Loco Poco

By GotDream7

586 97 106

Meet Keegan McCallean, the bizzare girl who is best at running awa y from trouble. She is the one who makes l... More

¤ Poco rhymes with Loco ¤
¤ Mood Swinger ¤
¤ Friends ¤
¤ Carnival ¤
¤ Thank You ¤
¤ What F.E.A.R really means? ¤
^ Secret ^
^ Jealousy ^
^ Propose ^

^ Strong ^

42 7 11
By GotDream7

Keegan was surprised with Xael’s act. She was wondering why he was so nice to him, was it really okay to share her problems with him?

She was suddenly pulled out of her deep thoughts when Xael whispered her name.

“Xael, please leave me alone. I don’t wanna burden you with my problems.” Keegan said to Xael who stood in front of her.

“Kea. Please don’t be so stubborn. Just tell me when you are ready, I’m fine with it. Okay? Don’t worry about it.” Xael said.

Keegan was surprised at his kindness. After all, she was not used to it.
Xael smiled at Keegan and she forced a smile back.

As Keegan was about to leave the room, Xael started talking. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to face him.

“It was my 18th birthday, April. It was a stormy night and the wind was blowing so hard against the windows in my house. It was the night that my whole life changed. It was not without a reason that I was labelled as a “bad boy” in my previous school. I am now embarrassed about the things I did before. I don’t know why I was so stupid that time.” Xael shared his past with a smile on his face.

“Why are you telling me all this now?” Keegan questioned in a serious tone.

“I actually want you to understand that life is complicated, but what you have to do is face your problems. You know what my life turned me into? A bad boy. I never thought things would turn out this way. But look at the person I am today. I just stood up to my problems and today I am so happy, it was the best choice I ever made.” Xael replied to Keegan softly.

She was shocked. She could bring no words to her mouth. Xael continued his story.

“Do you know why I was labelled as “the bad boy”, why my whole life changed, why I’m here?” He questioned to Keegan.

She shook her head as no for all these questions.

“My...my dad... He passed away. He left me alone with my mom. It was a sudden death and you know it happened on my 18th birthday. My dad was his usual self that night. He planned a party with my favorite chocolate chipped cake and desserts, drinks. My dad, my mom and I, we all enjoyed the party as usual.” A sad smile formed on his face. His green eyes was filled with sorrows and sadness. He tried his best to hide all his emotions in front of her.

“Later that night, I heard someone crying. The house was so silent. I made my way downstairs. I saw my mom. She was hysterical, crying so loud. I hurried to her and before I asked her the questions in my mind, she hugged me tightly. I knew something bad had happened. I asked her where dad was but she couldn’t reply. So I made my way to his room. Nothing was out of place. He was lying down on his bed, eyes closed. I went closer to him and called his name but he didn’t respond. I kept calling his name and trying to shake him awake but there was still no reply. I started panicking. Deep inside, I knew that he was gone but I didn’t want to believe it. I couldn’t. How could I believe that someone I just spent such beautiful moments with, could be taken away so suddenly and cruelly? After that day, my life changed. I didn’t know how it happened. I felt so sluggish and started skipping my classes; something I had never done before. I started to hang out with the wrong crowd. I started to get drunk with them, staying awake till long past midnight and coming home late. My mom noticed the changes but she didn’t say anything. I knew she didn’t have the energy to deal with me, she was so disappointed after dad…”

“Did your mom really act like that? She seems like such a strong woman. And how did things come back to normal?” Keegan started questioning. She was curious about Xael’s past.

“Days passed like that. My mom got complaints from school because of me and I thought she’d just given up but one day when I was getting ready for school, she came to my room and talked to me. She told me that she would never give up on me and that I deserved more happiness than this. She wanted to start anew and decided to move here. That’s what I also wanted. I wanted to move on and to prove to dad that I could...no, we, could live without him. We could live much happily. So that’s it..” Xael looked into her face.

“How did you get through that? It’s just so hard for me to forget the things that happen to me. It really hurts…” Keegan broke the silence between them.

“I know moving on is a hard, but if you work hard to be a better person then I’m sure god will help you. Keegan, that’s the thing I want to tell you. I know your life is messed up but don’t waste your time thinking about why bad things happens to you. If you need anything I am here to help. You can trust me.” Xael put his hand on Keegan’s and gave her a smile that made her forget all her problems.
Xael moved forward and, still holding her hand, started walking.

“Now, where do you want to take me?” Keegan asked in a surprised tone.

“Let’s go somewhere to grab some food. I’m starving.”

Xael headed towards his bike and handed Keegan a helmet. A minute later, they were driving through their traffic towards a restaurant.

A/N note
Hello, thanks all for the support. Keep reading and don't forget to vote and comment.
Take care..love you all!!! 😊❤

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