Jaycee Lennox *Bayverse Fanfi...

Por LilacAthenaRose

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Jaycee is the oldest daugter of William Lennox, and in the year 2007 this 4 year old girls life will take a m... Más

Jaycee Lennox
Cousin Stephine's
The Men in Suits
The Yellow Hider
The Silver Hider
The End

Mission City

684 25 29
Por LilacAthenaRose

"There's Optimus." Sam gasped, and I climbed up towards the front seat slowly. I wanted to see an optimist! Mommy said they were really good people to be around! They could always see the sun, so they could always go outside and play!

"Sam, I don't see an optimist..but that car is really shiny!" I admitted, squinting my eyes at the trucker-trailer. It was a HUGE one too, with blue and red with flames and it was all silvery and sooo shiny that it hurt to look at. I didn't think they could be that shiny looking! I only saw the dirty, yucky ones and they didn't have flames. This was like a race car truck!

It was fancy.

When it passed by, I turned around, holding onto the back of the seat as I looked out Bee's back window. "He's really on fire!" I gasped, trying to get a better look. The truck was really far back now, but I could see smoke on the road. It was black and coming off the road behind him! I thought it was just a fancy paint job, but I guess he really WAS on fire!

The truck was making this loud "eeeeeeeee" noise too. I heard that noise a lot when I was with Daddy. When he's home, Me and Daddy go bike riding a lot sometimes. He likes going to the park with me, and we make skin marks all the time. The skin marks kinda make those 'eeeee' noises. Mommy says that real cars can make 'em too! When people drive to fast and stop, they make skin marks and that 'eeee' sound.

I would probably be driving really fast if I was fire too, so I guess it makes sense why he was making the 'eeeee' noise. But I couldn't see if that truck made skin marks, I just heard the noise. I couldn't even see the shiny truck anymore! He was all gone because of Daddy and his friends. They were inside these really big black cars...kinda like four-wheelers but not. Some of them even had really big guns on top of them! They were so huge!

"Do you think he left any skin marks?" I asked Sam, but he wasn't going to answer my question. He didn't even say anything at all! He probably didn't even hear me. Sam seemed silly like that.

Kinda like Mommy. She got all serious and ignored me too like that.

That's why I just kept looking out the window.

Maybe I could see Daddy and wave!

Though instead I saw more cars. They weren't military ones, but they were shiny, just like the fire truck! One was silvery and tiny...and behind him was..

"That's my Uncle Dork!" I jumped a little, pointing at the really big black truck. It was him! I knew that big truck anywhere! It had the shiny horns at the top, and was black with big red writing on the front. "That's his truck!" He was following the silver car now, and behind him was an amblue-ants.

I wonder why he was here? Maybe he wanted to see Daddy too so he came here like I did! Though I dunno why he didn't just come with me the first time! I mean it would've been easier!

"Jaycee, that truck doesn't have a driver." Sam yelled back at me. He had his head out the window like a doggy! I bet he was gonna catch bugs in his mouth. "Mommy says if you do that bugs'll come and land in your mouth!" I told him as the girl looked back at me. Sam's Mommy must have been really bad at her job. I mean he wasn't told all the rules..and he had a girly name. I bet his Mommy was broken. Though I wouldn't tell him that. Sam was already cranky enough I think.

And I don't wanna be rude to anyone's Mommy. Especially cause mine was sorta broken too.

"You know what? Just s-sit back okay. The last thing I need is for your father coming after me because you didn't sit right in an alien robot." He yelled, looking back at me but I just folded my arms. "Says the guy who is sharing a seat!" I retorted.

"Hey, we're buckled in alright, and anyway I'm older then you..by a lot."

"So? Just means you die faster."

"J-just stay back." He shook his head, peering out behind me. I guess Sam saw something interesting again, but he stopped talking after that. He didn't even look to see if I listened! I did though, cause I remembered what Daddy said.

He told me to be good, so I would. I sat back down, and put the cube in my lap. It was all squiggly and rough with those letter pictures. "Hey Bumblebee..if you're an alien..do you like tacos?" I asked suddenly, only to hear static come through again.

I think that was him laughing, but it was hard to tell without his fairy wings. The fairy wings helped a lot. Though, I wonder why the black hider didn't have wings. Maybe it was because he was not that good yet.

I mean he did destroy Uncle Dork's pool..but he could hide really good.

"Hey, if my Uncle Dork's truck isn't really his..then is that the black hider? When I was at Auntie V's house, a hider like Bumblebee came and hid like my Uncle's truck!"

"You met Ironhide?" The girl asked and I nodded really quickly. "Mhmm! He landed in Cousins Stephine's pool! He was too big for it though and broke it."

The car let out another laugh, or static. I couldn't tell. "So much for being 'in disguise'..at least I know my house wasn't the only one trashed." Sam grumbled for a minute, and I tilted my head.

"Was Bumblebee your tooth fairy too, Sam?" I asked, but Sam just gave me this weird look. He acted like he knew everything about these hiders! But I guess not! Cause Sam didn't know they were fairies...or maybe it's just Bee wasn't obviously a fairy either!

"Are you not a good fairy Bumblebee? It's okay if you're not, the black hider isn't either! You just have to practice." I nodded, smiling at the radio. I bet they made better cars than tooth fairies, but you know...Daddy made a better soldier than a Daddy, because he was a solider more than a Daddy.

Maybe it was like that for these guys too!

They were cars for a long time, but were also tooth fairies! I bet that's why no one saw them.

"Hey Sam! Do you think if I did the honk sign, that truck-er-trailer would do it?" I asked, but Sam just looked at me, all confused. Maybe that was just his face..he was always just confused. That's sorta weird, cause grown-ups don't get confused.


"You know the honk sign!" I nodded, pulling my arm up and down. "Probably not." Sam answered, and I frowned. Maybe he wasn't that good at being a truck than.

They were just bad trucks and fairies.

"Hey Sam! Do you know the black hider?"

"He's names Ironhide."

"Oh. Is he nice?"

"He's a good guy."

"So he doesn't work for the meanies?"

"No..he's an Autobot."

"Are we in Africa?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Now just shut up Jaycee."


"Just stop okay!"

"...Okay.." I mumbled, looking down at the cube again. I stared to trace the symbols with my finger, it felt really weird. The metal was cold, but I dunno different. I traced the squiggles gently, Sam was sorta mean. I mean I was just asking questions! He didn't have to be so mean about answering them..they weren't silly questions at all. I was being serious about them.

I guess he was more grown up than I thought. Grown-Ups never liked my questions, they called them silly and kid-ish. Daddy liked my questions though! He answered all of them! Unlike Mommy.

I heard a 'zoom' from outside my window, so I looked out again. There was a lot more islands now...and a lot more cars. "Are we on the inter-steak now?" I asked, peering back out the front windshield only to have Bee push me back into the seat. He made my seatbelt too tight again.

"Yea..I think we're close to Mission City." Sam answered, looking out the window.

"Mission City? Are we gonna have a mission there? Like a real real one! Daddy goes on Missions all the time! I bet they're a lot to do..I wanna do them all!" I began to blurt out, grinning happily. This must be the coolest city ever! I mean it had mission in the name, and Daddy's mission were always super cool. I bet this city was too.

Sam's mouth started to move, but it sounded a lot more like a crash. I bet he was telling me to be quiet again, cause he was waving his hands at me. Mommy waved her hands like that when I tried to talk to her and she was on the phone.

"Sorry...Sa-" I began but was cut off when another crash sounded. Bee was moving a lot faster now too, and he was all shaky. I was gonna ask Sam what was going on but he was too busy. He wasn't even looking at me anymore! He was staring out the back window. And he'd probably only tell me to shhhh again.

That's why I looked down, and hugged the cube closer to me. There were a lot more crashes. It sorta sounded like guns going off everywhere..only bigger. I hope Daddy was driving okay. Bee was still going really fast now, serving around...maybe they were causing the crashes. I crashed a lot on my bike when people ran in front to me, it's really hard to steer with that going on. We should slow down.

I opened my mouth to tell Sam, but he was already talking. "No no no no no!" Sam murmured, as even the girl looked back out the window. I just tilted my head, before placing the cube beside me and turning around to look out too.

Bee had loosened a bit on me, so I could wiggle out.

"I hear a police men! We are going to fast Bee!" I admitted, but then I saw this really big truck-thing flip over another car.

"It's the same cop!" Sam began, ignoring me but I was too busy. We sure looked weird! All spread out across the inter-steak, I mean it looked funny. All these really shiny cars and then military ones with big guns! There was even this new car! It was big and dusty colored..like the ones my Daddy drove on his base. It was the one that was flipping cars all over the place. "My Daddy rode in one of those in Afghanistan!" I grinned, pointing it out. I bet Daddy drove it better than he did though! Daddy could do everything better, but I guess Sam didn't realize this.

"Oh man..oh man..block him!" Sam shouted, and my eyes widened as the big trucker-trailer began to splinter apart. "He's a hider too!" I gasped, watching as he broke apart into little pieces before turning into this really big robot! He was even shinier as a robot!

"Bee! Did you know that he was a hider!" I jumped, pointing at the giant truck. He was so tall! Like the tallest one EVER! I mean the other two were tall..but this guy? He was HUGE!

"Bee..you should tell him to stop breaking the rode! He's gonna get arrested by that cop!" I admitted...watching as the road went all over the place. Bee didn't answer though..he didn't even static laugh. I guess he was busy, so I just looked back out the window.

"How many hiders are there!" I gasped, watching as another one skated at us. He was the same color as the dusty truck! "He's a skater!" I giggled, before watching him crash into a bus. "But not a very good one...and nows he's on fire.." I breathed, tilting my head as I watched them. "I don't think they're suppose to do that..." The fire truck was still running towards us...knocking people over, and his flames just looked bigger. He was heading towards that other hider..the shiny blue flame one.

"No! Don't hug him! You're on fire! Stop...Drop and Roll! STOP DROP AND ROLL!" I yelled, as the fiery bot gave the fire one a really big hug...like a huge hug. It sorta looked like a football tackle...almost. Though that didn't make sense! The sandy car was in the military like Daddy, so they had to be friends. Maybe he tripped? I would trip if I was on fire.

I watched as the two hiders fell to the ground, and rolled off the bridge we were on.

"...Sam..I..they fell." I whispered, trying to look over the bridge but Bee was speeding really fast now. "Bee! You're gonna get us arrested!" I screamed back at him, hitting the seat as I tried to look over the bridge. He was going too fast! I couldn't see those other two bots anymore, just the big hole where they fell. I hope they didn't get hurt too much.

"Shut up Jaycee! J-just shut up!" Sam yelled, and I stuck my tongue out at him. He didn't have to be rude about it!

They all were being to rude! No one was worried about the bots who just died! They were too busy yelling at me!


I didn't need them anyway! I had Daddy...

"Hey..wheres Daddy?" I asked, looking around. I couldn't see the fancy cars anymore..I lost them after the other one turned into a robot. Bee was going so fast now too, I wonder if we missed our exit.

::Sit back and hold on.:: Bee order suddenly, and I felt the seatbelt tighten on my back.

"Bee..I can't..sit like this.." I muttered, my belly pressed tightly against the back of the seat.

I was backwards sitting.

Though I guess that means I still get too look out the window! Though nothing much was happening now...

It took awhile but we exited the inter-steak finally! I could see the other cars keep going straight though..I guess we were splitting up?

I looked out behind us as the buildings started getting taller. We must be heading into the city!

Bee was slowing down now too, because a lot more cars were appearing now..tarrfic. Cities had a lot of tarffic, that's why Mommy didn't like driving into them.

Plus she said I was never a good rider.

I didn't know what she was talking about though! I thought I was really fun!

Everyone liked it when you made truck-er-trailers honk at you really loudly. It was like making friends on the road without talking...but Mommy called it annoying.

Bee turned down a street and the number of cars kinda went down. Now they were all just on the sides, parked up and down like squished little ants.

::Get ready...gonna move fast..:: Bee called at us as he stopped. He loosened his grip on me, so I turned around before he tightened it again. The military cars were back! "Air Force has arrived pop smoke!" I heard Daddy yell and I started to crawl towards the door, grinning. "Daddy!" I yelled, seeing him step outta his car. We found them again!

I put the cube in Bee's seat, before Bee let me out and ran at him. "Quiet Jay..ok." He murmured, bending down at me. His eyes were really serious..like soldier serious. I nodded, giving Daddy a salute, and he rubbed my head, and smiled.

But it wasn't his normal smile though. Not the one I saw when he got off the airplane or when we played. This one was smaller, and sorta sad looking.

It wasn't a strong smile.

I felt something grab my hand tightly, and I looked up. Daddy was standing up now, his hand around mine tightly. "It's gonna be alright Jay." He smiled at me and I smiled back. "I know! It's always alright with you." I nodded, squeezing his hand tightly.

That's when Uncle Epps began to talk.

"Raptor Raptor..do you copy?" Uncle Epps was speaking into a walkie-talkie.

All I heard was a 'whoosh' sound though, sorta like a plane at the base Mommy goes too. I felt my hair fly around, and I quickly brushed it away as I looked up towards the sky.

"We have you visual. Green smoke is the mark. Provide air-cover and Vector Black-hawks for extraction" Epps said as a plane flew up. We had green smoke all around us.

It sorta felt like the the Wizard of Oz! I looked up to tell Daddy, but I heard that clicking noise again.

The hider clicking noise.

My eyes scanned to find who it was, and I grinned when it was the black hider. "Daddy I know him!" I whispered, pulling on his sleeve, but he wasn't listening.

He was being a soldier..not a Daddy.

I'd have to tell him later.

That's when I looked towards Uncle Epps, but his face was sorta strange. "Please tell me you copy.." He murmured into the radio.

"IT'S STARSCREAM! back up..take cover." The black robot yelled, moving his arms at us and I saw Bumblebee step next to him. "Bumblebee!" He motioned, and I watched as everyone started to scream and run away. They were all really loud.

I mean I loved ice cream too..but not THIS much.

I wanted to cover my ears, but I felt something yank me really hard.

"No no no! MOVE!" Daddy suddenly yelled as we watched the robots pick up another truck-er-trailer.

"BACK UP! BACK UP!" The black hider was yelling at us as they lifted it up towards the sky. There was this toy on the side of it, I think. Though I didn't get to see really good cause I was being yanked backwards away from them all. Everyone was screaming..it was starting to hurt.

"Retreat! Fall Back!" Daddy yelled, scooping my up over his shoulder as he ran away from the robots.

It was all so quick.

All I heard was a whoosh sound after that, and two loud crashes before my ears started to ring.

I dunno what happened next..just that my head hurt a lot and I felt dirt all over me. It was in my eyes and mouth. My head felt dizzy..and I was looking at the ground.

Did I fall down?

I don't remember...just that I was being carried by...

"Daddy?" I coughed, trying to stand up but my arms hurt really bad.

They were all itchy.

"Anybody hurt? Everyone OKAY?" I heard another voice call, but it was all muffled. People were screaming all over the place.

I wish they would stop. It was getting too loud, and scary.

"Jay? JAYCEE!?" I heard Daddy call in all the yells. He seemed really far away..so I screamed as loud as I could. I felt two arms scoop me up, and my head wobble before I looked at him..Daddy was brushing my hair back. "You okay sweetie?..Jay? You alright?" He murmured, and I nodded slowly.

"I feel like..I fell off my bike..really hard." I murmured. He smiled, hugging me tightly as he held onto me. "It's alright Jay..come on." He murmured, grabbing my hand before dragging me away.

My legs felt all wobbly, and I kept tripping over rocks in the road.

I don't think we ran far though, because soon Daddy ducked down next to Uncle Epps..and I was flung onto his lap. "What the hell was that?" He yelled , pushing Epps away. I fell back on the floor, pressing myself up against the slab really tightly like I did when I played laser tag. I leaned against Daddy.

He had his scary voice on.

"What are you talking about?"

"What do you mean what am I talking about? They shot at us!"

"F-22 Pilots would never fly below building. That's alien. That ain't friendly."

That's when Daddy looked at me, holding my arm tightly as he shook it. "Just get the airforce!"He ordered Epps, looking down at me as he rubbed my arm. "It'll be okay Jay. I'm right here ok." He murmured as Epps was talking into the walkie again.

I just nodded. "Daddy..stop the screaming." I murmured, covering my face into his side.

Though it didn't help.

Cause those noises happened again. Loud shots started to sound really fast, and I felt the cement behind me lurch up as it got hit. I whimpered, I just wanted to go home. I didn't like this. It was too loud and scary..everyone was yelling and screaming. It was like when Mommy and Daddy fought.

I just wanted to go and hide. This was too scary.

"Come on..Move out! Let's Go!" Daddy suddenly called after a minute, and bent down. "Grab on." He nodded, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he stood up. "Whatever you do. Don't let go." He ordered and I nodded, squeezing his neck to tell him I heard him as he ducked behind one of those military cars. I pressed myself against him.

"Don't look up Jay, alright?" Daddy yelled, and I just nodded slowly. I didn't know if I wanted to look up.

"Concentrate your fire!" Daddy yelled. I looked up anyway, we were behind a car, and Daddy has his guns pointed at a giant robot.

He was shooting again...they were killing again.

Killing the giant robots.

There were a lot now actually. The black one was there too..and a yellow one. They were shooting the guy down..and so were all of Daddy's men.

"Is he down?" Uncle Epps asked, the green one had just shot two things from his arms knocking the tank down.

"Got another one coming in!" A soldier yelled, and Daddy looked around for it.

"It's Megatron Move!" The yellow bot yelled. "Fall back!"

Daddy started backing up, watching as the mean robot came into view. I knew this one too. It was the one from the base...the meanie.

"Fall back!" Daddy yelled, waving his hands, just as a 'spolosion made the ground shake and a silver bot was thrown at us.

"Get out of here! Go!" Daddy yelled as he turn and ran. I was still looking back though. I turned my head. I saw that robots eyes look at me, and they sorta glimmered. I wanted to reach back at him..to tell him to get back up but Daddy was moving away too fast. We stopped for a minute, because a car came at us. Daddy started yelling "Get out of here! Go!" to the driver, but I was watching the robot.

His eyes were that deep blue, and they were lighting up again. "Come on!" I tried to call at him, but the meanie one was picking him up. And it wasn't a nice pick-up either..he was rough. Like Ana with her toys.

"Put him down!" I yelled, tears pricking my eyes. This was not nice. There was too much screaming and crying. It was scary. I just wish they all would go away. All the meanies bots should just leave. The silver bot looked at me, I watched as he gave me a small smile.

It looked sorta like Daddy's.

I didn't know what to do. Daddy was running away again, and the silver bot was getting smaller. I dunno why, but I felt really sad.

He didn't deserve this.

Daddy ducked behind another car, looking at one of his soldiers. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Sir that tank thing is getting back up." The man said. I felt Daddy shake his head. "These things just don't die.." He mumbled, turning around so he could look back towards the hider again.

Did we want them to die now?

Was Daddy killing people?

I looked back toward where the fighting was going on. There were more of them now, a lot more, but my silver bot was gone.

I hope he ran away.


"Oh we're so dead." Daddy mumbled quietly.

Maybe he was dead.

No! He wouldn't! Good guys don't die! Daddy's friends don't die..


"Daddy?" I murmured, squeezing him tightly but he didn't answer. Instead he started yelling again. "Fall back. On me!" He ordered, running back down the street away from them all. "Sam!" He called, looking over his soldier as another blast happened and people screamed. "Where's the cube?" Daddy asked, stopping in front of Sam.

They were at a tow truck..I dunno why.

Where was Bumblebee?

"It's right there." Sam nodded, and Dad slipped me off his back.

"Okay..Jay just stay here.." He ordered, and I shook my head. "No..." I whispered, trying to grab onto him, but he was already walking towards Sam again.

I didn't want Daddy to leave. Not again. Not here. I couldn't move towards him though. My legs felt all jello.

This wasn't fun at all.

I looked over for Bee, he was sitting on the ground. The girl was tying something around him.."Why isn't..." I began to ask but stopped..his..legs..

"He's legs..a-a-are gone." I murmured gently, my body starting to shake. They were missing. Like missing..missing. "Sam..Bee's..legs.." I gasped, my throat feeling tight. The fighting. Bee lost his legs in the fighting, that's why he wasn't moving.

The missions did this..Daddy's mission.

They were all screaming..and crying..and yelling. Meanies just took you away..or...or broke you.

I took a step towards the bot, but ended up just falling on him. Right where his legs were suppose to be. "You..don't have legs..and y-your friend was carried away..and everyone is screaming." I murmured, shaking as I held onto Bee. The hider just cooed softly, reaching out a hand to rub my head but I shook it away.

"I wanna go home now..we can stop the mission okay? I'm done playing." I whispered.

It didn't end though.

I could hear Daddy yelling behind me..and the screams too. All the screams and sirens and guns.

"You're a soldier now. Alright, I need you to take this cube, get it into military hands. While we hold them off. Or a lot of people are going to die."

Daddy was a lot better at being a soldier than I thought. He wasn't scared at all. Not like I was.

I could hear him yelling at the girl now.

"You gotta go. You gotta go."


"You Gotta Go."

"No! I'm not..No I'm not leavin until I get Bumblebee out of here okay."

"Fine...look. Just take Jaycee with you okay. Get yourself and her to safety..alright. Hurry up." Daddy ordered, before I felt Bee lift me up gently.

That's when Daddy grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "Jay..I want you to know Daddy loves you okay. I need you to go with her right now though..I promise I'll come find you okay." He murmured and I shook my head.

"No..don't leave.." I choked out. I didn't want to leave him. Not again. It was scary without him.

"Jay..listen. I have to go. I need you to be a solider okay. Now just go with Bumblebee...and listen. alright?"

I just nodded. "Good. Good girl. I love you Jay. Don't forget that."

I didn't want to tell him that I didn't know if I could still be a soldier.

I didn't know if I could not be scared like he was, but I guess I had too.

I had to be his soldier.

That's why I watched him go. Back to Epps and back to being a soldier.

It's what a soldier would have done.

I looked towards the girl, she was still tying Bee up. "Miss.." My voice shook, barely above a whisper. "Here..Jaycee get in the car alright just stay there." The girl ordered, and I just nodded numbly.

Okay. Those were my orders.

I could do that.

Because I was a soldier.

The inside of the truck smelled back, and the seats were all torn up.

I felt the ground shake as another boom went off. I was doing as told. It'd be okay. Daddy wouldn't leave me where it wasn't ok. I just had to stay here.

"Girl get that tow truck outta here!"

"I'm going! I'm going!"

"Get out of here now!"

The next boom was closer..a lot closer. The whole truck shook at it.

It was like a thunderstorm..all loud and rumbly. And the bigger the crash, the closer the storm was. I bet it was that tank meanie. He was the thunder...he was getting closer to us now.

That's when the girl came in though, and she slammed the door.

"Is Bumblebee going to be okay? We're not leaving him right?"

"It's going to be okay, alright. I'm going to get you outta here." She promised, before putting the car in drive. I looked back to see Bee behind us, riding in the back of the truck. I wonder if it felt weird for him to ride..he was car. I bet he just drove himself around all the time.

Though I guess if he wasn't too comfy with it, it was alright. Cause we didn't drive for long, she stopped after we got in an ally. We only took one turn I think.

I looked over at her, she had her head on the steering-wheel and was crying.

I wanted to cry too.

We could still hear the explosions near us. I could still hear Daddy screaming near us.

He'd want me to be a solider right now, especially with the girl. She was sorta like Mommy in a way..I had to be strong near Mommy.

"Hey..Miss...it's ok." I murmured, reaching to pat her shoulder. "Daddy's gonna win and beat all those bad hiders...a-and Sam's gonna be okay too. I promise."

The girl took a deep breath after that, and than she looked back at Bee. I looked back too, he was nodding at us. I dunno why. Maybe he agreed with me..but I don't think so, because then they both looked at me.

"You need to get out."


"No just get out okay. Stay here..don't move."

I slipped out of the car. Daddy told me to listen to her. "But."


I looked at Bumblebee for help, but he just nodded. I think he agreed with her, so I nodded too.

Daddy trusted her..I think, and he made her my super.

Even though she drove away and left me alone.



Hey! How'd you like it?

Battle...is fun? Especially when you're like 4..5?

Yea..so tell me how it is!


I seriously love it when I hear from you.

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