mentioned to him that Zuma had a rough past just like the mix's. He wondered if that's what the lab was thinking about now. "Hey." Rocky said quietly, resting his paw on the lab's shoulder. "We're pretty good friends right?" The mix asked, though he secretly hoped he could call them more than that.

"Of couwse Wocky, you'we my best fwiend." The grey pup blushed at his friend's compliment.

"So you can tell me anything, you know? Remember when we met, and you said I could always talk to you and you'd listen?" Rocky asked, earning a nod from the lab. "Well same goes for me, if you want to talk that is, about anything?"

"I don't know Wocky, it's kind of hawd to tell anyone about what happened befowe the Paw Patwol, it just bwings up so many bad memowies. Not even Wyder knows about what happened befowe he found me." The grey pup could already see the beginnings of tears forming in the lab's eyes.

The mix breed suddenly wrapped his paws around Zuma, holding him in a tight embrace. The lab liked being this close to his friend, Rocky always seemed to know how to comfort him. "You know? I had a pretty bad past myself, if anyone could understand what you went through, I will. Maybe it will feel good to tell someone."

The two of them stayed that way for a little bit before the mix let him go. "You weally awe a good fwiend Wocky, maybe it would feel good if someone else knew." The lab's expression turned serious then. "But you have to pwomise that you won't evew tell Wyder, okay?"

Rocky nodded, "I promise Zuma, I won't tell anyone." The mix breed assured him.

"I mean it, he wouldn't agwee with my decision I just know it." Rocky gave another nod of affirmation. Zuma laid back down next to his friend, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh. "It happened about a yeaw ago, befowe I left my family and was found by Wyder."

Rocky cocked his head. "Left? I thought you said you were abandoned?" The mix asked.

"Don't wowwy I'll explain evewything." Zuma told him.


I was awakened fwom my nap, mom and dad wewe yelling at somebody in the woom next to mine. Seems like they'we always yelling lately. I thought. I cwept up to the door, it had a small cwack in it that I used to spy on them whenevew they wewe in an awgument. I was suwpwised to see my big bwother, Codi, standing thewe with them. He looked, ashamed, would be the best way to descwibe him. He had his head down, and his eyes were full of sadness. I just sat and listened as mom and dad yelled at him.

"Codi, what you're telling us is against our nature." My dad said, voice stern as always. "Male dogs must be with female dogs, that's the way the world works son." I was confused about what he was talking about.

"Honey, you want to start your own family someday, don't you?" My mother was speaking now, her voice was a little bit softer than dad's, but it was full of concern. "If you want to have little pups of your own someday, you have to find yourself a nice girl. Forget about this... Riley was his name?"

I saw my bwother nod slowly. "But mom, I don't like any of the girl pups in town. Riley is the only pup I love, I'm sorry that you and dad can't accept me and the pup I want to spend my life with."

"We can't accept you because it's wrong son. Two males cannot be together in that way, it isn't right." I heawd my father yell.

I just sat in the dawkness, my nowmally cool and calm big bwother was on the vewge of teaws. I didn't undewstand why they wewe yelling at him like this, it was weally scawing me.

"I don't really care what you think dad." I heawd my bwother whispew.

"Excuse me, I don't think I heard that right, say that to me again." My dad commanded.

"I love Riley, and I'm going to be with him no matter what you or mom think, it's my life!" Codi suddenly ewupted in angew. I saw my dad smack him across the face weally hawd, causing me to flinch in my hiding spot. I could tell my bwother was twying to keep fwom cwying, as he held his cheek.

"If you go through with this, you are not welcome in this house, I will not have anything to do with you. Do you understand me!?" My dad yelled. "Get out!" I could see my mom was cwying too, behind him.

"Fine if loving another boy pup is bad enough for you both not to want me anymore I'll go, and I'll never come back here. But let me say goodbye to Zuma at least." My bwother looked at dad with hate in his eyes. "He deserves that at least, if you even care about him at all." I could see my dad give a quick nod, as Codi made his way to me. I quickly got back in bed and pwetended to be asleep.

"Zoom, I know you're awake." Codi said as he came into my bedwoom. I liked when he used that nickname it made me feel special, he was the only one I let call me that. "I'm sorry you had to hear all that." He whispewed softly.

I got up fwom my bed and walked ovew to him slowly. He gwabbed me and held me tight. He was still holding back teaws as I let my own begin to flow.

"Hey little bro, I gotta leave, and I probably won't be coming back for a while. I just wanted to tell you goodbye first, you're the only part of this family that I still love." He told me sniffling.

"Can't you take me with you? I don't wanna stay with mom and dad, I wanna be with you." I said, alweady sobbing. Codi was petting my head softly, twying to calm me down.

"I'm so sorry Zoom, I'm not going to be able to take care of you out there, and I can't do that to you. Someday when you're older, and you can leave this place, come and find me okay? I'm going to miss you more than anything. I want us to meet again someday."

I was cwying nonstop by this point, I couldn't undewstand why my mom and dad would want to take Codi away fwom me by making him leave. Codi nudged me ovew to my bed and we both laid down.

"Shh, everything's going to be alright Zuma, this won't be the last time you see me I promise." Codi told me as he wiped away my teaws with his paw. "Please be a big strong pup for me Zoom, and don't you ever let mom and dad tell you who you can love either, life is too short to worry about what other people think of you." My bwother continued to comfowt me until I cwyed myself to sleep finally. "Goodbye, please don't forget about me." I heawd him say befowe my eyes closed.


"The mowning aftew that day, when I woke up, Codi was alweady gone. I was so mad at my mom and dad fow what they did, I didn't even want to look at them again so I..." Zuma hesitated finishing the last part of his story.

"What happened then? What did you do?" Rocky asked, fully invested in his friend's tale.

"I wan away fwom my home Wocky, I couldn't live thewe anymowe. Not with the two dogs who sent the only weal family I had to die somewhewe on the stweets, and fow what!?" The lab was breaking down into a teary mess as unleashed all his feelings, nobody knew this secret, and it was relieving to let it all out now.

Rocky wasn't sure what to do except let Zuma get it all out. The mix just sat there quietly, listening.

"They sent him away, and I'll nevew see him again. I hate my mom and dad mowe than anything because of that." The lab calmed down just a bit as he huffed, annoyed, wiping away his tears with his chocolate colored paw. "I couldn't tell Wyder any of this because he would twy to send me back to them, I don't want to go back thewe."

"What makes you think that?" Rocky asked, curious.

"Because I wasn't weally a stway when he found me, I had a family. I told Wyder that they had abandoned me, but that was all a lie so I wouldn't have to see my pawents again. That's why you can't tell him any of this."

"And I won't, I promised you, but Zuma you said your big brother was dead, do you know that for sure?" Rocky asked the lab.

Zuma looked into the mix's eyes, his own still sparkling with the last remnants of his tears. "Why else wouldn't he have found me be now? He pwomised we would see each othew again, and he wouldn't just say something like that unless he meant it. He must be dead, and it's all my pawents fault if he is." The lab's eyes narrowed with hatred at the thought of that.

Suddenly the lab felt something warm and wet going up the side of his muzzle. Rocky had licked him gently, causing both of them to blush and Zuma to forget about his parents, even if only for a moment.

"Sorry." Rocky apologized, looking away embarrassed. "I just wanted to snap you out of that, I don't like seeing you mad." The mix stepped away a bit as the lab touched his own cheek where Rocky had licked him. "Anyway, don't you think it's better to have hope that... Codi was his name?" The lab nodded. "Codi could still be alive, there could be other reasons he hasn't found his way back to you yet, so why give up on him?"

"I just weally miss him Wocky, whenevew my mom and dad would get in a weally bad awgument, he would always come into my bedwoom with me and play to take my mind off of it. He was always thewe fow me when my pawents wewen't." Rocky saw a little smile appear on the lab's muzzle as the pup remembered the good memories he had of his brother. "I hope you'we wight, and that he is alive, but I don't know if I can believe it."

The two pups laid back down next to each other, so close that their fur was touching. They stayed there quiet, and watched the sun slowly descend further over the bay, until the mix broke the deffening silence.

"So you never said how you found this place, that's why you were telling me that story in the first place." Rocky told his friend, who burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" The grey pup asked completely confused.

"It's just funny that such a simple question could get me to finally tell someone my secwet, I mean I could have just lied to you, like I've been doing to Wyder." The lab responded.

"But you didn't?"

"Because fow some weason I know I can twust you Wocky, even though we just met I feel safe awound you." The lab told the mix, causing the grey pup's muzzle to turn red from the complement. "And you'we wight, it did feel good to tell someone." The lab told Rocky, smiling.

"Well then, how'd you end up here after all that? You might as well tell me, you already went through your life story." The mix breed chuckled to himself.

"Not my whole life!" Zuma defended himself. "It's not weally that intewesting anyway, but if you must know. I found it aftew I wan away. I always loved the beach, so I just kept following it until I got out of Adventuwe Bay. I wanted to get faw away fwom my mom and dad. I even lived hewe until Wyder found me when I was out looking fow food one mowning."

Rocky smiled at his friend. "I'm glad he rescued both of us, because I got to meet you Zuma. The pups I spent time with on the streets were always really mean to me, but you're the complete opposite of them."

The lab just smiled shyly back at his friend. "It's getting late, we bettew get back befowe ten, Wyder will be mad if we don't." Zuma told the grey pup, who nodded in agreement. The two of them stood up and began heading back home. "Next time we come hewe, you wanna tell me why you'we afwaid of the watew?" Zuma asked, smirking.

Rocky chuckled. "I guess that would be only fair. Next time then." He agreed.


Ryder looked down at the sleeping lab who was rolled on his side, mouth open and tongue hanging out. Zuma looks so cute when he's asleep, the boy thought to himself as he knelt down next to the lab. Reaching out his hand he started to rub the pup's belly.

"Hey Zuma." He whispered. "Time to wake up, I need your help with something today."

The lab groaned. "Aww, do I have to, why can't Chase ow Mawshall help?" The pup whined, causing Ryder to chuckle. Sometimes getting the pups to wake up was a difficult task, they definitely loved to sleep.

"Come on pup, don't you want to help me out with a surprise for Rocky?" The boy asked, knowing that might get his attention. Sure enough, Zuma flipped onto his belly and looked at Ryder, his eyes half open.

"What kind of suwpwise?" Asked the sleepy pup.

"Well I think it's time to make Rocky an official member of the paw patrol." The boy told his pup.

Zuma couldn't help but let a smile take over his muzzle, he had been hoping Ryder would make Rocky a member so the grey pup wouldn't feel so left out all the time when they were on missions. He noticed lately that Rocky looked disappointed every time the others left him behind and he hated that look.

"I have his pup house already mostly constructed inside, I wanted to keep it out of sight so Rocky wouldn't see. But I need to bring the pieces out and finish it outdoors in the garage." Ryder explained.

"Okay, what do you need me to do Wyder?" The lab asked tilting his head.

"I need you to distract him today so I can finish everything without him seeing it. I want it to be a big surprise for him."

"What should I do to distract him?"

Ryder placed his chin in his hand thinking. "Maybe the two of you could play at the pup park for a little bit. I'll give you a call when everything is ready."

Zuma nodded. "Okay I think I can do that, I'll go get him right now." The lab said as he ran off towards the lookout, where Rocky usually slept.

"Thank Zuma, you're a lifesaver." Ryder called out as the pup sprinted away.

When the lab stepped through the doors to the lookout he noticed Rocky wasn't in his bed sleeping. Wondew whewe he went off to without telling anyone? Zuma thought to himself, a little bit worried. The pup walked back outside to look around a bit and spotted Chase and Marshall play fighting in their yard.

"Hey guys." Zuma called out as he approached them. Chase was on top of the dally biting playfully on the spotted pup's ear. The lab could have sworn that Marshall was blushing a little bit.

"What's up Zuma?" Chase answered as he rolled off the struggling pup below him. "Oh and I win Marshall." The shepherd said proudly.

"Sowwy to bothew you guys, but have you dudes seen Wocky anywhewe today? I can't find him and I'm stawting to get wowwied." The lab explained.

"Uh, I think he said he was going to the bay." Marshall told the brown pup.

"Oh, did he say why?" Zuma asked. The dally shook his head.

"Guess you'll have to go ask him and find out." Chase said returning his attention back to his spotted friend. "Alright Marshall, ready for round two?" The shepherd asked, playfully growling.

"Well I can see you two awe busy, thanks fow the help." Zuma chuckled as he left his friends behind, headed towards the bay.


Rocky was staring out at the blue ocean, hypnotized by the waves crashing against the many rocks that dotted the beach. He felt relaxed as he laid in the sand, warmed by the rays of the sun. He needed some time away, just a little bit of space from his friend so he could think for a while. Lately, his feelings for the lab had him so conflicted.

The two of them had been friends now for a couple weeks, but the mix breed had wanted it to be more than that right from the beginning. He just had this feeling that they were supposed to be mates. On the other hand, he wasn't sure if Zuma even felt the same and why should he risk his first friendship by telling the lab how he feels. He wasn't sure he could go on living if Zuma hated him.

Does it even matter if Zuma did feel the same about me as I do for him? The mix breed thought to himself as he stared out at the sea. The vast blue expanse of water that he could never bring himself to go near, even though the one he had feelings for loved the ocean more than anything. Zuma's mom and dad kicked his brother out to the streets for liking another male, Zuma probably thinks that it's wrong to have feelings like that. I mean, I don't even know if it's right that I feel this way either. And what about Ryder, what if he hates us? What if Marshall and Chase hate us? Would Ryder make us go live on the streets again?

"Well, if it isn't the mutt with no name."

Rocky's daydream was interrupted by a familiar voice calling from somewhere behind him. The pup turned around to see a group of dogs he had hoped he would never run into again. They were a group of dogs that ruled the streets around Adventure Bay, and they hadn't exactly been friendly towards him all the time. Their leader, a black dog with patches of brown all over his messy fur always led them into trouble. He looked like some sort of German shepherd mix, but Rocky never could tell for sure.

The grey pup tried to look tough, and not show them his fear, but the truth is he was very afraid of them. "For your information Maxie, I do have a name now." Rocky retorted as he was slowly backed up towards the sea by the group of dogs, making him nervous. Maxie had brought two other street dogs with him, both mutts Rocky hadn't seen before.

Maxie stepped out ahead of his group and got into Rocky's face, a twisted grin forming on his muzzle. The shepherd mix grabbed Rocky's collar with a crooked paw, the dog had clearly been in a lot of fights.

"I can see that." Maxie told the grey pup, holding the silver dog tag up to read it. "Rocky, how adorable, so you went and got yourself a human owner then? Decided to go and become a slave to them after what they do to dogs like us then?"

Rocky wasn't sure what to do, he wished Ryder was here to help him, or Zuma. Right now he felt entirely alone, worried about what these dogs were going to do with him.

"Gotta tell ya, buddy. I'm a little surprised anyone would want to adopt you, especially with such a handsome dog like myself as your competition. To me, you're always gonna be that pathetic street pup with no name, and no friends."

"Well I have friends now Maxie, and they will come looking for me any second now, so you should let me go or you'll be in big trouble." Rocky tried to bluff, he wasn't sure anyone would come looking for him, not for a while at least.

"I'm not worried about them mutt..."

"It's Rocky!" The mix breed yelled, interrupting him, which seemed to upset Maxie. The shepherd mix raised his paw and smacked Rocky's face, his claws leaving a big scratch on the pup's left cheek.

"I will call you whatever I want, and if you interrupt me again, well let's just say I wouldn't do that if I were you." Maxie told the grey pup as he chuckled, the other two dogs joining in.

Rocky placed his own white paw on his cheek, feeling a bit of warm blood, but the scratch didn't seem too deep.

"You're gonna do something for me buddy. Myself, the boys there, we're pretty hungry out here, food isn't so easy to come by anymore. All the usual places are on alert all the time now, we've hit 'em too many times.

"What do you want from me?" Rocky asked them, still holding his wounded cheek.

"Nothing much, you're just gonna get us some food from your shiny new owner, every day, so we don't starve out here." Maxie told him, still holding Rocky by his collar.

"I can't Maxie, after all they've done for me I can't steal from them. Rocky shook his head.

"You don't really have much of a choice mutt, I wasn't asking for a favor, I'm telling you that you're going to get us that food. You're gonna leave it in a bag, under the bench in the pup park every single morning for us to take, and if you do that then we won't have a reason to bother you ever again." Maxie explained, pushing Rocky ever closer to the edge of the bay.

"What if I don't get it for you? What then?" Rocky asked, pretty sure he already knew the answer.

"Then I'm gonna throw you into that sparkling blue ocean, mutt. I know how much you just love the water, and I also know you can't swim. And mutt, this time there may not be anyone around to hear those pathetic screams of yours." Maxie chuckled. "Maybe you need a quick demonstration, so that you understand how serious we are." He pushed Rocky right to the edge of the water. "But don't worry, one of us will grab you right before you drown."

"Hey, stop it, let go of him now!" All four of them looked up the beach at the new voice.

"Zuma!" Rocky yelled back, incredibly relieved to see his friend.

Zuma ran down and stopped near Maxie and his dogs. "You bettew let Wocky go, I can contact ouw ownew with my pup tag, he'll have you all put in the pound in a second." The lab threatened.

"You say you can call him with that thing huh? Too bad I don't believe you." Maxie told the lab as he shoved Rocky into the ocean, the waves instantly carrying the crying pup further into the ocean, as he screamed for help. Zuma had already activated his tag.

"Wyder, get down to the bay quick, Wocky is in twouble." Zuma yelled frantically.

Maxie's grey eyes went a little wide with shock when he heard a voice respond. "I'm on my way Zuma."

"Well what do you know? Come on boys, let's get out of here, we're not gonna want to be around when he arrives." He told the other two dogs as they all took off running towards the city.

Zuma meanwhile had already jumped into the bay, swimming towards Rocky as fast as he'd ever swam. Please be okay, please don't die. The lab thought as he dove beneath the blue water searching for his friend, who had already been pulled under the harsh waves. He looked in all directions, until he finally spotted Rocky nearby, but he was no longer moving. No, please don't be dead. I'll nevew fowgive myself.

The lab finally reached his friend, grabbing him by the neck with his teeth, punching little holes in his skin, a small price to pay if he could save the mix, he'd apologize later but he needed both paws free to swim. Zuma's own breath was starting to run out, but he kept thinking about his friend dying and pushed himself even harder, swimming with all his strength towards the beach. Almost thewe Wocky, please hold on.

After what seemed like eternity the two pups made it to the shore. Zuma dragged his limp friend away from the spray of the ocean, laying him out on the hot sand. The lab pressed on of his ears to Rocky's chest, hoping to hear the sound of his little heart beating. Nothing.

Zuma immediately began pressing down on the grey pup's chest with his paws vigorously. Please don't leave me Wocky, I alweady lost Codi I can't lose you too. The lab continued to press down on Rocky's chest, only pausing once in a while to breathe air into the unconscious pup's lungs.

"Zuma, I'm sorry, but I think it's too late." The lab didn't even look up as Ryder, who had seen the pup drag his friend out of the water from afar, approached them. "You did everything you could Zuma, we may have to let him go." The boy tried to reason with the lab, tears forming in his eyes.

Zuma didn't respond, he just kept pressing down on his friend's chest, his own eyes filled with tears as well. No it's not twue, he isn't... He can't be. The lab thought as he pressed his muzzle against Rocky's one last time, breathing a desperate breath for the grey pup. Suddenly the grey pup began coughing, spitting up some water.

I can't believe it, he's alright. Ryder thought to himself, but now was no time to celebrate. Rocky was in rough shape, he needed Katie's medical expertise. "Stay here with him Zuma, I'm getting Katie." The lab nodded as Ryder sprinted off towards the pet parlor.

Rocky continued to cough up bits of water, his breathing shallow. "Wocky I'm so happy you'we okay." The lab wanted to give his friend a big hug, but he didn't want to hurt him. "Ryder's getting Katie, he'll be here soon."

The grey pup looked up into his friends golden eyes, full of tears. "Th-thanks for saving me." Rocky whispered, weak and tired.

"Shhh, don't talk Wocky, just west." Zuma told his friend.

Rocky just stared at his friend, he'd risked his life to save him. The grey pup had a warm feeling throughout his body, despite being soaked with the ocean's salty water. He didn't know if Zuma liked other boy pups like he loved the lab, but he needed to find out, he couldn't hold it in anymore he wanted Zuma to be his. The chocolate pup was perfect in every way. Without warning Rocky leaned his head towards his friend, with the last of his strength and pressed his lips against the lab, catching the pup off guard.

"Wocky?" Zuma said, taken aback as they pulled apart. The grey pup laid his head back down, his eyes closing. Wocky kissed me? The lab thought to himself, all kinds of feelings coming up all at once.

The chocolate lab was so stunnedthat he hadn't noticed Ryder and Katie running over towards them. Wocky kissed me? He thought again. And I didn't stop him?

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