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Marinette hummed as she dressed herself in the outfit Sabine laid out for her. She walked down the stairs to her room and noticed the heavy air in the small dining room. She felt the floor thump and knew she wasn't alone. "Hello?"

"Marinette dear," Sabine placed her hand on Marinettes shoulder, a smile plastered on her face. "We have great news."

"What about?" Sabine lead her to the couch and Marinette sat down, her hands at her sides.

"Your doctor called," Marinette hummed, knowing it could be a number of things. Her eyes got better, they got worse, they'll have to sew her eyelids shut, etc. "You're on the list."

"What list?" Marinette asked.

"Remember when you were seven and your doctor confirmed your eyes?" She nodded in her Fathers direction. "Well we put you on a list to get a new pair of eyes but it was full so we had to wait."

"You're finally on it." Sabine smiled and Marinette softly smiled back.

"Where am I on it?"

"Towards the bottom but that's because we asked for eyes that were the same color as yours-"

"I'm getting a completely new set of eyes!" Marinette yelled. "I want my eyes! Can't they just replace my pupils!"


"No!" Marinette yelled. "I might not be able to see but I'm not dumb! I want to keep my eyes! I don't want anyone else's! Only mine!" She stormed out of the house, past the school and stumbled her way around. Students watched as she marched by and around the building as the school bell rang, whispering that she's lost. She walked to her garden and bursted through the door, crumbling to the ground and crying into her lap.

• • •

Marinette fumbled with her lock. Someone messed it up so now she couldn't get her locker open. Her eyes were puffy as she tugged on the lock, doing her combination that never worked. She kicked her locker and leaned against it, sliding down the side of it and crying into her knees. She heard the door open and footsteps and dug her head further into her knees. She felt the floor vibrate as banging on lockers got louder.

Nino jumped as he looked at Marinette on the ground crying. He took off his headphone and held his hand to his heart. "You scared me damn Marinette," she hummed as she dug her head into her knees. "Ms.Bustier sent me to get you. Mylene said you walked by the school this morning but Alix said she saw you walk in here."

Marinette huffed as she rested her arms on her knees, her nose tucked into her arms. "Funny, saw."

"I-I-I-I didn't mean it like that I-"

"It's fine Nino." Marinette looked in his direction.

"How do you-"

"I hear your voice and someone says your name," He nodded as he looked down at her. "Why are you still here?" He was stuck looking in her eyes. They were a really, really pretty blue but her pupils were grey, spreading out into the blue.

"Ms.Bustier wanted me to get you," Marinette huffed as she stood up and faced her locker again, trying to do her combination again. "Chloe messed with your lock this morning."

"Go figures."

"Do you know your combination? I can do it for you," Marinette nodded and fed it to him and he did it. He threw the lock inside then Marinette grabbed her textbook. "Lets just leave your lock off."

"Yeah," Marinette lowered her head as they walked. "Where do you sit in the classroom?"

"In front of you," he laughed. "Someone new sat in your seat by the way," she hummed as they walked into the classroom, Ms.Bustier walking past them in the hall to talk to Mr.Damocles. Marinette stumbled to her seat and kept her head down as a paper ball hit her head. She flinched as the ball threw her off balance and she tripped on the first step. Nino caught her and glared at Chloe. "Stop bullying her!" He yelled as he helped Marinette stand.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Chloe yelled as she threw another ball.

"She's blind, Chloe! Stop being so heartless!" Nino shouted and Marinette stumbled up to her seat.

"Oh yeah? Then why doesn't she have a cane? Or that dog thing?"

"You broke her cane and you got dogs banned from the school!" Nino yelled as Marinette sat in her seat.

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