Behind Those Violet Eyes ▸ Hu...

By SCandGG

177K 2.3K 572

The country of Panem has been a dark place since the first rebellion years ago. Now, as punishment for their... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: Cyra Merison
Chapter Two: Alia Fletson
Chapter Three: Cyra Merison
Chapter Four: Cato
Chapter Five: Alia Fletson
Chapter Six: Cato
Chapter Seven: Cyra Merison
Chapter Eight: Alia Fletson
Chapter Nine: Cyra Merison
Chapter Ten: Alia Fletson
Chapter Eleven: Cyra Merison
Chapter Twelve: Cato
Chapter Thirteen: Cyra Merison
Chapter Fourteen: Alia Fletson
Chapter Fifteen: Alia Fletson
Chapter Sixteeen: Gale Hawthorne
Chapter Seventeen: Cato
Chapter Eighteen: Cyra Merison
Chapter Nineteen: Cyra Merison
Chapter Twenty: Gale Hawthorne
Chapter Twenty-One: Alia Fletson
Chapter Twenty-Two: Alia Fletson
Chapter Twenty-Three: Cyra Merison
Chapter Twenty-Five: Cato
Chapter Twenty-Six: Cyra Merison
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Alia Fletson
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Cyra Merison
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Alia Fletson
Chapter Thirty: Cato
Chapter Thirty-One: Gale Hawthorne
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Feast
Chapter Thirty-Three: Cyra Merison
Chapter Thirty-Four: Alia Fletson
Chapter Thirty-Five: Cyra Merison
Chapter Thirty-Six: Alia Fletson
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Gale Hawthorne

3.6K 54 9
By SCandGG

Chapter Twenty-Four:

Gale's POV                          

Waiting for Cyra to come back to the cave was very difficult. Why didn't you stay with her you idiot???? I argued to myself, when I spotted her in the distance.

Her jacket was torn, and her hair had fallen out of it's ponytail, and hung around her face like a curtain of black waves. She was stumbling, and seemed to be talking to herself. I ran from the cave, and picked her up. Cyra was very light, she always had been. I held her over my shoulders. Her large violet eyes were growing foggy, and I saw it in her face that she was tired. I rushed up to her.

"Cyra.. We are going back to the cave.... Okay?" Cyra was busy staring at something on the ground. then she mentioned something about gummy bears, before her eyes rolled back and she passed out....

  She slept for three days. I got her the leaves, I had learned from Katniss, that suck out poison from the stings. I watched her sleep silently. Her smile twitching every few moments, her fingers twitching. After a while, I fell asleep myself, but awoke a few moments later to someone shaking me violently.

"Gale...I'm going outside the cave for a bit...." Cyra whispered softly, a relief from the violent shaking I had just gone through. Cyra nodded and then slipped out the mouth of the cave, but before she left, she did something very surprising. She kissed my forehead.

        I sat up quickly, and glanced in her direction. She was leaving the cave, without any

   Confused, I stood up behind her and followed her out the cave. You see, in front of the cave, was a large area of thick green grass. Sometimes we would pick grass from there and use it as bait to catch animals that ate plants, just so we could have some sort of food.

  I saw Cyra, standing in the center of the grass, stretching her legs out across the grass. She seemed to be stretching. I stood silently in the mouth of the cave, hoping she wouldn't see me. Cyra suddenly stood up. She leaned back, stroking the ground with her finger, then leaning foreword again. She jump and then spun of her toe, with huge amounts of grace and poise. Cyra could dance?

Cyra suddenly, leaned backward, and her legs launched over her head, as she back flipped, and stood on her arms, with her legs perched in the air. She fell foreword into a split.  Cyra pushed herself back, and did a one handed cartwheel, and turned around and spotted me. She paused quickly, and her eyes opened wider.

 "What are you doing?" Cyra snapped and rushed toward me, sweat beads clouded on her forehead. As I got closer to her, I realized she smelt like roses. Her violet eyes glanced up into mine. They were dark, and she looked tired.

"Cyra...The question is, what are you doing...?"  Cyra paused and turned away from me, and mumbled something under her breath. I got closer to her, trying to hear what she was saying, when she turned to face me.

"Dance was the only thing I had for a while Gale."  Cyra snapped at me. She turned around again and fell on the grass with a sigh.

"After Lyra got sick, I felt like I was losing everything...I started to snap. Until I learned to dance..." As I paused for a moment, I remembered something. Cyra could do something else. Sing. I had heard her that day back in District Four.

"Cyra... You sing to." Cyra gave me a stare, this time it wasn't in anger, but in sadness.

"You remember the Fish Swing song?" Cyra sighed and glanced at the ground, laughing slightly under her breath.

I smirked in her direction, and cleared my voice. ((Original song by GG...xD))

"Up the stream the fish go swinging...

You can tell, what they are bringing,

Food to the greeds of one...

One who thrives to take your son...

Driving a wedge between mother and daughter

Taking the goods of a hard working father

They may say the deed is done..."

I paused for a moment to her Cyra singing beside me, in that beautiful voice I remembered.

"But the darkest hour...has yet begun..."

I watched Cyra blushed slightly, and then push off the grass to stand and face me. "I'd forgotten the words for a while..." She stands up and begins to walk back to the cave, when I paused and reach to grab her arm.

I smiled and her, and looked into those big,beautiful violet eyes. "I didn't"

We lock eyes for a moment, and I lean in and she follows. Her lips touch mine, and I taste sweet mint and smell roses in her hair. As well pull away, I see that classic Cyra sparkle in her eyes....But then it fades quickly and she shoves me away from her.

"No....No no no...." Cyra began to walk like she is very dizzy and fell to the ground.

After about an hour, I hold Cyra in my arms, slowly she sits up and turns to face me. her eyes are gleaming again.

"What did I miss?" She laughs and shoves her hair out of her eyes, rubbing them free of gunk.

I stared at her quietly for a moment. "Well we kissed and then you passed out."

Cyra backs away from me quickly, her eyes wide in terror. "No....we didn't kiss  Gale...." She pushes away from me and rolls over to face the other side of the dark and damp cave.

I get back close to her again. "Don't you remember? You sang and began to dance? And then we kissed..." I said, trying to smile through my sadness that she had forgotten.

"Gale..." Cyra started. "Look at your wrist." I glanced down to look at my wrist, to see a large Tracker Jacker bite that I haden't noticed before. It was all a hallucination. We never had kissed. She never danced in the green grass. Or sang. or even passed out for that matter. I had passed out.

Cyra stares at me for a moment, and looks out of the cave. She grabs her knifes from there hiding spot in the back of the cave and walks foreword.

"I'm going to go hunt...." She sighs and turns around once more to face me. "Try to figure some things out... Okay?"

I nod, as she runs out the door, her long black hair flowing behind her like a cape of darkness. I slammed my fist into the wall. I had just told her my feelings for her! I can't believe I couldn't figure it out...

What was real and what wasn't... ?

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