Alaska || Auston Matthews

By madeinthezm

99.3K 1.6K 616

We've all heard of Auston Matthews. He's the rookie that everyone who considers themselves a sports fan is ta... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
I ain't dead
twenty five
twenty six


3.7K 60 15
By madeinthezm



"Alright, captain, what's the game plan for today?" I ask Steph as I saunter into our room's sun-filled kitchen. Steph smiles and pours two cups of freshly brewed coffee, sliding one down the counter to me. 

"Actually, we don't have anything planned yet. We could walk around the Santa Monica pier, go boating, do another beach day... there are so many options! What do you feel like doing?" she asks, rattling off countless ideas. I think each one over in my head, calculating the logistics of each, a habit I've formed. 

As much as I like the beach, I would prefer doing something else like the pier or boating. Boating would be fun, but that would mean being stuck in a very small space with everyone including Auston. I would really love to avoid all awkward interactions with him if possible, so maybe we should go boating another day. The pier, however, sounds like a great idea.

"What about the pier? I've heard there's a bunch of fun stuff there," I suggest. Steph's lips tug up into a grin as I take a sip of my coffee. She nods her head to something behind me. I turn around and see a rough looking Carly tip-toeing through the front door. 

"Hey, Carl," I say, causing her to head to snap up in surprise, "how's Willy?"

"Damn it, guys! You're never up this early!" she exclaims, throwing her arms up in defeat and plopping down next to me.

"Carly, it's 11:30 and we're on vacation. Of course we're going to be up," Steph says, laughing. Carly rolls her eyes, combing her fingers through her tangled brown hair. 

"Anyway," she starts, glaring at the two of us, "what are we doing today?" 

"What about the Santa Monica pier?" I ask her, gulping down the rest of my bitter coffee. Carly smiles and nods repeatedly. 

"Yes!!! I've always wanted to go there!!" she shouts next to my ear, causing me to wince. She looks at me apologetically for a split second before freaking out once again. 

"So I'm correct in assuming you want to go?" I ask her sarcastically. She nods frantically anyway, springing to her feet before pacing back and forth across the hardwood floor. The brunette then begins rambling to herself about what she's going to where and all of the things she wants to do at the pier.

"Carly," I say, trying to get her attention. She must not have heard me because she continues to mumble incoherent words under her breath.

"Carly," Steph says, aiding me in the fight for Carly's attention but to no avail.

"Carly!" I yell, finally catching her attention. She whips her head to the side, a bewildered look on her face.

"What?!" she yells back, clearly annoyed that we interrupted her giddy trance. Her hands rest on her hips as a scowl replaces the smile on her face.

"Please go shower, then start getting ready," I say, pointing towards the bathroom across the hall. She sighs but reluctantly follows my outstretched hand, shutting the bathroom door once she's inside.

"She's so weird," Steph says, laughing. I join her, thinking back to Carly's various reactions. She really was a bit odd... in a good way. Steph's chuckles turn to huffs of annoyance as she scans the table for something.

"Do you have your phone? I don't know where I put mine," she asks, frowning. I hold up my phone and she smiles.

"Yeah, why?" I ask, unlocking the device with my fingerprint. 

"Will you text everyone and tell them today's plans? We should leave at 12:30," she explains. I roll my eyes and begin typing the message. Steph grins and throws me a side hug as she makes her way back to her room.

"You're the best!" she calls down the hallway. I shake my head with a smile and continue composing the text.

Group Chat: LA Babes & Their Inferior Male Companions
Alaska, Carly, Steph, Mitch, Auston, William, Nazem, Morgan, Matt, Sydney, Connor C, & Lexi

we're going to the Santa Monica Pier today! meet in the parking lot no later than 12:30 or else I hope you packed good walking shoes

Mitch: harsh

Naz: I need at least an hour and seventeen minutes to get ready

guess that's one less nuisance I have to deal with 

Matt: what's up with the name of this group??

Morgan: "inferior male companions" what's that supposed to mean?

it means that all you guys are our inferior male companions

Naz: I don't have a lady companion

Morgan: same

Auston: same

Carly: ^good one

Mitch: shut up Matts

Auston: shut up Marns

that was cute

Auston: I'm cute

I'm cuter

Auston: we're cute together

Carly: I'm leaving, I can't handle this

Lexi: ^

Naz: ^^ all this sexual tension between u two is giving me anxiety

Morgan: ^^^

Matt: ^^^^

Syd: ^^^^^

it was a joke, chill people

Mitch: "it was a joke" AHAHHAHAHAH

Steph: ahahhahahahah good one Lask

Matt: lmao

Syd: lollllll

didn't know I was that funny...

Carly: don't worry, you're not it warm out

Mitch: I'm gonna pretend you didn't just ask that

Naz: no it's 27 and windy like Toronto

thanks! I'll be sure to bundle up then

After I send my last sarcastic text, I fling open my closet doors, intimidated by all the choices. I rummage through the unorganized piles of fabric, searching for something that will be comfortable to walk around in all day.  This eliminates all jeans, skirts, and dresses, leaving me with shorts and leggings.

Opting to embrace the warm LA weather, I fish out a pair of comfy patterned shorts and a plain halter style crop top. I quickly change out of my pajamas and pull on the fresh outfit, surprised by how comfortable it is.

Instead of listening to the stereotypes that surround Californian weather, I slide open the balcony door and step outside. And thank God I did so. A cool breeze nips at my exposed shoulders, causing a small shiver to rattle down my spine.

I retreat back inside the confines of my warm temporary bedroom and return to the closet. This time, I search for the jean jacket I brought with me. Luckily, it is large and easy to find. Smiling in satisfaction, I slip on the denim and roll up the sleeves a bit.

Makeup doesn't take too long because of how simple and light I made it, and my hair didn't take long either. All I do is brush it out and throw a hair tie on my wrist in case I decide to put hair up later. 

For once, I'm the one waiting for Steph and Carly. When they emerge from their rooms a few minutes later, they are equally surprised that they don't have to hurry me out the door. I shoot them a toothy smile and skip out the door, the pair right behind me. We make small talk about each other's outfits as the elevator carries us down to the lobby. 

A short walk puts us in the parking lot where we find everyone except Naz and Morgan (Steph told me they were coming later) there early. They must have taken my threat seriously. All the girls had on shorts and tank tops, fully equipped for the California sun while all the guys wore hats and t-shirts.

"Carly, Mitch, Willy, and I are taking the Rover!" Steph announces, skipping over to the SUV.

"Syd, Lexi, Connor, and I will take the Jeep!" Matt shouts, grabbing Syd's arm as he jogs over to the parked Jeep. I hold up my arms in protest when I realize that it's just Auston and me left. Fucking fabulous!

Auston stands there with a less than impressed expression on his face as he makes the same realization. I frown, ready to boycott this trip, but the sound of car engines fading away leaves me no choice but to suffer through. 

I glance around the parking lot, scanning for the remaining rentals. My eyes pass by Naz's car quickly, knowing very well that he would be pissed, and settle on the shiny, convertible BMW we took last night. A smile threatens to appear on my face as I spot Auston's keys sticking out of his pocket. 

As casual as possible, I take a step closer to him and rest my hands at my sides before delicately snatching the keys and running over to the car.

"What the hell?!" Auston says noticing what I had done too late; I was already settled in the drivers' seat when he comes storming over. He pauses, swinging open the car door and looking at me expectantly. 

"Can I help you?" I ask sweetly, acting as though I had done nothing wrong.

"Yeah, you can scootch on over to the passengers' seat," he says, mimicking my tone while motioning from me to the other side of the car. I tilt my head to the side and place a finger over my lips, pretending to think about it.

"No can do, Matthews. Now I suggest you either get in," I explain, turning the key in the ignition, "or turn around and wait for a cab."

He rolls his eyes and stays in his statue-like position with his muscular arms crossed over his t-shirt clad chest. I continue to stare at him, waiting for him to break. My patience quickly wears thin, so I lay on the horn for a good five seconds, causing him to turn and check if there's anyone else in the parking lot that may see our little power struggle.

"What the hell was that for?!" he shouts after I take my hand off the horn. I can't help but laugh at the serious expression he holds on his face. It's like all of a sudden he's incapable of having fun.

"Oh, did you think I was kidding? Get in or go call a cab," I say gesturing to the passengers' seat and then the front of the hotel. Auston rolls his eyes but reluctantly walks around the front of the car and gets in the passenger's seat. A smile of satisfaction creeps onto my face as I back first out of the parking spot then the parking lot itself. 

"Do you even know where we're going?" he asks, holding his head in his hand, causing his hat to come loose for a second. 

"Yep, I looked up the directions before we left," I explain, tapping my head to show that I memorized them. He shakes his head and smiles a little bit before facing forward once again. I shrug my shoulders before turning on the radio which immediately begins blaring the 2k pop satellite station. I must not have changed it or turned it down after last night.

I recognize the song as Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado and begin singing along, thankful that the loud volume tuned out my off-key voice. The light ahead turns green, causing me to accelerate, moving to the lane with the Santa Monica sign. I continue yelling along to the music until Auston abruptly turns off the radio. I shoot him a glare before pressing the button again. However, he promptly turns it off again.

"Ever heard of the term 'sing along?'" I ask him, groaning and staring out at the road ahead to try and compensate for the lack of Nelly Furtado. Auston does the same, continuing to rain on my parade with his grumpiness. 

Thankfully, the drive isn't too long and parking is a breeze. Steph texted me a few minutes ago, saying to meet the rest of them at the entrance. Sure enough, the whole group is gathered in a jumbled crowd when we make it to the entrance.

"How'd it go?" Carly asks, wiggling her eyebrows when I reach her side. I roll my eyes and start following Mitch, the designated leader.

"It was fine," I say truthfully. A little more conversation and a lot less awkward silence would have been nice, but at least there weren't any completely awkward moments. Auston's behavior is a bit odd, though. Usually, he's making snarky comments and fairly sexual innuendos, but so far all he's done is grumble and groan about everything. 

My thoughts continue to circle Auston as we follow Mitch through the crowds of people on the pier. I sneak a few glances at Auston every once in a while out of curiosity, only to find him either on his phone or staring off with a distant look on his face. What the hell is wrong with him?

Steph seems to notice my concern and pulls me away from the group which had stopped for funnel cake. She drags me to a different food stand, staring at me with a curious expression covering her features.

"Alaska, he's fine. He gets like this all the time. I know it's not pleasant, but don't expect much out of him. Right now all he's good for is a scowl and the occasional half-assed smirk," she says, her bright blue eyes bearing into mine. I blink a few times, trying to form words of protest, but I know it's no use. She obviously notices that I'm concerned about how weird Auston is acting, so it's no use denying it.

"I don't really care about it. It's just weird, that's all," I say simply, not wanting to stay on the topic for much longer.

"I know there's more to this, and I won't let it go, but for now, we need to have some fun! That was the whole point of this trip, you know," she says, breaking out into a huge grin. I feel a similar grin spread onto my face as the mood lightens.

"Agreed. They got any rides around here?" I ask, looking around the skyline for any signs of rollercoasters. Steph nods, joining me in skimming the perimeter for rides. My eyes graze a few basic rollercoasters and bumper cars, but the big shining Ferris wheel demands my attention.

"What about that?" I ask her, pointing to the giant circle anchored a bit further down the pier. She nods excitedly, pulling me back over to the now nourished group of Leafs. Everyone looks at Steph after she clears her throat and points to the Ferris wheel.

"Who's up for some Ferris wheeling?" she calls out, putting her arms in the air for added effect. Most of them nod and smile at the idea of doing something other than following Mitch aimlessly while stuffing their face with fair food.

"Vamonos!" she says, skipping towards the front of the group with me right beside her. Together, we successfully lead the way to the Ferris wheel.

The line isn't too bad and we get on in less than ten minutes. Mitch, Steph, and I get in the first car, waving to everyone else as the wheel starts turning. Mitch tries multiple times to rock the gondola, but Steph scolds him each time with a light smack on the shoulder. 

I laugh at the happy couple's interactions, feeling slightly awkward intruding on their Ferris wheel ride, so I look out over the whole pier. Bunches of people, now small specks, swirl on the ground below while the warm Santa Monica breeze blows through the open gondola.

"Picture time, lovey!" Steph says, pulling me closer to her. I laugh and nod, handing my phone to Mitch who jokingly acts like he's going to drop it. Little does he know, I would push him off the ride if he did so. 

Steph and I try to pose and smile normally, but it just wasn't meant to be. Instead, we end up laughing at everything even though nothing funny was said. The sound of my phone's camera shutter mixes with the sound of the ocean and typical fair music, forming a surreal feeling.

Mitch hands me back my phone just as the ride comes to a stop and we're instructed to get off. The three of us rally near the exit to wait for everyone else. I take this opportunity to post one of the pictures to Instagram.

@alaskamay: happy to report we did not push Mitch over the side

Tagged: @stephlachancee & @marner_93

Location: Santa Monica Pier

2,217 likes | 43 comments

@marner_93: never riding with you two again smh

@alaskamay: @marner_93 same here

@stephlachancee: @marner_93 love u

@carlyyvalentine: gosh darn my bestie is hot

@alaskamay: @carlyyvalentine oh stop

@43kadri: thought we were riding together :(

@alaskamay: @43kadri awe who did you have to go with?

@43kadri: @alaskamay Mo and Matts ;)

@alaskamay: @43kadri sorry you had to go with grumpy

@austonmatthews: I'm not grumpy

@alaskamay: @austonmatthews then why haven't you smiled this whole day

@austonmatthews: @alaskamay nothing to smile about

@alaskamay: @austonmatthews what about me, your awesome, musically inclined chauffeur

@austonmatthews: @alaskamay like I said, nothing to smile about

@alaskamay: @austonmatthews: alrighty then

@mattymarts17: @austonmatthews you suck at flirting, you know

@marner_93: ^I'll show you the way, young one



I'm back from the dead, y'all. 

Actually, I'm so so sorry for not updating in like a year!! I had so much homework and zero creative ideas, so I haven't had the chance to sit down and do some serious writing.

As for the chapter itself, it's a bit longer and I tried to make it as interesting as possible, so I hope you all enjoyed it! Again, I hate when stories rush everything, so that's why this story may seem a little slower.

As for the entire book, thank you all so much for reading!!! Alaska has over 2,000 reads! I know that it's not much, but I'm easily amused :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your time, patience, votes, and comments! I love you all and greatly appreciate the fact that you chose to waste your time reading my story.


xx- Emily 

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