Secret Garden (COMPLETE)

By donutandfries

111K 5.4K 1.1K

"It is told through time that everyone has a garden. A garden they share with the one person they're meant to... More



4.9K 262 34
By donutandfries

Marinette bit her lip as Adrien guided her into the restaurant. He sat her down and she held her head down. He lifted a brow as their waiter put down their menus and filled their waters. "Order when ready." Their waiter walked off and Adrien looked at Marinette as she bit her lip.

"What's wrong?"

Marinette POV

I bite my lip as I move my head form side to side. I get small blurbs of color sometimes, but mostly darkness. I face Adriens voice. I want to feel his face again. He seemed so pretty. "What's wrong?" His voice is soft. I imagine him with pierced ears.

"I feel eyes on me." I know people are staring, even if I can't see it, I can feel it. The thumping of the floor is making me lose my sense of direction so I cross my legs on the seat, resting my hand on the table. He rests his hand near mine and I jump at the contact.

"They're staring at me, Mari. Don't worry," he laughs. "What do you want to eat?"

"Well where are we so I can get a sense of where we are." I roll my eyes and he laughs. I hear a flap. He lifts his menu.

3rd Person POV

"We're at Costal."

"I've never eaten here." Marinette lifted her menu and acted like she was reading it.

"I can ask for a menu in brail if you want?" She nodded her head and their waiter walked back to them. "Do you have menus in brail?"

"Yes we do." He held his hand behind him.

"Can we get one?" Adrien asked. "She's blind."

"Of course," he took Marinettes menu and replaced it. "Call me when you're ready to order." He walked off and Marinette ran her fingers over the bumps spelling out each word.

"What do you want?" Adrien asked and Marinette hummed as she ran her fingers over the meats.

"A steak," she ran her fingers over the bumps saying the price. "But it's so much."

"Well I'm paying for it all so get whatever you want," Adrien smiled and Marinette bit her lip. A few minutes passed and their waiter came back. "I'll have the chicken salad and she'll have the T-bone steak, medium rare?" Marinette nodded and he took the menus and disappeared into the back. Adrien held Marinettes hand on the table and she lifted her head up.

• • •

Adrien walked next to Marinette, gently holding her hand as he walked her to the bakery. Marinette giggled into her wrist as Adrien finished his joke. He smiled at her laugh. "Mari."

"Y-Yeah?" She giggled.

"What exactly do you see?" She faced him and bit her lip.

"Nothing. I don't see black or white or anything. It's either light or dark. If there's a light I see it but if they're not then it's dark."

"How long have you been blind?"

"My whole life." Her voice was soft.

"Why don't you use a cane? Or a seeing eye dog?" He asked.

"I trip of my cane and my school doesn't allow dogs period." Marinette sighed.

"Chloe always seems to be there though," Marinette giggled. "What do you dream about?"

"I usually just feel things around me. The floor vibrating, people's voices, the feel of a surface. I don't see anything." Adrien hummed as they continued to walk to the bakery.

"Do my questions make you uncomfortable?" Adrien asked.

"Sometimes." Marinette sweetly smiled down.

"How did you know you're blind?" Adrien asked softly.

"I didn't at first. I thought it was normal for people not to see anything but lights. When I was about seven I was facing the sky and felt the warm of the sky and this girl asked if she saw the bunny shaped cloud she saw. I said I don't see anything and she called me a freak. I came to my parents crying and they said I was blind but I didn't believe them. We were learning about being blind and deaf and nose blind and all that in school at the time. They took me to the doctors and I did an eye test and he confirmed I was blind."

They fell silent.


"For what?"

"For asking so many questions."

"Sometimes it's good to ask questions," Marinette giggled. "It's good to question everything, even when you can't see."

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