Tenerife Sea ~ H.Potter

By wonderswoman

133K 4.7K 995

She didn't quite know what love was. She didn't quite understand it either. But what Harry Potter knew was th... More

P A R T | O N E
P A R T | T W O


3.5K 143 28
By wonderswoman

Tenerife Sea

Edith Ambermathy wasn't so sure what to expect after the trial meeting. She had left alongside Albus Dumbledore, wondering where he would be taking her. After all she seemed to have dropped everything to come along with the wise man and the girl was very determined to find some sort of answers to do with her magical history. Or if she even had any, the teenage girl was very much confused. Her head spun in all directions as the bitter taste of bile built up in her throat as her arms were linked with the Wizards as they traveled through magic once again. After one time the girl was still not used to this way of travel, she didn't even know what it was called. Edith wasn't so used to magic in general, after all she had just found out about it not long ago. The girl was still trying to think of a way that magic was even possible. So far she had come up with magical fairies that sprayed magic dust around the world, this was thought up due to the pure boredom the girl went through during Harry Potter's trial meeting where she sat and listened most of the time, other than the period where she spoke. Do they even have fairies in this world? Edith thought her mind wandering off into different directions at once, until they were interrupted by Dumbledore clearing his throat, his faint blue eyes focused on what was before them. Edith's eyes scanned a large castle before her, with towers that reached the clouds and buildings that connected from one to the other that reached farther back than her vision could ever see. Her breath hitched in her throat as her mouth formed into a a large O, She stood in front of a a large metal black gate that looked to be the entrance to this magnificent structure. "Welcome to Hogwarts Ms.Ambermathy," Dumbledore spoke clearly his eyes filled with a look of love and familiarity, he was home. The gates before the two began to open slowly, creaking with the sounds of old metal. Edith's eyes widened larger then they were before, the chocolate color in them seemed to swirl with wonder at the magically opening gates. As if a new world had just opened up to her, a world she knew that she wasn't even supposed to be seeing. The fiery haired girl ran her fingers through her long mane, tossing it to one side of her neck leaving the other side bare as she followed the wizard along the cobblestone path. Getting closer and closer towards the medieval looking castle, dark and mysterious looking but at the same time magical. Entering from what looked like a large side entrance into the castle, the stone walls were brick as floating candles lit the pathway for the two individuals to walk through. Her eyes still wide with wonder as her mouth closed, only because the girls throat was becoming dry.

"Now Ms.Ambermathy, I will need to require you with just a few rules to this castle." Dumbledore said clearly his eyes focused on the path ahead of them. Edith nodded her head in reply to his words. "The forbidden forest is completely off bounds, as well as the third-floor corridor." He spoke strictly as the two came to the end of the hall to an opened door which met them with staircases upon staircases. That looked as if they led up and down to nowhere at all through the castle. Edith glanced above her at the moving picture frames, each one having a different story to tell, As well as different people moving along with them. The girls eyes opened and closed rapidly not believing the sight she was seeing. Wanderlust filled her veins with the want to explore, the girl was so used to wanting to find the secrets of other people she had forgotten about the secrets of places. For she knew very well that this place, was an archive of secrets. "If you are in need of anything I will have Dobby the house elf tend to your needs." At the mention the elf a loud whirling sound was heard just a few feet away from the man. "Dobby heard his name master," A small creature who reached just about to Edith's knees said. His skin wrinkled in almost a papery grey tan color, with only what seemed like a loose cloth to cover his body. Large light green colored eyes made up most of his face with floppy ears that sat at the sides of his head. Many would call such a creature absolutely hideous, but to Edith he was actually quite cute in her own eyes. "Yes Dobby please report Ms.Ambermathy to her sleeping quarters, show her around a bit if you will" Dumbledore requested, "As you wish professor."

"Ms.Ambermathy," The small elf spoke as he bowed down in front of her as if she was some formal guest. Edith giggled at the sight of the elf her smile wide causing his eyes to light up. "You can call me Edith, Dobby." She said still smiling widely.

"Oh of course, Ms. Edith Ambermathy," He said once again causing her to giggle another time. The house elf took the young girls hand into his much smaller one as he began to guide her towards the stairs away from the professor. The large marble staircases led to places that Edith did not know of as she looked down at her feet trying her hardest not to trip, Dobby pulling her along with him. Suddenly the staircase beneath her began to shake, the girl let out a loud shriek letting go of the little elf's hand. which caused many of the living figures in the paintings to cover there ears making a grimaced look on their faces. The girls eyes widened in fear as the staircase lifted it self up from the wall that it was once attached to as another one came in to connect along with it. "What the bloody-" The ginger haired girl yelled as her eyes winded in complete and utter shock as the stair cases began to rest at their new locations. "I don't think we should be using that language here Ms.Edith Ambermathy." Dobby said cutting her off taking her hand into his once again pulling the terrified girl along with him off the staircases. Which did relieve once they were far away from them. The girl knew very well that she would be getting stuck in an endless loop of staircases if she were to ever try to get on them again. Alas the two stopped at a large dark wood door, with an golden like engraved door knob.

"Flicker snaps," The house elf said as the door opened up to her revealing a large king sized bed. Velvet red drapes framed the large clear glass windows. A white loose canopy hung above the bed with wooden bannisters that swirled with curled designs. Candles floated in every corner lighting up the room in places the sunlight wasn't able to reach. A burning fire place towards the right side of the room surrounded by four large ruby colored couches with golden tasseled ends, a line of tattered books and a large picture frame of a man wearing a blood colored coat with a dangerously long beard, hung above the fire place. Edith stared into the mans dark colored eyes, her eyebrow raised in suspicion as she waited for the man to start moving like all the other pictures had done. After five minutes of waiting and complete silence, "Now that is just not fair," Edith said slightly disappointed she didn't have a talking picture in her bedroom, she was actually looking forward to having some nice conversations with such a boss looking man. He looked like he had things in control, which Edith needed to know much of. The young girl was just letting everything settle in once again, the moving stairs, the house elves, the magic. She had thought she had gotten to see almost everything, but that was never going to be the case. She knew that now, their would always be more. For that excited the young girl, but also put a small feeling of fear at the bottom of her chest. She would never be able to know all about this world, she was so used to knowing. "That is a shame," Dobby said sighing slightly causing the girl to jump in place. Edith completely forgot that the house elf was at her side this whole time.

Wooden doors that looked to reach up to twenty feet from the ground stood before them, the girl unaware of what was behind the incredibly large doors. "This Ms.Edith Ambermathy is the dining hall." Dobby introduced as the elf stood on the tips of his toes to open up the door as he slid through the small opening he had created, the girls fingertips quickly gripped the wood so she could let herself in following behind the elf. The dining hall was magnificent. Lengthy wooden bench like tables started from one end of the hall and not ending till the other end of the large room. The muggle girl could only imagine how the tables looked cramped with thousands of chattering students, alive with smiles and magic. She could only imagine.

"Pumpkin pasty, Ms. Edith Ambermathy?" Dobby asked turning around towards her, a silver platter filled with baked pastries in his hands. Her eyes averted to the table behind him as other elves that looked just the same as Dobby set down silverware and dishes, a small buffet of different foods that she had never seen before, as well as some that she found familiar. "Yes please," Edith replied as she took a small pasty into her hands sitting down at the table. She looked down to her left and then to her right empty seating all around her. As house elves continued to bring trays upon trays of food to her lone table. Edith watched as Dobby set the tray of desserts down before her. Dusting the cloth that wrapped around his body with his tiny hands, as he turned to walk away. "Dobby," Edith called out. "Yes Ms.Edith Ambermathy?" he said turning his head back to look at her quicker than she ever expected him too. "Would you like to join me?"

"Really?" The small elf replied his eyes widening as small tears began to form, no one had ever been so kind to him just after meeting the elf before. "Of course," Edith said smiling patting the seat next to her as she pushed her plate so it sat in middle of the area, soon to be between the two figures. Dobby smiled widely his eyes happier than they ever had been in a long time as he joined the ginger haired girl at her side.

That night the Ambermathy girl stirred in her sleep. Her mind active with images and words that she had never dreamt of before. Her mind active with people she had never seen before.

"Severus, she's just so mean to me." A small pale girl stated her ginger colored hair weaving in soft waves through the green grass her back was pressed against. The thin floral patterned dress she wore spread in all directions against the Earth. Her emerald colored eyes squinted as she looked away from the beaming star above them. She was light. A much longer boy laid beside her his shiny black hair stopped above his sharp chin. His eyes black in color as his pale skin contrasted against the light that her body emitted. "She's just jealous that you're special and she's just boring." he stated. He was dark. "Don't say that Sev!" The young girl whined as she rolled her eyes. No matter how rude her sister was to her, she never liked anyone saying something rude about Petunia. "It's the truth Lily," Severus rolled his inky colored eyes back at the girl. The two were very much what you would call a strange sight. A girl like Lily Evans would never be seen with a boy like Severus Snape. That was a fact that the dark boy knew very well, if she were to ever be taken away from him then he wouldn't know what to do anymore. She was his only friend, the only person that he could talk to without glaring or being glared at. The only person that seemed to understand him, understand the way he talked, understand the way he thought. She was the only one. For the girls light was like an addiction, she brung warmth and the feeling of happiness every where she went. The same warmth that had Severus wrapped around and knotted in. Lily Evans was his light and he didn't want her to be anyone else's either.

"But thank you anyways Sev," Lily her green colored eyes looking into his as she gave him a small smile with her pink flushed lips. The boy smiled back at her giving her a slight nod as he turned his head to look back up towards the sky, the sun becoming blocked by a few grey colored clouds. Anyone could see it anyone at all. Anyone could see the love that the boy who looked as if he could not love a thing had for the ginger haired girl. Anyone but the young girl who he loved. The girl who loved everything around her from the grass to the animals, the girl who herself didn't know if she loved him the way that he loved her.

Edith Ambermathy had already become lost. After one day at Hogwarts she didn't expect to be able to navigate the halls automatically. However she did not expect to be lost on only the stairs for more than two hours until she had to yell for Dobby to come save her. As well as have some entertaining conversations with a few picture frames on her way there. The little elf was her savior indeed, he took her hand like he usually did and guided her towards the office she had spent hours trying to get too. Which only happened to be a few floors down from her bedroom. For when Dobby left her in front of a large open doorway which was blocked by golden colored phoenix statue. Before the little elf left he pulled her down so her ear was close to the opening of his lips whispering two words, "Sherbert lemons." Leaving the muggle girl very confused. It's wings hugged its body in a sort of protective manner, as it stared fiercely at Edith. Edith wasn't so sure what to even do next, she had already felt so lost. An owl had flown into her bedroom early that morning, perched on the obsidian colored wood above her head. Which frightened almost to point of rolling off the side and falling off the mattress at the sight of the animal. A letter held in it's little claws, from Albus Dumbledore to report to his office. As well as a small note with directions towards her wanted destination. However Edith had never been good with written directions before.

The young girl stood outside of the Phoenix guarded archway, her fingertips traced the curves and small designs of the statue, not afraid to go up and inspect the statue. Dobby had led her to the Professors office or so he said he had. Alas Edith could not spot Dumbledore anywhere she looked, she had even spent about ten minutes looking out the window as she viewed the dark forest on the other side of Hogwarts campus, along with the lake that she swore saw large fish tails pop up and go back under. The only thing Dobby had told her was the simple two words that didn't seem like a thing to her, Sherbert lemons. "Sherbert Lemons?" Edith said out loud running her slender fingers through her tangled up hair. "What the bloody hell does that even mean?" She mumbled under her breath. At the sound of those two words, an old moving sound immersed from the Phoenix statue. The girls eyes widened as the statue moved off to one side revealing an entrance to a room, with what looked like millions of books and a desk sat in the middle on top of  wide set of stairs. . "Professor Dumbledore?" Edith asked walking into the room slightly knocking on the wall closest to her. As the girl walked more into the office the more bigger it seemed to get. The walls seem to have pushed themselves back more as they grew taller and taller. Crystal clear windows framed the tops of the ceiling allowing vast amounts of light to shine and land in beams on the granite like floors. Stone columns framed his desk creating a safe secure area around. "Ms.Ambermathy It is nice to see you again." Dumbledore spoke greeting the teenage girl as she turned quickly around to look him in the eye.  In his hands held a large leather bound book, thick with pages, that seemed to be loose and poking out from all possible sides. "Professor," Edith said following him up a few steps,  to stand in front of his desk as he stood on the other side setting the book onto the desk in front of the muggle girl. "There is no need to call me Professor, You are not my student after all." He said a small twinkle in both of his crystal blue eyes, almost so light that Edith would have thought they were glass. "Albus will simply do,"

"You my dear have quite an interesting situation." Albus stated as his worn fingers opened up the leather book in front of the girl flipping to the first page. Inside laid a weathered news paper clipping, a moving picture just like the ones Harry had. Of an much older women, her face square like and pale but it looked to be dotted with faded freckles. A few wrinkles wedged there way into her skin at the sides of her mouth. Her hair thick but fell just a little below her chin, in bouncy curls that framed her face. Edith picked up the article in her hands as she turned it to the side trying to see if she would notice anything familiar. The women had the same freckles and that she had, the same familiar jaw shape as her own. A wide smile appeared as the women tilted her head for the picture. "Who is this?" Edith whispered, the tips of her fingertips tracing the ink shaped lines of the women's face. "Her name is Alethea Aloy, your grandmother." Dumbledore responded as he slowly took the paper from Edith's hands. Setting it back into the book as he turned to the next page. There a photo burnt at the sides as the corners curled into each other, A picture of the very same women, strands of short hair falling into her face, Three different cauldrons sat on each side of her bubbling with unknown liquids and fumes. As she held her wand in one hand and with the other a book. "Top of the class she was, here at Hogwarts." Dumbledore added as he observed the picture that Edith held in between her fingers. Then in his other hand he held another picture, "Now this one is quite interesting," As Edith averted her eyes to the other photograph. Which held a captured scene of two teenagers. The same freckled face girl but this time much younger, her arm wrapped around the shoulders of a young boy. His face chiseled like a roman statue, with hair as black as night. Although they may have looked completely different from each other, the two had one thing in common. Both faces held the brightest smile that it looked like they could muster, as Edith watched the picture shift so the boy could throw his head back in laughter. "Rare that boy is," Dumbledore muttered under his breath as he set the photograph down in front of the girl. "How has your stay been Ms.Ambermathy." The professor asked, as he gathered up all the photos into a small stack sticking them back into the leather bound book. Which Edith did not know if it contained anything else, or anything else on her grandmother specifically.

"Good overall," Edith said, "However I'm pretty upset about not having a talk-" she rambled on until Dumbledore stopped the girl mid sentence. "Severus Snape will be in the corridors throughout your stay, if you need anything and Dobby is unavailable. Don't be afraid to go to him."

"Severus? okay," Edith responded, the name felt velvety and familiar on the girls tongue as she said it aloud. "Has there been any odd happenings, Ms.Ambermathy?" Albus asked as he looked her in the eye catching onto her unbalanced like nature as she spoke the name of the Potion master.

"I had a dream the other night," Edith began taking in a breath. "Of a boy named Severus and a Girl named lily, they were sitting underneath this tree talking about magic." Edith explained, her eyes averting to the ground as she squinted them slightly trying to remember the dream that she had the night before.

"Could you describe these two people you say, Lily and Severus?' Albus asked as he picked up a small ink feathered pen from the side of his desk, lining out a piece of new parchment.

"Ginger colored hair a little lighter than mine, her skin was so pale, a little too pale. Eyes emerald green."

"And the boy?'

"He was dark I would say, very dark. Hair black that reached just above his jaw. But he seemed kind, at least from what I saw that he showed her."

Albus Dumbledore was not sure of how a muggle girl could have occurring dreams of a wizards past. More specifically a wizard with a love so very passionate for a women who did not love him. For Albus knew that very well, he could see the way Snape felt about Lily whether she was here with him or if she was gone. The love the dark wizard had for the emerald eyed light almost seemed unbreakable. Although it had been unbreakable, it had been kept in a dark locked secret. So far so unshared that even the darkness himself never liked opening it up. Therefore the wise wizard was so unsure why a ginger haired muggle girl had gotten to know such a secret.

Authors Note

Hello readers, I'm sorry for not updating in forever, its actually been forever this time. And I know I use the same exact reason each time, and I've also probably have said that before too. But heres a decently long update with some important stuff and a few hints, *wink wink*. I have currently written most of this chapter at my summer camp which is coolio, so I hope you enjoy it. Thank you so much for the votes and comments I love all my readers a lot and thank you for putting up with my terrible updating. sorry for mistakes on grammar and spelling I'll fix it later.



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