Half Loved (On Hold)

By Onionluvsgarlic

62.8K 1.6K 598

What do you do and where do you go when all of a sudden, you turn into a guy? Yup. A guy. That's exactly wha... More

Half Loved ~ Author's Note
Half Loved ~ Chap 1: A Single Room
Half Loved ~ Chap 2: First Night
Half Loved ~ Chap 4: Cowboy
Half Loved ~ Chap 5: That Girl
Half Loved ~ Chap 6: Another Contact
Half Loved ~ Chap 7: Root Beer Reunion
Half Loved ~ Chap 8: I'm Toast
Half Loved ~ Chap 9: So much for Incognito
Half Loved ~ Chap 10: Solutions
Half Loved ~ Chap 11: F.W.O.S.
Half Loved ~ Chap 12: I Kissed a Girl
Half Loved ~ Chap 13: Just a Kiss
Half Loved ~ Chap 14: The Boys are Back
Half Loved ~ Chap 15: The Aftermath
Half Loved ~ Chap 16: Project Cam
Half Loved ~ Chap 17: The Call
Half Loved ~ Chap 18: The Reunion
Half Loved ~ Chap 19: Juggling Phases
Half Loved ~ Chap 20: Truth or Dare, Kiss or Tell
Half Loved ~ Chap 21: A Letter
Half Loved ~ Chap 22: Between You and Me
Half Loved ~ Chap 23: All is Fair
Half Loved ~ Chap 24: It's Not Funny
Half Loved ~ Chap 25: Pretend to be Mine
Half Loved ~ Chap 26: Turbulent Tides
Half Loved ~ Chap 27: Take a Chance in Me
Half Loved ~ Chap 28: Brittle

Half Loved ~ Chap 3: Back ride

2.5K 62 17
By Onionluvsgarlic

Hey guys! So here's another chapter of Half Loved ;) It's kinda longer so yeah :D Yay :)

When I was writing this, I was citing some differences between guys and girls. It's funny how I even researched on that haha.. Basically I give my thanks to the book Why Men Don't Listen and why Women Can't read maps... It's such an eye opener for me really :P

Anyway, I've been feeling good today :D So yeah, I'm gonna go and let you read now haha..

BTW, the pic on the right is Lily Collins, I chose her to play Andy/Carter when he was still a girl --->

SO there we go! Thanks to my new fans btw, you guys are awesome :D

Comment, like, add to your library, fan, and even vote! D Thanks guys :D


~Chap 3: Back ride~

I tried not to scream as panic took over me. What the heck am I supposed to do now?!? I can’t possibly break free. His hold on me seems to be a little too tight... Think fast Andy! Think Fast! From nowhere, Cam started murmuring incomprehensible things during his sleep. What the heck?!? Is he talking about bacon? Really now?

“Great. Things can’t possible get any worse than this right?” I told myself as I tried to wriggle free from his bear hug.

As if to irritate me more, he snuggled in closer to my back. Is he just pretending to be asleep or is he just drunk? Dang. Are guys such heavy sleepers? I dunno... last time I checked, back in my old body, I quickly woke up with a mere sound of a broken twig two houses away.

Okay, since I won’t be able to go anywhere but here, unfortunately, all I can do is listen to his unusual sleep-taking. So now he’s chasing the bacon. Seriously? I can’t help but laugh at the sounds he was making while he desperately attempted to catch the runaway bacon.


All of a sudden, I felt a warm hairy thing at the back of my neck.

AAAGGHHHH!! I screamed once as I tried to struggle away from his grip. This reaction only made him pull me tighter as he cuddled his head on my back. In an instant, I lift my feet up, making the rest of my upper body to follow. Kinda like the moves in wrestling when you’re pinned down and the referee counts to three? Yeah, those moves. The only weakness I have is my tickle spot, which of course, no one knows about. Good thing he’s still asleep. Now he wouldn’t know the effect tickling has on me.

Finally! It worked! But I guess it worked a little too well since Cam fell of the bed...

“Huh?” he said, in a confused groggy tone. “What happened?”

“Don’t mind me, I’m just uhmm... ugh...” I trailed off as he looked at me with a confused expression, seems like he’s still lost in his dream-like state. “I’m the bacon lord, and I command you to go back to sleep!”

“Okay bacon lord.” He said faintly before going back up on the bed.

I immediately take a pillow and put it between us. Fortunately, I was able to put it there in time. Now there’s a safe distance between us. Oh sweet victory! I could almost taste the sweet salty flavour of... wait a minute. All his bacon talk got me hungry. Darn. Okay, so now I’m hungry again? Maybe guys do get hungry all the time...

For a slight moment, I was able to put a safe distance between the both of us. All his moving isn’t really helping. I moved to the farthest corner of my side of the bed and waited until he stopped moving, I held my breath for quite some time until he finally stopped moving.

“Finally!” I said as I let the air escape my lungs. “Now I can sleep.”

Oh great, now I don’t have a pillow.

I closed my eyes and for a moment, I finally felt the tiring day get a hold of me. Slowly, I drifted to sleep, but I quickly woke up from all of Cam’s snoring. Greaaaat. So no movement equals snoring. What luck. I just closed my eyes and lay there, feeling the smooth silken sheets and the overly fluffy mattress.

I then took this opportunity to clear my head... now that I’m a guy, where do I go from here? Will I phase back to my girl form or will I forever be stuck in this body? After all, I’ve been a girl for most of my life, it will take a whole lot of time to get used to being a guy now... just in case I don’t phase back. Now I feel like I’ve been reincarnated or something.

What about my old life? What will my teammates think of me? I mean, I left the team... and I was their best bet on winning the club division of our rhythmic gymnastics team. Now what? I can’t stand the thought of my letting them down...

I tried not to let it sulk in but since I’m at it, why not think about what happened with... Vince. Yeah, Vince, that two timing jerk of a boyfriend.

Up till now, I still can’t think of any reason why he’d choose that slutty junior coach over me. I mean what the hell? I’ve been nothing but loyal to him. Heck, I’ve been the most perfect girlfriend I could’ve ever been. It just hurts to know that after all this time, my own coach, well sort off, and my boyfriend has been hooking up behind my back.

A tear unexpectedly escaped my eyes and immediately, I shut my eyes hard. No. I’m not gonna cry. I won’t cry. I can’t. I’m stronger than this. Even failure can’t let me cry... why would I even let them affect me? Yeah, I’m not gonna grovel and ask him to stay. I’m no second option jerk. I’m a priority, that’s how it’s always been. And that’s how I intend to keep it.

Finally, after an eternity, I felt my eyes get heavy... and slowly, I drifted to sleep...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Ey, Carter.” Cam said, pulling the sheets away from me. “You sleep like a baby. Get up already.” He whined.

“What?” I managed to say as I tried to open my eyes.

Is he for real? What time is it anyway? It seems like I’ve just had about 5 minutes of sleep... I sat up and looked askance as he opened the window.

“What the heck?!” I exclaimed as I covered my eyes. My head hurts...

“Look, I’m gonna go buy some coffee, need anything?”

“Green Tea please.” I said, as I massaged my temples.

I grabbed some bills and handed it to Cam but he just stood there with a weird expression plastered on his face.


“Nothing nothing.” he said, rolling his eyes. Pshh, weird guy. What’s up with him?

I stood up gently, clutching the headboard for support. From the looks of it, I hadn’t had much sleep after all. This headache’s proof enough of that. I decided to take a quick shower in hopes of relieving myself. Well... it didn’t completely remove the headache but at least I can walk properly now.

I changed into a plain white shirt, some jeans, which are a tad too loose for me, and a pair of black chucks. Great. Basically, the only thing I’m wearing now which actually belong to me are my chucks. Oh my homey chucks. I then stepped out of the bathroom, only to see Cam sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Took you long enough.”

 “Didn’t feel like moving. Still homesick I guess.”

What? Where did that come from? I wasn’t even homesick... well, maybe I miss my team, they’ve practically been my home, but no, I’m not homesick. But sick of home? Yeah, that’s more like it. I don’t want to go back to all those lectures about how natural it was to phase and how I should accept it. It’s a freakin curse for crying out loud, they can’t just expect me to let it all pass.

“Bad morning?” Cam said as he handed me my tea. “I didn’t sleep that well last night too.”

Oh really? With all the snoring and all the bacon catching? That was his idea of not sleeping well?

“I woke up with a major back ache.” He said, massaging his back with his hand.

Oops... now that, I’m accountable for... sorry.

“Too bad.” I said nonchalantly, taking a sip from my tea. “WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!?” I said, cringing at the taste of the alien concoction in my hand.

In an instant, Cam burst out laughing.

“Is this some kind of joke?”I accused.

“Nope. I just got what you asked me to get.” He said casually.

“Well this tastes like tree bark or something.”

“How in the world would you know what tree bark tastes like?” he asked incredulously.

“Never mind.” I said, throwing the cup away.

“I knew you were still half asleep when you asked for green tea. It’s impossible for someone to stand the taste of that.” He said in disgust. “That’s why I got you this.” He said, handing me another cup.

“What’s this?”

“You still had some change so I got you some coffee.”

“Oh, thanks.” I said, taking a sip. Immediately, I felt the caffeine kick in, making me fully aware of my surroundings.

Caffeine has weird effects on me so I tend to stay away from it as much as I can. But today, I guess I could use an extra pump from it to power me up. I have lot of things to do anyway. And with my lack of sleep, I could definitely use a whole cup’s worth of caffeine. 

Wait a minute, maybe my phasing has something to do with my body’s sudden displease for green tea. Maybe guys don’t taste it the way girl’s do... maybe it has something to do our different taste buds or something.

“You ready?” Cam asked as he opened the door.

“Oh yeah, sure.”

“Let’s just get some breakfast on the way.”

“Fine by me.” I said, finally shaking away my headache.

We then went downstairs, passing by the admissions lady we talked to yesterday.

“Early risers?” She asked nicely.

“Nah, just need to buy some stuff.” I said as I smiled at her.

“Oh, good day to you then.”

“Good day...” I paused, expecting her name.


“Good day to you too Rose.” I said as I waved her goodbye.

I then followed Cam outside Rummer building.

“So where are we going?” I asked him as we walked down the stairs.

“Well we can’t walk all the way to the mall right?”

Easy on the sarcasm and dry humor mister. Can’t you answer with a decent reply? Just this once, sheesh.

We then walked over to a mall parking lot looking area, where they have the whole swipe-your-card thingy to get past through and all. Cam swiped his I.D. and the doors easily open up. I then followed him inside. The inside of this huge garage smelled of rubber, oil, and those tiny tree-shaped air fresheners which always made me dizzy.

“So where’s your car?” I asked, ignoring the cherry scent.

“Not a car, it’s my baby.” He said with a slight grin.

“Where?” I asked, surveying the area with eyes wide open.

Cam then threw me a black blur which I caught mid air. Seems like a light bowling ba—oh, it’s a helmet! But a helmet for what exactly?

He then started his motorcycle and grinned. “This is Bullet.”

I gulped. He has a motorcycle. Shoot. So we’re supposed to ride that? Not that I hate motorcycles, in fact, I like them, but it seems like motorcycles are the ones who despise me. One time, I rode a Vespa and I fell of the thing the moment I hit the gas... so yeah, not really excited about this one.

“Cool right?”

“How are we supposed to fit there?” I blurted out without thought.

“Ugh, there’s an invisible seat right here.” He winked, his voice filled with heavy sarcasm.

I just gave him a smug expression. Seriously, this guy always finds a way to upset me. Gaahhh. If only I didn’t need a ride.

“Look, I’m just offering you a ride. Take it or leave it.” He said as he put on his helmet.

“Fine.” I rolled my eyes as I put on my helmet. “But drive safely!”

“Oh sure, just put on your seatbelt.”

“There’s a seatbelt?” I asked incredulously.

“Pshhh, dude, just put on the helmet and hold on tight. I’m not gonna kill you.”

In a flash, we were out of the parking lot and on our way to the campus. Okay, so he is a decent driver after all... maybe I don’t really need to hold on. After we passed a few buildings, we finally reached the school’s gigantic metal gates. After reaching the streets outside, Cam turned his head to me and said something muffled under his helmet, I couldn’t make it out but I had a feeling I know what was about to go on.

“AHHH!” I yelled as I clutched tightly to his leather jacket.

“Hey!” He said, opening his helmet. “Not my jacket, you’re gonna choke me!”

“Where should I hold on then?!”

“Look, just put your hand on my waist. I’m not ticklish anyway.”

Okay? Is he mocking me? He’s got to be. Maybe he was awake after all! That’s the only reason why he’d bring up the tickling... or maybe I’m just jumpy, no sleep and caffeine could do this to me after all. But when he sped up, I had no choice but to hold on to his waist.

I tried my best not to fall off from all the speed. The wind was practically gonna send me flying away from Bullet.  I laughed at the thought of me flying away from all of this. That’s what I need, an escape. Sadly, I’m not gonna get one since I’m still here, planted on Bullet, holding onto Cam for my dear life. It’s a good thing he’s tall though, he’s shielded my face from all the bugs and all those leaves.

After passing the greenery of the woods which seclude our school from humanity, we finally reached a few houses, and in an instant, we were now surrounded by buildings. If I hadn’t noticed the few people which were now looking at me, I wouldn’t have let go. Turned out we were already here.

Cam just raised a brow at me and I let go of him.

“Told you I wasn’t gonna kill you.” He grinned.

“Fine. But slow down next time, I thought I was gonna fall off.” I said, catching my breath.

“With that grip? Nah, you’re not going anywhere.” He laughed.

“Whatever.” I said, handing him my helmet. I then jumped off the bike and slipped.

“Hey.” Cam said, catching me by the arm.

Whoa. What’s with me lately? I was a professional gymnast and now I’ve got no balancing skills? Don’t tell me I lost all that when I phased. It’s not like I’m any different when I was a girl. Well, except for the bigger feet, bigger figure, and well... oh who am I kidding I did change. Pshh. Oh wait, maybe it’s just because of my lack of sleep. Yup, I’ll just leave it at that.

“Turned out you don’t need me to kill you after all. Looks like you got yourself covered.” He joked, releasing my hand.

“Yeah, I’m a suicidal psycho.” I snapped back. “Just looking for ways to jump of just in case you speed of again.” I said in sarcasm.

“Okay, easy on the attitude dude, I was only kidding.”

Fine. He’s right, it’s just that, after I’ve phased, it seems like I’ve been more susceptible to losing my temper. Back when I was a girl, I’ve been more patient and understanding, but now? Oh crap. I’m done for.

“Sorry.” I said under my breath. “Just hungry.”

“Thought so.” He shrugged. “Let’s grab something to eat.”

“I’d like that.”

I then followed him inside. So the mall opens at nine. Wow. So basically, it took us about 45 minutes or so to get here... I look around and see that it wasn’t really any different here than it is back home. Oh home...

“Up for some pancakes?”

“Yeah sure.” I said as we stepped in the diner. The smell of maple syrup made my mouth water in an instant.

“Well good day.” Said a middle aged lady as she led us to an empty table. “So what can I get you two?”

I then searched for the menu for something heavy. Seems like I was pretty hungry. Fine, so maybe my theory about guys eating so much could be put to the test now.

“Well, I’d like a platter of your regular waffles, with extra, extra, extra sidings of smoked glazed bacon, two Hungarian sausages with a little bit of sauerkraut, a platter of French toast, 5 eggs, scrambled with lot’s and lot’s of ketchup and a rack of baked potatoes.” I smiled.

“Oh,” the lady said, seemingly stunned from my order.

“And a root beer float please.”

“Sure darling.” She smiled shakily. “And for the handsome lad here?” she said, referring to Cam.

“Oh, I’ll just have a platter of pancakes, some black coffe, and an omelette au fromage.” He said with a French accent.

“Sure darling. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She said in a sing-song tone.

“You speak French?” I asked out of the blue.

“Just the occasional bonjour, au revoir, quelle heure est-il...”

“Oh, are you French?”

“Nah, just stayed there with my aunt for some time.” He said drearily. “So what’s up with all the food?”

“Oh,” I said, caught off guard. “Just a little hungry, long day you know.”


After about ten minutes, I saw the lady walk out with four trays in both her arms. Cam and I immediately stand up and help her with all the food. Turned out I ordered too much, but I did hear my stomach grumble from all the food right in front of me.

“Did I get it all right?” the lady said with a warm smile.

“Yes, you got it all right. Thank you.” I smiled back at her.

“It’s so sweet of you to take your little brother out.” She suddenly said to Cam.

I choked on the piece of bacon I was chewing on.

“No, no, no, no, no, we’re not related.” I said defensively.

“We’re roommates actually.” Cam corrected.

“Yeah, roommates.” I said, taking a huge slice of my waffles. Boy are these good.

“Oh, well you two look good together. Wish my boys grow up just like you two. Such good-looking kids” She said, pinching my cheek. “Well I better get to work now, just call me if you need anything.”

“Sure.” Cam smiled at her.

What was that supposed to mean? Weird lady, well, the compliments are sweet anyway... and when you come to think of it? Cam and I could pass as brothers, with the same dark hair and same grey eyes. The only difference is his tanned skin and height.

Well, the lady was right. I mean, I was a pretty good-looking guy. Cam’s not that bad either. His eyes just seem to speak to you, you know? It’s like, he stares right into your soul. And his thick full lips, yeah. Whoa. Wait a minute, what am I saying? I’m a guy now. I can’t just compliment another guy like that. Pshh, I blame that lady.

I then noticed that he was just staring at me in amusement.

“Want some?” I asked, handing him my platter of potatoes. “You could get anything you want.”

“Nah, seems like you need it more than I do.” He laughed a little.

“Why are you staring then?”

“Nothing. Just wondering how all that food fit in such a small person.”

I’m not small. Well, when compared to him I am pretty small but still, I’m a good 5’6. That’s pretty average right?

“Well stop staring. It’s rude.” I said, going back to eating my potatoes.

He then raised a brow at my hands which are full of two sliced of French toast. Darn. All this food made me forget about my table manners. If I was still a girl and I saw my guy self with the French toast, I would’ve raised a brow on me as well. Fine. I then wiped my hands on a napkin and ate my toast with a fork and bread knife.

“Sure.” He muse.

“Listen, I’m gonna go meet up with someone for a while. I’ll see you by... four, five maybe? ”

“Let’s meet at six.” I said, picking up that he seemed to want more time.

“Okay. Give me your number.” he said, as he handed me his phone.

He then gave me a miscall. “Saved. I’ll just text you later or something.”  

“Sure.” he said as he motioned for the bill.

“Wait, my treat, you brought me here anyway.”

“Great. I’ll just wait for that text.”


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