The Thread Of Fate

By S_feathers24

44.6K 1.8K 77

"You need to understand this." He stepped closer, "I'm going to protect you Seraphina. Now and forever. Even... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 35

522 28 0
By S_feathers24

"What do you want?" I gulped.

"You're going to help me get out of here." He said, "and you're coming with me."

"Why ?" I asked.

He pressed the blade harder and Cleo gasped.

"Alright! alright!" I said, "let her go."

"If you trick me, she dies." He threatened.

"I won't...just let her go." I pleaded.

The other patients in the room weren't awake. There was no one witnessing this. He hit Cleo on the back of her head.

"No!" I gasped as she fell to the floor.

"She will live." He spoke, "now come on."

"How do you expect to walk out of the castle?" I frowned, "they will never let me leave."

"I saw your husband go." He walked to me, "no one will stop you. Turn around and start walking before I end you both."

I had no doubt that he could. He was bulky and huge, with scars running all across his face. I turned around and started walking, hoping that someone would see what was happening.

"Where?" I whispered.

"The stables." He answered quickly, "now move."

It was just as he said, the staff noticed me and while some gave weird looks, no one spoke. I was losing hope.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, walking straight out of the infirmary and towards the stables. I did it as slowly as I could.

He cursed out loud.

"Stop asking questions." He hissed finally.

I did as he asked and led him to the stables, hoping to find Shar. I had to make sure someone knew.

"Your highness, how may I help you?" I heard someone ask.

I turned to find a young girl.

"Where is Shar?" I asked before the man could stop me.

"Brother isn't well. He will return tomorrow." She beamed.

Just peachy.

"Get two horses." The man ordered before I could prolong the moment.

She looked at him wide eyed and then turned to me.

"Do as he says." I muttered, hoping that she would realise something was wrong.

"Yes, your highness." She bowed and ran off to the horses.

"Where is the Queen?" The man asked once she was gone.

It took me a moment to register. He was talking about Dominic's aunt. This was one of the men who had attacked the palace. I didn't understand how he ended up in the infirmary. He probably pretended to be a soldier of Isolde.

"Dead." I lied.

"Just as I thought." He spat.

I was glad that he believed me. Soon, the girl came by with two horses.

"Get on." The man ordered and I did. He took the other one.

The girl stared at me like she wanted to say something but didn't know how.

"When Eurus gets back, make sure Cleo talks to him ok?" I told the girl.

She looked at me like I was insane. I didn't blame her. A horse couldn't talk and being a medic had nothing to do with it.

"Bugger off!" The man growled at the girl and she scurried away.

"You try pulling something like that again, I will throttle you." He snarled in my face.

"Ok." I gulped.

"Ride out of the palace and don't stop until we're in Beate." He ordered.

"The eastern border?" I asked, hope surging within. Dominic and the others were on their way there.

"Yes, you dumb-"

I gave a nod and surged my horse forward before he could complete the sentence. The guards looked at us with suspicion but didn't stop us.

"I don't know the way." I said to the man when we were out of the castle.

"Follow me." He muttered after cursing, "and don't try to run. I can snap you like a twig whenever I want."


It wasn't as though I could say anything else. I didn't even have a knife to defend myself with.

We rode for what seemed like hours and soon, I could make out faint outlines of the jungle in Beate.

"Ditch your horse." Came the command.


"We're riding on one horse from here on." He glared, "I don't want you to run off into the forest."

"I won't." I said.

"I don't trust you." He informed, reaching to pull out the blade he stole from the infirmary.

The feeling is mutual, buddy.

This was my only shot. There was no way I was going to share a horse with him.

"You should ditch your horse." I suggested, "it is old. Mine is faster."

I planned to run off into the forest as soon as he got off.

"Get off." He moved forward to grab me and I kicked my horse.

It jumped away from the man and I saw anger flare in his eyes. Turning away, I guided the horse into the forest. I didn't have much of a head start because he started chasing me immediately. I didn't know whether his horse was slower than mine or not. I didn't even know if mine was fit enough to run. There was only one advantage I had.

I had great experience in running away.

Without glancing back even once, I charged into the forest. He wasn't far behind, I could hear his horse and his cursing.

"When I get my hands on you, I'll make you beg for death!" He threatened.

Judging from the sound of his voice, I could tell that I was gaining momentum and leaving him behind.

"Where are you, Dominic ?" I muttered, scanning the dark to see if I could find anything or anyone. Living in the forest had given me some skill. So even though it was unsettling, I was accustomed to the dark.

Unfortunately, my horse wasn't.

Poor animal tripped and fell sideways, driving me into the dirt. My chaser had no such accidents and so without thinking twice, I began running on foot.

My lungs burned from exhaustion, my face was wet with sweat and tears. I wondered if it was truly the end. I was going to die in a forest at the hands of a mad man.

Just then, I heard another horse from up ahead.

I hope it's them.

Before I could register anything else, I was pushed to the ground. The attack didn't come from behind but from the side. A strangled noise escaped me as I hurt my arm, trying to catch my fall.

Someone grabbed my other arm and hauled me to my feet really roughly. I clutched my hurt arm to my chest, afraid to look up.

"Seraphina?" Dominic sounded shocked and he loosened his grip instantly.

My only response was to sob with relief.

He opened his mouth to say something else when he saw the man that had been chasing me. His face lost all warmth in an instant and he stepped in front of me, shielding me from the man.

"Be careful." I managed to choke out.

The man was almost twice as bulky as Dominic. I feared for him and looked around to see if there was anything I could use to help him. Dominic had no such fears though.

He didn't even get his sword out. The man stopped when he spotted Dominic, bringing the horse to a halt. The man got off the horse and I took an instinctive step back. Dominic glanced at me quickly before turning to face the man again.

"Your majesty." The man bowed, "I tried to talk her highness out of her plan but it was in vain."

"He's lying." I whispered.

"She demanded to see you even though we warned her." He shook his head, "I couldn't let her come alone."

"He threatened to kill Cleo if I didn't go with him..." I spoke up, "I didn't want to..."

"I am a soldier of the army, your grace." He looked at me, "I would never threaten a lady."

"Dominic-" I began.

"I've heard enough." He said.

"My lord?" The man said as though he was the most honourable person there was.

"You're a clever man, hiding in the infirmary with the injured." Dominic took a step forward, "threatening the healer...Tell me, did you get to my aunt?"

"She is dead." The man answered, giving up his facade.

Dominic gave a chuckle and the man cursed me once more.

"You could've healed." Dominic spoke, "stolen a horse after could've run away. But you got greedy, didn't you?"

The man only glared silently.

"When you saw her, you thought of all the rewards you'd get if you took her to Nish. You wanted her." Dominic cocked his head to the side, "I don't blame you. How can I ?"

The man clutched his blade tighter and Dominic took a step forward.

"After all, I suffer from something much similar." Dominic continued, "here's the thing though..."

That was when the fight began. I watched with rapt attention. While the man was physically strong, Dominic was a much better fighter overall. His reflexes were lightening fast and he was much more agile.

"I got her first. That makes her mine." Dominic slammed something onto the man's torso.

I heard a grunt and then the man fell away, clutching his chest. Dominic had used the stolen blade to kill him. Wordlessly, he turned around and marched to me.

Gently, he reached for my injured hand. He examined it, his touch as light as a feather. I hissed in pain when he applied the slightest bit of pressure.

"I'm really sorry." He muttered, touching my cheek. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just saw someone running and thought it was Torus. I should've been more careful. Are you hurt anywhere else?"

I just listened to him silently, letting his voice wash over me. It gave me a strange sense of security. I pointed towards the other arm, the one he had grabbed earlier.

"Did you find him?" Leo burst out of the trees, breathing heavily.

"No." Dominic sighed.

"What are you doing here?" Leo frowned at me.

I told them what had happened once they'd left.

"Where is Dahar?" Dominic said, "I need to make sure that the body is burnt."

"I'll talk to him." Leo said, "she needs to get back to the palace."

"I'm fine." I frowned.

Dominic put a hand on my back and nudged me forward. Seeing the look on his face, I gave up with a sigh. I was truly delighted when Eurus came into view. I raised my hand to pet him and winced immediately.

Dominic helped me up before climbing. I leaned back into him. He nuzzled my hair and then we were off.

"You were very brave tonight." Dominic mumbled.

"He was afraid of you." I was in awe. Dominic didn't look scary at all. In fact, the man had been downright terrifying in appearance.

"You saw why." He answered. 

I nodded. He had killed the man with surprising ease. I thought back to when I'd seen him in Beate. I hadn't been afraid of him. Perhaps, I'd just been stupid.

"What're you thinking ?" He asked.

"That I was stupid." I laughed.


"I wasn't afraid of you when we met for the first time." I said.

"The second time you mean?" He corrected.

"Yes." I amended.

"That's because I was trying to be as non-threatening as possible."

"You don't look very dangerous." I informed.

"I've often found that the opposite is true."

I thought about that for a while.

"No." I disagreed finally, "you don't look dangerous at all."

"Doesn't mean I'm not."

"That I agree with." I sighed.

His hand came around my waist and tightened. My breath hitched at the small gesture.

"Scared yet?" He chuckled into my ear, crouching down.

I shook my head since I couldn't find my voice. It was irritating that even after all this time he held such power over me. My only consolation was that he held power over everyone else.

"Good. I don't want you to be." He straightened up without letting go.

"Then what's the point of being dangerous ?" I frowned.

"I'm selectively dangerous." He laughed.

"I wasn't aware there were categories." I chuckled.

"I wasn't aware either, till you came along." He kissed my head before grabbing the reigns with both hands.

With that, he fastened the pace and we sped away towards the palace.

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